Gunny's Thread on Religion

You really get awfully worked up over this dont you? Tends to indicate a lack of faith in your own statements, beliefs.

Well, well, well, you have gone back and read the Bible in its original language?

Its quite obvious the interpetations and original writings are lacking in our ability to interpet exactly what was meant.

Uhhhh, DUDE, it says to let the plants grow under the "sky",,,how could there be a sky if there is no light, no sun, no stars, etc. etc. I mean, DUHHHHHHHH DUDE, if someone was going to "make this stuff up" originally, dont you think they would do a better job of lieing?

You obviously arent interested in a rational discussion and finding truth on the matter.

Genesis 1
The Beginning
1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

The heavens and the earth includes the Sun, silly? It includes the entire universe and some! :D

Wrong, you incompetent, mentally retarded liar.

9 And God said, "Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear." And it was so. 10 God called the dry ground "land," and the gathered waters he called "seas." And God saw that it was good.
11 Then God said, "Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds." And it was so. 12 The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good. 13 And there was evening, and there was morning—the third day.
14 And God said, "Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years, 15 and let them be lights in the expanse of the sky to give light on the earth." And it was so. 16 God made two great lights—the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars. 17 God set them in the expanse of the sky to give light on the earth,
that is if this theory does turn out to be true, which i believe it will stand the test of time. to govern the day and the night, and to separate light from darkness. And God saw that it was good. 19 And there was evening, and there was morning—the fourth day.

Learn your own damned holy book before you try to act like you know what you're talking about.

It clearly states that there were plants on Earth before the sun, moon, and other stars (which it fails to realize the sun is among,which was one of the reasons the church defended the heliocentric model) ever existed

Thank you once again for demonstrating that Christians are stupid and know nothing about the bible or cosmetology.[/QUOTE]
right.. if they're all made at once, why does it give the order in which they're created? :rolleyes:

You cannot have grass before the sun

Than you for once again highlighting the fact that Christianity is believed only by the mentally retarded

DOes that list start with Sir Isaac Newton????

You know, if you care to read the test of the Bible in honesty and to TRULY try to understand it, and determine if it true or not, you would have to start with admitting we are not reading it in its original text, language and that it had to be written to people who had very rudementary knowledge of science and therefore it would be difficult to explain no matter what.

Do you think you can explain calculus to kindergardeners?

The point of Genesis is not a SCIENCE lecture to mankind, but rahter a basic description of how God did everything and why.
You have addressed nothing. Rather, you have evaded the matter and changed your position several times in order to avoid facing the reality that Genesis 1 contradicts itself and established realities regarding the nature and history of the universe.

Here's my simple position...

Science has not ruled that the progression spoken in Genesis1 is not true. I am amazed that this kind of information was even known to people over 3-4000 years ago.

It speaks of our galaxy being formed, with evening and morning...(the sun being the center), otherwise there would be no evening and all the planets were already getting their light from the sun.... churches and religions bastardized this over the millenniums and twisted the meaning, or from pure misunderstanding of gnensis twisted the meaning, or out of arrogance twisted the meaning in to thinking the sun revolved around the earth....THE BIBLE NEVER STATED SUCH.

I can understand your concern on it saying plant life began before we got the sun and the moon...

but I do NOT read it in the same manner...

I read it that we already had the sun, (or there would not have been several mentions in earlier passages that there was evening and morning, day and night), and the passage speaking specifically about the sun and the moon with their light and the stars affixed in a position to give us the power to predict our seasons as the position we finally ended up from distance and axis tilt, to the us the STABLE 24 hour days and nights that are known to us now with the stars in their position to us and the sun, we have now.

Plant life could have had the light needed from the sun to begin, before we ended up with the 24 hour days and nights we have now with our relationship to the sun and with our moon.

all I am saying is that this has NOT been ruled out yet....

Have you ever read and seen drawings of is spinning COMPLETELY on its DID NOT begin it's spinning on its was upright, like the rest of us, but it was hit by an asteroid or something and was PUSHED through the bombardment, from it's upright spin to spinning on its side....all the planets took a beating early on and were NOT in the positions or distance from the sun, as they are today or for the last billion years.

Are you saying this is not the case?

You have addressed nothing. Rather, you have evaded the matter and changed your position several times in order to avoid facing the reality that Genesis 1 contradicts itself and established realities regarding the nature and history of the universe.

Here's my simple position...

Science has not ruled that the progression spoken in Genesis1 is not true.

Yes it has. PLants cannot survive before the Sun existed.
It speaks of our galaxy being formed, with evening and morning...(the sun being the center), otherwise there would be no evening and morning...

Yet the sun is created later :cuckoo:

I can understand your concern on it saying plant life began before we got the sun and the moon...

but I do NOT read it in the same manner...

Because you can't read it honestly

read it that we already had the sun, (or there would not have been several mentions in earlier passages that there was evening and morning, day and night), and the passage speaking specifically about the sun and the moon with their light and the stars affixed in a position to give us the power to predict our seasons as the position we finally ended up from distance and axis tilt, to the us the STABLE 24 hour days and nights that are known to us now with the stars in their position to us and the sun, we have now.

So you hypothesize that the planets all existed, strewn about it no stable orbits, until God fixed them? :cuckoo:


Have you ever read and seen drawings of is spinning COMPLETELY on its DID NOT begin it's spinning on its side....

