Gunny's Thread on Religion

However, we don't tell people to die when they don't agree with the theories we hold dear.
However, we don't tell people to die when they don't agree with the theories we hold dear.

Christianity is a cowardly religion that was founded by outsiders./ They had no claim to the god of Abraham, so they had to find a loophole. They ignore the racist calls for genocide because it demands their death. They invented hell to convince themselves that the Romans would pay.

Kinda like how the Jews abandoned their attempts top conquer the ME for a while after they ended up on the wrong end og things. They've started up again as of late, though
Ah, finally it makes sense. You're one of the wild-eyed fanatics.

It all makes sense now.
Of course, the IQ-religiosity trend explains perfectly people like Alli, RGS, and Avatar
Of course, the IQ-religiosity trend explains perfectly people like Alli, RGS, and Avatar

Most Americans Believe in Higher Power, Poll Finds
By Jacqueline L. Salmon
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, June 24, 2008; Page A02

Most Americans believe that angels and demons are active in the world, and nearly 80 percent think miracles occur, according to a poll released yesterday that takes an in-depth look at Americans' religious beliefs

The study detailed Americans' deep and broad religiosity, finding that 92 percent believe in God or a universal spirit -- including one in five of those who call themselves atheists.

Most Americans Believe in Higher Power, Poll Finds -

So 92% of the population of the U.S. are stupid.

I'll need you to post a link to support that...thanks in advance.
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Of course, the IQ-religiosity trend explains perfectly people like Alli, RGS, and Avatar

Most Americans Believe in Higher Power, Poll Finds

Argumentum ad populum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So 92% of the population of the U.S. are stupid.

I'll need you to post a link to support that...thanks in advance.

You could look at the state of the nation- or scroll up the page

Nice try, but I'm not arguing that because a majority of people believe in God that it proves there is a God.

I am challenging your assertion that everyone who believes in God is stupid.

Good attempt at defection though.

Your stated hypothesis is 92% of the population is stupid and deserves to die.

It's your argument...make the best of it. :lol:
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Actually, there's a significant distinction between being "stupid" and being less intelligent than the secular population on average.

Sorry Agna, that's not JB's position.

It's not surprising that you are unable to grasp such a simple concept, however; it's been demonstrated repeatedly that theists have low IQs as a rule and are generally stupid and uneducated.

This is why we need your kind to die; you drag down the IQ of the human race and hold all of humanity back. You're like a fucking disease
That seems to be some of his standard bloated hyperbole. But the conclusion that can be drawn from the study into the intelligence differences between theists and atheists is that theists are on average less intelligent.
That seems to be some of his standard bloated hyperbole. But the conclusion that can be drawn from the study into the intelligence differences between theists and atheists is that theists are on average less intelligent.

If I may take the liberty of translating "standard bloated hyperbole" to my less intelligent vernacular of "completely full of crap" on this IQ tirade, then you and I are in complete agreement.
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That seems to be some of his standard bloated hyperbole. But the conclusion that can be drawn from the study into the intelligence differences between theists and atheists is that theists are on average less intelligent.
most atheists, begin their lives as least all the ones that I have known....

I don't know where that fits in to the picture though...
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Everyone is born a weak atheist, to clarify, in the sense of the literal meaning of the word "atheism" being "without theism," because no capacity to understand the nature of theism exists at birth. Strong atheism is the best-known form and involves elements of anti-theism.
Of course, the IQ-religiosity trend explains perfectly people like Alli, RGS, and Avatar
The sources you cited demonstrate a 5-point IQ difference between atheists and traditional insignificant difference, at best.

Enough with this tired line of argument based upon insignificant data...

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