gun owners who believe that Jo Biden doesn't want to take your right away

So let me get this straight. A day after Trump ordered the ban, mere possession of a bump stock became a felony. You could go to prison for having one that had been legal the day before.

The Unserialized Ghost Guns in your closet, are still legal. Unless you turn them in for repairs or something to a FFL Gunsmith or Dealer, they won’t be serialized. They won’t be illegal to own.
How will the federal government prove someone created an un-serialized receiver after the ban on same?
How will the federal government prove someone created an un-serialized receiver after the ban on same?

You won’t be able to buy the parts kits. You can’t go to the Glock Store and order the 80% frame after the ban goes into effect. Anyone selling them will be committing a crime.

Oh I suppose you could 3D print one, but that crap falls apart quickly. And if the criminals are too stupid to build a gun, they’re way too stupid to print the parts aren’t they?

But I see you ignored the question. So let me repeat it. When Trump banned bump stocks, they were all instantly illegal. If you had one for ten years, it was now an item that required you to get a tax stamp, and you had to surrender it to an approved FFL before you could apply for the stamp.

None of them were grandfathered in were they? But Biden is worse, because he is banning the selling of the kits to make the guns. That’s way worse, because, um. Democrats suck ass! Or something.
You won’t be able to buy the parts kits. You can’t go to the Glock Store and order the 80% frame...
You avoided my question.
I'll ask again:
How will the federal government prove someone created an un-serialized receiver after the ban on same?
You avoided my question.
I'll ask again:
How will the federal government prove someone created an un-serialized receiver after the ban on same?

That will be really easy.

First. One of you Second Amendment loving folks will sell to either an undercover agent. Or a snitch will tell them. They’ll get a warrant. And the seller. Being now aware of the many years he stands to spend in Federal Prison will happily cut a deal to identify not only his supplier, but his buyers. His buyers will be identified. And they’ll get searched.

So any plans you had of sitting on several kits and selling them after the ban when their dark market value triples, you might want to rethink.

So back to my question. How is Biden worse than Trump? Since you have avoided that question three times. I bet you avoid it again. Or just abandon the thread.
And if don't?
How will the federal government prove I created an un-serialized receiver after the ban on same?

I was right. You avoided it.

Oh a few may slip through the cracks. They certainly will. Illegal guns are not in short supply. The cost will triple. And for most except you hard core criminals will avoid them.

The Feds certainly won’t stop all. But they’ll get some. And some of you RW types will end up in prison screaming Second Amendment.

I mean the War on Drugs has shown that you can’t stop it all. As if Prohibition didn’t prove that.

And every gun they do catch will be another murder prevented, and another criminal in prison. Win win.
Still waiting for you to answer my question.
How will the federal government prove I created an un-serialized receiver after the ban on same?

Ive answered it twice. Reading Comprehension is not your strong shit is it? Of course you said you were a Marine. And everyone knows what they say about Marines. If you lock one in a room with two Anvils, he’ll lose one and break the other.

So how is Biden worse than Trump?
Ive answered it twice.
By twice, you mean not once.
And you know it
In fact, you know there's no way the federal government can prove the manufacture date of any un-serialized receiver I might create.
And thus, you know the federal govermnent cannot prosecute me for same.
You just aren't honest enough to admit it.
How is it that "an item that I may have owned legally one day, is now a felony for having" better than "the guns I had yesterday, are still legal today, and will be legal for decades to come"?
I restructured your question to help make it comprehensible. I hope that doesn't cause offense. Apologies if it does.

I haven't looked too deeply into Biden's ghost gun order, but my understanding is that he is only making people put serial numbers on them.

If my understanding is correct, then the executive order itself is not so horrible.

The problem with Biden is that he wants Congress to pass draconian gun laws that violate our civil liberties.

He has no chance of getting these laws passed (or of preventing the courts from striking them down if they did get passed) so the threat here is not terribly dire.

But the mere fact that Biden would do terrible things to us if he could, makes people dislike him for his wish to harm us.

