Gun control...

And of course that wrecks what little gun control we could have. States rights are the worst thing for progress and fairness there is...
Getting rid of states rights will get rid of the little freedom we have left...
Fuck that shit

Well, or crude one, you seem to be the only one that believes that anyone wishes to get rid of state's rights. You are a party of one in here.
The federal Government pretty much disregards the 10th amendment anymore

The last time the 10th amendment was disregarded was under Reagan for the Brady Bill. And that ran out in 1998. Lately, all rulings have sided with the State and the Individual. Show me where your statement of where the 10th amendment regarding firearms have been disregarded by the Federal Government since 1998.
They are sure trying... Hopefully the nomination of judges on trumps part continues.

You know nothing about how the Supreme Court works. They can only rule on the Constitution. They can't change the constitution unless it's so poorly written that it no longer applies. And then, it's going to be a temporary ruling allowing Congress to do their frigging jobs which they haven't done a whole hell of a lot lately. There has been NO ruling against the 10th or the 2nd amendment ruling for the last few decades since they got rid of the Billy Bobs our of the Federal Court system.
Getting rid of states rights will get rid of the little freedom we have left...
Fuck that shit

Well, or crude one, you seem to be the only one that believes that anyone wishes to get rid of state's rights. You are a party of one in here.
The federal Government pretty much disregards the 10th amendment anymore

The last time the 10th amendment was disregarded was under Reagan for the Brady Bill. And that ran out in 1998. Lately, all rulings have sided with the State and the Individual. Show me where your statement of where the 10th amendment regarding firearms have been disregarded by the Federal Government since 1998.
They are sure trying... Hopefully the nomination of judges on trumps part continues.

You know nothing about how the Supreme Court works. They can only rule on the Constitution. They can't change the constitution unless it's so poorly written that it no longer applies. And then, it's going to be a temporary ruling allowing Congress to do their frigging jobs which they haven't done a whole hell of a lot lately. There has been NO ruling against the 10th or the 2nd amendment ruling for the last few decades since they got rid of the Billy Bobs our of the Federal Court system.
That’s why we have to stay vigilant, You can never trust the federal government/deep state
Reasons to own guns

1 People kill people
2 People have always killed people
3 People will always kill people

Reason that most people should not own guns
1. Not qualified
2. Don't have the storage
3. Are dumber than a box of rocks
Well, It’s an right that you have no say in.
It’s obvious you want to control what everyone else thinks…
Buy more guns and ammo... It don’t get any more American than that
Your Buddies just love you, Rusty. How much more posts are you gonna manufacture from your BS Factory?

Maybe if we had a mental health system and a background check system and real laws against illegal clips and conversion to automatic kits....

/——/ We used to put mentally ill into institutions and gave them the care they needed but the ACLU sued to have them released.
Your Buddies just love you, Rusty. How much more posts are you gonna manufacture from your BS Factory?

Maybe if we had a mental health system and a background check system and real laws against illegal clips and conversion to automatic kits....

/——/ We used to put mentally ill into institutions and gave them the care they needed but the ACLU sued to have them released.

Yep, If we had real criminal control in this country we would execute violent criminals. Because the vast majority of violent crime in this country is done by repeat offenders
Reasons to own guns

1 People kill people
2 People have always killed people
3 People will always kill people

Reason that most people should not own guns
1. Not qualified
2. Don't have the storage
3. Are dumber than a box of rocks

And those without guns are more likely to be killed by people.

Only a moron would think it's safe not to be able to protect himself from the single most violent animal on the planet
And nothing, there's no way to prove when the weapon changed hands without a 100% registration and you'll never get that, because criminal can't be required to register their weapons.


They go back to the last time that it legally changed hands. If it was legally background checked AFTER the background checks were created then they go back to that person and bust him for selling it illegally. Chances are, he's going to be very, very cooperative. And let's face it, any weapon that is owned by a criminal is illegal anyway and you have no control over except to bust him when you bag him for any and all crimes if you ever do get the chance. We do what we can do.
We should make the punishment worse for having an illegal gun.

