Gunny's Thread on Religion

You are a very sad individual Gunny. Just because someone questions religion doenst mean they are promoting a religion. Also, the use of a word (theist) that most people do not understand is rerally just an example plain old bad manners. I'm not at all impressed.

What man or woman conversant in religious discussion and the English language doesn't know what "thiest" means?
Do demonstrate just which religion science has shown to be true and how.

You just cant comprehend there are more ways then science to know things. I know you are an intelligent man, but you really should stop limiting yourself.

Let me ask something. Do you love your mother?
You are a very sad individual Gunny. Just because someone questions religion doenst mean they are promoting a religion. Also, the use of a word (theist) that most people do not understand is rerally just an example plain old bad manners. I'm not at all impressed.

What man or woman conversant in religious discussion and the English language doesn't know what "thiest" means?

Please don't use big words like "conversant". Where are your manners?
I'm giving fair warning straight - up. Any flames, insults or derailments will be deleted and/or moved. Call it what you want, but there you have it. I'm sick and tired of zealots destroying religious threads so no one else can even have a discussion.

Anyone who has a problem with that, tough.

Okay, discuss ....

Defending Christianity without pointing out the fact of the self professed exclusive nature somewhat difficult, thus anyone that bends the doctrine presented by the Holy Scriptures to simply be accepted by the majority of society in the accolade thereof are not true Christians. Indeed it is pointed out very clearly in the Holy Scriptures that ALL SCRIPTURE is a product of DIVINE inspiration....not certain, cherry picked, portions thereof. It is scripture that establishes PERFECT DOCTRINE for the man of God, and is profitable for correction, re-proof and guiding man into ALL RIGHTEOUSNESS -- 2 Tim. 3:16-17. Therefore it is very clear that Christianity is the ONLY TRUE religion that leads to fellowship with Father God....and eternal salvation for the spirit of man...which is made in the very image of God Almighty -- Genesis 1:26.

The words of the Christ Himself point out the Biblical Truth and exclusive nature of Christianity, " I am the way, the truth, and the life....NO ONE comes to the Father except through Me." -- John 14:6. Later the Apostle Peter appeared before the Jewish Council and proclaimed that salvation is offered ONLY THROUGH JESUS. -- Acts 4:12. Thus, both Jesus and Peter made it very clear and spoke quite unambiguously in declaring the Godly inspired doctrine.....IF SOMEONE WANTS TO KNOW THE 'TRUTH'....THE GOSPEL TRUTH about the way to eternal life, he/she will only learn the truth through the teachings of the Christ, "Who will judge the living and the dead at His appearing and His Kingdom." -- 2 Tim. 4:1. It could not be more clear or transparent....."there is no other name under which we MUST be saved." -- Acts 4:12. This in not an does not choose a religion as if one is shopping at the local grocery store...and picks the one that best suits the individual, quite to the is to mold HIS/HER life around the truth revealed in the Word of God....not attempt to mold any religion they may chose around their chosen way of life.

You can call simply presenting the TRUTH as recorded in the HOLY SCRIPTURES zealotry if you wish.....but the true Christian is to live by a simple rule when it comes to such...And I very much concur ...when anyone attempts to silence one from simply presenting the truth as is Recorded....via Book, Chapter, and must consider the example established by the true messengers of the Christ, "Saying (the Jewish Council), did not we strictly command you that ye should not teach in this name (the NAME OF JESUS)? and, behold, ye have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine, and intended to bring this man's blood upon us. Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said.....WE OUGHT TO OBEY GOD RATHER THAN MAN." -- Acts 5:28-29.

You will find nothing that I present to be of a condescending or derogatory nature to anyone.....but you will see me defend the truth that is written in the Holy Scriptures.....simply by correcting anyone that attempts to inject personal opinion or traditional dogma into the actual content of record. If it becomes a rules infraction to present the TRUTH.....then there is no REAL debate to be had.
" disprove God and insulting theists than I've ever seen most theists spend trying to promote their religion."

You are a very sad individual Gunny. Just because someone questions religion doenst mean they are promoting a religion. Also, the use of a word (theist) that most people do not understand is rerally just an example plain old bad manners. I'm not at all impressed.
Who the hell doesn't know what theist means? Using English isn't rude...
Do demonstrate just which religion science has shown to be true and how.

You just cant comprehend...
In other words, you can't because your statement was a lie. Now stop weaseling around and either demonstrate or retract

I never claimed science can prove religion. You have.

I am arguing that science isnt the only way to learn things.

And that's why Im saying you cant comprehend. Because you wont accept that.

Now please answer my question. Do you love your mother?
You are a very sad individual Gunny. Just because someone questions religion doenst mean they are promoting a religion. Also, the use of a word (theist) that most people do not understand is rerally just an example plain old bad manners. I'm not at all impressed.

What man or woman conversant in religious discussion and the English language doesn't know what "thiest" means?

Please don't use big words like "conversant". Where are your manners?

Particularly if in the same paragraph as "thiest" and "doenst" and
Trying to impress me are you? Sorry my children for you have failed.......again !
Do demonstrate just which religion science has shown to be true and how.

You just cant comprehend...
In other words, you can't because your statement was a lie. Now stop weaseling around and either demonstrate or retract

science has not proven any "one" religion true, but it certainly has proven that micro evolution on its own, without an intelligent creator, designer, is impossible.

