Gun Ownership / Laws Discussion & Debate

Hey Joe
Here's one for you.

McCarthy ran for Congress after her husband was gunned down and her son seriously injured in a shooting in 1993 on a Long Island commuter train.

Read more: Carolyn McCarthy readies gun control bill - Shira Toeplitz -

Now New York city is one of those cities that have high gun restrictions. How could the shooters obtain the gun to do the shooting? If the Congresswomans Husband had been allowed to own a gun wouldn't he have been able to defend himnself?
Actually, most of the Jews killed in World War II weren't in Germany. In fact, only 130,000 German Jews were killed. (Most had fled the country before then.) Most of the Jews killed were in Russia and Poland, where they did give it the old college try to fight the Germans off first. So guns didn't make that much of a difference.

The Holocaust Victims

And gun availability didn't help that much, there, either. In fact, before the Stalin Purges, they had a fairly nasty civil war between the Reds and the Whites. Lots of guns available when the Tsar's army collapsed and deserted en masse during WWI. The Allied Powers even gave more guns to the Whites. Didn't help any. The Whites Lost. And the ones not lucky enough to get out were killed. And then Stalin killed his fellow Reds he didn't trust that much. So you can argue gun availability made stuff a lot worse.

Well, in that case, again, you had an outside power arming them with high quality weapons, not plucky guys with squirrel guns. And in reality the Soviet Union fell before the Communist government in Afghanistan did. So it's hard to argue that they actually Drove them out.

But let's look at that. What if we didn't get involved. What if we just let the Soviets colonize afghanistan, replace Islam with a secularist society, taught women how to read? Would an socialist Afghanistan be less of a problem to us than an Islamist one? We were the ones raising rattlesnakes and complained when we got bit.

Now all that said- one more time- I DON'T WANT TO TAKE YOUR GUNS. I don't think it would be practical with 200 million guns already out there. That horse has left the barn.

I just don't subscribe to the mythology that if the stuff really hit the fan, and our government turned on us, gun ownership would really make matters any better. Like we are going to turn off American Idol long enough to get off our fat asses and do anything about it.

Clueless here's a fact when firearms were taken away from people they were killed at the hands of their own government. End of story.

And when are you actually going to present a case of that happening. Beause the three examples you cited were cases where the people involved had plenty of guns, but the other side had more guns and were more willing to use them.

Your example of Stalin was particularly weak, since Stalin's enemies had plenty of guns, and died anyway.

Dude this is my expertise I am just getting started.

Your example of Stalin was particularly weak, since Stalin's enemies had plenty of guns, and died anyway

Right:clap2: Sure gun owners taking a stand aginst the governemt some will die in a fire fight. Keep trying junior.
Hey Joe
Here's one for you.

McCarthy ran for Congress after her husband was gunned down and her son seriously injured in a shooting in 1993 on a Long Island commuter train.

Now New York city is one of those cities that have high gun restrictions. How could the shooters obtain the gun to do the shooting? If the Congresswomans Husband had been allowed to own a gun wouldn't he have been able to defend himnself?

Guy, please learn to pass basic literacy. I've ALREADY CONCEDED GUN LAWS DON'T WORK.

I'm not arguing that point. Never have, never will.

I'm stating that if you are a second Amendment gun nut with a bunch of guns and MRE's in your basement waiting for the day the government turns on you, the fact is, if the Government ever decided to come for your sort, they aren't going to have a lot of trouble doing so.

Some of you people have pretty short memories. I remember the militia movement of the 1990's, and how these nutters were all running around with guns waiting for Bill Clinton to try to take them. And then Tim McVeigh blew up a federal buidling, and they all scampered off with a whimper as the Justice departement rolled them up. (Of course, the fact the economy boomed probably lessened the angst level quite a bit, too.)
And when are you actually going to present a case of that happening. Beause the three examples you cited were cases where the people involved had plenty of guns, but the other side had more guns and were more willing to use them.


Dude this is my expertise I am just getting started.

Your example of Stalin was particularly weak, since Stalin's enemies had plenty of guns, and died anyway

Right:clap2: Sure gun owners taking a stand aginst the governemt some will die in a fire fight. Keep trying junior.

Guy, seriously, you consider yourself an expert on the subject? Seriously?


