Gun control...

Bootney, I suspect all that control goes poof when somebody is shooting at you and you have a nano-second to figure out where it is coming from in a crowded room of panicky people. And may neither of us ever find ourselves in that situation.
And, so, in that situation, you would want no one else armed because their bullets may hit you before the shooter's bullets do?

Personally, I would rather take my chances than to be a meat target.
I also shudder to think of the carnage if the untrained patrons had also been armed and randomly shooting.
You know that they make you qualify at the range before you get a concealed permit, right? You have to demonstrate that you are proficient with the weapon.
Bootney, I suspect all that control goes poof when somebody is shooting at you and you have a nano-second to figure out where it is coming from in a crowded room of panicky people. And may neither of us ever find ourselves in that situation.
I also shudder to think of the carnage if the untrained patrons had also been armed and randomly shooting.
You know that they make you qualify at the range before you get a concealed permit, right? You have to demonstrate that you are proficient with the weapon.

Most states only have dry fire and no range time. And only a 4 hour program in classroom with dummy rounds.
We should make the punishment worse for having an illegal gun.

That is up to the State. And some Cities are really harsh on it. It's not a 2nd amendment thing, it's States Rights. Too many get those two confused. As one Federal Appeals Judge once said, "If you don't like the laws where you are, MOVE".
True, The 10th amendment needs to be strengthened… Moved to the state that suits you.
There’s a reason why I don’t live in crazy Cali.... :cuckoo:

And yet the gun regulation that banned the AR-15 and high capacity mags seemed to have kept the body count down. He had to settle for a 1911A1 with 10 shot mags instead of an AR-15 with 30 shot mags. Where you live that law may or may not be needed but in a high population area it is needed and it saved a whole bunch of lives on this one. Yah, I know, 12 innocents lost their lives but had he had easy access to an AR (like we do here) or a high capacity Mag like you do where you are at the innocent body count could have been over 100 with the skill of the shooter.

You should go read a story on what happened, you haven't made a correct statement yet. The dude used a Glock .45 and illegal extended magazines.

Don’t mind Daryl, He is an old coot who happens to be a control freak

This old coot is a has used the weapons in combat. You haven't. You are nothing but a Rexall Ranger.
I also shudder to think of the carnage if the untrained patrons had also been armed and randomly shooting.
You know that they make you qualify at the range before you get a concealed permit, right? You have to demonstrate that you are proficient with the weapon.
Bootney, I suspect all that control goes poof when somebody is shooting at you and you have a nano-second to figure out where it is coming from in a crowded room of panicky people. And may neither of us ever find ourselves in that situation.

This is why top knotch security companies put their people through stress training every month. If you don't do that, you will either make some serious mistake and take out a non combatant or get the deer in the head lights. Troops headed for combat go through extensive stress training as well. But the normal person doesn't. That makes the normal person a danger to others around themselves if they are depending on them for armed protections. And this includes Cops as well.
That is up to the State. And some Cities are really harsh on it. It's not a 2nd amendment thing, it's States Rights. Too many get those two confused. As one Federal Appeals Judge once said, "If you don't like the laws where you are, MOVE".
True, The 10th amendment needs to be strengthened… Moved to the state that suits you.
There’s a reason why I don’t live in crazy Cali.... :cuckoo:

And yet the gun regulation that banned the AR-15 and high capacity mags seemed to have kept the body count down. He had to settle for a 1911A1 with 10 shot mags instead of an AR-15 with 30 shot mags. Where you live that law may or may not be needed but in a high population area it is needed and it saved a whole bunch of lives on this one. Yah, I know, 12 innocents lost their lives but had he had easy access to an AR (like we do here) or a high capacity Mag like you do where you are at the innocent body count could have been over 100 with the skill of the shooter.

You should go read a story on what happened, you haven't made a correct statement yet. The dude used a Glock .45 and illegal extended magazines.

Don’t mind Daryl, He is an old coot who happens to be a control freak

This old coot is a has used the weapons in combat. You haven't. You are nothing but a Rexall Ranger.
Is that the way you imagine it
No amount of frivolous gun control laws would’ve done anything about this latest shooting, along with every other of these shootings… Shit happens... people kill people firearms can not...

Thank God we have President Trump and the senate controlled by pro second amendment enthusiasts...

