Gun sales will be specifically marked by credit companies to help monitor purchases

Aren't there enough forms to fill out when purchasing a firearm from a retail outlet? How does "monitoring purchases" help society? Shouldn't we monitor purchases of prescription drugs and alcohol and tobacco products?
It's not a hole, it's great feature. ;)

Besides the ATM companies have backed down since this old-ass thread was first posted by the resident leftist.

Another leftist dry hole.....You people should be right tired from the digging. :laughing0301:
You’re highlighting the work arounds. That is a hole in the system. All cash sales with no background checks. Brilliant! What could go wrong? :dunno:
It's not a hole, it's great feature. ;)

Besides the ATM companies have backed down since this old-ass thread was first posted by the resident leftist.

Another leftist dry hole.....You people should be right tired from the digging. :laughing0301:
LOl@resident leftist! show where the 'backing down' is taking place..since I just posted a link that shows Discover is implementing this procedure starting in April?

LOl@resident leftist! show where the 'backing down' is taking place..since I just posted a link that shows Discover is implementing this procedure starting in April?
Nobody in the "gun nut" world even takes Discover. They have sucked for a very long time.
Monitor purchases of cars and trucks that don't conform to environmental standards? How about gas purchases? Are you using too much energy? The sky is the limit when it comes to monitoring American purchases.
So...I knew this was it's real! Best break out the cash, gun nutz...Uncle be watching your cc bill!

Gun sales will be specifically earmarked in transaction histories, Visa Inc. announced on Sept. 10. It's a decision that will (hopefully) prevent these purchases from flying under the radar of investigators and help pinpoint suspicious sales surges. The change was also adopted by credit giants MasterCard and American Express.
The decision comes after a Sept. 9 announcement by the International Standards Organization, a global body that establishes standards across the financial services industry, that gun and ammunition merchandisers would be recategorized with their own commerce codes. Previously, these sales were lumped in with "general merchandise" or "miscellaneous" sales, or categorized under "sporting good stores" in a kind of recreational gray area. Now, the four-digit code for gun and ammunition sales will explicitly state the customer's transaction.
According to Guns Down America, a national gun violence prevention organization focused on legislative advocacy and reducing gun sales, many of the nation's worst mass shooting events — like those in Aurora, San Bernardino, Orlando, and Las Vegas — involved electronic payments for weapons and ammunition. Just in 2022, there have been more than 39,000 gun-related deaths and 425 mass shootings in the United States, according to the Gun Violence Archive.

"We could identify and detect where there may be gun sales that are intended for black markets, where we see patterns of gun purchases being made in multiple gun shops. We could see the patterns of behavior that would indicate to us that there is something not right here," explained Amalgamated Bank CEO Priscilla Sims Brown to CBS News during its investigation. "We have an obligation to address crime that is being facilitated through our system."

The fucking morons thought they could get the pot smokers this way too.

No one fucking cares. Anyone can buy weapons with cash, crypto, or just trade for weed.

Fuck the banks. No one needs em.
So...I knew this was it's real! Best break out the cash, gun nutz...Uncle be watching your cc bill!

Gun sales will be specifically earmarked in transaction histories, Visa Inc. announced on Sept. 10. It's a decision that will (hopefully) prevent these purchases from flying under the radar of investigators and help pinpoint suspicious sales surges. The change was also adopted by credit giants MasterCard and American Express.
The decision comes after a Sept. 9 announcement by the International Standards Organization, a global body that establishes standards across the financial services industry, that gun and ammunition merchandisers would be recategorized with their own commerce codes. Previously, these sales were lumped in with "general merchandise" or "miscellaneous" sales, or categorized under "sporting good stores" in a kind of recreational gray area. Now, the four-digit code for gun and ammunition sales will explicitly state the customer's transaction.
According to Guns Down America, a national gun violence prevention organization focused on legislative advocacy and reducing gun sales, many of the nation's worst mass shooting events — like those in Aurora, San Bernardino, Orlando, and Las Vegas — involved electronic payments for weapons and ammunition. Just in 2022, there have been more than 39,000 gun-related deaths and 425 mass shootings in the United States, according to the Gun Violence Archive.

