Gun control polls

So the next time one of you fucking TOUGH GUYS starts spouting off about how awesome your gun collection is...Remember the face of the 6 year old girl who gave her life for your right to own those guns and try , just TRY, to be a little humble.
Maybe the next time you get sanctimonious about us having our well deserved gun rights, consider this:


They gave their lives for that right too.

My grandfather landed at Normandy. My Uncle gave the ultimate sacrifice in Korea and my father served in Viet Nam.

Trust me. I remember.
What the fuck blather and deflection is this?
When have I said I want the Constitution changed you son of a bitch?

He didnt say YOU did he?

Ok Im weighing in here. ( and this isnt directed to anyone in particular )

FUCK protecting ourselves from the government. That just aint gonna happen.

If the government wants you taken out, a drone strike from a mile away will take your happy ass out.

So the argument that our guns allow us to overthow our government or keep them honest is a bullshit argument.

Second, FUCK the NRA!

Im all for the 2nd amendment, but the NRA stopped working on THAT long ago. Its simply a political lobby group owned by gun manufacturers that spreads stupid dumbass slogans so we can all post things on forums and facebook whenever theres a mass shooting.

Third, FUUUUUUCK the a gun is only a tool, like a hammer argument!!!!! As soon as someone walks into a crowded movie theatre ( or anywhere for that matter ) and kills 12 and wounds 59 others armed with hammers, then and ONLY then will that argument bear ANY merit. Until that ACTUALLY happens ( that is NOT a challenge for one of you hard of thinking dumbasses to go out and give it a try. sit the fuck down! ) I dont want to hear, see or be exposed to that lame ass 3rd grade bullshit argument ever again.

FOURTH, I am SICK of the GUNS DONT KILL PEOPLE slogan. So Ive come up with a new one.

People kill people. People with guns kill LOTS of people.

Put it on a bumper sticker then stick it so far up your ass I can read it through your eyes.


I fully support the 2nd amendment. Fully.

But Im a little sick of the bullshit that comes along with that support. When that amendment was written into the Constitution, everyone had muskets. One shot, then take a few minutes to reload and fire again. If someone got close to you, swing it like a club and hope for the best.

Now we have 90 rounds a minute assault rilfes. ITS FUCKING DIFFERENT NOW!

But hey, Im still NOT saying lets ban us some guns.

But what I would like is for those of us that actually SUPPORT 2ND AMENDMENT RIGHTS to wake the fuck up and realize that OUR RIGHT was just paid for with the lives of 12 innocent people. And lets not forget the 59 wounded.

Our rights are not free. Some one pays for them. And shit like this Batman Massacre in Colorado is the cost. It happens. It happens quite often in fact. And MAYBE just MAYBE, those of us that support the 2nd amendment ought to be a little more fucking respectful of that!!!

Someone else PAYS for OUR right to own guns.

People like this:


and this:


So the next time one of you fucking TOUGH GUYS starts spouting off about how awesome your gun collection is...Remember the face of the 6 year old girl who gave her life for your right to own those guns and try , just TRY, to be a little humble.

And my handing away my Freedoms would have saved these people how exactly?

Did I say anything should be handed away? Did I say ANY right should be curtailed? did I call for a ban or a regulation IN ANY WAY?!?!?!?!?!

DID I?????
They didn't pay for your right to own guns.

Criminal act.

I'd suggest the fact that were it not for the second amendment there would be far more people's pictures alongside those vidi posted.

How many guns were used to STOP the Batman Massacre?

So no. Youre just blowing smoke.

now if you had been SMART about it, you would have posted this video as a response:

VIDEO: 71 Year Old Florida Resident Defends Internet Cafe Patrons In Shootout

2 days before the Batman massacre. THAT is the proper use of our 2nd amendment rights.
If you want the constitution changed you don't respect it? So all the right wingers who want to put in amendments like anti flag burning, anti abortion, balanced budget, personhood, school prayer, etc, don't respect the constitution? Hmmm, maybe you're onto something here.
What the fuck blather and deflection is this?
When have I said I want the Constitution changed you son of a bitch?

He didnt say YOU did he?

Ok Im weighing in here. ( and this isnt directed to anyone in particular )

FUCK protecting ourselves from the government. That just aint gonna happen.

If the government wants you taken out, a drone strike from a mile away will take your happy ass out.

So the argument that our guns allow us to overthow our government or keep them honest is a bullshit argument.

Second, FUCK the NRA!

