Gunny's Thread on Religion

I already have

If you want more ind-depth explanations of the physics and cosmology of the matter, i recommend Google

Likewise I recommend Google if you want more evidence from those who believe there's a God.

You' can't say 'more evidence' until you present some evidence in the first place

We actually have eye witness accounts of the miracles and corroborating evidence which supports the accuracy of the Bible...but that's all been gone over before.

You have never presented anything other than the bible and no historians ever mentioned all those zombies you claim were walking around
"...a local farmer found a clue: the remains of the feet of a giant statue. An inscription on a nearby pedestal confirmed that the statue belonged to Ramses II. Eventually, archeologists unearthed traces of houses, temples, even palaces. Using new technology, the archaeologists were able to detect the foundations and they mapped out the whole city in a few months. The city they had discovered was one of the biggest cities in ancient Egypt, built around 1250BCE. 20,000 Egyptians had lived there."
BBC - Religion & Ethics - Moses: Evidence - Moses' beginnings

There. Evidence of Hebrews in ancient Egypt.
Apparently you don't know much about the debate of the historical accuracy of the bible, and how for years nitwits like yourself insisted there were no Hebrews in ancient Egypt.
Thus no Moses, thus no Exodus, thus..oh shit, I give up. You ruin every intelligent discussion you enter. I feel like I've been slimed. You're as bad as Agna.
You' can't say 'more evidence' until you present some evidence in the first place

You've been presented evidence multiple times. Simply because you dont find it credible does not mean its not evidence.

You have never presented anything other than the bible and no historians ever mentioned all those zombies you claim were walking around

Zombies? Has anyone mentioned Zombies? I can provide my own witness. I can provide my life as evidence. Ive experienced the power of the Spirit as anyone can if they seek it. Ive recieved revelation. Ive seen miracles. Ive been healed.

But because you cant fathom what you tell yourself can't exist, you wont accept those witnesses. Luckily, God has a way of opening our eyes when the time is right.
Point? Any evidence that semites were in egypt does nothing to make any of the supernatural and gnostic claims of your religion valid.

And what evidence would you possibly except for the supernatural when you deny it's existance? You won't ever see the supernatural till you allow yourself to believe that it's possible.
Zombies? Has anyone mentioned Zombies?

Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost.
And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent;
And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose,
And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.
Matthew 27:50-53

I can provide my own witness. I can provide my life as evidence. Ive experienced the power of the Spirit as anyone can if they seek it. Ive recieved revelation. Ive seen miracles. Ive been healed.

the same anecdotal evidence is forwarded by every believer of every religion,. so it does absolutely nothing to support your claims
Point? Any evidence that semites were in egypt does nothing to make any of the supernatural and gnostic claims of your religion valid.

And what evidence would you possibly except for the supernatural when you deny it's existance? You won't ever see the supernatural till you allow yourself to believe that it's possible.

Tell yea what Go chop your arm off on national television. When God causes your limb to grow back in five seconds, first the bone, then the flesh, before the eyes of all to leave all of modern science dumbfounded, you will have evidence to support your claims
Thus no Moses, thus no Exodus, thus..oh shit, I give up. You ruin every intelligent discussion you enter. I feel like I've been slimed. You're as bad as Agna.

Here's some light reading for you, dear. ;)

[E]vidence dealt a serious blow to the Hollywood version of pyramid building, with Charlton Heston as Moses intoning, “Pharaoh, let my people go!” There were slaves in Egypt, says Lehner, but the discovery that pyramid workers were fed like royalty buttresses other evidence that they were not slaves at all, at least in the modern sense of the word. Harvard’s George Reisner found workers’ graffiti early in the twentieth century that revealed that the pyramid builders were organized into labor units with names like "Friends of Khufu" or "Drunkards of Menkaure." Within these units were five divisions (their roles still unknown)—the same groupings, according to papyrus scrolls of a later period, that served in the pyramid temples. We do know, Lehner says, that service in these temples was rendered by a special class of people on a rotating basis determined by those five divisions. Many Egyptologists therefore subscribe to the hypothesis that the pyramids were also built by a rotating labor force in a modular, team-based kind of organization.

