Gun registration v Plant registration...


Jan 18, 2013
If you are against gun registration while at the same time supporting the cannabis laws in Wa.Co. = plant registration, please explain...
If you are against gun registration and yet support the prohibition of the coca plant or the poppy plant or the cannabis plant, please explain...
Do you think it should be an added special crime to have a gun and a plant at the same time?
Sincerely seeking clarification, thanks,
There's nothing wrong with plant registration. That's how we won World War II.


[ame=]Hemp For Victory (1942) U.S. Department of Agriculture - YouTube[/ame]
There's nothing wrong with plant registration. That's how we won World War II.


Hemp For Victory (1942) U.S. Department of Agriculture - YouTube
imo there is everything wrong with plant registration and your statement above is nothing short of un-thought other words if it had not been for the 1937 tax act (torpedoing human rights) there would have been no need for the 'hemp for victory' registering of farmers to grow a restricted crop lol...(that means plenty of hemp ;)
do you even think at all before you post this continuing off point spam?
seriously its like your just a robot who keeps posting the only thing you know...
in other words i guess one can figure you would have been in complete support of the marijuana tax act of 1937...its the only way your ridicules statement would make sense...
No plant registration. There is no reason why anyone can't grow opium, just a plant after all, and turn us into Afghanistan.
No plant registration. There is no reason why anyone can't grow opium, just a plant after all, and turn us into Afghanistan.

oh you mean grow poppies right? great flower with good medicinal uses...
but if you want to be Afghanistan i think you are gonna need to move to Afghanistan lol cuz not much chance the usa will be Afghanistan, its physically impossible ;)

so now that its clear that your a prohibitionist, do you also feel the same about guns?
so it as i suspected...only an idiot would be for plant registration and more than likely the same idiot is for gun registration, or worse the same idiot thats for plant registration is against gun registration...
either way its the minority imo...
the bigger idiots are the majority who let that other idiot minority rule...
There's nothing wrong with plant registration. That's how we won World War II.


Hemp For Victory (1942) U.S. Department of Agriculture - YouTube
imo there is everything wrong with plant registration and your statement above is nothing short of un-thought other words if it had not been for the 1937 tax act (torpedoing human rights) there would have been no need for the 'hemp for victory' registering of farmers to grow a restricted crop lol...(that means plenty of hemp ;)
do you even think at all before you post this continuing off point spam?
seriously its like your just a robot who keeps posting the only thing you know...
Letting people pay a tax and register their operations to legally produce Cannabis is not a bad thing. That's how every other industry does it. There has to be a record of producers, costs, taxation, etc. Legalize it and grow it outside like God intended.
until there is an objective and standardized testing to determine the amount of THC that is in a person's system and a legal limit is set by law, there should not be legalzation Marijanuna for anything except strictly controlled medical use.
There's nothing wrong with plant registration. That's how we won World War II.


Hemp For Victory (1942) U.S. Department of Agriculture - YouTube
imo there is everything wrong with plant registration and your statement above is nothing short of un-thought other words if it had not been for the 1937 tax act (torpedoing human rights) there would have been no need for the 'hemp for victory' registering of farmers to grow a restricted crop lol...(that means plenty of hemp ;)
do you even think at all before you post this continuing off point spam?
seriously its like your just a robot who keeps posting the only thing you know...
Letting people pay a tax and register their operations to legally produce Cannabis is not a bad thing. That's how every other industry does it. There has to be a record of producers, costs, taxation, etc. Legalize it and grow it outside like God intended.

who said anything about industry?
seriously do you read anything or do you just see the word 'marijuana' and it simply provokes a Pavlovian response regardless of the topic?
this is about your human rights that exist outside the jurisdiction of that?
in other words should you have to register the carrots or tomatoes you grow at home to eat yourself?
slow down and read KNB before you post again so that we might embark on a coherent and relevant discussion ;)
until there is an objective and standardized testing to determine the amount of THC that is in a person's system and a legal limit is set by law, there should not be legalzation Marijanuna for anything except strictly controlled medical use.
what about first coming up with a set of standards that go to determine what a human right is?
i'm guessing though by the tone of your response that human rights are a myth in your view, a lot like unicorns right?
do you feel all guns should be registered?
Registration in an infringement.
The Constitution specifically precludes infringement of the right to arms.
The other things brought up in the OP? Not so much.

agreed about your first conclusion, but on the other things, not so much...heres why,
the 9th means what it says:

"The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."
If you are against gun registration while at the same time supporting the cannabis laws in Wa.Co. = plant registration, please explain...
If you are against gun registration and yet support the prohibition of the coca plant or the poppy plant or the cannabis plant, please explain...
Do you think it should be an added special crime to have a gun and a plant at the same time?
Sincerely seeking clarification, thanks,
it seems i may have been a little prematurely harsh in responding to your response here KNB (though i doubt it lol), because it seems i forgot to add the part about 'for your own use' and apart from commerce, but as you have posted the same response in other threads where it has been made clear, it seems pointless to apologize ;)

ps...the plant registration example is based on this circumstance in accordance with the 9th amen ("The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."), :

'Humans are naturally endowed with the fundamental right to partner with the soil and posses the seeds of, and partner with, and grow the plants of this earth for their own uses as individuals in pursuit of life and in effort to live, and that such basic human rights exist and are held in perpetuity outside of the constitutional responsibility of government to protect an individuals right to engage in commerce.'
If you are against gun registration while at the same time supporting the cannabis laws in Wa.Co. = plant registration, please explain...

