Gunny's Thread on Religion

You guys do realize that there are two creation stories in the Bible? And they contradict eachother?

Story #1 (Genesis 1:1-3)

Day 1: heavens, earth, light, day and night.
Day 2: the "dome" (sky) that separates the waters below (on earth) from the waters above the sky.
Day 3: dry land and vegetation.
Day 4: stars, moon, sun.
Day 5: water creatures and birds.
Day 6: land animals; humankind (both male and female). The number of human beings created is not specified. Also, God here gives to people "every plant yielding seed that is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit; you shall have them for food" (Gen 1:29) -- no prohibitions.
Day 7: God rested, and blessed this day.

Story #2 (Genesis 4-25)

*earth and heavens; no rain yet but a spring would well up and water the ground
from dust, man was created (not woman yet)
*garden of Eden -- man is put here; garden includes the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil
*God tells man to till and keep the garden of Eden, but not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil (note that Woman has not entered the scene yet! Man is alone).
*God notices that Man is alone and wants to find him a helper and partner, so He first creates animals and birds and Man names them. But still there was no helper as partner.
*God makes Man fall asleep, pulls out a rib, and makes Woman.
*The story of original sin then ensues.
Which it says existed before the sun was even made- you're only digging a deeper hole for yourself

I can only presume that the description under the fourth day, it stabilized the sun and the moons, planets and the stars in to their positions now in relation to the earth, and our close to 24 hour rotation days, but I am uncertain?

We already know the universe was created, that was the description under day 1, we also know the sun was created the same time as the least that is what I have viewed on different science documentaries... so those 2 coincide.

Which it says existed before the sun was even made- you're only digging a deeper hole for yourself

I can only presume

The only logical conclusion is that the story's not true, but you're too scared to face that reality

that the description under the fourth day, it stabilized the sun and the moons, planets and the stars in to their positions now in relation to the earth, and our close to 24 hour rotation days, but I am uncertain?

What's not hat it says. Such heresies are teachings of the devil and you will; go to hell

We already know the universe was created, that was the description under day 1,

... and they wonder why I have no respect for you idiots

we also know the sun was created the same time as the earth...

That's not what your bible says

at least that is what I have viewed on different science documentaries...

So now you admit that science has proven the bible wrong- we're making progress
Which it says existed before the sun was even made- you're only digging a deeper hole for yourself

I can only presume

The only logical conclusion is that the story's not true, but you're too scared to face that reality

What's not hat it says. Such heresies are teachings of the devil and you will; go to hell

... and they wonder why I have no respect for you idiots

we also know the sun was created the same time as the earth...

That's not what your bible says

at least that is what I have viewed on different science documentaries...

So now you admit that science has proven the bible wrong- we're making progress

Sorry, you LOSE, it specifically states the heavens(and all that's in it) was created at the same time.

there was day and evening ALREADY, which the Bible states several times before the description in day 4, which speaks about attaching us to the ''greater light of the day, and the lesser but still great, light of the night'', (our sun and moon is presumed), along with the stars in a specific manner, a stable manner... in a way which we would be able to use the sky for our recognition of seasons, and harvests, and the likes....
Sorry, you LOSE, it specifically states the heavens(and all that's in it) was created at the same time.

It says no such thing. First it says that god created heavens ans earth- then it gives the details of how it occurs over six days, with the Earth and plants coming before the sun. Reading comprehension was clearly not your strongest subject in school- or perhaps it was, if you're as stupid as you seem.
there was day and evening ALREADY, which the Bible states several times before the description in day 4,
Which cannot exist without the sun being in existence- yet it says the sun is made later. One chapter in, and your book has refuted and debunked itself. That's why stupid people believe while smart people realize it's a bunch of moronic fairy tales. Your ignorance is astounding,
which speaks about attaching us to the ''greater light of the day, and the lesser but still great, light of the night'', (our sun and moon is presumed)

Look into some elementary science- without the sun already being in its position in relation to the Earth, and the earth spinning, there would be do morning and evening. Let me guess- it refers to the start and end of the creation period on each day :rolleyes: Of course,l there's no day without the sun :lol: The fact remains that you cannot have plants on Earth before the sun exists- you cannot spin this in any way to save ir.
Sorry, you LOSE, it specifically states the heavens(and all that's in it) was created at the same time.

It says no such thing. First it says that god created heavens ans earth- then it gives the details of how it occurs over six days, with the Earth and plants coming before the sun. Reading comprehension was clearly not your strongest subject in school- or perhaps it was, if you're as stupid as you seem.
there was day and evening ALREADY, which the Bible states several times before the description in day 4,
Which cannot exist without the sun being in existence- yet it says the sun is made later. One chapter in, and your book has refuted and debunked itself. That's why stupid people believe while smart people realize it's a bunch of moronic fairy tales. Your ignorance is astounding,
which speaks about attaching us to the ''greater light of the day, and the lesser but still great, light of the night'', (our sun and moon is presumed)

Look into some elementary science- without the sun already being in its position in relation to the Earth, and the earth spinning, there would be do morning and evening. Let me guess- it refers to the start and end of the creation period on each day :rolleyes: Of course,l there's no day without the sun :lol: The fact remains that you cannot have plants on Earth before the sun exists- you cannot spin this in any way to save ir.

NOOOOOOOOO, YOU are the one trying to make it say, something it CLEARLY did NOT say.

