Gunman shoots 7 in rural Pennsylvania

He had a website asking people to help.
Interesting how you don't see that!!
Oh and since when was 2 ports potties considered to be human waste all over the place?
More press and their skittles!!!
More government tyranny.

This has been going on for 18 years. The guy did nothing to make the situation better in all those years.
You cant have people thumbing their nose at local code violations especially when you consider it's a health issue.
What happens when a neighbor gets sick from his humane waste? The city will get the shit(no pun intended)sued out of them for not enforcing city code.
If the guy wants to live like a hermit he needs to move out in the boonies where nobody would give a shit(again no pun intended) what he did.

Do I like that they seized his property? Of course not,but he did nothing to improve the situation.
Link to the 18 year old septic tank case?
Not some editorial story about innocent black kids and skittles, but you know, real facts, court dockets, court judgments and the like.
Let me repeat, he had a septic tank.
It developed problems 2 years ago and he struggled to find the money to repair it.
Look at the whole case, not the press skittles bullshit!

Terror at council meeting: 'I jumped him from behind' -

This article describes the shooting as well as giving some background information about this being an 18 year long problem, about the shooter defying building code and permit laws, & about a septic tank: "Newell said he couldn't afford septic hookup fees".

Where I come from (PNW) if you can't afford to keep your property up to local legal regulations, the same thing happens. They didn't take his property away immediately. He had 18 years to comply with the law and didn't. If a home owner hasn't got the money to keep up his/her property to legal standards, especially something that affects health and safety, the same thing happens to them. If you are going to own a home, you have to be able to afford to keep it up.

In any case, no matter how badly he felt he was treated, shooting and killing people is murder. There is no justification for this.

The shooter was not shot by a bystander. Two unarmed men tackled him and stopped the shooting rampage.
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The shooter was not shot by a bystander. Two unarmed men tackled him and stopped the shooting rampage.

Actually, he was.

From your own link:

Newell was also pinned to the ground on his stomach, with a gunshot wound...

The good guys, unable to arm themselves due to a 'gun free zone', had to take the firearm away from the bad guy...who shockingly ignored the rules.

Had the good guys been allowed to maintain their arms, there is every possibility they wouldn't have had to "tackle" the shooter. They could have simply ended him on the spot, potentially saving lives and injuries. Instead, we have multiple casualties and a crazy fucker that the tax payers get to support for the rest of his life.

Ah the logic of gun free zones...:doubt:
People used privies for years. It the guy want's to take a dump in an outhouse and live like uncle Jed then more power to him.
The shooter was not shot by a bystander. Two unarmed men tackled him and stopped the shooting rampage.

Actually, he was.

From your own link:

Newell was also pinned to the ground on his stomach, with a gunshot wound...

The good guys, unable to arm themselves due to a 'gun free zone', had to take the firearm away from the bad guy...who shockingly ignored the rules.

Had the good guys been allowed to maintain their arms, there is every possibility they wouldn't have had to "tackle" the shooter. They could have simply ended him on the spot, potentially saving lives and injuries. Instead, we have multiple casualties and a crazy fucker that the tax payers get to support for the rest of his life.

Ah the logic of gun free zones...:doubt:

Your 'logic' is ludicrous. He was stopped by two unarmed men who tackled him. He was shot accidently when they took the gun away from him. There was no need for the bystanders to have a gun to subdue him; they tackled him from behind. No one could have prevented the initial casualities because he took them by surprise and the shooting happened so fast.
The shooter was not shot by a bystander. Two unarmed men tackled him and stopped the shooting rampage.

Actually, he was.

From your own link:

Newell was also pinned to the ground on his stomach, with a gunshot wound...

The good guys, unable to arm themselves due to a 'gun free zone', had to take the firearm away from the bad guy...who shockingly ignored the rules.

Had the good guys been allowed to maintain their arms, there is every possibility they wouldn't have had to "tackle" the shooter. They could have simply ended him on the spot, potentially saving lives and injuries. Instead, we have multiple casualties and a crazy fucker that the tax payers get to support for the rest of his life.

Ah the logic of gun free zones...:doubt:

Your 'logic' is ludicrous. He was stopped by two unarmed men who tackled him. He was shot accidently when they took the gun away from him.

And you know this how? Link?

There was no need for the bystanders to have a gun to subdue him; they tackled him from behind. No one could have prevented the initial casualities because he took them by surprise and the shooting happened so fast.

You were there? How do you know an armed good guy wouldn't have stopped him sooner than the guys that had to result to tacking him?

Use your logic, if possible. What's a quicker way to stop someone, by tackling him or shooting him?
I am of the mind that it's his property, he should be able to do what he wants with it.

