gun owners who believe that Jo Biden doesn't want to take your right away

You mean like...
Registration + Voter ID = licensing
You mean like long waits to exercise the right = waiting periods
You mean like audits = Background checks and full reporting on transfers

Any other ideas about voting restrictions you'd like to apply to firearms?
You must wait a week before you are allowed to vote or 10 working days.
You must have a background check before you are allowed to vote.
And if you move you start the process all over again.
You mean like...
Registration + Voter ID = licensing
You mean like long waits to exercise the right = waiting periods
You mean like audits = Background checks and full reporting on transfers

Any other ideas about voting restrictions you'd like to apply to firearms?

you must be a part of a database. you must pass a test to show you know the candidates and their stances, if a neighbor feels you may vote incorrectly we can intervene.

need I go on?
You lack of knowledge does not surprise.

When has licensing been declared unconstitutional?
How about background checks?

Irony is you have no knowledge of the subject and claiming others don't.
Have you ever heard of shall not be infringed?
This is a lie.
President Biden seeks to neither ‘take away’ guns nor anyone’s rights.
Not a lie. That is exactly what Biden wants to do.

Gun owners know this won’t happen because presidents don’t have the authority to do so.
We know it won't happen because the NRA will prevent Biden from doing it.

Only Congress has the authority to enact firearm regulatory measures – not the executive branch.
Yes, but the executive branch provides the leadership to rally Congress into action.

And this is yet another example of the lies and demagoguery propagated by the dishonest right – the lies that President Biden wants to ‘ban’ or ‘confiscate’ guns.
No, that's actually the truth.

You’re a liar.
As already correctly noted: President Biden said nothing about ‘taking away’ rights.
Not a lie. Biden has in fact proposed violating people's civil liberties.

Presidents don’t have the authority to ‘take away’ guns or rights.
Presidents provide the leadership to rally Congress to action.

They also sign bills into law as well.

You’re an ignoramus and a liar.
No, he's telling the truth.

Only the legislative branch of government has the authority to enact laws – such as firearm regulatory measures.
And the legislative branch responds to the leadership of the executive branch.

You and others on the dishonest right propagated the same ridiculous lie when President Obama was in office, now you’re doing the same with President Biden.
The truth isn't a lie. Obama wanted to take our guns. Obama tried to take our guns.

The reason why it didn't happen is because the NRA didn't let him do it.

Guns will not be ‘banned.’
Because the NRA will not allow progressives to do it. It's not for any lack of desire on the part of progressives.

Guns will not be ‘confiscated.’
Because the NRA will not allow progressives to do it. It's not for any lack of desire on the part of progressives.

No rights will be ‘taken away.’
Because the NRA will not allow progressives to do it. It's not for any lack of desire on the part of progressives.
We don't have guns the Right told us, President Obama took them all away.
Obama tried to take our guns. He was defeated by the NRA.

the courts ruled agaisnt Trump's anti-Gun EO so that is good for us gun owners.
What courts ruled against what anti-gun EO?

Do you mean the EO on bump stocks?? If so I thought the courts okayed that.

Why would 9mm be banned, leaving me with my .45 ACP?
If progressives succeed in restricting magazine size to ten rounds, the only 9mms that anyone will be interested in buying will be small in size.

If progressives also succeed in outlawing small handguns, a ten round 9mm will have to be artificially large -- the same size as a ten round .45 -- at which point everyone will just buy .45s instead.

Now, progressives are not going to succeed in doing any of this. But they'd do it if they could.
The VIDEO showed he was talking about magazines and drums.
It 30 round rifle magazines are appropriate for the police to defend themselves against criminals, then 30 round rifle magazines are also appropriate for civilian self defense.

The regulation of firearm ownership has been ruled constitutional since the early 1800s.
That doesn't make it OK for our civil liberties to be violated.

His statement is truthful.

If one wants a dozen ARs...That person need explain the purpose.
No they don't. No American gun owner ever needs to explain himself.

The public has an interest in protecting against gun violence and gun trafficking which overrides your personal right.
No it doesn't. Nothing overrides our civil liberties.

30 copies of the Mona Lisa is not a collection, it is a fraud.
People can have copies of famous paintings without it being fraud. It's only fraud if the copy is being represented as the actual original.

And we're not discussing collectors no matter how much you'd like to hide behind the word.
That is incorrect. People do collect guns.

I don't recall the source but to paraphrase...
"A WMD is of no use till it is used..."
An armory is of no use, till it's used.

So, what is the plan for the use of these armories?
Probably there is no plan. Gun collectors just happen to like guns.

Maybe some of the guns will be used to shoot tin cans in someone's back yard.

Fewer guns will result in fewer gun deaths as a result of that fear and anger.
So what? Murder victims will be just as dead if they are killed with a different sort of weapon.
For those who don't have an AR but a 9mm Jo has his sights set on you. During a CNN town hall jo said no one needs a 9mm pistol or rifle
The sonofabitch doesn't know a damn thing about the law. No wonder he nominated a stupid bitch that also doesn't know anything about the law to the Supreme Court.

Heller was about DC saying you can't have a pistol.

McDonald was about Chicago saying you can't have a pistol. was to keep guns away from blacks.

In New York city, the Sullivan Act was to keep guns away from the Italians, who were fighting with the entrenched Irish criminals, who had Tammany Hall's support.

So...still no proof? Figured.
Perhaps, you open your eyes and see the truth.
Rather than cover yourself in lies, fear, anger, and hate.
Irony is you have no knowledge of the subject and claiming others don't.
Have you ever heard of shall not be infringed?
Have you ever tried learning to read with a comprehension beyond that of an NRA lackey?
Firearms have been regulated in this country since this country was founded.
Firearms regulation has been found constitutional since the 1830s.

That you do not understand is clear. That you refuse to correct your ignorance is pitiful.
Have you ever tried learning to read with a comprehension beyond that of an NRA lackey?
Firearms have been regulated in this country since this country was founded.
Firearms regulation has been found constitutional since the 1830s.

That you do not understand is clear. That you refuse to correct your ignorance is pitiful.
Here is your problem you are saying that Biden did not say 9 mm pistols which he did therefore you need the course
It 30 round rifle magazines are appropriate for the police to defend themselves against criminals, then 30 round rifle magazines are also appropriate for civilian self defense.

So you're out on the street with the police? NOPE.

That doesn't make it OK for our civil liberties to be violated.
Not violated Stop spreading NRA lies.
His statement is truthful.

No they don't. No American gun owner ever needs to explain himself.

No it doesn't. Nothing overrides our civil liberties.

People can have copies of famous paintings without it being fraud. It's only fraud if the copy is being represented as the actual original.

That is incorrect. People do collect guns.

Probably there is no plan. Gun collectors just happen to like guns.

Maybe some of the guns will be used to shoot tin cans in someone's back yard.

So what? Murder victims will be just as dead if they are killed with a different sort of weapon.

The rest of your post has no context and is incomprehensible.
I think the opposite is true. Less fear and anger would lead to fewer guns.
Reduce the fear and anger that drives these people.

They crave it, live on it, would be purposeless without it.

I'm waiting for the Biblical forty years and this generation will pass from the earth.

The next does look better.

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