That is up to the State. And some Cities are really harsh on it. It's not a 2nd amendment thing, it's States Rights. Too many get those two confused. As one Federal Appeals Judge once said, "If you don't like the laws where you are, MOVE".
Unless the law where you live violates a fundamental right, in which case you don’t have to move; you get it invalidated by the courts.

With rights come responsibilities, including “states’ rights” – where the states have the responsibility to enact laws and measures consistent with the Constitution, laws that do not violate the inalienable rights of American citizens who happen to reside within a given state.

Otherwise, the states are at liberty to regulate firearms consistent with Second Amendment case law.

Assault weapon bans, UCBs, and magazine capacity restrictions are all perfectly Constitutional regulatory measures which in no manner ‘violate’ the Second Amendment; a firearm regulatory measure isn’t un-Constitutional until the Supreme Court says it is.

Laws that prohibit the carrying of concealed firearms and prohibit the possession of handguns are un-Constitutional and in violation of the Second Amendment – the states have no ‘right’ to enact such laws.
I agree states should have more of a “say” than the federal government, No state should be able to tell another state what to do.
Firearm registration is never in the right... It is absolutely unconstitutional
Your Buddies just love you, Rusty. How much more posts are you gonna manufacture from your BS Factory?

Maybe if we had a mental health system and a background check system and real laws against illegal clips and conversion to automatic kits....

/——/ We used to put mentally ill into institutions and gave them the care they needed but the ACLU sued to have them released.

Preaching to the Choir, my friend.
Once again a no gun zone in a high gun regulation place has resulted in the people following the law being unarmed and ill prepared for the person that didn’t care about those laws.
I've wondered about that. The scenario described by police is that the shooter entered the bar and took out the security guard first thing, then proceeded to several others described as guards. Were any of them armed? The experienced murdered officer and his companion certainly were. Even trained personnel can be taken by surprise, and by the time they react, terrible damage has been done. I also shudder to think of the carnage if the untrained patrons had also been armed and randomly shooting. There is so much more to know. But no matter how hard we try to make sense of all this pandemonium, it just doesn't compute. There is no way to follow the thought patterns of people who seek relief from their devils thru murder of innocents. sigh

Then there's this:
This Is the Grotesque Republican Response to Yet Another American Mass Shooting
We already HAVE a background check and it is illegal to convert a weapon to full auto already.

We don't have Universal Background Checks. There are so many ways around it in many states, what's the use in even having it in the first place. In 2013, we went to universal background checks where even private sales had to go through a gun dealer to run the back ground check. It is locked at a whopping 7 bucks for the charge and takes about 15 minutes. This includes gun shows. At a gun show, there are always a number of gun dealers with computers set up that can take the couple of minutes to make that 7 bucks. After 3 really nasty shootings, things had to change and this was just one of them. And I can still buy a gun with no waiting except for thee 15 minutes while the background check is processed. I can buy enough ammo to satisfy myself at any gun range with no waiting. I can still buy any semi auto rifle right off the shelf with just a signature and an ID. And the Sun will still come up in the Morning for MOST of us.

So how many people have been prosecuted for not using a dealer to do a private sale?


None that I know of around here. It's either not exactly policed heavily or we are some mighty righteous dudes and dudets. You pick one. But let one get involved in a crime and......

And nothing, there's no way to prove when the weapon changed hands without a 100% registration and you'll never get that, because criminal can't be required to register their weapons.


They go back to the last time that it legally changed hands. If it was legally background checked AFTER the background checks were created then they go back to that person and bust him for selling it illegally. Chances are, he's going to be very, very cooperative. And let's face it, any weapon that is owned by a criminal is illegal anyway and you have no control over except to bust him when you bag him for any and all crimes if you ever do get the chance. We do what we can do.

So in your ignorant regressive world, placing burdens on the law abiding that you can't place on criminals is acceptable to you. So what ever happened to EQUAL treatment under the law?