Your rights end at his property line.

I would agree if it was out in the country. It appears he had neighbors,and lived within the city limits.
I'm all for private property rights,as long as your not destroying the property values and possibly the health of your neighbors.
I would like to think they could have come up with an equitable solution to the problem but the guys mental state may not have made that possible.

Health, I agree. That certainly extends beyond a property line.

Property values? No so much.

If a nudie club opens, that destroys property value.

If the government puts in a 6 lane bypass, that destroys property value.

If the electric company installs a transmission line next door, that destroys property values.

Lots of thing one has little to no control over destroys property values.

Including what your neighbor does with his property.

You should have little or no control over that as well.

Unless it impacts you in other ways, i.e. rats, mosquitoes, that move onto your property...loud noise, smells.

If you don't like the looks of my place...don't look at it.

Build a fence.

Buy me out.
I am of the mind that it's his property, he should be able to do what he wants with it.

Your rights end at his property line.

I would agree if it was out in the country. It appears he had neighbors,and lived within the city limits.
I'm all for private property rights,as long as your not destroying the property values and possibly the health of your neighbors.
I would like to think they could have come up with an equitable solution to the problem but the guys mental state may not have made that possible.

Health, I agree. That certainly extends beyond a property line.

Property values? No so much.

If a nudie club opens, that destroys property value.

If the government puts in a 6 lane bypass, that destroys property value.

If the electric company installs a transmission line next door, that destroys property values.

Lots of thing one has little to no control over destroys property values.

Including what your neighbor does with his property.

You should have little or no control over that as well.

Unless it impacts you in other ways, i.e. rats, mosquitoes, that move onto your property...loud noise, smells.

If you don't like the looks of my place...don't look at it.

Build a fence.

Buy me out.

The thing is he didn't comply with local regulations. If you want to own property, anywhere, doesn't matter where, you have to comply with local regulations: we all do. Everyone. He fought with these people for 18 years. Why the hell didn't he just sell up and go some place where the regulations fit his lifestyle? Why wage an 18 year battle? And then, when he finally loses the battle, he kills people? And that's okay? That's justified because he didn't get his way? Are you all in favor of anarchy? Because that is what you are talking about if there are no laws.

Sounds to me like this guy had serious mental issues all along and was destined to never get along with people. They should have had him sectioned and then taken his property away: he was a menace. Now three people are dead. And, according to the article/link, not necessarily people who had anything directly or indirectly to do with this guy's problems. He is just the kind of nut who should never have been allowed to own a firearm.
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I would agree if it was out in the country. It appears he had neighbors,and lived within the city limits.
I'm all for private property rights,as long as your not destroying the property values and possibly the health of your neighbors.
I would like to think they could have come up with an equitable solution to the problem but the guys mental state may not have made that possible.

Health, I agree. That certainly extends beyond a property line.

Property values? No so much.

If a nudie club opens, that destroys property value.

If the government puts in a 6 lane bypass, that destroys property value.

If the electric company installs a transmission line next door, that destroys property values.

Lots of thing one has little to no control over destroys property values.

Including what your neighbor does with his property.

You should have little or no control over that as well.

Unless it impacts you in other ways, i.e. rats, mosquitoes, that move onto your property...loud noise, smells.

If you don't like the looks of my place...don't look at it.

Build a fence.

Buy me out.

The thing is he didn't comply with local regulations. If you want to own property, anywhere, doesn't matter where, you have to comply with local regulations: we all do. Everyone. He fought with these people for 18 years. Why the hell didn't he just sell up and go some place where the regulations fit his lifestyle? Why wage an 18 year battle? And then, when he finally loses the battle, he kills people? And that's okay? That's justified because he didn't get his way? Are you all in favor of anarchy? Because that is what you are talking about if there are no laws.

Sounds to me like this guy had serious mental issues all along and was destined to never get along with people. They should have had him sectioned and then taken his property away: he was a menace. Now three people are dead. And, according to the article/link, not necessarily people who had anything directly or indirectly to do with this guy's problems. He is just the kind of nut who should never have been allowed to own a firearm.


Why do we have to comply with local regulation?

Why are there local regulation?

Health? Sure, I get that.

Noise? Totally get that too.

But if I want to live in a teepee, grow corn in my front yard, and build a 15 foot high fence...what business is that of yours or the governments?

What right do you have to tell me what I can and cannot do on my own property?
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Health, I agree. That certainly extends beyond a property line.

Property values? No so much.

If a nudie club opens, that destroys property value.

If the government puts in a 6 lane bypass, that destroys property value.

