Gunman shoots 7 in rural Pennsylvania

I think its telling that so many of you focus your entire attention on the issue of GUNS.

That really is about all some of you care about isn't it?

And ya'll wonder why I think of youse guys as gun QUEERS?

They threw theis old man out of his home.

And you think the issue is about GUNS?!!?

You gun freaks are worthless citizens.

They threw this guy out of his HOME boys.

Yes, they did...

The Pocono Record newspaper reported in a story on June 10 that Newell, after an 18-year battle, had been ordered last year to vacate his property, which was called an eyesore by the board of supervisors, the elected body that sets policies and laws for the community of 5,400.

According to the Pocono Record, Newell got a building permit from the township to have a storage structure on his property, but then built a residence without getting a proper permit.

The newspaper said neighbors filed complaints about the property, including one of human fecal matter in buckets, the Record said.

The township ruled he was improperly disposing of sewage with no septic system, according to the newspaper. Newell said he couldn't afford septic hookup fees, it said.

People like you can find racism in any statement. Maybe the punks he was referring to were the burglars in the area, which was what he mistook Martin for. The burglars had been described as young black men.

Gee, how could he "mistook" Trayvon for a burglar?

Well. He was black.


Considering the potential burglars seen before by others were young and black, I dont see racism here, as we have apt proof that zimmerman was not a racist.

YOU see racism everywhere, because as a properly trained liberal tool, your pavlovian reflex has been set to see it everywhere.

People like you can find racism in any statement. Maybe the punks he was referring to were the burglars in the area, which was what he mistook Martin for. The burglars had been described as young black men.

Gee, how could he "mistook" Trayvon for a burglar?

Well. He was black.


I guess it had nothing to do with the fact he was out at night peeking in windows. It has been reported that when the he was suspended from school they opened Trayvon's locker and found burglary tools. Zimmerman thought the kid was acting suspicious and he called the cops. Trayvon wasn't just walking home. He was casing the neighborhood. Why else would Zimmerman call the cops? The "Candy" Trayvon bought was two of the ingredients used in making a drug laced drink that urban hoods use to get high called "Lean". This has all been discussed at length.

I guess it had nothing to do with the fact he was out at night peeking in windows. It has been reported that when the he was suspended from school they opened Trayvon's locker and found burglary tools. Zimmerman thought the kid was acting suspicious and he called the cops. Trayvon wasn't just walking home. He was casing the neighborhood. Why else would Zimmerman call the cops? The "Candy" Trayvon bought was two of the ingredients used in making a drug laced drink that urban hoods use to get high called "Lean". This has all been discussed at length.

Guy, I haven't heard such exaggeration since the Killer Rabbit in MOnty Python.

"Burglary Tools". They found ONE screwdriver in his locker.

the stuff about "Lean" is a typical exaggeration. These kids and their rap music and that shit.

Come on. Zimmerman was a bully who was losing a fight he started, and he shot a kid.

Now he'll be looking over his shoulder for the rest of his miserable life.

People like you can find racism in any statement. Maybe the punks he was referring to were the burglars in the area, which was what he mistook Martin for. The burglars had been described as young black men.

Gee, how could he "mistook" Trayvon for a burglar?

Well. He was black.


I hate to break it do you, but people have a right to be racist if they want to be.

Just because someone *may* be a racist doesn't give anyone else the right to attack or attempt to kill him.
I think its telling that so many of you focus your entire attention on the issue of GUNS.

That really is about all some of you care about isn't it?

And ya'll wonder why I think of youse guys as gun QUEERS?

They threw theis old man out of his home.

And you think the issue is about GUNS?!!?

You gun freaks are worthless citizens.

They threw this guy out of his HOME boys.

So anyone who gets evicted has the right to go on a murdering spree?

I agree it isn't about guns at all, its just another case of a derranged liberal meltdown.
His home was seized by an oppressive regime.
He was not evicted through his own fault, his home was taken by an oppressive and avaricious government.
And you say he is wrong?
Seizing homes was the first thing the nazis did during the holocaust.
You would deny the Jews the right to defend their lives?