Most likely trump will be able to nominate 2 maybe three more justices... Protecting your Second Amendment rights for at least another generation...

Guns used to be much easier to get and more people had them, yet we didn't have this problem with mass shootings.

It's people on the fringe. Many were on anti-depressants or ADHD meds in the past. Yet, the drugs keep flowing.

The Hollywood actors and politicians who preach gun control wouldn't dream of giving up their armed guards. They like feeling safe. They want to take away our ability to protect our families.

When someone wants to disarm you, they want to control you. History proves that. Every. Single. Dictator. All wanted an unarmed populace because they knew they'd have a fight on their hands when they oppressed people.

Criminals won't be the least bit affected by more laws. Crazy people bent on killing will simply turn to bombs or arson and end up killing even more people at a time. It's not about anyone's safety. It's about a government who wants to take down America and turn us into a socialist/communist hellhole and they know we won't go along willingly.

Never mind that the latest shooting was another Muslim. The guy converted some time ago and probably thought it would be noble to take out some infidels.

It's a problem of the mind. Crazy people. Muslims. There are far more dangerous and effective ways to kill people and they will continue.

Meanwhile, if someone kicks out door down in the middle of the night, we can shoot them. Once the left has their way, we will just be another statistic.

They love population control so wouldn't give a shit if people were stabbing each other. The government only fears guns because people with guns can quickly form armies. With so many gun owners, we could easily be the largest force in the world. And millions of us are willing to fight to keep our freedom and liberty. That is the only thing that scares politicians because that is the one thing that would have stopped every dictator in history. Had the Jews been armed, there would have been no Holocaust. Communist and socialist countries wouldn't have been able to murder millions of their citizens.

The globalists think the entire world population should be sharply decreased. If we are unarmed, that makes it so much easier for them. It's pathetic that some actually believe government cares about our safety.

There are two objectives to everything the leftists do. Power and control. They need less people and those people need to be easily manipulated.

None of this is new. It's all been done before and yet so many ignorant people are completely unaware of history. Human nature hasn't changed. The left even sounds like past dictators. Same playbook. And the dupes fall for it every time.

We need at least one more Conservative on the Supreme Court so that we can start overturning many of these oppressive state anti right to keep and bear arms laws.

God bless Trump and his hard work to overturn the damage done by Obama and to make this country great again. Piss on the Moon Bats.
I also shudder to think of the carnage if the untrained patrons had also been armed and randomly shooting.
You know that they make you qualify at the range before you get a concealed permit, right? You have to demonstrate that you are proficient with the weapon.

Most states only have dry fire and no range time. And only a 4 hour program in classroom with dummy rounds.
/——/ And you think that can never be changed?
We need at least one more Conservative on the Supreme Court so that we can start overturning many of these oppressive state anti right to keep and bear arms laws.

God bless Trump and his hard work to overturn the damage done by Obama and to make this country great again. Piss on the Moon Bats.
/——-/ Ginsberg may be on her last legs. One of the reasons the democRATs are pushing for impeachment is so they can screech Trump is under investigation so he should not pick the next USSC justice until the matter is resolved. Which it never will be.
I also shudder to think of the carnage if the untrained patrons had also been armed and randomly shooting.
You know that they make you qualify at the range before you get a concealed permit, right? You have to demonstrate that you are proficient with the weapon.

Most states only have dry fire and no range time. And only a 4 hour program in classroom with dummy rounds.
/——/ And you think that can never be changed?

So you ask a lead in question. Try again. You already know the answer and so does everyone else.
I also shudder to think of the carnage if the untrained patrons had also been armed and randomly shooting.
You know that they make you qualify at the range before you get a concealed permit, right? You have to demonstrate that you are proficient with the weapon.

Most states only have dry fire and no range time. And only a 4 hour program in classroom with dummy rounds.
/——/ And you think that can never be changed?

So you ask a lead in question. Try again. You already know the answer and so does everyone else.
/---/ WTF is a " lead in question.?"
I also shudder to think of the carnage if the untrained patrons had also been armed and randomly shooting.
You know that they make you qualify at the range before you get a concealed permit, right? You have to demonstrate that you are proficient with the weapon.
Bootney, I suspect all that control goes poof when somebody is shooting at you and you have a nano-second to figure out where it is coming from in a crowded room of panicky people. And may neither of us ever find ourselves in that situation.
Here is this concern about training, accuracy and potential collateral damage caused by an armed citizen drawing his weapon and attempting to stop a mass shooter.