If the electric company installs a transmission line next door, that destroys property values.

Lots of thing one has little to no control over destroys property values.

Including what your neighbor does with his property.

You should have little or no control over that as well.

Unless it impacts you in other ways, i.e. rats, mosquitoes, that move onto your property...loud noise, smells.

If you don't like the looks of my place...don't look at it.

Build a fence.

Buy me out.

The thing is he didn't comply with local regulations. If you want to own property, anywhere, doesn't matter where, you have to comply with local regulations: we all do. Everyone. He fought with these people for 18 years. Why the hell didn't he just sell up and go some place where the regulations fit his lifestyle? Why wage an 18 year battle? And then, when he finally loses the battle, he kills people? And that's okay? That's justified because he didn't get his way? Are you all in favor of anarchy? Because that is what you are talking about if there are no laws.

Sounds to me like this guy had serious mental issues all along and was destined to never get along with people. They should have had him sectioned and then taken his property away: he was a menace. Now three people are dead. And, according to the article/link, not necessarily people who had anything directly or indirectly to do with this guy's problems. He is just the kind of nut who should never have been allowed to own a firearm.


Why do we have to comply with local regulation?

Why are there local regulation?

Health? Sure, I get that.

Noise? Totally get that too.

But if I want to live in a teepee, grow corn in my front yard, and build a 15 foot high fence...what business is that of yours or the governments?

What right do you have to tell me what I can and cannot do on my own property?

Would have to know more about the situation as far as deed restrictions go.
If you buy property and you go in knowing the limits an rules and you break em you can expect a rash of shit.
If the old guy was there first and they moved in around him I would feel different about it.
The thing is he didn't comply with local regulations. If you want to own property, anywhere, doesn't matter where, you have to comply with local regulations: we all do. Everyone. He fought with these people for 18 years. Why the hell didn't he just sell up and go some place where the regulations fit his lifestyle? Why wage an 18 year battle? And then, when he finally loses the battle, he kills people? And that's okay? That's justified because he didn't get his way? Are you all in favor of anarchy? Because that is what you are talking about if there are no laws.

Sounds to me like this guy had serious mental issues all along and was destined to never get along with people. They should have had him sectioned and then taken his property away: he was a menace. Now three people are dead. And, according to the article/link, not necessarily people who had anything directly or indirectly to do with this guy's problems. He is just the kind of nut who should never have been allowed to own a firearm.


Why do we have to comply with local regulation?

Why are there local regulation?

Health? Sure, I get that.

Noise? Totally get that too.

But if I want to live in a teepee, grow corn in my front yard, and build a 15 foot high fence...what business is that of yours or the governments?

What right do you have to tell me what I can and cannot do on my own property?

Would have to know more about the situation as far as deed restrictions go.
If you buy property and you go in knowing the limits an rules and you break em you can expect a rash of shit.
If the old guy was there first and they moved in around him I would feel different about it.

I'm not talking about deed restrictions, or home owners associations.

I'm talking about the local government telling me what I can do with my own land.

What I can park in my own driveway.

How tall my fence can be.

What I can plant and where.

If this guy wanted to live in a shack...that's his business, not his neighbors, the community or the government.

If your property value goes now because he lives in a shack...that's not his problem, it's yours.
Looking the photos of his property, the shooter was a lazy, dirty packrat (horder). This automatically makes him mentally ill.

Unfortunately, he was an anti-social psychopath as well and wanted to kill more people before he was stopped.

If one of people at the meeting had have been armed, it may have kept the psycho from doing as much damage.

You call him a psychopath and mentally I'll, two contradicting descriptions.

Like calling a person a black whiteman!!

The stories put out are showing only one side, we have seen the press do this before.
Remember how a crazed white supremacist killed an innocent black child because the kids skittles offended him?

I'm calling it tyranny.
A government that drags people from their homes and discards them on the streets is avaricious and tyrannical.
To coin a liberal phrase, where's the compassion?

I remember Steve Martin's comments in his movie "The Jerk": "You can tell so much about a person by the way they live, and just looking around here I can tell you are a genuinely dirty person."

Yes the Leftist media does distort things, but the photo-montage in the article left little doubt. I think the locals, not the Feds should dispense justice.

He is both mentally ill (Horder), and a murderous psychopath...which is a personality disorder. I'd initiate treatment ASAP with a good length of Hemp rope....

Why do we have to comply with local regulation?

Why are there local regulation?

Health? Sure, I get that.

Noise? Totally get that too.

But if I want to live in a teepee, grow corn in my front yard, and build a 15 foot high fence...what business is that of yours or the governments?

