Gun sales will be specifically marked by credit companies to help monitor purchases

They cannot grab what they do not know exist.

Also, this is my POTUS voting record, list which of these advocated coming after our guns...

Jorgensen - 2020
Johnson - 2016
Johnson - 2012
Barr - 2008
Badnarik - 2004
Browne - 2000
Perot. - 1996
Clinton - 1992
Bush I- 1988
Reagan -1984
You're right. It will never ever happen.
It is really interesting to watch the leftists here cheer and applaud the ever increasing police state.......and people wonder how the nazis were able to take control and murder 15 million people.....?
More ignorance, lies, and dishonesty from the right.

Private credit card companies are just that: private – not the government, not the state, possessing no police powers.
More ignorance, lies, and dishonesty from the right.

Private credit card companies are just that: private – not the government, not the state, possessing no police powers.

More ignorance, lies, and dishonesty from KK Klayton.
And when they go door to door grabbing guns, you will be first and totally willing to comply. You voted for it.

Credit card companies are going to go door-to-door ‘grabbing’ guns?

And private credit card companies aren’t subject to voting.

Too funny – most conservatives truly are this stupid and dishonest.

Credit card companies are going to go door-to-door ‘grabbing’ guns?

And private credit card companies aren’t subject to voting.

Too funny – most conservatives truly are this stupid and dishonest.

Yet more deceit from KK Klayton. The government goes to the CC company, demands the records, which they happily give, then the government goes door to door.


But you already knew that. You are just a little camp guard wannabe.
They cannot grab what they do not know exist.

Also, this is my POTUS voting record, list which of these advocated coming after our guns...

Jorgensen - 2020
Johnson - 2016
Johnson - 2012
Barr - 2008
Badnarik - 2004
Browne - 2000
Perot. - 1996
Clinton - 1992
Bush I- 1988
Reagan -1984
Was Johnson the stoner who couldn't name a single foreign leader?
‘The government’ likely already knows – and doesn’t care.

It’s the same non-issue as your wireless provider being in possession of your personal information, whom you call, what you buy online.

And the Govt has been using our cellphone data to track us and spy on us for a while. Not really the best example of a nothing burger.
And the Govt has been using our cellphone data to track us and spy on us for a while. Not really the best example of a nothing burger.
Actually, it is.

That ‘the government’ might track us and spy on us is unrelated what action ‘the government’ can take.

Now, if ‘the government’ starts arresting and detaining people with that data absent probable cause and a warrant – that would be an issue.

You may not like ‘the government’ tracking you and spying on you, you may think it wrong and an invasion of your privacy – but absent government action to take your liberty, you’d have no Constitutional recourse.

Of course, you’re at liberty to oppose ‘the government’ tracking you and spying on you by voting for politicians who will end intelligence gathering operations and demanding that elected officials stop. government surveillance of citizens.

And the same is true with this credit card policy concerning guns – whatever information ‘the government’ might have doesn’t mean it can act on that information.
Actually, it is.

That ‘the government’ might track us and spy on us is unrelated what action ‘the government’ can take.

It is not a might, it is a fact.

Now, if ‘the government’ starts arresting and detaining people with that data absent probable cause and a warrant – that would be an issue.

Would it? Would you give a shit?

You may not like ‘the government’ tracking you and spying on you, you may think it wrong and an invasion of your privacy – but absent government action to take your liberty, you’d have no Constitutional recourse

Of course I do, we have a Constitution for a reason and it forbids such things, even if they do not arrest me.

Of course, you’re at liberty to oppose ‘the government’ tracking you and spying on you by voting for politicians who will end intelligence gathering operations and demanding that elected officials stop. government surveillance of citizens.

I do, but there are too many people like you that just do not give a fuck, so mine lose.
It is not a might, it is a fact.

Would it? Would you give a shit?

Of course I do, we have a Constitution for a reason and it forbids such things, even if they do not arrest me.

I do, but there are too many people like you that just do not give a fuck, so mine lose.

Well, to a fascist like KK Klayton there is no amount of power that is too much for the government.

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