Gun death Thread

Snookie, is your point that no one cares about black ghetto gun deaths, that the upset over the spree killings by white males is purely a white issue?

If so, you are certainly correct about that. Black gun deaths ARE often multiple and some could be considered spree killings -- though I think they are mostly targeted deaths, ways of enforcing black market "contracts" by death and injury, since the drug economy can't be enforced by law or courts. And of course they have a high bystander death rate, but I don't THINK this is the same as spree killing -- they just miss the drug dealer and hit the girl who sang at Obama's inauguration.

The rampage killings are purely a white issue. Suburban white males, young and old (and a few in the middle age who kill their families or go into the workplace guns a-blazing) are going into public settings and trying to kill as many strangers as possible before they have to kill themselves in advance of the police. This is very scary to a lot of white people! Not unnaturally.

But I would say it's not at all the same as drug-violence in the ghetto.

You do make me realize that our attitude tends to be, nobody can stop what's going on in the ghetto, and they like to do it, so it's like Syria --- let them get on with it. It's their business, not ours.

Interesting. Does anyone have any thoughts about this?
Background Checks : This should be federal mandate....background checks. One federal law for America.

States need to bow out on this one. As we can see states are all over the place...cut it off.

No assault weapons. Confiscate them,crush them and recycle the material.
Snookie, is your point that no one cares about black ghetto gun deaths, that the upset over the spree killings by white males is purely a white issue?

If so, you are certainly correct about that. Black gun deaths ARE often multiple and some could be considered spree killings -- though I think they are mostly targeted deaths, ways of enforcing black market "contracts" by death and injury, since the drug economy can't be enforced by law or courts. And of course they have a high bystander death rate, but I don't THINK this is the same as spree killing -- they just miss the drug dealer and hit the girl who sang at Obama's inauguration.

The rampage killings are purely a white issue. Suburban white males, young and old (and a few in the middle age who kill their families or go into the workplace guns a-blazing) are going into public settings and trying to kill as many strangers as possible before they have to kill themselves in advance of the police. This is very scary to a lot of white people! Not unnaturally.

But I would say it's not at all the same as drug-violence in the ghetto.

You do make me realize that our attitude tends to be, nobody can stop what's going on in the ghetto, and they like to do it, so it's like Syria --- let them get on with it. It's their business, not ours.

Interesting. Does anyone have any thoughts about this?

I believe what John Donne wrote:

"No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friend's or of thine own were: any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bells tolls; it tolls for thee."

We are all brothers and sisters.
Carrying a gun has saved my life twice. I didn't have to shoot, just aiming was enough. If I had a daughter, I would strongly advise her to carry a gun. Young women are targets just for breathing.
After a year, won't it be great to add up all the people who have died due to gun violence, and then ask the right wingers (for the billionth time) if your country still doesn't have a problem with guns?

Crimes with guns can increase 1000% next year, and the answer will still be the same. The country has a problem with people (those that are holding the gun) , not a piece of meatl that shoots projectiles.. Until we can be sure that no person with bad intent will ever hold a gun, every citizen in this counry should certainly have the right to own a gun and protect themselves from those people.
Hey Snookie,

I'll be sure to let you know if either of two 4-wheeler enthusiasts shows up again on our land after being warned or a druggie makes the mistake of kicking in a door.

Maybe you will have the chance of telling us how long it took LEOs to show up a your place after you call 911; if you survive.
After a year, won't it be great to add up all the people who have died due to gun violence, and then ask the right wingers (for the billionth time) if your country still doesn't have a problem with guns?

Crimes with guns can increase 1000% next year, and the answer will still be the same. The country has a problem with people (those that are holding the gun) , not a piece of meatl that shoots projectiles.. Until we can be sure that no person with bad intent will ever hold a gun, every citizen in this counry should certainly have the right to own a gun and protect themselves from those people.

Where there is smoke there is fire.
Hey Snookie,

I'll be sure to let you know if either of two 4-wheeler enthusiasts shows up again on our land after being warned or a druggie makes the mistake of kicking in a door.

Maybe you will have the chance of telling us how long it took LEOs to show up a your place after you call 911; if you survive.

You make it sound like "Escape from LA"..Sounds a little paranoid to me.

Are some of you people making thing up?
Background Checks : This should be federal mandate....background checks. One federal law for America.

States need to bow out on this one. As we can see states are all over the place...cut it off.

No assault weapons. Confiscate them,crush them and recycle the material.

Background checks and waiting periods are fine, but that just works for legal gun purchases. I can walk down the streeets of my city and wave a few hundred dollars around, and have a gun in a matter of minutes, and so can any bad guy with intent to make you a victim.
Background Checks : This should be federal mandate....background checks. One federal law for America.

States need to bow out on this one. As we can see states are all over the place...cut it off.

No assault weapons. Confiscate them,crush them and recycle the material.

Background checks and waiting periods are fine, but that just works for legal gun purchases. I can walk down the streeets of my city and wave a few hundred dollars around, and have a gun in a matter of minutes, and so can any bad guy with intent to make you a victim.

I would hate to live where you live.

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