Trump, on the other hand, worked to protect our civil liberties. So people like him.

And every gun they do catch will be another murder prevented,
I question your logic here. How would it be a murder prevented?
Again dumbass inline quotes are used to address specific parts of a quote. It is a sign of an intelligent person who actually takes the time to do it.
Again, fool, your use of them makes you appear as stupid as you really are so...
Carry on, idiot.
Again, fool, your use of them makes you appear as stupid as you really are so...
Carry on, idiot.
No it doesn't it just makes your weak ass argument more open for destruction.
I restructured your question to help make it comprehensible. I hope that doesn't cause offense. Apologies if it does.

I haven't looked too deeply into Biden's ghost gun order, but my understanding is that he is only making people put serial numbers on them.

If my understanding is correct, then the executive order itself is not so horrible.

The problem with Biden is that he wants Congress to pass draconian gun laws that violate our civil liberties.

He has no chance of getting these laws passed (or of preventing the courts from striking them down if they did get passed) so the threat here is not terribly dire.

But the mere fact that Biden would do terrible things to us if he could, makes people dislike him for his wish to harm us.

Trump, on the other hand, worked to protect our civil liberties. So people like him.

Partially correct. They are only required to get serial numbers when transferred to a gunsmith or other FFL dealer.

When I come home I want to find Scarlett Johansson waiting for me wearing Lingerie and holding a note from my wife saying have a good time.

Like Biden’s desire for Congress to pass the Brady Gun Law again. It’s not going to happen.

If I come home and find Scarlett waiting for me. You can get upset about what I want. Intel then. Don’t worry about it so much.

If Congress starts to debate such a law expect me to write my Congress Critter. Until then it isn’t something to get your panties in a twist over.

The problem with the Right. And the Left to be honest. Is that neither side wants all the Civil Liberties protected. Both sides want to take the civil liberties they don’t agree with.

The Right does everything they can think of to limit Abortion, Gay Rights, and a host of other freedoms they find intolerable to have existing.

The Left detests the Second, although that is changing. And several other things.

I am pretty simple. I don’t care. If you want to go home and fondle one of your thousand guns. I don’t care. If you want to wear a leather Boy Scout outfit and blow your boyfriend. It’s none of my business. As long as it is two consenting adults I don’t give a shit.
Partially correct. They are only required to get serial numbers when transferred to a gunsmith or other FFL dealer.

When I come home I want to find Scarlett Johansson waiting for me wearing Lingerie and holding a note from my wife saying have a good time.

Like Biden’s desire for Congress to pass the Brady Gun Law again. It’s not going to happen.

If I come home and find Scarlett waiting for me. You can get upset about what I want. Intel then. Don’t worry about it so much.

If Congress starts to debate such a law expect me to write my Congress Critter. Until then it isn’t something to get your panties in a twist over.

The problem with the Right. And the Left to be honest. Is that neither side wants all the Civil Liberties protected. Both sides want to take the civil liberties they don’t agree with.

The Right does everything they can think of to limit Abortion, Gay Rights, and a host of other freedoms they find intolerable to have existing.

The Left detests the Second, although that is changing. And several other things.

I am pretty simple. I don’t care. If you want to go home and fondle one of your thousand guns. I don’t care. If you want to wear a leather Boy Scout outfit and blow your boyfriend. It’s none of my business. As long as it is two consenting adults I don’t give a shit.
Why is it that leftists always will make a connection with guns and penises?
Sure little one.
A sentence hung out in the open with no context is a fine argument.
You're weak minded
What you hate makes sure every point you made is addressed. If you can't understand why that it makes you look ignorant.
You're weak minded
What you hate makes sure every point you made is addressed. If you can't understand why that it makes you look ignorant.
Carew to retype that post and, perhaps, next time try a Stupid to English dictionary.
Carew to retype that post and, perhaps, next time try a Stupid to English dictionary.
What is CAREW? And what does "next time try a Stupid to English dictionary" mean? Are you saying you are to stupid to understand English language

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