Im all for the 2nd amendment, but the NRA stopped working on THAT long ago. Its simply a political lobby group owned by gun manufacturers that spreads stupid dumbass slogans so we can all post things on forums and facebook whenever theres a mass shooting.

Third, FUUUUUUCK the a gun is only a tool, like a hammer argument!!!!! As soon as someone walks into a crowded movie theatre ( or anywhere for that matter ) and kills 12 and wounds 59 others armed with hammers, then and ONLY then will that argument bear ANY merit. Until that ACTUALLY happens ( that is NOT a challenge for one of you hard of thinking dumbasses to go out and give it a try. sit the fuck down! ) I dont want to hear, see or be exposed to that lame ass 3rd grade bullshit argument ever again.

FOURTH, I am SICK of the GUNS DONT KILL PEOPLE slogan. So Ive come up with a new one.

People kill people. People with guns kill LOTS of people.

Put it on a bumper sticker then stick it so far up your ass I can read it through your eyes.


I fully support the 2nd amendment. Fully.

But Im a little sick of the bullshit that comes along with that support. When that amendment was written into the Constitution, everyone had muskets. One shot, then take a few minutes to reload and fire again. If someone got close to you, swing it like a club and hope for the best.

Now we have 90 rounds a minute assault rilfes. ITS FUCKING DIFFERENT NOW!

But hey, Im still NOT saying lets ban us some guns.

But what I would like is for those of us that actually SUPPORT 2ND AMENDMENT RIGHTS to wake the fuck up and realize that OUR RIGHT was just paid for with the lives of 12 innocent people. And lets not forget the 59 wounded.

Our rights are not free. Some one pays for them. And shit like this Batman Massacre in Colorado is the cost. It happens. It happens quite often in fact. And MAYBE just MAYBE, those of us that support the 2nd amendment ought to be a little more fucking respectful of that!!!

Someone else PAYS for OUR right to own guns.

People like this:


and this:


So the next time one of you fucking TOUGH GUYS starts spouting off about how awesome your gun collection is...Remember the face of the 6 year old girl who gave her life for your right to own those guns and try , just TRY, to be a little humble.

That's about the dumbest argument I've ever read on an internet forum ever. Just exactly what do you think you are arguing? Do you even know?

Large gun collections kill people? Really? Holmes apparently owned 4 guns: an AR-15, a shotgun, and 2 pistols. That's not exactly a large collection.

Shooting 90 rounds a minute? His AR-15 was a semi-auto. It fires 1 shot every time you pull the trigger. Four US presidents have been assassinated in office since the founding and the most high-tech of any of those 4 guns used was Lee Harvey Oswald's bolt action rifle. Lincoln was killed with a Derringer.

Chicago is a supposedly "gun free" zone and Illinois doesn't honor any other states' carry permits. In 2008, 314 US soldiers were killed in Iraq, but 509 were killed in Chicago.
"FUCK protecting ourselves from the government. That just aint gonna happen.

If the government wants you taken out, a drone strike from a mile away will take your happy ass out."

Are you brain damaged or just a natural born idiot?
The government is outguned and vastly outnumbered just as it has always been when it comes to tyranny just as the FF intended. You ignore the fact the military and police are composed of patriotic Americans sworn to the Constituton; not the government. Try reading some history.

"Im all for the 2nd amendment, but the NRA stopped working on THAT long ago. Its simply a political lobby group owned by gun manufacturers that spreads stupid dumbass slogans so we can all post things on forums and facebook whenever theres a mass shooting."

They present relavent facts to counter the hysterical BS you seem to prefer.
You can't seem to deal with reality and dislike any Truth because it so often proves you wrong.

"When that amendment was written into the Constitution, everyone had muskets."

Untrue. American civilians had the most advanced rifles in world

"Our rights are not free. Some one pays for them. And shit like this Batman Massacre in Colorado is the cost. It happens. It happens quite often in fact. And MAYBE just MAYBE, those of us that support the 2nd amendment ought to be a little more fucking respectful of that!!!"

Only one seriously sick puppy would make such a statement in an effort to use these tragic deaths to somehow support his BS agenda. Would these people be any less dead if they had been blown up or gassed? Deliberately killing and wounding was the crime and a legal exersice of rights had nothing to do with that.

"I fully support the 2nd amendment. Fully."

That's a lie.
What the fuck blather and deflection is this?
When have I said I want the Constitution changed you son of a bitch?