No, actually, gun owners taking a stand against their government usually all get wiped out, to the applause of their neighbors. Because frankly, most sensible people are more afraid of the neighborhood gun nut than a distant government.

Hey, how'd that Militia Movement in the 1990's work out for ya?

Most people want the government to do what it does. The argument should be about how to do it most effectively. Not about how we are going to stockpile guns against the "tyranny" of making you get a license for the thing.
I would rather die a free man than live as a slave, thanks for pointing that out Joe.


THat's a dumb statement.

I'd rather live under any circumstances than die. When you're alive, everything else is negotiable. When you're dead, nothing is.
I'm stating that if you are a second Amendment gun nut with a bunch of guns and MRE's in your basement waiting for the day the government turns on you, the fact is, if the Government ever decided to come for your sort, they aren't going to have a lot of trouble doing so.

ah!, lessee......




I'm stating that if you are a second Amendment gun nut with a bunch of guns and MRE's in your basement waiting for the day the government turns on you, the fact is, if the Government ever decided to come for your sort, they aren't going to have a lot of trouble doing so.

ah!, lessee......





And when are you actually going to present a case of that happening. Beause the three examples you cited were cases where the people involved had plenty of guns, but the other side had more guns and were more willing to use them.


Dude this is my expertise I am just getting started.

Your example of Stalin was particularly weak, since Stalin's enemies had plenty of guns, and died anyway

Right:clap2: Sure gun owners taking a stand aginst the governemt some will die in a fire fight. Keep trying junior.

Guy, seriously, you consider yourself an expert on the subject? Seriously?


No, actually, gun owners taking a stand against their government usually all get wiped out, to the applause of their neighbors. Because frankly, most sensible people are more afraid of the neighborhood gun nut than a distant government.

Hey, how'd that Militia Movement in the 1990's work out for ya?

Most people want the government to do what it does. The argument should be about how to do it most effectively. Not about how we are going to stockpile guns against the "tyranny" of making you get a license for the thing.

Guy, seriously, you consider yourself an expert on the subject? Seriously?

Nawh I'm not an expert, even though I am a quilifed expert on the firearms range, just knowledgeable enough to kill any argument you may have in your defense.

Hey, how'd that Militia Movement in the 1990's work out for ya?

It was mishandled, the anti gun media was allowed to play to much into the issue. That is what happens when you allow the people to become dumbed down with the hollywood elite.

Try gun control one more time and see where it get's you.

Most people want the government to do what it does. The argument should be about how to do it most effectively. Not about how we are going to stockpile guns against the "tyranny" of making you get a license for the thing

Government is run by people who want to control, it's run by lawyers who create laws to benifit them. Until you remove the control freaks I'll keep my guns.
Hey Joe
Here's one for you.

McCarthy ran for Congress after her husband was gunned down and her son seriously injured in a shooting in 1993 on a Long Island commuter train.

Now New York city is one of those cities that have high gun restrictions. How could the shooters obtain the gun to do the shooting? If the Congresswomans Husband had been allowed to own a gun wouldn't he have been able to defend himnself?

Guy, please learn to pass basic literacy. I've ALREADY CONCEDED GUN LAWS DON'T WORK.

I'm not arguing that point. Never have, never will.

I'm stating that if you are a second Amendment gun nut with a bunch of guns and MRE's in your basement waiting for the day the government turns on you, the fact is, if the Government ever decided to come for your sort, they aren't going to have a lot of trouble doing so.

Some of you people have pretty short memories. I remember the militia movement of the 1990's, and how these nutters were all running around with guns waiting for Bill Clinton to try to take them. And then Tim McVeigh blew up a federal buidling, and they all scampered off with a whimper as the Justice departement rolled them up. (Of course, the fact the economy boomed probably lessened the angst level quite a bit, too.)

Guy, please learn to pass basic literacy. I've ALREADY CONCEDED GUN LAWS DON'T WORK.

The first insult you lost.

And then Tim McVeigh blew up a federal buidling, and they all scampered off with a whimper as the Justice departement rolled them up.

How did Tim blow up a building with a firearm? What does this issue have to o with gun control?
I'm stating that if you are a second Amendment gun nut with a bunch of guns and MRE's in your basement waiting for the day the government turns on you, the fact is, if the Government ever decided to come for your sort, they aren't going to have a lot of trouble doing so.

ah!, lessee......






