CDZ gun magazine bullet limits...they only effect law abiding gun owners so why do we need them.

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[QUOTE="alang1216, post: 15039815, member: 49658
It also means 100%-1. What's your point, that almost 1/2 of the people in a democrat voting district in a democrat controlled inner city are adding to the murder rate?
Murder rates there are much higher than places outside of there, so... yes.
By necessity.
You need to check your math. The murder rate in Chicago is about 20 in 100,000.
As the murder rate in the US is ~4.5/100k and would be lower if not for Chicago, you prove my point.

Why are 2nd Amendment fanatics so obsessed with Chicago? I don't get it. It's the only city they ever bring up. Chicago Chicago Chicago!

I live here......and it is an example of extreme gun control.....and why it fails.[/QUOTE]

And every other country in the western world is an example of MORE extreme gun control. And why it works.

But I get it, only the anecdotes that serve your confirmation bias are allowed.
Are you OK with gun registration, background checks and mandatory training?
Thee things do nothing to prevent criminals from getting guns and infringe on the rights of the law abiding.
So... no.
Anything else?
Is there anything that won't infringe on the rights of the law abiding?
Sure - things that do not restrict the exercise of their right.
It is illegal to commit a crime with a gun. Not an infringement.
It is illegal for a felon to buy/own/possess a gun. Not an infringement.

Are we powerless to prevent gun crime since we can only react after the fact?
Criminal law, by its nature, is enforced after the law is broken.

That's an oversimplification. Plenty of crimes are charged against people who "broke laws" but have not yet created any victims. The goal of those in support of gun control is to prevent victims. DUI laws were created to stop injuries and fatalities from accidents involving alcohol. To do that, we criminalized driving drunk, not just crashing. The DUI arrest itself is not the goal. The prevention of harm is the goal.

Similarly, more than just locking someone up after they shoot a room full of people is required to stop people from shooting rooms full of people. You can make laws designed to prevent crime. We do it every day. Only disingenuous gun-rights martyrs think otherwise.

You can't carry a gun if you are drunk, if you do you are arrested.....It is against the law to shoot up a room full of people....if you do you can be arrested....

How do you stop a law abiding citizen, who passes a 2 federal background checks and one background check at his work plus a 10 month FBI investigation with 2 interviews by trained FBI interrogators, plus an under cover agent researching them.....from going into an Orlando Night club and killing 49 people.......

How do you do more than that? And that effort failed......

We have laws that prevent crime...if you use a gun to commit a crime you go to 99% of the population does not use a gun to commit a crime....

320,000,000 people in the country....and less than 8,124 use a gun to commit a crime......those gun laws work........

Is that supposed to be impressive?
Mandatory training....who pays for it? How does the poor person afford several hundred dollars in training fees in order to exercise a Constitutional Right....? Do you have an answer for that? Or do you think we should charge a tax for voting too.....?
I can't think of a better use of my tax dollars than to ensure gun owners have some level of knowledge.
Tell me how you think it constitutional for the state to require some arbitrary level of knowledge before it allows someone to exercise their rights.
Be sure you apply your answer to the exercise of all rights.
All rights carry restrictions with them. I need a photo id to vote in VA.

And we have restrictions on have to be 18 to buy a long gun and 21 to buy a hand can't commit crimes with guns...if you are a felon you can't buy, own or carry a gun......

We have lots of guys just don't want them would rather create more paperwork and hoops for law abiding gun owners.

The laws don't work. The gun death epidemic in this nation is a tragedy in the eyes of the rest of the world. It's absurd. You don't want the gun deaths to stop. You want them to continue. Schoolchildren being murdered in a school is a price that's worth it to pay for you to have your gun hobby.

That's the position of the NRA and 2nd Amendment people. They believe the ability to shoot deer and clay pigeons is so very precious, that a several thousand deaths annually is worth it.
And every other country in the western world is an example of MORE extreme gun control. And why it works.
Oh look -- a correlation = causation fallacy!

Right, but it's not a fallacy in the case of Chicago? You clowns get to use that one over and over and over and expect it to work, while ignoring every other civilized nation in the world? LMAO!
The laws don't work.
Common theme among laws intended to prevent people from breaking other laws..
Doesn't take a lot of thought to figure out why.

The gun death epidemic in this nation....
Violent crime, gun-related violent crime, murder, and gun related murder have fallen 55% since 1993.

You don't want the gun deaths to stop. You want them to continue.
That's the position of the NRA and 2nd Amendment people.
Sad that you have to lie to make your point.
Expected, but sad.
And every other country in the western world is an example of MORE extreme gun control. And why it works.
Oh look -- a correlation = causation fallacy!
Right, but it's not a fallacy in the case of Chicago?
Ah! Red herring!
You know you cannot defend against the charge of fallacy and seek to change the subject.
You know that changing the subject does nothing to change the fact you argue a correlation = causation fallacy, right?
The laws don't work.
Common theme among laws intended to prevent people from breaking other laws..
Doesn't take a lot of thought to figure out why.

The gun death epidemic in this nation....
Violent crime, gun-related violent crime, murder, and gun related murder have fallen 55% since 1993.

You don't want the gun deaths to stop. You want them to continue.
That's the position of the NRA and 2nd Amendment people.
Sad that you have to lie to make your point.
Expected, but sad.

Going from a 14,000 per year epidemic to 8,000 per year isn't 55% and isn't a cure.
And every other country in the western world is an example of MORE extreme gun control. And why it works.
Oh look -- a correlation = causation fallacy!
Right, but it's not a fallacy in the case of Chicago?
Ah! Red herring!
You know you cannot defend against the charge of fallacy and seek to change the subject.
You know that changing the subject does nothing to change the fact you argue a correlation = causation fallacy, right?