He didnt say YOU did he?

Ok Im weighing in here. ( and this isnt directed to anyone in particular )

FUCK protecting ourselves from the government. That just aint gonna happen.

If the government wants you taken out, a drone strike from a mile away will take your happy ass out.

So the argument that our guns allow us to overthow our government or keep them honest is a bullshit argument.

Second, FUCK the NRA!

Im all for the 2nd amendment, but the NRA stopped working on THAT long ago. Its simply a political lobby group owned by gun manufacturers that spreads stupid dumbass slogans so we can all post things on forums and facebook whenever theres a mass shooting.

Third, FUUUUUUCK the a gun is only a tool, like a hammer argument!!!!! As soon as someone walks into a crowded movie theatre ( or anywhere for that matter ) and kills 12 and wounds 59 others armed with hammers, then and ONLY then will that argument bear ANY merit. Until that ACTUALLY happens ( that is NOT a challenge for one of you hard of thinking dumbasses to go out and give it a try. sit the fuck down! ) I dont want to hear, see or be exposed to that lame ass 3rd grade bullshit argument ever again.

FOURTH, I am SICK of the GUNS DONT KILL PEOPLE slogan. So Ive come up with a new one.

People kill people. People with guns kill LOTS of people.

Put it on a bumper sticker then stick it so far up your ass I can read it through your eyes.


I fully support the 2nd amendment. Fully.

But Im a little sick of the bullshit that comes along with that support. When that amendment was written into the Constitution, everyone had muskets. One shot, then take a few minutes to reload and fire again. If someone got close to you, swing it like a club and hope for the best.

Now we have 90 rounds a minute assault rilfes. ITS FUCKING DIFFERENT NOW!

But hey, Im still NOT saying lets ban us some guns.

But what I would like is for those of us that actually SUPPORT 2ND AMENDMENT RIGHTS to wake the fuck up and realize that OUR RIGHT was just paid for with the lives of 12 innocent people. And lets not forget the 59 wounded.

Our rights are not free. Some one pays for them. And shit like this Batman Massacre in Colorado is the cost. It happens. It happens quite often in fact. And MAYBE just MAYBE, those of us that support the 2nd amendment ought to be a little more fucking respectful of that!!!

Someone else PAYS for OUR right to own guns.

People like this:


and this:


So the next time one of you fucking TOUGH GUYS starts spouting off about how awesome your gun collection is...Remember the face of the 6 year old girl who gave her life for your right to own those guns and try , just TRY, to be a little humble.

That's about the dumbest argument I've ever read on an internet forum ever. Just exactly what do you think you are arguing? Do you even know?

Large gun collections kill people? Really? Holmes apparently owned 4 guns: an AR-15, a shotgun, and 2 pistols. That's not exactly a large collection.

Shooting 90 rounds a minute? His AR-15 was a semi-auto. It fires 1 shot every time you pull the trigger. Four US presidents have been assassinated in office since the founding and the most high-tech of any of those 4 guns used was Lee Harvey Oswald's bolt action rifle. Lincoln was killed with a Derringer.

Chicago is a supposedly "gun free" zone and Illinois doesn't honor any other states' carry permits. In 2008, 314 US soldiers were killed in Iraq, but 509 were killed in Chicago.

Wow, you really didnt comprehend ANYTHING I said did you?

Next time, try reading my post from the point of view of a proud owner of MANY weapons whos just plain sick of the dumbasses who agree with him only because they like slogans.

You might actually comprehend what I said then.
"FUCK protecting ourselves from the government. That just aint gonna happen.

If the government wants you taken out, a drone strike from a mile away will take your happy ass out."

Are you brain damaged or just a natural born idiot?
The government is outguned and vastly outnumbered just as it has always been when it comes to tyranny just as the FF intended. You ignore the fact the military and police are composed of patriotic Americans sworn to the Constituton; not the government. Try reading some history.

"Im all for the 2nd amendment, but the NRA stopped working on THAT long ago. Its simply a political lobby group owned by gun manufacturers that spreads stupid dumbass slogans so we can all post things on forums and facebook whenever theres a mass shooting."

They present relavent facts to counter the hysterical BS you seem to prefer.
You can't seem to deal with reality and dislike any Truth because it so often proves you wrong.

"When that amendment was written into the Constitution, everyone had muskets."

