gun owners who believe that Jo Biden doesn't want to take your right away

So you're out on the street with the police? NOPE.
People are not required to be out on the street with the police. They have the right to defend themselves wherever they are.

Not violated
Progressives routinely violate people's civil liberties. They don't even have a good reason for doing it. They just think it's fun to violate people's rights.

Stop spreading NRA lies.
The NRA doesn't lie.

The rest of your post has no context and is incomprehensible.
I quoted exactly what I was replying to, line by line.
Progressives routinely violate people's civil liberties. They don't even have a good reason for doing it. They just think it's fun to violate people's rights.
This is a lie.

Progressives for decades have defended citizens’ rights and protected liberties from attack by conservatives.

Indeed, it’s conservatives who seek to violate citizens’ rights – conservatives violate a woman’s right to privacy, conservatives violate the equal protection rights of gay and transgender Americans, conservatives violate the voting rights of minorities, and conservatives violate the due process rights of immigrants.
This is a lie.
That is incorrect. Truthful statements are not lies.

Incidentally, even if my statement had been incorrect it would not necessarily be a lie. Honest mistakes are not lies for example. You guys throw around this term "lie" way too often.

But anyway, no. I've long asked progressives: "If they have some other motivation for their efforts to outlaw pistol grips on semi-auto long guns besides the mere fact that they think it is fun to violate people's rights, what is that alternative motivation??"

And the record is clear. Progressives can provide no other alternative motivation. Their only motivation for trying to outlaw pistol grips on semi-auto long guns is the fact that progressives actually think that it is fun to violate people's civil liberties.

Progressives for decades have defended citizens’ rights and protected liberties from attack by conservatives.
Well, no. Outlawing pistol grips on semi-auto long guns is a violation of people's civil liberties.

When progressives deliberately violate people's civil liberties, that is the exact opposite of defending them.
This is a lie.

Progressives for decades have defended citizens’ rights and protected liberties from attack by conservatives.

Indeed, it’s conservatives who seek to violate citizens’ rights – conservatives violate a woman’s right to privacy, conservatives violate the equal protection rights of gay and transgender Americans, conservatives violate the voting rights of minorities, and conservatives violate the due process rights of immigrants.
Lying sack of Putin shit
You sons a bitches are selective of what rights you defend.
That is incorrect. Truthful statements are not lies.

Incidentally, even if my statement had been incorrect it would not necessarily be a lie. Honest mistakes are not lies for example. You guys throw around this term "lie" way too often.

But anyway, no. I've long asked progressives: "If they have some other motivation for their efforts to outlaw pistol grips on semi-auto long guns besides the mere fact that they think it is fun to violate people's rights, what is that alternative motivation??"

And the record is clear. Progressives can provide no other alternative motivation. Their only motivation for trying to outlaw pistol grips on semi-auto long guns is the fact that progressives actually think that it is fun to violate people's civil liberties.

Well, no. Outlawing pistol grips on semi-auto long guns is a violation of people's civil liberties.

When progressives deliberately violate people's civil liberties, that is the exact opposite of defending them.
You must remember regradless of the truth if it doesn't work for the retarded leftist narrative to them it's not the truth. Tell the stupid fuckers he's a dumbass and move along.
Here is your problem you are saying that Biden did not say 9 mm pistols which he did therefore you need the course
I didn't say he never said 9mm pistols.
He said huge magazines for 9mm pistols should be outlawed.
YOU said he said to outlaw 9mm pistols.
You are simply a liar, LAIR
Show. Your. Proof.

You won't.
Every state with strong gun control laws 19 of the top 20 states in gund deaths per 100k are states with loose gun laws.

As for the world? Look at Japan's gun death rate, Canada which has lots of guns but ranks way down the list, Austrailia which banned most firearms a few years ago...

Fewer guns = fewer gun deaths
Fewer guns means fewer guns to be sold illegally to criminals

Sorry for your FAILURE
People are not required to be out on the street with the police. They have the right to defend themselves wherever they are.

