gun owners who believe that Jo Biden doesn't want to take your right away

That is incorrect. Truthful statements are not lies.

Incidentally, even if my statement had been incorrect it would not necessarily be a lie. Honest mistakes are not lies for example. You guys throw around this term "lie" way too often.

But anyway, no. I've long asked progressives: "If they have some other motivation for their efforts to outlaw pistol grips on semi-auto long guns besides the mere fact that they think it is fun to violate people's rights, what is that alternative motivation??"

And the record is clear. Progressives can provide no other alternative motivation. Their only motivation for trying to outlaw pistol grips on semi-auto long guns is the fact that progressives actually think that it is fun to violate people's civil liberties.

Well, no. Outlawing pistol grips on semi-auto long guns is a violation of people's civil liberties.

When progressives deliberately violate people's civil liberties, that is the exact opposite of defending them.
Again, it’s conservatives who seek to violate citizens’ rights – conservatives violate a woman’s right to privacy, conservatives violate the equal protection rights of gay and transgender Americans, conservatives violate the voting rights of minorities, and conservatives violate the due process rights of immigrants.
Gun owners who believe that President Biden wants to take their rights away are ignorant morons.

Again, presidents don’t have the authority to ‘take away’ rights.

Attempts to vilify and demonize President Biden concerning guns is yet another example of the lies and demagoguery propagated by the reprehensible, dishonest right.
Again, it’s conservatives who seek to violate citizens’ rights
That is incorrect. It is progressives who always try to violate the right to keep and bear arms.

conservatives violate a woman’s right to privacy, conservatives violate the equal protection rights of gay and transgender Americans, conservatives violate the voting rights of minorities, and conservatives violate the due process rights of immigrants.
Even if that is true (and I do not concede that it is), it would not change the reality that it is progressives who always try to violate the right to keep and bear arms.

Gun owners who believe that President Biden wants to take their rights away are ignorant morons.
That is incorrect. Since that is what he wants to do, such people are well informed.

Again, presidents don’t have the authority to ‘take away’ rights.
Again, presidents do have the bully pulpit to lead Congress.

Attempts to vilify and demonize President Biden concerning guns is yet another example of the lies and demagoguery propagated by the reprehensible, dishonest right.
Hardly. Criticizing him for his actual position is entirely honest.
Again, it’s conservatives who seek to violate citizens’ rights – conservatives violate a woman’s right to privacy, conservatives violate the equal protection rights of gay and transgender Americans, conservatives violate the voting rights of minorities, and conservatives violate the due process rights of immigrants.
Who does the cancel culture belong to?
Who pushed the involuntary mandate stay at home?
Who pushed for the mask mandate?
Who pushed for the vaccine mandate?
Who pushed for gun control?
No one has lost the right to vote, showing an ID to vote is not restricting a legal eligible person from voting.
Do husbands have a right to know if their wife is pregnant with their child?
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It's an accident nothing more
VIOLENT death.
No different than crashing into an 18 wheeler and having your head taken off...AT THE WAIST.
No different than being beaten to death.
No different than being shot by any "law abiding gun owner"
All dead. All violent deaths.
Only the gun death could have been prevented by removing the gun.
What question?
I really don't believe you comprehend what you posted from what Brandon said.
I comprehended.
You lied.
I pointed out your lie
You repeated the lie.
You are just, quite simply, a LAIR, LIAR.
My comprehension is not in question. Your lack of honesty is.
Then, please do.
Your family can claim you're not dead because the gun that killed you wasn't held by a "criminal."
Why would I do that? Are you projecting? Have you thought about ODING on pills? Jumping in front of a vehicle? Unlike you I value life
I just don't give a fuck about someone who kills themselves.
I comprehended.
You lied.
I pointed out your lie
You repeated the lie.
You are just, quite simply, a LAIR, LIAR.
My comprehension is not in question. Your lack of honesty is.
I believe you should reread what you cut and paste from what Jo said. Get some assistance with what you lack in comprehension skills before you claim someone is lying. He was not talking about magazine ban.
Wrong. Facts back up everything that I say 100%.

Wrong again. You cannot point out anything in my posts that is untrue.
Your response method (inline quotes) makes you look stupid.
Your words confirm the impression.
You've acknowledged you have no knowledge of the topic yet...
You put your unintelligible opinion in anyway.

You admitted you don't know anything but choose to speak anyway.
I comprehended.
You lied.
I pointed out your lie
You repeated the lie.
You are just, quite simply, a LAIR, LIAR.
My comprehension is not in question. Your lack of honesty is.
Reread w heat you cut and paste from Jo'ss speech.
Translation: you know you're wrong. I accept your concession, boy.
So let me get this straight...
My not answering your question because you refused to allow me to look up the correct answer means I'm wrong?

Sorry, I choke a little

In the land of the blind a one eyed man is king
In the land of the morons? You're still the dumbest moron on the block.
So let me get this straight...
My not answering your question because you refused to allow me to look up the correct answer means I'm wrong?

Sorry, I choke a little

In the land of the blind a one eyed man is king
In the land of the morons? You're still the dumbest moron on the block.
We know you're wrong about what you cut and paste from what Jo said.
Only the gun death could have been prevented by removing the gun.
Wrong. Murder victims are just as dead if they are killed with a different weapon.

But the car accident that you mentioned could have been prevented by banning private cars on public roads.

Your response method (inline quotes) makes you look stupid.
Your words confirm the impression.
The fact that you can't use facts or logic but can only spew insults is evidence of the bankruptcy of your position.

You've acknowledged you have no knowledge of the topic yet...
I know about the things that I choose to address.

You put your unintelligible opinion in anyway.
Your comprehension failure is no reflection on me.

You admitted you don't know anything but choose to speak anyway.
I know about the things that I choose to address.

You lied.
I pointed out your lie
You repeated the lie.
You are just, quite simply, a LAIR, LIAR.
Wrong. He didn't lie.

My not answering your question because you refused to allow me to look up the correct answer means I'm wrong?
You don't need anyone's permission to look up information.
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So let me get this straight...
My not answering your question because you refused to allow me to look up the correct answer means I'm wrong?

Sorry, I choke a little

In the land of the blind a one eyed man is king
In the land of the morons? You're still the dumbest moron on the block.
You're full of shit. You now realize it. You now distract with your usual grade school insults.
Wrong. Murder victims are just as dead if they are killed with a different weapon.

But the car accident that you mentioned could have been prevented by banning private cars on public roads.

The fact that you can't use facts or logic but can only spew insults is evidence of the bankruptcy of your position.

I know about the things that I choose to address.

Your comprehension failure is no reflection on me.

I know about the things that I choose to address.

Wrong. He didn't lie.

You don't need anyone's permission to look up information.
Your response method (inline quotes) makes you look stupid.
Your words confirm the impression."

'nuff said.

If you want a cogent response.
Make a cogent response.
You're full of shit. You now realize it. You now distract with your usual grade school insults.
Not my fault little moron that you set a parameter "Don't look it up"
Then get all stupid when I do what you say.

The statement holds little moron.
In the land of the stupid, you're still the dumbest moron on the block

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