Untrue. American civilians had the most advanced rifles in world

"Our rights are not free. Some one pays for them. And shit like this Batman Massacre in Colorado is the cost. It happens. It happens quite often in fact. And MAYBE just MAYBE, those of us that support the 2nd amendment ought to be a little more fucking respectful of that!!!"

Only one seriously sick puppy would make such a statement in an effort to use these tragic deaths to somehow support his BS agenda. Would these people be any less dead if they had been blown up or gassed? Deliberately killing and wounding was the crime and a legal exersice of rights had nothing to do with that.

"I fully support the 2nd amendment. Fully."

That's a lie.

You can own hundreds of fully automatic ar-15 ( theyre easy enough to convert ) and if the government decides to hit you with a drone attack from a mile away, you wont fire a single shot before you taste fiery death.

MY agenda is NOT the banning of guns. See where I said I fully support the 2nd amendment??? See it??? Now see ANYWHERE where I called for a GUN BAN???? ANYWHERE???? NO??? Then THAT must be YOUR manfunction, brainless.


I am not saying any guns should be abnned or even restricted. In fact I would NEVER say that, as it would mean giving up my own guns which I will NEVER do.

What I AM saying is that WE ( you and ME ...see how Im including myself in this, you brainless twits? ) need to STOP with the stupid slogans and realize that OUR RIGHT is being paid for in the blood of six year old girls. And just take a moment and be respectful of that fact before we start in on the whole "Libtards suck! Obama wants our guns bullshit!"

Ive seen too many kids killed by guns lately. Guns that either never should ahve been in the hands of a crazy fucker, or guns that were improperly stored by fuckheads with a slogan based belief in the 2nd amendment.
"You can own hundreds of fully automatic ar-15 ( theyre easy enough to convert ) and if the government decides to hit you with a drone attack from a mile away, you wont fire a single shot before you taste fiery death."

The government doesn't launch attacks; the military does. And members of the military are required by law to refuse illegal (unconsitutional) orders. If that isn't plain enough have someone who can read English explain it to you.
Gun control? Would the left agree that any person who has ever had a prescription for a mind altering drug including drugs for insomnia, learning disabilities, behavior modification, depression and quitting smoking should not be allowed to purchase a firearm? Maybe I'll be flexible about the quitting smoking.
He didnt say YOU did he?

Ok Im weighing in here. ( and this isnt directed to anyone in particular )

FUCK protecting ourselves from the government. That just aint gonna happen.

If the government wants you taken out, a drone strike from a mile away will take your happy ass out.

So the argument that our guns allow us to overthow our government or keep them honest is a bullshit argument.

Second, FUCK the NRA!

Im all for the 2nd amendment, but the NRA stopped working on THAT long ago. Its simply a political lobby group owned by gun manufacturers that spreads stupid dumbass slogans so we can all post things on forums and facebook whenever theres a mass shooting.

Third, FUUUUUUCK the a gun is only a tool, like a hammer argument!!!!! As soon as someone walks into a crowded movie theatre ( or anywhere for that matter ) and kills 12 and wounds 59 others armed with hammers, then and ONLY then will that argument bear ANY merit. Until that ACTUALLY happens ( that is NOT a challenge for one of you hard of thinking dumbasses to go out and give it a try. sit the fuck down! ) I dont want to hear, see or be exposed to that lame ass 3rd grade bullshit argument ever again.

FOURTH, I am SICK of the GUNS DONT KILL PEOPLE slogan. So Ive come up with a new one.

Put it on a bumper sticker then stick it so far up your ass I can read it through your eyes.


I fully support the 2nd amendment. Fully.

But Im a little sick of the bullshit that comes along with that support. When that amendment was written into the Constitution, everyone had muskets. One shot, then take a few minutes to reload and fire again. If someone got close to you, swing it like a club and hope for the best.

Now we have 90 rounds a minute assault rilfes. ITS FUCKING DIFFERENT NOW!

But hey, Im still NOT saying lets ban us some guns.

But what I would like is for those of us that actually SUPPORT 2ND AMENDMENT RIGHTS to wake the fuck up and realize that OUR RIGHT was just paid for with the lives of 12 innocent people. And lets not forget the 59 wounded.

Our rights are not free. Some one pays for them. And shit like this Batman Massacre in Colorado is the cost. It happens. It happens quite often in fact. And MAYBE just MAYBE, those of us that support the 2nd amendment ought to be a little more fucking respectful of that!!!

Someone else PAYS for OUR right to own guns.