Government should not force anyone to register a plant or a firearm. If a person has not hurting or otherwise infringing on the rights of another, it should be none of the government's business what item a person possesses.

If you are against gun registration and yet support the prohibition of the coca plant or the poppy plant or the cannabis plant, please explain...

Against prohibition...of anything. Outlawing coca or poppies does not, as history has proven, prevent people from using that which is prohibited. Same applies to firearms. You can have all the gun control in the world, including a full-on ban of civilian firearm ownership, and it will not stop thugs and crazies from obtaining the 100+ countries with higher murder rates than the US prove every day.

Do you think it should be an added special crime to have a gun and a plant at the same time?

No. If you haven't hurt anyone with said plant or firearm, why should we even be talking about a 'crime'?

Try this on: If someone hurts or takes from another, we all agree a law has been broken. They should face consequences for such non-consensual activity. However, if no one has infringed the rights of another, why not stay out of it?

Of course, if you want to make the penalties harsher when someone hurts another while undertaking a potential dangerous activity (under the influence, using a firearm in the commission of a robbery, etc), then that's fine, but please leave those adults that haven't harmed anyone else alone. It's really none of your business.
If you are against gun registration while at the same time supporting the cannabis laws in Wa.Co. = plant registration, please explain...

Government should not force anyone to register a plant or a firearm. If a person has not hurting or otherwise infringing on the rights of another, it should be none of the government's business what item a person possesses.

If you are against gun registration and yet support the prohibition of the coca plant or the poppy plant or the cannabis plant, please explain...

Against prohibition...of anything. Outlawing coca or poppies does not, as history has proven, prevent people from using that which is prohibited. Same applies to firearms. You can have all the gun control in the world, including a full-on ban of civilian firearm ownership, and it will not stop thugs and crazies from obtaining the 100+ countries with higher murder rates than the US prove every day.

Do you think it should be an added special crime to have a gun and a plant at the same time?

No. If you haven't hurt anyone with said plant or firearm, why should we even be talking about a 'crime'?

Try this on: If someone hurts or takes from another, we all agree a law has been broken. They should face consequences for such non-consensual activity. However, if no one has infringed the rights of another, why not stay out of it?

Of course, if you want to make the penalties harsher when someone hurts another while undertaking a potential dangerous activity (under the influence, using a firearm in the commission of a robbery, etc), then that's fine, but please leave those adults that haven't harmed anyone else alone. It's really none of your business.

omg how have you managed to maintain your perfectly human perspective (that i 115% agree with) in this dehumanizing culture?
you are like the kid who wins the chocolate factory :)
thanks charlie...
until there is an objective and standardized testing to determine the amount of THC that is in a person's system and a legal limit is set by law, there should not be legalzation Marijanuna for anything except strictly controlled medical use.

If an adult is sitting in their own living room in their own house, what difference does the level of THC in their system make and why is it any of your business?

May I suggest an objective standard? If a person infringes on the rights of another (takes what doesn't belong to them, hurts someone, etc) and they have any THC in their system, feel free to advocate for harsher punishment under the law or higher civil penalties. That way, we're sending the message that doing drugs is a potentially dangerous activity that can lead to negative consequences...without screwing with the guy in his living room that hasn't harmed a soul.

Whatda say?
until there is an objective and standardized testing to determine the amount of THC that is in a person's system and a legal limit is set by law, there should not be legalzation Marijanuna for anything except strictly controlled medical use.

If an adult is sitting in their own living room in their own house, what difference does the level of THC in their system make and why is it any of your business?

May I suggest an objective standard? If a person infringes on the rights of another (takes what doesn't belong to them, hurts someone, etc) and they have any THC in their system, feel free to advocate for harsher punishment under the law or higher civil penalties. That way, we're sending the message that doing drugs is a potentially dangerous activity that can lead to negative consequences...without screwing with the guy in his living room that hasn't harmed a soul.

Whatda say?

i'd go along with that, but possibly such a standard should also apply to taking prescription drugs and anything that influences ones state of mind and judgement etc...
of course then we would need to discuss caffeine and sugar levels lol...just sayin...

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