Gunman shoots 7 in rural Pennsylvania

So...was the shooter black? Lately that is all I have seen in here . So I ask again, was he black? If not, thanks op. You posted a story about a gun nut white guy who by the way was killed by his own gun.

Poor Zona. The guy isn't black so he assumes he is a right wing nut.

The guy was a rabid liberal just like you.
Nope. I'm saying a racist asshole who shoots an unarmed black kid buying candy isn't a "hero", except to the crazy gun-toting right...

The unarmed kid( race not relevant) launched a murderous assault on Zimmerman for no reason.
A well placed punch can kill.
His lack of armament too is not an issue.
Exactly correct.
"Means" to kill someone does not necessitate possession of a weapon.

Joe hates the fact that he has to lie to make a point - but, like a good little troll, he doesn't care as people always pay attention to him when he does.

Guy, Zimmerman stalked this kid, cornered him, and then got his ass kicked in a fight, and decided that he was such a pussy, he had to shoot a smaller, weaker child who got the better of him.

And a racist justice system let him off.

But not to worry. You gun whacks have a new hero, fighting against oppressive gummits.
The unarmed kid( race not relevant) launched a murderous assault on Zimmerman for no reason.
A well placed punch can kill.
His lack of armament too is not an issue.
Exactly correct.
"Means" to kill someone does not necessitate possession of a weapon.

Joe hates the fact that he has to lie to make a point - but, like a good little troll, he doesn't care as people always pay attention to him when he does.

Guy, Zimmerman stalked this kid, cornered him, and then got his ass kicked in a fight, and decided that he was such a pussy, he had to shoot a smaller, weaker child who got the better of him.

And a racist justice system let him off.

But not to worry. You gun whacks have a new hero, fighting against oppressive gummits.

As Lionel Barrymoore famously said, "Sentimental hogwash!!":2up:

Fortunately for ZMan, he knew the law.......which of course never matters to progressive assholes who would burn our constitution tomorrow if given the chance.

Frankly, nobody talks about the fact that ZMan only took ONE shot.:eek: Frankly, ZMan got lucky. that situation you empty your magazine on the punk as you have a duty to get home to your family.
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The unarmed kid( race not relevant) launched a murderous assault on Zimmerman for no reason.
A well placed punch can kill.
His lack of armament too is not an issue.
Exactly correct.
"Means" to kill someone does not necessitate possession of a weapon.

Joe hates the fact that he has to lie to make a point - but, like a good little troll, he doesn't care as people always pay attention to him when he does.

Guy, Zimmerman stalked this kid, cornered him, and then got his ass kicked in a fight, and decided that he was such a pussy, he had to shoot a smaller, weaker child who got the better of him.

And a racist justice system let him off.

But not to worry. You gun whacks have a new hero, fighting against oppressive gummits.

Well its good to know that if you ever get jumped by a thug who bashes your brains in and yells "i'ma kill you cracka" you'll do the right thing and let him proceed.
Exactly correct.
"Means" to kill someone does not necessitate possession of a weapon.

Joe hates the fact that he has to lie to make a point - but, like a good little troll, he doesn't care as people always pay attention to him when he does.

Guy, Zimmerman stalked this kid, cornered him, and then got his ass kicked in a fight, and decided that he was such a pussy, he had to shoot a smaller, weaker child who got the better of him.

And a racist justice system let him off.

But not to worry. You gun whacks have a new hero, fighting against oppressive gummits.

Well its good to know that if you ever get jumped by a thug who bashes your brains in and yells "i'ma kill you cracka" you'll do the right thing and let him proceed.

Well, I wouldn't be out there following him in the middle of the night.

Frankly, most teens I've encountered treat me with respect.
So the press tell us, so the government tell us!!
Lets talk about Skittles!
Completely infallible, right!!

i do not care about the press nor the government

i need neither to know if my neighbors actions are harming my family

If they are. Do something.

This story has more to it than your press/government are allowing you.
This clown lived there for years.
After 4 ish years new homes were built near his home.
They didn't like him and started a campaign against him.

Wealthy liberal suburbanites didn't like living close to real people who did not conform.
The story is invention.
It's about suburban snobbery, nothing else.
Buckets of shit everywhere?

ONE chamber pot!!!

If thats the case the guy got screwed. It's kind of like buying a house near an airport.
You new it was there when you bought the place,so no bitching.
But on the flip side...if the laws were in place when HE bought the place? He knew going in he had to have a septic system.
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So the press tell us, so the government tell us!!
Lets talk about Skittles!
Completely infallible, right!!

i do not care about the press nor the government

i need neither to know if my neighbors actions are harming my family

If they are. Do something.

This story has more to it than your press/government are allowing you.
This clown lived there for years.
After 4 ish years new homes were built near his home.
They didn't like him and started a campaign against him.

Wealthy liberal suburbanites didn't like living close to real people who did not conform.
The story is invention.
It's about suburban snobbery, nothing else.
Buckets of shit everywhere?