People like this:


and this:


So the next time one of you fucking TOUGH GUYS starts spouting off about how awesome your gun collection is...Remember the face of the 6 year old girl who gave her life for your right to own those guns and try , just TRY, to be a little humble.

That's about the dumbest argument I've ever read on an internet forum ever. Just exactly what do you think you are arguing? Do you even know?

Large gun collections kill people? Really? Holmes apparently owned 4 guns: an AR-15, a shotgun, and 2 pistols. That's not exactly a large collection.

Shooting 90 rounds a minute? His AR-15 was a semi-auto. It fires 1 shot every time you pull the trigger. Four US presidents have been assassinated in office since the founding and the most high-tech of any of those 4 guns used was Lee Harvey Oswald's bolt action rifle. Lincoln was killed with a Derringer.

Chicago is a supposedly "gun free" zone and Illinois doesn't honor any other states' carry permits. In 2008, 314 US soldiers were killed in Iraq, but 509 were killed in Chicago.

Wow, you really didnt comprehend ANYTHING I said did you?

Next time, try reading my post from the point of view of a proud owner of MANY weapons whos just plain sick of the dumbasses who agree with him only because they like slogans.

You might actually comprehend what I said then.

Your post was somewhat incomprehensible and, at times, nonsensical and contradictory.
"You can own hundreds of fully automatic ar-15 ( theyre easy enough to convert ) and if the government decides to hit you with a drone attack from a mile away, you wont fire a single shot before you taste fiery death."

The government doesn't launch attacks; the military does. And members of the military are required by law to refuse illegal (unconsitutional) orders. If that isn't plain enough have someone who can read English explain it to you.

the head of the government and the head of the military is the same person.

and the next time you THINK you have the answer to my above statement, go ask Randy Weaver if the MILITARY attacked his home.

Then go sign up for a desperately needed remedial civics class.
That's about the dumbest argument I've ever read on an internet forum ever. Just exactly what do you think you are arguing? Do you even know?

Large gun collections kill people? Really? Holmes apparently owned 4 guns: an AR-15, a shotgun, and 2 pistols. That's not exactly a large collection.

Shooting 90 rounds a minute? His AR-15 was a semi-auto. It fires 1 shot every time you pull the trigger. Four US presidents have been assassinated in office since the founding and the most high-tech of any of those 4 guns used was Lee Harvey Oswald's bolt action rifle. Lincoln was killed with a Derringer.

Chicago is a supposedly "gun free" zone and Illinois doesn't honor any other states' carry permits. In 2008, 314 US soldiers were killed in Iraq, but 509 were killed in Chicago.

Wow, you really didnt comprehend ANYTHING I said did you?

Next time, try reading my post from the point of view of a proud owner of MANY weapons whos just plain sick of the dumbasses who agree with him only because they like slogans.

You might actually comprehend what I said then.

Your post was somewhat incomprehensible and, at times, nonsensical and contradictory.

Only if youre caught up in the US vs Them mentality. If thats the case, then one trapped in a balck and white world is blind to the grey.
If you want the constitution changed you don't respect it? So all the right wingers who want to put in amendments like anti flag burning, anti abortion, balanced budget, personhood, school prayer, etc, don't respect the constitution? Hmmm, maybe you're onto something here.
What the fuck blather and deflection is this?
When have I said I want the Constitution changed you son of a bitch?

He didnt say YOU did he?

Ok Im weighing in here. ( and this isnt directed to anyone in particular )

FUCK protecting ourselves from the government. That just aint gonna happen.

If the government wants you taken out, a drone strike from a mile away will take your happy ass out.

So the argument that our guns allow us to overthow our government or keep them honest is a bullshit argument.

Second, FUCK the NRA!

Im all for the 2nd amendment, but the NRA stopped working on THAT long ago. Its simply a political lobby group owned by gun manufacturers that spreads stupid dumbass slogans so we can all post things on forums and facebook whenever theres a mass shooting.

Third, FUUUUUUCK the a gun is only a tool, like a hammer argument!!!!! As soon as someone walks into a crowded movie theatre ( or anywhere for that matter ) and kills 12 and wounds 59 others armed with hammers, then and ONLY then will that argument bear ANY merit. Until that ACTUALLY happens ( that is NOT a challenge for one of you hard of thinking dumbasses to go out and give it a try. sit the fuck down! ) I dont want to hear, see or be exposed to that lame ass 3rd grade bullshit argument ever again.