It cleary states the earth and the heavens were created at once...that includes all that is within the universe, (i presume this is all matter and anti matter)

Then it goes on to talk about the evolution of earth and its relation to the other matter, in the simplest of terms....the position and stablization of the sun, moon, stars and the progression of such in relation to the earth.

thus far, you have done nothing but prove those passages to be true... :D
right.. if they're all made at once, why does it give the order in which they're created? :rolleyes:

You cannot have grass before the sun

Than you for once again highlighting the fact that Christianity is believed only by the mentally retarded
right.. if they're all made at once, why does it give the order in which they're created? :rolleyes:

You cannot have grass before the sun

Than you for once again highlighting the fact that Christianity is believed only by the mentally retarded

The light was there already, it says can't make up your own story just to please yourself...:cuckoo:

the part about the sun and moon and stars is in regard to how the Earth finally became associated with them, with the 24 hour days we have today....

during our beginnings, alot happened before we got in to this position we and the other planets are in today....we were continually bombarded and pushed around, all the planets were and there is visible evidence and physical evidence of such...


Do you think we always spun at the same speed we are today? Do you think the other planets haven't been bombarded as well which affected their positions and spin?

HELLO? Anybody home? :lol:
you can't make up your own story just to please yourself...:cuckoo:

oh, the irony..

The light was there already, it says so....

You said that was TBB; are you recanting that claim, or are yuou just confused? It also says the sun came later- were did the light come from, that it came from a single direction?
the part about the sun and moon and stars is in regard to how the Earth finally became associated with them, with the 24 hour days we have today....

That is not what it says. It says that they they were made on day four. You can't just make up your own storyto please yourself when your fairy tales fall apart :lol:

during our beginnings, alot happened before we got in to this position we and the other planets are in today....

Your evidence? Let me guess- now you want to cast aside your rehashings and go back to the original version of the story in Sumeria? :lol:

we were continually bombarded and pushed around, all the planets were and there is visible evidence and physical evidence of such...

Do present this evidence; if you can demonstrate any such thing, you're liable to get a nobel prize for disproving ery model that makes sense or fits the evidence

Do you think we always spun at the same speed we are today

HELLO? Anybody home? :lol:
Not in your head, evidently :lol:

I noticed that even your fellow retards have abandoned you and won't try to defend their assertions :lol:
you can't make up your own story just to please yourself...:cuckoo:

oh, the irony..

The light was there already, it says so....

You said that was TBB; are you recanting that claim, or are yuou just confused? It also says the sun came later- were did the light come from, that it came from a single direction?

That is not what it says. It says that they they were made on day four. You can't just make up your own storyto please yourself when your fairy tales fall apart :lol:

Your evidence? Let me guess- now you want to cast aside your rehashings and go back to the original version of the story in Sumeria? :lol:

Do present this evidence; if you can demonstrate any such thing, you're liable to get a nobel prize for disproving ery model that makes sense or fits the evidence

Do you think we always spun at the same speed we are today

HELLO? Anybody home? :lol:
Not in your head, evidently :lol:

I noticed that even your fellow retards have abandoned you and won't try to defend their assertions :lol:

There obviously was "light" after the big bang, 14 billion years was there, our other planets were present after the Big just took a bit before our galaxy was formed....

...about 5 billion years ago, our milky way galaxy was formed....and after that the planets evolved in to where they are positioned in distance today around the sun...

I don't see anything in Genesis1, that would preclude one from not accepting such science due to conflicting circumstance.

And good morning JB.

Now, thoroughly debunked, she no longer tries to even spin her delusion, but merely shuts off her brain

and you wonder why I have no respect for your kind

Is there a sweet person somewhere inside your shell, or are you this miserable in real life too? Just wondering....:eusa_eh:
Who said I was miserable? Now you're just projecting.

you're not? just seemed like anyone as narrow minded as you, with vitriol that would give the best sour puss a run for their money, would be miserable.....

hmmmm, maybe i was wrong...but i don't think so....? :razz:

right.. now stop evading matters with your pathetic personal attacks and commentaries on your fantasies about JB and either address the points made ir stfu.

ahhhhhhhhhhh, but it was THEE JB who threw out the attacks to evade answering anything....on the other hand, i have addressed all of your ridiculous posts, and for what? for you to sling mud and names?

i suppose your mama never taught you manners and you never took a debate class in school, but as an adult, you can't keep making should try to grow up a bit...maybe your opinion would then have some weight?

You have addressed nothing. Rather, you have evaded the matter and changed your position several times in order to avoid facing the reality that Genesis 1 contradicts itself and established realities regarding the nature and history of the universe.
So, you are saying the the evolution of a single cell, from non living matter, molecules, atoms, chemicals, floating together and "miraculously" coming to life, has been observed and documented??? Please tell me when and where, and that little cuckoo icon you inserted, just might mean something.

The rest of your post will go ignored until you can prove that the single cell could come to life on its own, and that it has been observed and documented.

In other words, you can't because your statement was a lie. Now stop weaseling around and either demonstrate or retract

science has not proven any "one" religion true, but it certainly has proven that micro evolution on its own, without an intelligent creator, designer, is impossible.

right.. which is why it's been observed and documented :cuckoo:



Not very, depending on just what you're referring to

Clearly, you are well educated and informed regarding this subject :rolleyes:

You really should stop mistaking Kent Hovind for a scientist..
SCIENCE has proven that.

right.... and the banana was designed by god to fit the human hand :rolleyes:

LOGIC allows us to conclude a CREATOR is the only other alternative.

wow... if you really belief that, you should be strerilized. Try going to Google Scholar instead of answers in genesis; your moronic assertions have been refuted countless times across this forum alone , and you're too retarded to waste any time reposting it.

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