Murdering people in a town meeting is wrong, yes. I can't believe you would condone such a thing.

I am not saying what the town did was right, I haven't read all the facts on it yet. If he was wronged, then he should of gotten a lawyer.

And none of this has bum fuck to do with Nazis in the 1930's.
So anyone who gets evicted has the right to go on a murdering spree?

I agree it isn't about guns at all, its just another case of a derranged liberal meltdown.
His home was seized by an oppressive regime.
He was not evicted through his own fault, his home was taken by an oppressive and avaricious government.
And you say he is wrong?
Seizing homes was the first thing the nazis did during the holocaust.
You would deny the Jews the right to defend their lives?

Murdering people in a town meeting is wrong, yes. I can't believe you would condone such a thing.

I am not saying what the town did was right, I haven't read all the facts on it yet. If he was wronged, then he should of gotten a lawyer.

And none of this has bum fuck to do with Nazis in the 1930's.

This is a case that went on for 18 years. Apparently he didn't have a septic tank and had buckets of human feces in his yard. Apparently he built a house which wasn't in accordance to the building codes. He had 18 years to fix the problem or move away or compromise or something. We all have to work with each other; we all have to abide by the laws as they are written. If you can't, then you need to move on, go live in the middle of the wilderness or desert or some place w/o building codes. The very last thing you do is go get a gun and blow people away because things didn't go your way.
So, a good guy with a firearm stopped a bad guy with a firearm...

Color me shocked.

I would have thought the 'gun free zone' placard would have done the trick...:eusa_whistle:

No, that is not what happened;

3 killed in Pennsylvania town hall shooting -

"Bernie bearhugged him and took him down. He shot (the assailant) with his own gun," Reber said.

Shhhh.... they need their fantasies about Gun-toting superheroes like George Zimmerman.

Oh you mean the other democrat?

What makes him a leftist? A) Not abiding by zoning regulations sounds libertarian. B) RWers are always saying leftists don't own or know how to use guns.
See this topic:

“I am a Liberal & I don’t mind violent criminals in jail its Pot smokers & non violent crimes such as prostitution, protesting that I don’t want to see people in jail for,” they wrote. “if you bring an AR15 to a public meeting & parade around with it you should go to jail I believe in the second amendment, but there is a difference between the second amendment & terrorizing people!”

Rockne Newell: Facebook Rantings Came Before Shooting | TPMDC
His home was seized by an oppressive regime.
He was not evicted through his own fault, his home was taken by an oppressive and avaricious government.
And you say he is wrong?
Seizing homes was the first thing the nazis did during the holocaust.
You would deny the Jews the right to defend their lives?

Murdering people in a town meeting is wrong, yes. I can't believe you would condone such a thing.

I am not saying what the town did was right, I haven't read all the facts on it yet. If he was wronged, then he should of gotten a lawyer.

And none of this has bum fuck to do with Nazis in the 1930's.

Homeless guy living in a car, all his equity seized by the government.
Ok, he will have no problem paying the thousands of dollars a lawyer demands!!
If the people he shot were the avaricious home grabbers and tyrannical decision makers I'm fine with it.
He was being oppressed by tyrants who were seizing his property.

Much as the Jews in Europe were being oppressed by tyrants who were seizing their property back in the early 1930s.
I see no difference.
Tyranny is tyranny.

Your argument is we should bend over and take what is forced upon us unless we can buy our way out?

You are making a lot of assumptions that don't seem to be warranted by the facts. Have you read the details of the case???

Comparing this to what Hitler did to the Jews is not appropriate. Killing people because he lost his legal battles with the town council is not the answer at all, not at all!!
So now you're saying George Zimmerman doesn't exist?

Nope. I'm saying a racist asshole who shoots an unarmed black kid buying candy isn't a "hero", except to the crazy gun-toting right...