You have proof that it didn't?

it was upright, like the rest of us,

That has not en established

but it was hit by an asteroid or something and was PUSHED through the bombardment, from it's upright spin to spinning on its side....

that is a hypothesis only, and it has not been demonstrated

all the planets took a beating early on and were NOT in the positions or distance from the sun, as they are today or for the last billion years.

Proof? Of course, ytou'e unwittingly arguing for Nibiru, the Annunaki, and Man being artificially created by aliens from another planet- but you probably don't even realize that
JB ... there is one serious problem with your "plant before the sun" argument ... this is why religion is based on allegory and philosophy (I suppose you think philosophy isn't real either). Plant life also includes many single celled organisms, many of which can survive even in space.
You have addressed nothing. Rather, you have evaded the matter and changed your position several times in order to avoid facing the reality that Genesis 1 contradicts itself and established realities regarding the nature and history of the universe.

Here's my simple position...

Science has not ruled that the progression spoken in Genesis1 is not true.

Yes it has. PLants cannot survive before the Sun existed.

Yet the sun is created later :cuckoo:

Because you can't read it honestly


So you hypothesize that the planets all existed, strewn about it no stable orbits, until God fixed them? :cuckoo:


You have proof that it didn't?

That has not en established

but it was hit by an asteroid or something and was PUSHED through the bombardment, from it's upright spin to spinning on its side....

that is a hypothesis only, and it has not been demonstrated

all the planets took a beating early on and were NOT in the positions or distance from the sun, as they are today or for the last billion years.

Proof? Of course, ytou'e unwittingly arguing for Nibiru, the Annunaki, and Man being artificially created by aliens from another planet- but you probably don't even realize that

must be tough being so, so, so narrow minded!

Tilt of Uranus

Written by Fraser Cain

Uranus. Image credit: Hubble
The Earth's axis is tilted about 23.5 degrees. This is why we have seasons on Earth. But the axis of Uranus is tilted so far it's hard to imagine how it might have even happened. The axis of Uranus is tilted at an angle of 98-degrees compared to the Sun's orbital plane.

While the rest of the planets in the Solar System can be thought of like spinning tops, Uranus is more like a rolling ball going around the Sun. During the point of the Uranian solstices, one pole faces the Sun continuously, while the other pole faces away. Only a thin strip of the surface of Uranus experiences any kind of night/day cycle. Uranus' poles experience 42 years of continuous sunlight, and then 42 years of continuous darkness. During the time of the equinox on Uranus, the planet's equator is facing the Sun, and so it experiences day/night cycles like we have here on Earth.

What could have caused Uranus to be tilted over on its side like this? Astronomers think that a large protoplanet smashed into Uranus billions of years ago. This collision set the planet tumbling. Eventually it settles into its current axial tilt.
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Are you always this stupid, or do you just play a retard on the internet?:eusa_eh:

Are you a douchebag in real life to, or just play one online? Stick to the damned topic, I will not engage in your flame attempts and you know it. Point to one flaw in my point about some life being able to survive even in space ... just one ... go on and try it so I can prove how much a fool you are.
There is no topic anymore. C4A tried to say that there was night and day before the sun existed and that all the plants on Earth survived before the sun existed.

In short, She took it on herself to highlight the mental retardation common among theists in general and christians in particular.
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There is no topic anymore. C4A tried to say that there was night and day before the sun existed and that all the plants on Earth survived before the sun existed.

In short, She took it on herself to highlight the mental retardation common among theists in general and christians in particular.

no, but go ahead and continue with your intellectual dishonesty!

there was night and day in our galaxy from the beginning, this does not mean we had the 24 hour days and the seasons we have now from our 23 degree tilt that we have now, when the solar system was with uranus, we could have been hit by a protoplanet that caused our 23 degree tilt and our distance and tilt IS WHAT GIVES US our favorable seasons.

this is how earth progressed and ended up, in that passage....WITH its tilt, with seasons, that could be tracked by affixed positions of the stars, sun, moon in relationship to the earth...

and yes, even before our galaxy was formed, i do believe there was light in the you think there wasn't?
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no, but go ahead and continue with your intellectual dishonesty!

there was night and day in our galaxy from the beginning


there is no night and day in the universe you twit, only on planets, as they rotate in their orbits around stars.

We already know you're a retard; you can stop posting evidence.
and yes, I did say all the matter and anti matter in our universe evolved from the big bang....that is my understanding of it all and i stick by it until proven otherwise. :)
no, but go ahead and continue with your intellectual dishonesty!

there was night and day in our galaxy from the beginning


there is no night and day in the universe you twit, only on planets, as they rotate in their orbits around stars.

We already know you're a retard; you can stop posting evidence.

you are an idiot, and a liar....i said night and day in our galaxy and you changed galaxy to ''universe''..... each planet has their own night and day....ours is 24 hours, uranus is 42 of our years of day and 42 of our years is their night....1 day, for them.

regardless, its not too hard to understand....
There's no night and day in the galaxy, either. Only on each planet or other celestial body. Trying to correct me only to make another retarded statement only shows how stupid you really are. Where'd the light come from for the first three days, before the sun was made? :cuckoo:
the sun wasn't made the 4th was there already, the earth and all planets etc in the solar system were formed 4.5 billion years i have said a hundred kazillion times!

The 4th day represents earth's positioning/relationship to the sun, with their tilt, with their day and night as we know it and seasons as we know it and the constellations as we know them....

our solar system was ''formed'' ya know....? this doesn't happen without evolution in that galaxy's formation.

the 4th day, represents what we know today as our 24 hour days/nights, seasons and years...

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