What right do you have to tell me what I can and cannot do on my own property?

Would have to know more about the situation as far as deed restrictions go.
If you buy property and you go in knowing the limits an rules and you break em you can expect a rash of shit.
If the old guy was there first and they moved in around him I would feel different about it.

I'm not talking about deed restrictions, or home owners associations.

I'm talking about the local government telling me what I can do with my own land.

What I can park in my own driveway.

How tall my fence can be.

What I can plant and where.

If this guy wanted to live in a shack...that's his business, not his neighbors, the community or the government.

If your property value goes now because he lives in a shack...that's not his problem, it's yours.

Not sure why city codes would be any different then deed restrictions. If they were there when you bought the property I'm not sure how you can complain.
If the city grew up around him he has a legit bitch.

Why do we have to comply with local regulation?

Why are there local regulation?

Health? Sure, I get that.

Noise? Totally get that too.

But if I want to live in a teepee, grow corn in my front yard, and build a 15 foot high fence...what business is that of yours or the governments?

What right do you have to tell me what I can and cannot do on my own property?

Would have to know more about the situation as far as deed restrictions go.
If you buy property and you go in knowing the limits an rules and you break em you can expect a rash of shit.
If the old guy was there first and they moved in around him I would feel different about it.

I'm not talking about deed restrictions, or home owners associations.

I'm talking about the local government telling me what I can do with my own land.

What I can park in my own driveway.

How tall my fence can be.

What I can plant and where.

If this guy wanted to live in a shack...that's his business, not his neighbors, the community or the government.

If your property value goes now because he lives in a shack...that's not his problem, it's yours.

i dont care about someone living in a shack or whatever and tend to agree with you

until the situation cause health hazards for the neighbors
I'm not talking about deed restrictions, or home owners associations.

I'm talking about the local government telling me what I can do with my own land.

What I can park in my own driveway.

How tall my fence can be.

What I can plant and where.

If this guy wanted to live in a shack...that's his business, not his neighbors, the community or the government.

If your property value goes now because he lives in a shack...that's not his problem, it's yours.

i dont care about someone living in a shack or whatever and tend to agree with you

until the situation cause health hazards for the neighbors
So the press tell us, so the government tell us!!
Lets talk about Skittles!
Completely infallible, right!!

i do not care about the press nor the government

i need neither to know if my neighbors actions are harming my family
You call him a psychopath and mentally I'll, two contradicting descriptions.

Like calling a person a black whiteman!!

The stories put out are showing only one side, we have seen the press do this before.
Remember how a crazed white supremacist killed an innocent black child because the kids skittles offended him?

I'm calling it tyranny.
A government that drags people from their homes and discards them on the streets is avaricious and tyrannical.
To coin a liberal phrase, where's the compassion?

I remember Steve Martin's comments in his movie "The Jerk": "You can tell so much about a person by the way they live, and just looking around here I can tell you are a genuinely dirty person."

Yes the Leftist media does distort things, but the photo-montage in the article left little doubt. I think the locals, not the Feds should dispense justice.

He is both mentally ill (Horder), and a murderous psychopath...which is a personality disorder. I'd initiate treatment ASAP with a good length of Hemp rope....

Oh look, I make a point, you respond with abuse.
Liberalism is your forte.
All my homes would make your vile shack look like a complete shithole.
My infants bedroom in my city residence probably has artwork on the walls more valuable than your home!!
Then my hunting camp in Maine, weekend home in the UK Pennines, home on Boston's south shore, boat on cape cod and retreat in Zambia.
All cleaner than the hovel your shit stain vile wife keeps for you!!
You wife fucking stinks!!
Your kids are worse!

Uh oh, watch out. From the rules:

No Attacks on family members.
I saw the pictures of the guy's property and did not find them that shocking. Maybe that's because I grew up in rural Alaska where it's not uncommon to find properties like that with junk all over in the yard, broken down cars, outhouses and a shack of a house. Actually, it's not unheard of right here in Anchorage. : ) Whatever, we just leave each other alone in my neighborhood. There are well-kept homes right alongside shacks. I like it that way. Although there are definitely neighborhoods where the homeowner's association or whatever would have something to say about it and would raise a ruckus just like this guy's neighbor's did. I'm glad there are no homeowner's association or covenants in my neighborhood, even though I take good care of my own home and made a lot of improvements after I bought it. That's just my choice, not something I was forced to do.