The unarmed kid( race not relevant) launched a murderous assault on Zimmerman for no reason.
A well placed punch can kill.
His lack of armament too is not an issue.
Exactly correct.
"Means" to kill someone does not necessitate possession of a weapon.

Joe hates the fact that he has to lie to make a point - but, like a good little troll, he doesn't care as people always pay attention to him when he does.
Looking the photos of his property, the shooter was a lazy, dirty packrat (horder). This automatically makes him mentally ill.

Unfortunately, he was an anti-social psychopath as well and wanted to kill more people before he was stopped.

If one of people at the meeting had have been armed, it may have kept the psycho from doing as much damage.
His home was seized by an oppressive regime.
He was not evicted through his own fault, his home was taken by an oppressive and avaricious government.
And you say he is wrong?
Seizing homes was the first thing the nazis did during the holocaust.
You would deny the Jews the right to defend their lives?

Murdering people in a town meeting is wrong, yes. I can't believe you would condone such a thing.

I am not saying what the town did was right, I haven't read all the facts on it yet. If he was wronged, then he should of gotten a lawyer.

And none of this has bum fuck to do with Nazis in the 1930's.

Homeless guy living in a car, all his equity seized by the government.
Ok, he will have no problem paying the thousands of dollars a lawyer demands!!
If the people he shot were the avaricious home grabbers and tyrannical decision makers I'm fine with it.
He was being oppressed by tyrants who were seizing his property.

Much as the Jews in Europe were being oppressed by tyrants who were seizing their property back in the early 1930s.
I see no difference.
Tyranny is tyranny.

Your argument is we should bend over and take what is forced upon us unless we can buy our way out?

He had options. Put in a septic system or dont live on the property.
You cant have someone dumping humane waste all over the damn place. Would you want to live next door to that? I damn sure wouldn't.
Had he not alienated all his neighbors and half the town I bet he could have received some help with the issue.
If one of people at the meeting had have been armed, it may have kept the psycho from doing as much damage.


It was a 'gun free zone', thereby ensuring no good guys were armed. Shockingly, the crazy fuck ignored the law...
Homeless guy living in a car, all his equity seized by the government.
Ok, he will have no problem paying the thousands of dollars a lawyer demands!!
If the people he shot were the avaricious home grabbers and tyrannical decision makers I'm fine with it.
He was being oppressed by tyrants who were seizing his property.

Much as the Jews in Europe were being oppressed by tyrants who were seizing their property back in the early 1930s.
I see no difference.
Tyranny is tyranny.

Your argument is we should bend over and take what is forced upon us unless we can buy our way out?

He had options. Put in a septic system or dont live on the property.
You cant have someone dumping humane waste all over the damn place. Would you want to live next door to that? I damn sure wouldn't.
Had he not alienated all his neighbors and half the town I bet he could have received some help with the issue.
He had a website asking people to help.
Interesting how you don't see that!!
Oh and since when was 2 ports potties considered to be human waste all over the place?
More press and their skittles!!!
More government tyranny.

This has been going on for 18 years. The guy did nothing to make the situation better in all those years.
You cant have people thumbing their nose at local code violations especially when you consider it's a health issue.
What happens when a neighbor gets sick from his humane waste? The city will get the shit(no pun intended)sued out of them for not enforcing city code.
If the guy wants to live like a hermit he needs to move out in the boonies where nobody would give a shit(again no pun intended) what he did.

Do I like that they seized his property? Of course not,but he did nothing to improve the situation.
I am of the mind that it's his property, he should be able to do what he wants with it.

Your rights end at his property line.
I am of the mind that it's his property, he should be able to do what he wants with it.

Your rights end at his property line.

I would agree if it was out in the country. It appears he had neighbors,and lived within the city limits.
I'm all for private property rights,as long as your not destroying the property values and possibly the health of your neighbors.
I would like to think they could have come up with an equitable solution to the problem but the guys mental state may not have made that possible.

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