FOURTH, I am SICK of the GUNS DONT KILL PEOPLE slogan. So Ive come up with a new one.

People kill people. People with guns kill LOTS of people.

Put it on a bumper sticker then stick it so far up your ass I can read it through your eyes.


I fully support the 2nd amendment. Fully.

But Im a little sick of the bullshit that comes along with that support. When that amendment was written into the Constitution, everyone had muskets. One shot, then take a few minutes to reload and fire again. If someone got close to you, swing it like a club and hope for the best.

Now we have 90 rounds a minute assault rilfes. ITS FUCKING DIFFERENT NOW!

But hey, Im still NOT saying lets ban us some guns.

But what I would like is for those of us that actually SUPPORT 2ND AMENDMENT RIGHTS to wake the fuck up and realize that OUR RIGHT was just paid for with the lives of 12 innocent people. And lets not forget the 59 wounded.

Our rights are not free. Some one pays for them. And shit like this Batman Massacre in Colorado is the cost. It happens. It happens quite often in fact. And MAYBE just MAYBE, those of us that support the 2nd amendment ought to be a little more fucking respectful of that!!!

Someone else PAYS for OUR right to own guns.

People like this:


and this:


So the next time one of you fucking TOUGH GUYS starts spouting off about how awesome your gun collection is...Remember the face of the 6 year old girl who gave her life for your right to own those guns and try , just TRY, to be a little humble.

He didnt say YOU did he?

Yes he did .

If you want the constitution changed you don't respect it?

FUCK protecting ourselves from the government. That just aint gonna happen.

Tell that to the Kurds in Iraq. Every year America is getting closer to those countries where government thugs bust through the door and rape your wife and children in front of you. OH and don't say it will never happen here

But Im a little sick of the bullshit that comes along with that support. When that amendment was written into the Constitution, everyone had muskets. One shot, then take a few minutes to reload and fire again. If someone got close to you, swing it like a club and hope for the best.

Yes everybody had a musket, even the military and law.

So the next time one of you fucking TOUGH GUYS starts spouting off about how awesome your gun collection is...Remember the face of the 6 year old girl who gave her life for your right to own those guns and try , just TRY, to be a little humble
If her mother was a mother the little girl would never have been there. If they did not have gun free zones less people would have been killed.
Ok Im weighing in here. ( and this isnt directed to anyone in particular )

FUCK protecting ourselves from the government. That just aint gonna happen.

If the government wants you taken out, a drone strike from a mile away will take your happy ass out.

So the argument that our guns allow us to overthow our government or keep them honest is a bullshit argument.

Second, FUCK the NRA!

Im all for the 2nd amendment, but the NRA stopped working on THAT long ago. Its simply a political lobby group owned by gun manufacturers that spreads stupid dumbass slogans so we can all post things on forums and facebook whenever theres a mass shooting.

Third, FUUUUUUCK the a gun is only a tool, like a hammer argument!!!!! As soon as someone walks into a crowded movie theatre ( or anywhere for that matter ) and kills 12 and wounds 59 others armed with hammers, then and ONLY then will that argument bear ANY merit. Until that ACTUALLY happens ( that is NOT a challenge for one of you hard of thinking dumbasses to go out and give it a try. sit the fuck down! ) I dont want to hear, see or be exposed to that lame ass 3rd grade bullshit argument ever again.

FOURTH, I am SICK of the GUNS DONT KILL PEOPLE slogan. So Ive come up with a new one.

People kill people. People with guns kill LOTS of people.

Put it on a bumper sticker then stick it so far up your ass I can read it through your eyes.


I fully support the 2nd amendment. Fully.

But Im a little sick of the bullshit that comes along with that support. When that amendment was written into the Constitution, everyone had muskets. One shot, then take a few minutes to reload and fire again. If someone got close to you, swing it like a club and hope for the best.

Now we have 90 rounds a minute assault rilfes. ITS FUCKING DIFFERENT NOW!

But hey, Im still NOT saying lets ban us some guns.

But what I would like is for those of us that actually SUPPORT 2ND AMENDMENT RIGHTS to wake the fuck up and realize that OUR RIGHT was just paid for with the lives of 12 innocent people. And lets not forget the 59 wounded.

Our rights are not free. Some one pays for them. And shit like this Batman Massacre in Colorado is the cost. It happens. It happens quite often in fact. And MAYBE just MAYBE, those of us that support the 2nd amendment ought to be a little more fucking respectful of that!!!