Reasons to own guns

1 People kill people
2 People have always killed people
3 People will always kill people

Reason that most people should not own guns
1. Not qualified
2. Don't have the storage
3. Are dumber than a box of rocks
/——/ You can make the same argument about owning a car or bike, only guns are protected by the Constitution
No amount of frivolous gun control laws would’ve done anything about this latest shooting, along with every other of these shootings… Shit happens... people kill people firearms can not...

Thank God we have President Trump and the senate controlled by pro second amendment enthusiasts...

Most likely trump will be able to nominate 2 maybe three more justices... Protecting your Second Amendment rights for at least another generation...
No one is for ending the Second Amendment, the worst would be you could have rifles and shotguns for hunting and handguns for special occasions, like back in the good old days before all you brainwashed dupes of the NRA GOP got all excited. Now we have it's ridiculous so many. Not for the gun dealer I'm sure laugh out loud. We need to close loopholes in background checks and get a real mental health system 4 everyone.
and f****** Health Care Day Care Living wage cheap college and training good vacations and infrastructure, ID card 2 end illegal immigration. All the stuff the GOP blocks. And every other rich country has, and we are the richest.

There's no such thing as a rich country, everything the government has they took form it's citizens.

No amount of frivolous gun control laws would’ve done anything about this latest shooting, along with every other of these shootings… Shit happens... people kill people firearms can not...

Thank God we have President Trump and the senate controlled by pro second amendment enthusiasts...

Most likely trump will be able to nominate 2 maybe three more justices... Protecting your Second Amendment rights for at least another generation...
No one is for ending the Second Amendment, the worst would be you could have rifles and shotguns for hunting and handguns for special occasions, like back in the good old days before all you brainwashed dupes of the NRA GOP got all excited. Now we have it's ridiculous so many. Not for the gun dealer I'm sure laugh out loud. We need to close loopholes in background checks and get a real mental health system 4 everyone.
and f****** Health Care Day Care Living wage cheap college and training good vacations and infrastructure, ID card 2 end illegal immigration. All the stuff the GOP blocks. And every other rich country has, and we are the richest.

There's no such thing as a rich country, everything the government has they took form it's citizens.

Yep, The well is dry
No amount of frivolous gun control laws would’ve done anything about this latest shooting, along with every other of these shootings… Shit happens... people kill people firearms can not...

Thank God we have President Trump and the senate controlled by pro second amendment enthusiasts...

Most likely trump will be able to nominate 2 maybe three more justices... Protecting your Second Amendment rights for at least another generation...

I'll say it again. The Shooter was a Combat Veteran Marine. The Body Count (including his) was 13. He did that with a single 9mm. The best a normal shooter could do with the same weapon has been from 2 to 7. But that wasn't a normal shooter. Saying that having an armed person in the crowd would have made a difference is shown to be false when two armed cops with guns drawn entered, one was killed and other retreated dragging his partner out of the building and the killing continued. The Combat Veteran Marine did not have easy access to an AR-15 and a bunch of 30 shot mags and he used what he had which was a 9mm and a bunch of lower capacity mags. Had he brought what he was most familiar with (an AR-15 and 5 30 round Mags) he could have easily made the body count exceed 100 giving him the new all time record. And that would have been without a bump stock. In this case, the Gun Regs saved lives. Yes, 12 innocents did die but that probably could not have been prevented in any way that I can see.

Now, how can the AR-15 have such a high body count as compared to a 9mm? The dance floor is packed with almost 200 people. They are packed almost tight. The 9mm will kill or would a person with each round. The AR-15 is going to kill or wound at least 3 people deep in the same situation. Plus, you have the same number of mags. Meaning, you have the 9mm at 10 rounds and the AR at 30 rounds. So you have 60 rounds of 9mm versus 180 AR rounds. Even if every 9mm round found each individual person (and that won't happen because there will be some misses and some multiple hits) the most you can get is 60 kills. Meanwhile, if the AR only hits 1/3rd of the time, there will be 180 kills because each round that hits will also hit 2 other bodies.

And remember, you aren't talking about any run of the mill shooter here. You are talking about a Combat Veteran Marine who even two cops can't go up against.