ONE chamber pot!!!

that much is true

rich libs do not like dealing with poor libs up close

but is it snobbery or pack mentality with twisted rings of deceit

all moot at this point since this kooky lib dealt with the rich libs

in a inappropriate fashion

mostly it is kooky libs acting badly with firearms

that give firearm owners a bad rap
For those of us interesting more in the blow by blow facts than simply deciding based on some abstract legal principle you believe?

Decades-long property battle ended with Newell losing land on July 25 |

Reads to me like a poor, somewhat crazy guy created a public health hazard and after many years of trying to deal with it, the county took his property based on "fines" they'd levied on him during the legal proceedings.

And this guy (clearly not wrapped all that tight in the first place) lost it and started hunting down those who'd TAKEN HIS HOME.

IDEALOGUES please take note.

When SOME POOR PEOPLE lose A BATTLE WITH THOSE IN POWER they do not all simply vanish.

Some of them fight back.
I remember Steve Martin's comments in his movie "The Jerk": "You can tell so much about a person by the way they live, and just looking around here I can tell you are a genuinely dirty person."

Yes the Leftist media does distort things, but the photo-montage in the article left little doubt. I think the locals, not the Feds should dispense justice.

He is both mentally ill (Horder), and a murderous psychopath...which is a personality disorder. I'd initiate treatment ASAP with a good length of Hemp rope....

Oh look, I make a point, you respond with abuse.
Liberalism is your forte.
All my homes would make your vile shack look like a complete shithole.
My infants bedroom in my city residence probably has artwork on the walls more valuable than your home!!
Then my hunting camp in Maine, weekend home in the UK Pennines, home on Boston's south shore, boat on cape cod and retreat in Zambia.
All cleaner than the hovel your shit stain vile wife keeps for you!!
You wife fucking stinks!!
Your kids are worse!

Uh oh, watch out. From the rules:

No Attacks on family members.

It's okay, I'm a big boy and I am unfazed.

I can only laugh because I live very comfortably in one of the nicest subdivisons in the state and have stayed married for over 20 years.

You'd think with all of Pauli's riches he could afford a sense of humor. Maybe not.
Guy, Zimmerman stalked this kid, cornered him, and then got his ass kicked in a fight, and decided that he was such a pussy, he had to shoot a smaller, weaker child who got the better of him.

And a racist justice system let him off.

But not to worry. You gun whacks have a new hero, fighting against oppressive gummits.

Well its good to know that if you ever get jumped by a thug who bashes your brains in and yells "i'ma kill you cracka" you'll do the right thing and let him proceed.

Well, I wouldn't be out there following him in the middle of the night.

Frankly, most teens I've encountered treat me with respect.

Of course not, you'd be hiding in your house if someone was prowling around your neighborhood.

I guess since "most teens" treat you with respect, that means none are capable of assault and threatening people's lives. :cuckoo:
Well its good to know that if you ever get jumped by a thug who bashes your brains in and yells "i'ma kill you cracka" you'll do the right thing and let him proceed.

Well, I wouldn't be out there following him in the middle of the night.

Frankly, most teens I've encountered treat me with respect.

Of course not, you'd be hiding in your house if someone was prowling around your neighborhood.

I guess since "most teens" treat you with respect, that means none are capable of assault and threatening people's lives. :cuckoo:

Trayvon was only a threat because Paul Blart Zimmerman stalked him, cornered him adn then didn't bother to identify himself.

Look, even if you accept the verdict (and I don't) Zimmerman's own bad judgement was the cause of this tragedy.
Well, I wouldn't be out there following him in the middle of the night.

Frankly, most teens I've encountered treat me with respect.

Of course not, you'd be hiding in your house if someone was prowling around your neighborhood.

I guess since "most teens" treat you with respect, that means none are capable of assault and threatening people's lives. :cuckoo:

Trayvon was only a threat because Paul Blart Zimmerman stalked him, cornered him adn then didn't bother to identify himself.

Look, even if you accept the verdict (and I don't) Zimmerman's own bad judgement was the cause of this tragedy.

Poor wittle twavon made a baaaad decision..Should of wee,weed all the way home and stayed there. He could have been drinking his watermelon tea from a sippy cup,and shoving skittles up his nose and lived happily ever after....Oh well,No big loss.
Well, I wouldn't be out there following him in the middle of the night.

Frankly, most teens I've encountered treat me with respect.

Of course not, you'd be hiding in your house if someone was prowling around your neighborhood.

I guess since "most teens" treat you with respect, that means none are capable of assault and threatening people's lives. :cuckoo:

Trayvon was only a threat because Paul Blart Zimmerman stalked him, cornered him adn then didn't bother to identify himself.

Look, even if you accept the verdict (and I don't) Zimmerman's own bad judgement was the cause of this tragedy.

How do you corner someone on a street? Trayvon could of run away easy. Instead he chose to hide, and jump Zimmerman.

The bad judgement was him jumping a man with a gun and trying to beat him to a pulp.

But to hell with the facts. Let's pretend the hispanic man is a racist white man. Let's pretend he shot Trayvon in the back multiple times.