I just can't imagine owning a piece of property and having someone take it away from you! : ( Even if all you have is a shack. At least you had something and now you have nothing. I can see why that would push someone over the edge. Doesn't excuse murdering innocent bystanders, though.
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So...was the shooter black? Lately that is all I have seen in here . So I ask again, was he black? If not, thanks op. You posted a story about a gun nut white guy who by the way was killed by his own gun.
You call him a psychopath and mentally I'll, two contradicting descriptions.

Like calling a person a black whiteman!!

The stories put out are showing only one side, we have seen the press do this before.
Remember how a crazed white supremacist killed an innocent black child because the kids skittles offended him?

I'm calling it tyranny.
A government that drags people from their homes and discards them on the streets is avaricious and tyrannical.
To coin a liberal phrase, where's the compassion?

I remember Steve Martin's comments in his movie "The Jerk": "You can tell so much about a person by the way they live, and just looking around here I can tell you are a genuinely dirty person."

Yes the Leftist media does distort things, but the photo-montage in the article left little doubt. I think the locals, not the Feds should dispense justice.

He is both mentally ill (Horder), and a murderous psychopath...which is a personality disorder. I'd initiate treatment ASAP with a good length of Hemp rope....

Oh look, I make a point, you respond with abuse.
Liberalism is your forte.
All my homes would make your vile shack look like a complete shithole.
My infants bedroom in my city residence probably has artwork on the walls more valuable than your home!!
Then my hunting camp in Maine, weekend home in the UK Pennines, home on Boston's south shore, boat on cape cod and retreat in Zambia.
All cleaner than the hovel your shit stain vile wife keeps for you!!
You wife fucking stinks!!
Your kids are worse!

don't t.think uyour allowed to attack families. I thought it was against the rules.
Looking the photos of his property, the shooter was a lazy, dirty packrat (horder). This automatically makes him mentally ill.

Unfortunately, he was an anti-social psychopath as well and wanted to kill more people before he was stopped.

If one of people at the meeting had have been armed, it may have kept the psycho from doing as much damage.

You call him a psychopath and mentally I'll, two contradicting descriptions.

Like calling a person a black whiteman!!

The stories put out are showing only one side, we have seen the press do this before.
Remember how a crazed white supremacist killed an innocent black child because the kids skittles offended him?

I'm calling it tyranny.
A government that drags people from their homes and discards them on the streets is avaricious and tyrannical.
To coin a liberal phrase, where's the compassion?

I remember Steve Martin's comments in his movie "The Jerk": "You can tell so much about a person by the way they live, and just looking around here I can tell you are a genuinely dirty person."

Yes the Leftist media does distort things, but the photo-montage in the article left little doubt. I think the locals, not the Feds should dispense justice.

He is both mentally ill (Horder), and a murderous psychopath...which is a personality disorder. I'd initiate treatment ASAP with a good length of Hemp rope....

I knew this was somehow the liberals fault.
You call him a psychopath and mentally I'll, two contradicting descriptions.

Like calling a person a black whiteman!!

The stories put out are showing only one side, we have seen the press do this before.
Remember how a crazed white supremacist killed an innocent black child because the kids skittles offended him?

I'm calling it tyranny.
A government that drags people from their homes and discards them on the streets is avaricious and tyrannical.
To coin a liberal phrase, where's the compassion?

I remember Steve Martin's comments in his movie "The Jerk": "You can tell so much about a person by the way they live, and just looking around here I can tell you are a genuinely dirty person."

Yes the Leftist media does distort things, but the photo-montage in the article left little doubt. I think the locals, not the Feds should dispense justice.

He is both mentally ill (Horder), and a murderous psychopath...which is a personality disorder. I'd initiate treatment ASAP with a good length of Hemp rope....

I knew this was somehow the liberals fault.

The shooter was a self proclaimed Obama votin', Christian hatin', Romney bashin' Liberal.

Though he mentioned “anti-gun control” beliefs in multiple posts, Newell also slammed conservative economic policies, spread petitions supporting Planned Parenthood against the “Christain Taliban” [sic], and bashed Mitt Romney.


Though he described himself as having voted for Barack Obama, he used his Facebook page to criticize the President for the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, &#8220;prosecutions of whistleblowers,&#8221; including Bradley Manning, and federal marijuana prosecutions.

&#8220;Re Police State I voted for Barry the guy who was the life of the pot parties not Barack Hussein Obama who champions religious laws like anti choice anti pot laws, boy did I get fooled!&#8221; Newell wrote in one post.


&#8220;I am a Liberal & I don&#8217;t mind violent criminals in jail its Pot smokers & non violent crimes such as prostitution, protesting that I don&#8217;t want to see people in jail for,&#8221;

Rockne Newell: Facebook Rantings Came Before Shooting | TPMDC


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