In this case, the banning of the AR and the high capacity mags did make a difference. Yes, there were 12 innocent lives lost but it could have been more than 100 with the caliber of shooter involved had he had easy access to an AR and 30 round mags. Gun Regulation does work. You save the lives you can.

BTW, he used a .45 not a 9mm.


That means he must have been even better with the weapon. He had less ammo since he had fewer rounds per mag. But he was a Combat Veteran Marine so there is no doubt he was an Expert with that weapon. Far beyond the experience that the Rexall Rangers in here.

The vast majority of the people in the military never train or qualify with a handgun.

My mom did. Officers had to qualify with the 1911.

Yeah, officers aren't the vast majority, are they?

And nothing, there's no way to prove when the weapon changed hands without a 100% registration and you'll never get that, because criminal can't be required to register their weapons.


They go back to the last time that it legally changed hands. If it was legally background checked AFTER the background checks were created then they go back to that person and bust him for selling it illegally. Chances are, he's going to be very, very cooperative. And let's face it, any weapon that is owned by a criminal is illegal anyway and you have no control over except to bust him when you bag him for any and all crimes if you ever do get the chance. We do what we can do.
We should make the punishment worse for having an illegal gun.

That is up to the State. And some Cities are really harsh on it. It's not a 2nd amendment thing, it's States Rights. Too many get those two confused. As one Federal Appeals Judge once said, "If you don't like the laws where you are, MOVE".
True, The 10th amendment needs to be strengthened… Moved to the state that suits you.
There’s a reason why I don’t live in crazy Cali.... :cuckoo:

And yet the gun regulation that banned the AR-15 and high capacity mags seemed to have kept the body count down. He had to settle for a 1911A1 with 10 shot mags instead of an AR-15 with 30 shot mags. Where you live that law may or may not be needed but in a high population area it is needed and it saved a whole bunch of lives on this one. Yah, I know, 12 innocents lost their lives but had he had easy access to an AR (like we do here) or a high capacity Mag like you do where you are at the innocent body count could have been over 100 with the skill of the shooter.

You should go read a story on what happened, you haven't made a correct statement yet. The dude used a Glock .45 and illegal extended magazines.

They go back to the last time that it legally changed hands. If it was legally background checked AFTER the background checks were created then they go back to that person and bust him for selling it illegally. Chances are, he's going to be very, very cooperative. And let's face it, any weapon that is owned by a criminal is illegal anyway and you have no control over except to bust him when you bag him for any and all crimes if you ever do get the chance. We do what we can do.
We should make the punishment worse for having an illegal gun.

That is up to the State. And some Cities are really harsh on it. It's not a 2nd amendment thing, it's States Rights. Too many get those two confused. As one Federal Appeals Judge once said, "If you don't like the laws where you are, MOVE".
True, The 10th amendment needs to be strengthened… Moved to the state that suits you.
There’s a reason why I don’t live in crazy Cali.... :cuckoo:

And yet the gun regulation that banned the AR-15 and high capacity mags seemed to have kept the body count down. He had to settle for a 1911A1 with 10 shot mags instead of an AR-15 with 30 shot mags. Where you live that law may or may not be needed but in a high population area it is needed and it saved a whole bunch of lives on this one. Yah, I know, 12 innocents lost their lives but had he had easy access to an AR (like we do here) or a high capacity Mag like you do where you are at the innocent body count could have been over 100 with the skill of the shooter.

You should go read a story on what happened, you haven't made a correct statement yet. The dude used a Glock .45 and illegal extended magazines.

Don’t mind Daryl, He is an old coot who happens to be a control freak
I also shudder to think of the carnage if the untrained patrons had also been armed and randomly shooting.
You know that they make you qualify at the range before you get a concealed permit, right? You have to demonstrate that you are proficient with the weapon.
Bootney, I suspect all that control goes poof when somebody is shooting at you and you have a nano-second to figure out where it is coming from in a crowded room of panicky people. And may neither of us ever find ourselves in that situation.

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