WTF are you talking about? The discussion is about your incessant discussion of Chicago as an example of gun laws not working. Yet you ignore the MUCH broader example of all other countries in the western world reflecting that gun laws do work.

You don't see the relationship and/or your hypocrisy with that argument? I don't think you understand fallacies. I don't think you understand argument. I don't think you understand logic for that matter.
Criminal law, by its nature, is enforced after the law is broken.
Would you rather vaccinate your children or treat their illness?
When you tell me how to predict with 100% accuracy who will and who won't commit a crime let me know
You don't know any more than you know who will get sick so you vaccinate everyone, even those who wouldn't get ill. They suffer a little but it is better than the alternative.
Criminal law, by its nature, is enforced after the law is broken.
Would you rather vaccinate your children or treat their illness?
When you tell me how to predict with 100% accuracy who will and who won't commit a crime let me know
You don't know any more than you know who will get sick so you vaccinate everyone, even those who wouldn't get ill. They suffer a little but it is better than the alternative.

Sorry but a gun and a virus are not analogous at all

And if you think that American gun owners are now responding to any pollster...anonymous, on the their guns in their are not realistic...especially after news paper organizations published the names and addresses of gun owners after Sandy Hook....

Then there is this....

Is gun ownership really down in America? | Fox News
I'm not a statistician but even I can see how much spin was put on this story.

The average gun owner now owns 8 guns — double what it used to be.
Going from a 14,000 per year epidemic to 8,000 per year isn't 55% and isn't a cure.
US murders
1993: 24526
2014: 11961 = 12565 fewer murders = 51.23%
US Gun related murders:
1993: 17413
2014: 8124 = 9289 fewer murders = 53.31%

The point demonstrated here is that your claim of an "epidemic" is ignorant and/or dishonest hyperbole
Are you really pushing the lie that the CDC can't do gun research....I have had several threads that have listed actual gun reserach by the CDC......
Congress earmarked $2.6 million from the CDC's budget, the exact amount that had previously been allocated to the agency for firearms research the previous year. The CDC can do gun research, just $2.6 million less than before.

That is not true...just a quick search for CDC gun research found this....

This is some gun research from the CEC in 2006....

Violence-Related Firearm Deaths Among Residents of Metropolitan Areas and Cities --- United States, 2006--2007

And this one....

Source of Firearms Used by Students in School-Associated Violent Deaths --- United States, 1992--1999

And this one....

And this one....

Surveillance for Fatal and Nonfatal Firearm-Related Injuries --- United States, 1993--1998

And this one....

Firearm Homicides and Suicides in Major Metropolitan Areas — United States, 2006–2007 and 2009–2010

And this one...

Indoor Firing Ranges and Elevated Blood Lead Levels — United States, 2002–2013

And this one....

Rates of Homicide, Suicide, and Firearm-Related Death Among Children -- 26 Industrialized Countries


The Deleware study of 2015...

When epidemiologists from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention came to this city, they were not here to track an outbreak of meningitis or study the effectiveness of a particular vaccine.

They were here to examine gun violence.

This city of about 70,000 had a 45 percent jump in shootings from 2011 to 2013, and the violence has remained stubbornly high; 25 shooting deaths have been reported this year, slightly more than last year, according to the mayor’s office

The final report, which has been submitted to the state, reached a conclusion that many here said they already knew: that there are certain patterns in the lives of many who commit gun violence.

“The majority of individuals involved in urban firearm violence are young men with substantial violence involvement preceding the more serious offense of a firearm crime,” the report said. “Our findings suggest that integrating data systems could help these individuals better receive the early, comprehensive help that they need to prevent violence involvement.”

Researchers analyzed data on 569 people charged with firearm crimes from 2009 to May 21, 2014, and looked for certain risk factors in their lives, such as whether they had been unemployed, had received help from assistance programs, had been possible victims of child abuse, or had been shot or stabbed. The idea was to show that linking such data could create a better understanding of who might need help before becoming involved in violence.
The CDC can do gun research, just $2.6 million less than before.
Focus on actual gun criminals instead of taking guns away from normal gun owners.....
Classic straw man argument.

Not a straw man is the actual guys focus on laws that only effect normal gun owners and their access to guns...we focus on the actual shooters....who get caught carrying illegal guns and are then released back onto the streets to keep shooting......we can already stop them....we just have to have prosecutors and judges who will lock them up.
Straw man: "taking guns away". You said this not me.
Criminal law, by its nature, is enforced after the law is broken.
Would you rather vaccinate your children or treat their illness?
Ah. You understand you cannot counter my point. Good.
You missed my point. That we need laws that keep guns away from criminals....
Why do you thin it is possible to enact a law that will prevent people from breaking the law?
Why not just enact a law that prevent people from committing violent crime?

Criminal law, by its nature, is enforced after the law is broken; it is impossible to enact a law that will prevent someone from breaking the law.
And every other country in the western world is an example of MORE extreme gun control. And why it works.
Oh look -- a correlation = causation fallacy!
Right, but it's not a fallacy in the case of Chicago?
Ah! Red herring!
You know you cannot defend against the charge of fallacy and seek to change the subject.
You know that changing the subject does nothing to change the fact you argue a correlation = causation fallacy, right?
WTF are you talking about? The discussion is about your incessant discussion of Chicago...
I have not once brought up Chicago.
You continue to argue a fallacy.
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