All you liberals are the same, living in your dream world. Ignore the facts, and living in fantasy land.
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Of course not, you'd be hiding in your house if someone was prowling around your neighborhood.

I guess since "most teens" treat you with respect, that means none are capable of assault and threatening people's lives. :cuckoo:

Trayvon was only a threat because Paul Blart Zimmerman stalked him, cornered him adn then didn't bother to identify himself.

Look, even if you accept the verdict (and I don't) Zimmerman's own bad judgement was the cause of this tragedy.

How do you corner someone on a street? Trayvon could of run away easy. Instead he chose to hide, and jump Zimmerman.

The bad judgement was him jumping a man with a gun and trying to beat him to a pulp.

But to hell with the facts. Let's pretend the hispanic man is a racist white man. Let's pretend he shot Trayvon in the back multiple times.

All you liberals are the same, living in your dream world. Ignore the facts, and living in fantasy land.

Trayvon tried to run away. Zimmerman chased him down. After a cop told him not to.

Look, I know you guys need Zimmerman to be in the right. You need to really believe that your guns aren't a danger to yourselves and others.
Trayvon was only a threat because Paul Blart Zimmerman stalked him, cornered him adn then didn't bother to identify himself.

Look, even if you accept the verdict (and I don't) Zimmerman's own bad judgement was the cause of this tragedy.

How do you corner someone on a street? Trayvon could of run away easy. Instead he chose to hide, and jump Zimmerman.

The bad judgement was him jumping a man with a gun and trying to beat him to a pulp.

But to hell with the facts. Let's pretend the hispanic man is a racist white man. Let's pretend he shot Trayvon in the back multiple times.

All you liberals are the same, living in your dream world. Ignore the facts, and living in fantasy land.

Trayvon tried to run away. Zimmerman chased him down. After a cop told him not to.

Look, I know you guys need Zimmerman to be in the right. You need to really believe that your guns aren't a danger to yourselves and others.

lol, no I have never "needed" Zimmerman to be in the right. He is an Obama-voting Latino. If the evidence pointed to him being in the wrong, I would gladly condem his actions. But, I don't let my emotions override my sense of logic. As usual, you still can't get your facts straight: the evidence never suggested he "chased him down", nor did any cop "order" him not to follow him.

But, I see you're hell bent on believing the liberal media's spin story. It's quite clear that you're the one that needs Zimmerman to be in the wrong.

lol, no I have never "needed" Zimmerman to be in the right. He is an Obama-voting Latino. If the evidence pointed to him being in the wrong, I would gladly condem his actions. But, I don't let my emotions override my sense of logic. As usual, you still can't get your facts straight: the evidence never suggested he "chased him down", nor did any cop "order" him not to follow him.

But, I see you're hell bent on believing the liberal media's spin story. It's quite clear that you're the one that needs Zimmerman to be in the wrong.

A child was killed because a man with a history of violence was allowed to carry a gun on the street.

That's not spin, that's the reality.

If Zimmerman didn't have a gun, he wouldn't have shot Martin. He never would have had the "bravery" to chase down a kid who was "Walking While Black".

lol, no I have never "needed" Zimmerman to be in the right. He is an Obama-voting Latino. If the evidence pointed to him being in the wrong, I would gladly condem his actions. But, I don't let my emotions override my sense of logic. As usual, you still can't get your facts straight: the evidence never suggested he "chased him down", nor did any cop "order" him not to follow him.

But, I see you're hell bent on believing the liberal media's spin story. It's quite clear that you're the one that needs Zimmerman to be in the wrong.

A child was killed because a man with a history of violence was allowed to carry a gun on the street.

That's not spin, that's the reality.

If Zimmerman didn't have a gun, he wouldn't have shot Martin. He never would have had the "bravery" to chase down a kid who was "Walking While Black".

Bullshit, that is pure spin and you know it.

"A child" wasn't killed just because a man "was allowed to carry a gun on the street".

That statement completely ignores the FACT that the "child" assaulted the man and was bashing his head into the concrete. THAT, and that alone, is the reason he got shot.

lol, no I have never "needed" Zimmerman to be in the right. He is an Obama-voting Latino. If the evidence pointed to him being in the wrong, I would gladly condem his actions. But, I don't let my emotions override my sense of logic. As usual, you still can't get your facts straight: the evidence never suggested he "chased him down", nor did any cop "order" him not to follow him.

But, I see you're hell bent on believing the liberal media's spin story. It's quite clear that you're the one that needs Zimmerman to be in the wrong.

A child was killed because a man with a history of violence was allowed to carry a gun on the street.

That's not spin, that's the reality.

If Zimmerman didn't have a gun, he wouldn't have shot Martin. He never would have had the "bravery" to chase down a kid who was "Walking While Black".

Bullshit, that is pure spin and you know it.

"A child" wasn't killed just because a man "was allowed to carry a gun on the street".

That statement completely ignores the FACT that the "child" assaulted the man and was bashing his head into the concrete. THAT, and that alone, is the reason he got shot.

The child assaulted the man because the man stalked, chased and cornered him at night. All without identifying himself.

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