Are you guys done jerking yourselves off? If the government ever attacked its own citizens in the manner you describe it would be the end of that government.

Ok you can return to your stupidity.
Nawh I'm not an expert, even though I am a quilifed expert on the firearms range, just knowledgeable enough to kill any argument you may have in your defense.

Guy, how does being a qualified expert on a range have much to do with arguing the effectiveness of a trained military vs. a bunch of a-holes with squirrel guns?

Hey, how'd that Militia Movement in the 1990's work out for ya?

It was mishandled, the anti gun media was allowed to play to much into the issue. That is what happens when you allow the people to become dumbed down with the hollywood elite.

How was it "mishandled". The only thing that happened their is you guys displayed the full on crazy of your position, largely thanks to Mr. McVeigh. And sensible people saw the crazy and recoiled even though you had already won the political argument.

Try gun control one more time and see where it get's you.

Well, again, it depends. Have a really big attrocity, and people will be begging for more laws.

Government is run by people who want to control, it's run by lawyers who create laws to benifit them. Until you remove the control freaks I'll keep my guns.

Dude, you are almost making my argument for me.
Are you guys done jerking yourselves off? If the government ever attacked its own citizens in the manner you describe it would be the end of that government.

Ok you can return to your stupidity.

It would really depend which citizens they were attacking, wouldn't it?

After all, Clinton killed the Branch Davidians, and got re-elected easily.
Nawh I'm not an expert, even though I am a quilifed expert on the firearms range, just knowledgeable enough to kill any argument you may have in your defense.

Guy, how does being a qualified expert on a range have much to do with arguing the effectiveness of a trained military vs. a bunch of a-holes with squirrel guns?

It was mishandled, the anti gun media was allowed to play to much into the issue. That is what happens when you allow the people to become dumbed down with the hollywood elite.

How was it "mishandled". The only thing that happened their is you guys displayed the full on crazy of your position, largely thanks to Mr. McVeigh. And sensible people saw the crazy and recoiled even though you had already won the political argument.

Try gun control one more time and see where it get's you.

Well, again, it depends. Have a really big attrocity, and people will be begging for more laws.

Government is run by people who want to control, it's run by lawyers who create laws to benifit them. Until you remove the control freaks I'll keep my guns.

Dude, you are almost making my argument for me.

Guy, how does being a qualified expert on a range have much to do with arguing the effectiveness of a trained military vs. a bunch of a-holes with squirrel guns?
I am a vet I am trained Military I am a trained expert.

Dude, you are almost making my argument for me

I'm still waiting on you to make your argument. Give me something new the argue against, something other than the over used gun control bullshit.
Are you guys done jerking yourselves off? If the government ever attacked its own citizens in the manner you describe it would be the end of that government.

Ok you can return to your stupidity.

It would really depend which citizens they were attacking, wouldn't it?

After all, Clinton killed the Branch Davidians, and got re-elected easily.

The propaganda was effective, in the end no pile of melted weapons found.

Did they go in and airstrike? did they use artillery? Cruise missiles? If a large effort went forth to disarm the public, they would meet heavy resistance. How long do you think their support would last? How many children are you willing top kill to disarm the public?
The propaganda was effective, in the end no pile of melted weapons found.

Did they go in and airstrike? did they use artillery? Cruise missiles? If a large effort went forth to disarm the public, they would meet heavy resistance. How long do you think their support would last? How many children are you willing top kill to disarm the public?

Guy, I've already said I didn't think confiscating guns was a good idea or desirable. Several times.

However, I have also stated that the two reasons you nutters say you want guns (protecting yourself from criminals and the government) are just brain-dead stupid.

You seem unable to draw that distinction. There's a lot of stupid behavior, most of which I think people should be able to engage in as long as they are willing to accept the consequences.

As an agnostic, I think religion is stupid. But I wouldn't want to ban it. If you want to pretend you are eating a god made of wafers, go ahead. Knock yourself out, at least until you do something dangerous. But it's still stupid.

And stockpiling guns to fight a government you don't like is pretty stupid, too. After if you act in a dangerous or stupid way, like the Davidians did, then people will cheer when the government takes you out.

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