Gun Grabber Joes Speech -- Its all lies..

Everything is a damn desperation ploy... He doesn't even address the problem individual. he wants to ban the tool. IS this fool going to ban forks, knives, hammers and every other inanimate object...
The cannon lie worked like a charm on the leftard sheep. It’s hilarious.
Biden vowed to BAN these black scary Canons.

Then change it and stop packing the courts with leftist kooks who pervert it to get their way.
I have no desire to change it, nor have I ever packed any courts since I have no ability to do as such...Or did you think I was the president of the US?
We know this is only the beginning, Dems ultimate goal is a complete gun ban.
Representative M Jones (D) identified all semi-automatic weapons as ones that will be banned.. This is a damn gun grab. Jones also threatened removing the filibuster in the senate and packing the court to get their way.
Representative M Jones (D) identified all semi-automatic weapons as ones that will be banned.. This is a damn gun grab. Jones also threatened removing the filibuster in the senate and packing the court to get their way.
Prove it or STHU
Dems will sabotage their gun ban bill because Dems don't really want to pass a gun ban bill. Dems want to run on passing a gun ban bill this Nov because they have nothing else to run on, their record is a pathetic failure.
Representative M Jones (D) identified all semi-automatic weapons as ones that will be banned.. This is a damn gun grab. Jones also threatened removing the filibuster in the senate and packing the court to get their way.
Sounds like a Dem insurrection to me.

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