"We could identify and detect where there may be gun sales that are intended for black markets, where we see patterns of gun purchases being made in multiple gun shops. We could see the patterns of behavior that would indicate to us that there is something not right here," explained Amalgamated Bank CEO Priscilla Sims Brown to CBS News during its investigation. "We have an obligation to address crime that is being facilitated through our system."
Sounds/looks like the gun peril has passed...what's next?
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So...I knew this was it's real! Best break out the cash, gun nutz...Uncle be watching your cc bill!

Gun sales will be specifically earmarked in transaction histories, Visa Inc. announced on Sept. 10. It's a decision that will (hopefully) prevent these purchases from flying under the radar of investigators and help pinpoint suspicious sales surges. The change was also adopted by credit giants MasterCard and American Express.
The decision comes after a Sept. 9 announcement by the International Standards Organization, a global body that establishes standards across the financial services industry, that gun and ammunition merchandisers would be recategorized with their own commerce codes. Previously, these sales were lumped in with "general merchandise" or "miscellaneous" sales, or categorized under "sporting good stores" in a kind of recreational gray area. Now, the four-digit code for gun and ammunition sales will explicitly state the customer's transaction.
According to Guns Down America, a national gun violence prevention organization focused on legislative advocacy and reducing gun sales, many of the nation's worst mass shooting events — like those in Aurora, San Bernardino, Orlando, and Las Vegas — involved electronic payments for weapons and ammunition. Just in 2022, there have been more than 39,000 gun-related deaths and 425 mass shootings in the United States, according to the Gun Violence Archive.

"We could identify and detect where there may be gun sales that are intended for black markets, where we see patterns of gun purchases being made in multiple gun shops. We could see the patterns of behavior that would indicate to us that there is something not right here," explained Amalgamated Bank CEO Priscilla Sims Brown to CBS News during its investigation. "We have an obligation to address crime that is being facilitated through our system."
The filthy ass Libtards think that adhering to the Bill of Rights is "something not right here".
That's why larger gun shops are installing ATM machines in their shops.....They have been a staple at gun shows in my AO for years.

Make Cash Great Again. ;)
I use my cc almost exclusively for fuel purchases. I would never use it for anything gun related. I use cash only for those purchases and whenever possible, there is not a record of the sale.
Hmm...fewer guns out there, maybe less school shooting. This will surely piss off a huge majority of right wingers who are always pretending that they give a shit about the sanctity of life. They don't. The fetus...yes, human lives hell no including children of any age.
You have extremely stringent gun laws in all of the jurisdictions where these school shootings have happened. They have been ineffective because you morons refuse to address the root cause--mental health. Every time that subject is breached the left says "no, no, no, it's the gun..." It ain't the gun moron. The worst mass killing in US history was in OKC. 168 dead over 300 maimed and there was no gun used. Just a rental truck and some easily obtainable fertilizer and diesel. Are you going to ban those next or just continue with the same old tired line---"but, but guns..."
You have extremely stringent gun laws in all of the jurisdictions where these school shootings have happened.

No you don't.

They have been ineffective because you morons refuse to address the root cause--mental health. Every time that subject is breached the left says "no, no, no, it's the gun..." It ain't the gun moron. The worst mass killing in US history was in OKC. 168 dead over 300 maimed and there was no gun used. Just a rental truck and some easily obtainable fertilizer and diesel. Are you going to ban those next or just continue with the same old tired line---"but, but guns..."

I agree on addressing mental health as the main answer.
Illegally as well.
I believe if you did some research, the VAST majority, if not all of the recent mass shootings were carried out by legal firearms in states WITH background checks that the left has clamored for and refused to enforce. The left has also willfully disregarded the mental health of the perpetrators i.e. the trans perpetrator who carried out the Christian school shootings in TN. Try again and do be less ignorant in your next post.

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