Not that I expect you to be clever enough to understand it after you simply blatantly ignored my illustration of contradictions and unoriginal passages in the New Testament. :eusa_whistle:
Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost.
And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent;
And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose,
And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.
Matthew 27:50-53

Since when is a living being one of the undead?

the same anecdotal evidence is forwarded by every believer of every religion,. so it does absolutely nothing to support your claims

You admit it's evidence. Which demonstrates that there is evidence. You just dont find it credible.

That is your problem. Not mine.
Tell yea what Go chop your arm off on national television. When God causes your limb to grow back in five seconds, first the bone, then the flesh, before the eyes of all to leave all of modern science dumbfounded, you will have evidence to support your claims

Ive already got evidence to support my claims. You continue to ignore it. Again, that's not my problem.
It's not evidence for anything, you idiot. The exact same claims are made by every religion. To claim that it any way evidences your assertions is to say that you admit that every single religion in the world is correct, which makes yours wrong as you have just refuted yourself, you twit.

This is why we need your kind to die; you drag down the IQ of the human race and hold all of humanity back. You're like a fucking disease
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It's not evidence for anything, you idiot. The exact same claims are made by every religion. To claim that it any way evidences your assertions is to say that you admit that every single religion in the world is correct, which makes yours wrong as you have just refuted yourself, you twit.

This is why we need your kind to die
; you drag down the IQ of the human race and hold all of humanity back. You're like a fucking disease

you got your world population concerns solved in one swipe....4 billion religion believing people holocausted.

It's not evidence for anything, you idiot. The exact same claims are made by every religion. To claim that it any way evidences your assertions is to say that you admit that every single religion in the world is correct, which makes yours wrong as you have just refuted yourself, you twit.

This is why we need your kind to die; you drag down the IQ of the human race and hold all of humanity back. You're like a fucking disease

Hey JB - remember this?

I'm giving fair warning straight - up. Any flames, insults or derailments will be deleted and/or moved. Call it what you want, but there you have it. I'm sick and tired of zealots destroying religious threads so no one else can even have a discussion.


1) You think Gunny's OP guideline is bullshit and you're gonna ignore it.

2) Gunny committed to remove posts of the kind he describes so you're gonna go ahead and post as you see fit and he can remove them as he sees fit.

3) You're just determined to insult anyone who has religious beliefs (there could be a number of reasons for this so I'm not even gonna bother listing them).

4) Some other reason.

Can you clarify which it is? The "you need to die" comment clearly reveals something more deep rooted or personal than one would expect with a scientific reason. Is it just trolling perhaps? Do you simply get a kick out of mocking faith?

It doesn't bother me if that's the case - I'm sure if you do not have faith then it must seem that there are a whole host of things that are mockable. But I'm just vaguely interested about why you are going out of your way to do so. People generally have a reason for such persistent behavior, and in my experience it's usually an emotional one.
It's not evidence for anything, you idiot. The exact same claims are made by every religion. To claim that it any way evidences your assertions is to say that you admit that every single religion in the world is correct, which makes yours wrong as you have just refuted yourself, you twit.

This is why we need your kind to die
; you drag down the IQ of the human race and hold all of humanity back. You're like a fucking disease

you got your world population concerns solved in one swipe....4 billion religion believing people holocausted.


No, we just need the rapture to be put on the fast track. Please take all the others with you: jews, muslims... don't leave home without 'em.
you got your world population concerns solved in one swipe....4 billion religion believing people holocausted.


You DO realize that the 'holocaust' refers only to the death of Jews and is a neozionist word that speaks to the racism of the Jews who influenced America's spin on the events of the 1920's, right?
It's not evidence for anything, you idiot. The exact same claims are made by every religion. To claim that it any way evidences your assertions is to say that you admit that every single religion in the world is correct, which makes yours wrong as you have just refuted yourself, you twit.

This is why we need your kind to die
; you drag down the IQ of the human race and hold all of humanity back. You're like a fucking disease

you got your world population concerns solved in one swipe....4 billion religion believing people holocausted.


No, we just need the rapture to be put on the fast track. Please take all the others with you: jews, muslims... don't leave home without 'em.
was that shown hatred really necessary lawman, is the world all about you and only you, no courtesy at all to those who differ? Death or rapture, be gone with them? That's NOT freedom know?


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