Someone else PAYS for OUR right to own guns.

People like this:


and this:


So the next time one of you fucking TOUGH GUYS starts spouting off about how awesome your gun collection is...Remember the face of the 6 year old girl who gave her life for your right to own those guns and try , just TRY, to be a little humble.

Best fucking post in this thread so far.
Ok Im weighing in here. ( and this isnt directed to anyone in particular )

FUCK protecting ourselves from the government. That just aint gonna happen.

If the government wants you taken out, a drone strike from a mile away will take your happy ass out.

So the argument that our guns allow us to overthow our government or keep them honest is a bullshit argument.

Second, FUCK the NRA!

Im all for the 2nd amendment, but the NRA stopped working on THAT long ago. Its simply a political lobby group owned by gun manufacturers that spreads stupid dumbass slogans so we can all post things on forums and facebook whenever theres a mass shooting.

Third, FUUUUUUCK the a gun is only a tool, like a hammer argument!!!!! As soon as someone walks into a crowded movie theatre ( or anywhere for that matter ) and kills 12 and wounds 59 others armed with hammers, then and ONLY then will that argument bear ANY merit. Until that ACTUALLY happens ( that is NOT a challenge for one of you hard of thinking dumbasses to go out and give it a try. sit the fuck down! ) I dont want to hear, see or be exposed to that lame ass 3rd grade bullshit argument ever again.

FOURTH, I am SICK of the GUNS DONT KILL PEOPLE slogan. So Ive come up with a new one.

People kill people. People with guns kill LOTS of people.

Put it on a bumper sticker then stick it so far up your ass I can read it through your eyes.


I fully support the 2nd amendment. Fully.

But Im a little sick of the bullshit that comes along with that support. When that amendment was written into the Constitution, everyone had muskets. One shot, then take a few minutes to reload and fire again. If someone got close to you, swing it like a club and hope for the best.

Now we have 90 rounds a minute assault rilfes. ITS FUCKING DIFFERENT NOW!

But hey, Im still NOT saying lets ban us some guns.

But what I would like is for those of us that actually SUPPORT 2ND AMENDMENT RIGHTS to wake the fuck up and realize that OUR RIGHT was just paid for with the lives of 12 innocent people. And lets not forget the 59 wounded.

Our rights are not free. Some one pays for them. And shit like this Batman Massacre in Colorado is the cost. It happens. It happens quite often in fact. And MAYBE just MAYBE, those of us that support the 2nd amendment ought to be a little more fucking respectful of that!!!

Someone else PAYS for OUR right to own guns.

People like this:


and this:


So the next time one of you fucking TOUGH GUYS starts spouting off about how awesome your gun collection is...Remember the face of the 6 year old girl who gave her life for your right to own those guns and try , just TRY, to be a little humble.

Best fucking post in this thread so far.
More like kicked to the curb post,
----Then, there's another shooting and even though we know our fixation with being able to blast the life out of little old ladies, children and babies is somehow less than healthy, we let it go because we're scared to take on the damn gun lobby.

We need our guns to protect us from the government. They need to know, we have them. There will always be victims of guns. Let it not be a defenseless society.

I'm sure your deer rifle will go a long way in stopping the big bad gov't with its M1 Abram tanks, B52 bombers, and attack drones.
It worked for the Iraqis - why not us?
You can own hundreds of fully automatic ar-15 ( theyre easy enough to convert )
1: How do you know they are "easy to convert"
2: How many federal laws do you break when you convert one?

What I AM saying is that WE ( you and ME ...see how Im including myself in this, you brainless twits? ) need to STOP with the stupid slogans and realize that OUR RIGHT is being paid for in the blood of six year old girls.
Lots of freedoms are paid for in blood, some of which comes from 6-yr old girls.
if we restrcited everthing that has ever killed a 6-y old girl, there's little we;d be able to do.
You can own hundreds of fully automatic ar-15 ( theyre easy enough to convert )
1: How do you know they are "easy to convert"
2: How many federal laws do you break when you convert one?

What I AM saying is that WE ( you and ME ...see how Im including myself in this, you brainless twits? ) need to STOP with the stupid slogans and realize that OUR RIGHT is being paid for in the blood of six year old girls.
Lots of freedoms are paid for in blood, some of which comes from 6-yr old girls.
if we restrcited everthing that has ever killed a 6-y old girl, there's little we;d be able to do.

He's talking out of his ass. You know and I know it, and he knows it.

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