I find it very telling that all of these arguments pointing out foreseeable concerns about the armed citizen's judgment and proficiency are raised when discussing mass shooting scenarios:

  1. What if the armed citizen misses the mass shooter and hits someone else (another victim)?
  2. Trained professionals have a 30% accuracy rate in a shootout. How can a non-pro civilian ever expect to stop a mass shooting when they are less likely than trained professionals to actually make a bullet hit and incapacitate the mass shooter?
  3. What if two or more armed citizens mistake each other for the mass shooter?
As I pointed out in this thread earlier, the alternative is much more grim and hopeless. One armed civilian may have a < 30% chance of hitting the mass shooter and stopping the killing, but the argument from some people is that citizens should not be allowed to carry handguns for personal protection because the odds of success are so low, and a stray bullet from the armed citizen's handgun may hit one of the other would-be shooting victims.

In essence, the argument is that a 0% chance of stopping the mass shooter is better than a < 30% chance, where the armed civilian's stray bullet make kill a would-be victim, rather than the shooter's intended bullet.

The argument is that it is better to have all the would-be victims die from the mass shooter's intended fire with ZERO chance of stopping the shooter, than have a < 30% chance and the possibility that a stray, unintended shot from the armed civilian killing soon-to-be-killed-anyway, would-be victim.

The other argument is that it is better to have ZERO chance of stopping the mass shooter with NOBODY armed than to risk the highly unlikely scenario of having one armed civilian mistakenly kill another armed civilian, believing the other is the mass shooter, even though both of them, and everybody else would be dead anyway.


That sounds to me like a DELIBERATE bullshit justification for violating a very important basic human right. It makes me justified in finding that those proffering that justification are NOT interested i. public safety. I am justified in not giving them ONE FUCKING INCH of new/additional gun control. I am justified in wanting complete repeal.

I also find it interesting that the people pointing out that the accuracy of non-professional armed citizens being likely < 30% presents a collateral damage potential, are generally the same fucking people wanting to limit magazine capacity and expect these non-professionals to shoot like Marine Snipers in a home defense scenario and/or fumble around in the dark and die trying to find a second magazine, solely because in a MUCH LESS LIKELY scenario of a mass shooting, some mass shooter would be require to take his time and reload before shooting more unarmed and defenseless victims if his magazine capacity is limited.

I can only conclude that the people making those arguments are either illogical or they are dishonest and are trying to justify their proposed action and hide their true agenda.

Any gun grabbers care to comment?

I also shudder to think of the carnage if the untrained patrons had also been armed and randomly shooting.
You know that they make you qualify at the range before you get a concealed permit, right? You have to demonstrate that you are proficient with the weapon.

Most states only have dry fire and no range time. And only a 4 hour program in classroom with dummy rounds.
/——/ And you think that can never be changed?

So you ask a lead in question. Try again. You already know the answer and so does everyone else.
First off, counsel, a leading question is appropriate on cross-examination (which is what Cellblock is doing).

Secondly, see post #114 for the response to this:
Most states only have dry fire and no range time. And only a 4 hour program in classroom with dummy rounds.
So, the argument is that it is better to have ZERO armed patrons in a mass shooting because they might miss if they are armed? Somehow that makes the scenario safer?


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We need at least one more Conservative on the Supreme Court so that we can start overturning many of these oppressive state anti right to keep and bear arms laws.

God bless Trump and his hard work to overturn the damage done by Obama and to make this country great again. Piss on the Moon Bats.
/——-/ Ginsberg may be on her last legs. One of the reasons the democRATs are pushing for impeachment is so they can screech Trump is under investigation so he should not pick the next USSC justice until the matter is resolved. Which it never will be.
Unless the GOP loses the Senate in 2020, I don't think they will give a shit about impeachment proceedings. They will approve any of Trump's appointments and I hope he puts the most staunch we-all-should-have-machine-guns, hardcore, strike-it-all-down-zero-infringement asshole who does just that very thing.

The dishonest, back-stabbing, win-at-all-costs, gun grabbers deserve no less.


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