So your reasoning that you should be allowed a 30 round magazine for weapon is just made up bullshit.

Which describes the rest of your blatherings precisely.
I didn't say he never said 9mm pistols.
He said huge magazines for 9mm pistols should be outlawed.
YOU said he said to outlaw 9mm pistols.
You are simply a liar, LAIR
Yes you did fucking idiot you even tried to use the cut and paste from his speech
I hate fucking lying sons a bitches.
Every state with strong gun control laws 19 of the top 20 states in gund deaths per 100k are states with loose gun laws.

As for the world? Look at Japan's gun death rate, Canada which has lots of guns but ranks way down the list, Austrailia which banned most firearms a few years ago...

Fewer guns = fewer gun deaths
Fewer guns means fewer guns to be sold illegally to criminals

Sorry for your FAILURE
Suicide stats are used in your source and has very little to do with gun deaths.
My rights are not up for discussion because a dumb son of a bitch decided to kill themselves. Fuckem
So, I suppose people who commit suicide using firearms are not dead?


You are stupid as a sack of dirty diapers.
Probably smell worse
Fuckem nope not my problem it's f****** dishonest to use suicides as a defense in your argument
Biden's statement:
“I’m the only guy that ever got — passed legislation when I was a senator to make sure we eliminated assault weapons,” Biden responded. “The idea you need a weapon that can have the ability to fire 20, 30, 40, 50, 120 shots from that weapon, whether it’s a, whether it’s a 9mm pistol or whether it’s a rifle, is ridiculous.”
“I’m continuing to push to eliminate the sale of those things, but I’m not likely to get that done in the near term,” Biden added.
Every handgun with a detachable magazine can shoot 20-30-40-50-120 shots.
Every rifle with a detachable magazine can shoot 20-30-40-50-120 shots.
Biden will continue to push to eliminate the sale of handguns and rifles with detachable magazines.

How am I wrong?
Is Biden lying?
Biden's statement:

Every handgun with a detachable magazine can shoot 20-30-40-50-120 shots.
Every rifle with a detachable magazine can shoot 20-30-40-50-120 shots.
Biden will continue to push to eliminate the sale of handguns and rifles with detachable magazines.

How am I wrong?
Is Biden lying?
Soon bidone will be going after revolvers no one needs a revolver that shoots 6 rounds 😆
All anyone needs is a double barrel shotgun and fire two shells in the air.
I didn't say he never said 9mm pistols.
He said huge magazines for 9mm pistols should be outlawed.
YOU said he said to outlaw 9mm pistols.
I don't know what Traitor Joe said about guns this time (I haven't bothered to even check).

But note that, since cops use 20 round handgun magazines for defense against criminals, 20 round handgun magazines are appropriate also for civilian defense against criminals.

So, I suppose people who commit suicide using firearms are not dead?
Suicides certainly have nothing to do with homicide levels.

Presumably your line "gun deaths as a result of that fear and anger" was a reference to homicides. Do people commit suicide as a result of fear and anger?

Fewer guns = fewer gun deaths
Again, so what?

Murder victims will still be just as dead if they are killed with a different kind of weapon.

So your reasoning that you should be allowed a 30 round magazine for weapon is just made up bullshit.
Wrong. Civilians' right to self defense is very much a real thing.

Which describes the rest of your blatherings precisely.
Note your inability to point out anything untrue in my posts.
Every state with strong gun control laws 19 of the top 20 states in gund deaths per 100k are states with loose gun laws.

As for the world? Look at Japan's gun death rate, Canada which has lots of guns but ranks way down the list, Austrailia which banned most firearms a few years ago...

Fewer guns = fewer gun deaths
Fewer guns means fewer guns to be sold illegally to criminals

Sorry for your FAILURE
Since 1995, gun ownership has grown enormously. WITHOUT looking it up, is there more or less gun violence now compared to 1995?

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