gun owners who believe that Jo Biden doesn't want to take your right away

Suicide stats are used in your source and has very little to do with gun deaths.
My rights are not up for discussion because a dumb son of a bitch decided to kill themselves. Fuckem
People who commit suicide using firearms are 90% more likely to die that people who attempt other methods.

It's called "MATH" little one.
I don't know what Traitor Joe said about guns this time (I haven't bothered to even check).

But note that, since cops use 20 round handgun magazines for defense against criminals, 20 round handgun magazines are appropriate also for civilian defense against criminals.

Suicides certainly have nothing to do with homicide levels.

Presumably your line "gun deaths as a result of that fear and anger" was a reference to homicides. Do people commit suicide as a result of fear and anger?

Again, so what?

Murder victims will still be just as dead if they are killed with a different kind of weapon.

Wrong. Civilians' right to self defense is very much a real thing.

Note your inability to point out anything untrue in my posts.
Your response method (inline quotes) makes you look stupid.
Your words confirm the impression.
You've acknowledged you have no knowledge of the topic yet...
You put your unintelligible opinion in anyway.
Since 1995, gun ownership has grown enormously. WITHOUT looking it up, is there more or less gun violence now compared to 1995?
Depends on where.

Depends on what.

What do you consider "gun violence?"
Is it when someone threatens another with a firearm?
Is it when a 4 yo finds his daddy's glock and kills his best friend?
Is it when a depressed person puts a gun to their head because it is available?

Define "gun violence" and you'll have your own answer.
Depends on where.

Depends on what.

What do you consider "gun violence?"
Is it when someone threatens another with a firearm?
Is it when a 4 yo finds his daddy's glock and kills his best friend?
Is it when a depressed person puts a gun to their head because it is available?

Define "gun violence" and you'll have your own answer.
Stop tap dancing and answer the question.
Your response method (inline quotes) makes you look stupid.
Your words confirm the impression.
You've acknowledged you have no knowledge of the topic yet...
You put your unintelligible opinion in anyway.
The fact that you can't use facts or logic but can only spew insults is evidence of the bankruptcy of your position.
Depends on where.

Depends on what.

What do you consider "gun violence?"
Is it when someone threatens another with a firearm?
Is it when a 4 yo finds his daddy's glock and kills his best friend?
Is it when a depressed person puts a gun to their head because it is available?

Define "gun violence" and you'll have your own answer.
Accidents are not violent
Suicides are not violent nor do I give a shit about them. It's dishonest when you skew your numbers by adding suicide and accidental shootings as an actual violent criminal use of guns.
You are a liar.
Thing is, LIAR...
You're both proud of being a LIAR, LIAR
So stupid you thin people believe your lies. LIAR
Am I a liar or is it you?
It's been your argument that Jo was not talking about guns. You have lied throughout this thread. If Jo was talking about magazines he would have said no one needs magazines that hold x amount of rounds. He did not say that he said weapons and specifically 9 mm pistols and rifles.
Neither of your links show that Biden wants to ban any type of handgun.

THAT is the claim.
Thus far you've shown nothing.
Especially here it shows you lack comprehension skills. Reread what you posted.
Here's the ACTUAL FACTUAL quote that's got you peeing your pants...

"The idea you need a weapon that can have the ability to fire 20, 30, 40, 50, 120 shots from that weapon, whether it’s a 9-millimeter pistol or whether it’s a rifle, is ridiculous," Biden said. "I’m continuing to push to eliminate the sale of those things."

Large capacity magazines et al.

So why are you lying?
Stop tap dancing and answer the question.
You said..."Don't look it up"

Unlike the morons you share affinity with, I don't give answers till I know I'm right.

Stop bitching about my playing by your rules, fool.
The fact that you can't use facts or logic but can only spew insults is evidence of the bankruptcy of your position.


Facts put the lie to everything you claim to believe.


live the lie little liar.
It's dishonest to use suicide as a assault murdered. Little one
I said gun deaths.
You decided to make yourself a liar by saying only some deaths count, LIAR.
Dead is dead.
Dead by gunshot doesn't matter who pulled the trigger
Still dead.
If the gun were not present, probably wouldn't be dead.

In most states suicide is a felony.
Accidents are not violent
Suicides are not violent nor do I give a shit about them. It's dishonest when you skew your numbers by adding suicide and accidental shootings as an actual violent criminal use of guns.
The six year old who died because his little brother shit him with daddy's gun is
not dead?
died of natural causes?

I'm pretty sure his doctors, his mother and others consider this a "violent" death.
Am I a liar or is it you?
It's been your argument that Jo was not talking about guns. You have lied throughout this thread. If Jo was talking about magazines he would have said no one needs magazines that hold x amount of rounds. He did not say that he said weapons and specifically 9 mm pistols and rifles.

Especially here it shows you lack comprehension skills. Reread what you posted.
Go read the quotes. LIAR
If you're unable to read and understand them get a kindergarten teacher to help you. LIAR
I said gun deaths.
You decided to make yourself a liar by saying only some deaths count, LIAR.
Dead is dead.
Dead by gunshot doesn't matter who pulled the trigger
Still dead.
If the gun were not present, probably wouldn't be dead.

In most states suicide is a felony.
Dead is dead and if you kill yourself no one should give a fuck
The six year old who died because his little brother shit him with daddy's gun is
not dead?
died of natural causes?

I'm pretty sure his doctors, his mother and others consider this a "violent" death.
It's an accident nothing more

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