Go study the single cell, universally accepted by scientists as the simplist form of life, the beginning of life on earth, and see how complicated it is, how so many "molecules, chemicals" whatever, within it interact, and the simple truth comes out, it is IMPOSSIBLE for it to have evolved on its own. SCIENCE has proven that. LOGIC allows us to conclude a CREATOR is the only other alternative.
You just cant comprehend...
In other words, you can't because your statement was a lie. Now stop weaseling around and either demonstrate or retract

science has not proven any "one" religion true, but it certainly has proven that micro evolution on its own, without an intelligent creator, designer, is impossible.

right.. which is why it's been observed and documented :cuckoo:

Go study the single cell, universally accepted by scientists as the simplist form of life,

he beginning of life on earth, and see how complicated it is,

Not very, depending on just what you're referring to

how so many "molecules, chemicals" whatever,

Clearly, you are well educated and informed regarding this subject :rolleyes:

it is IMPOSSIBLE for it to have evolved on its own.

You really should stop mistaking Kent Hovind for a scientist..
SCIENCE has proven that.

right.... and the banana was designed by god to fit the human hand :rolleyes:

LOGIC allows us to conclude a CREATOR is the only other alternative.

wow... if you really belief that, you should be strerilized. Try going to Google Scholar instead of answers in genesis; your moronic assertions have been refuted countless times across this forum alone , and you're too retarded to waste any time reposting it.
yet in fact it has done just the opposite
Do demonstrate just which religion science has shown to be true and how.

Christianity is confirmed by both Science and History wherever such is addressed by the Scriptures. The "ONLY" religion on the face of the that does not fall flat on its face when placed to the test. As there are many OBJECTIVE EVIDENCES found in the Holy Scriptures to support the faith of Christianity. As the WORD is where the faith of Christianity is BORN and then Built upon (Romans 10:17)....and this FAITH is by all NOT BLIND. Even the scriptures admonish the faithful to PROVE ALL THINGS....thus, having BLIND FAITH in nothing ( 1 Thess 5:21) and the Christian is informed NOT TO BELIEVE everything they hear...but to place it to the test...with that test being the TRUTH. ( 1 John 4:1).

Correlation of the Bible and Science
yet in fact it has done just the opposite
Do demonstrate just which religion science has shown to be true and how.

Christianity is confirmed by both Science and History

Demonstrate how science says there was grass before the sun existed. Demonstrate, scientifically that YHWH exists. Demonstrate how the Earth rests on pillars- oh wait, it doesn't.

st. As there are many OBJECTIVE EVIDENCES found in the Holy Scriptures to support the faith of Christianity.

You cannot prove a religion using its own mythologies if your claim is that science has proven it true
As the WORD is where the faith of Christianity is BORN and then Built upon (Romans 10:17)

absolutely meaningless

....and this FAITH is by all NOT BLIND.
Yes it is, or it would not be called 'faith'

Even the scriptures admonish the faithful to PROVE ALL THINGS....thus, having BLIND FAITH in nothing ( 1 Thess 5:21) and the Christian is informed NOT TO BELIEVE everything they hear...

Like claims in the bible?

You've wasted a lot of my time for demonstrating aboslutely nothing to support your claims
Do demonstrate just which religion science has shown to be true and how.

Christianity is confirmed by both Science and History

Demonstrate how science says there was grass before the sun existed. Demonstrate, scientifically that YHWH exists. Demonstrate how the Earth rests on pillars- oh wait, it doesn't.

You cannot prove a religion using its own mythologies if your claim is that science has proven it true

absolutely meaningless

....and this FAITH is by all NOT BLIND.
Yes it is, or it would not be called 'faith'

Even the scriptures admonish the faithful to PROVE ALL THINGS....thus, having BLIND FAITH in nothing ( 1 Thess 5:21) and the Christian is informed NOT TO BELIEVE everything they hear...

Like claims in the bible?

You've wasted a lot of my time for demonstrating aboslutely nothing to support your claims

Genesis 1
The Beginning
1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

The heavens and the earth includes the Sun, silly? It includes the entire universe and some! :D includes The Big Bang....even....

that is if this theory does turn out to be true, which i believe it will stand the test of time.
Genesis 1
The Beginning
1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

The heavens and the earth includes the Sun, silly? It includes the entire universe and some! :D

Wrong, you incompetent, mentally retarded liar.

9 And God said, "Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear." And it was so. 10 God called the dry ground "land," and the gathered waters he called "seas." And God saw that it was good.
11 Then God said, "Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds." And it was so. 12 The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good. 13 And there was evening, and there was morning—the third day.
14 And God said, "Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years, 15 and let them be lights in the expanse of the sky to give light on the earth." And it was so. 16 God made two great lights—the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars. 17 God set them in the expanse of the sky to give light on the earth,
that is if this theory does turn out to be true, which i believe it will stand the test of time. to govern the day and the night, and to separate light from darkness. And God saw that it was good. 19 And there was evening, and there was morning—the fourth day. [/quote]

Learn your own damned holy book before you try to act like you know what you're talking about.

It clearly states that there were plants on Earth before the sun, moon, and other stars (which it fails to realize the sun is among,which was one of the reasons the church defended the heliocentric model) ever existed

Thank you once again for demonstrating that Christians are stupid and know nothing about the bible or cosmetology.
11 Then God said, "Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds." And it was so. 12 The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good. 13 And there was evening, and there was morning—the third day.

reading comprehension problems JB.....

It says right there that there was ALREADY, evening and morning jb?

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