Gunny's Thread on Religion

the sun wasn't made the 4th was there already, the earth and all planets etc in the solar system were formed 4.5 billion years i have said a hundred kazillion times!

The 4th day represents earth's positioning/relationship to the sun, with their tilt, with their day and night as we know it and seasons as we know it and the constellations as we know them....

our solar system was ''formed'' ya know....? this doesn't happen without evolution in that galaxy's formation.

the 4th day, represents what we know today as our 24 hour days/nights, seasons and years...

Why didn't god just make everything on the first day? He a little slow in the noggin? Or just lazy?
the sun wasn't made the 4th was there already, the earth and all planets etc in the solar system were formed 4.5 billion years i have said a hundred kazillion times!

The 4th day represents earth's positioning/relationship to the sun, with their tilt, with their day and night as we know it and seasons as we know it and the constellations as we know them....

our solar system was ''formed'' ya know....? this doesn't happen without evolution in that galaxy's formation.

the 4th day, represents what we know today as our 24 hour days/nights, seasons and years...

Why didn't god just make everything on the first day? He a little slow in the noggin? Or just lazy?

i dunno, i'm not God? why do you care to know the answers to those questions? They have never seemed important to me...not that the question is illogical....i'm not saying just never seemed to matter in relationship to faith....

the sun wasn't made the 4th was there already, the earth and all planets etc in the solar system were formed 4.5 billion years i have said a hundred kazillion times!

The 4th day represents earth's positioning/relationship to the sun, with their tilt, with their day and night as we know it and seasons as we know it and the constellations as we know them....

our solar system was ''formed'' ya know....? this doesn't happen without evolution in that galaxy's formation.

the 4th day, represents what we know today as our 24 hour days/nights, seasons and years...

Why didn't god just make everything on the first day? He a little slow in the noggin? Or just lazy?

i dunno, i'm not God? why do you care to know the answers to those questions? They have never seemed important to me...not that the question is illogical....i'm not saying just never seemed to matter in relationship to faith....


So you just blindly believe, even if it's illogical?
What about dinosaur fossil that are older than 6000 years? That does't seem illogical as well?
Why didn't god just make everything on the first day? He a little slow in the noggin? Or just lazy?

i dunno, i'm not God? why do you care to know the answers to those questions? They have never seemed important to me...not that the question is illogical....i'm not saying just never seemed to matter in relationship to faith....


So you just blindly believe, even if it's illogical?
What about dinosaur fossil that are older than 6000 years? That does't seem illogical as well?

You obviously have not read this entire lengthy thread or any post where I have spoken on this subject....I have NEVER proclaimed the earth is just 6000 years old.
i dunno, i'm not God? why do you care to know the answers to those questions? They have never seemed important to me...not that the question is illogical....i'm not saying just never seemed to matter in relationship to faith....


So you just blindly believe, even if it's illogical?
What about dinosaur fossil that are older than 6000 years? That does't seem illogical as well?

You obviously have not read this entire lengthy thread or any post where I have spoken on this subject....I have NEVER proclaimed the earth is just 6000 years old.

So if the bible said the earth was made in 666 days, you'd say: sure! Of course it was!
So you just blindly believe, even if it's illogical?
What about dinosaur fossil that are older than 6000 years? That does't seem illogical as well?

You obviously have not read this entire lengthy thread or any post where I have spoken on this subject....I have NEVER proclaimed the earth is just 6000 years old.

So if the bible said the earth was made in 666 days, you'd say: sure! Of course it was!

no, not at all that type of person and I have never argued such...
You obviously have not read this entire lengthy thread or any post where I have spoken on this subject....I have NEVER proclaimed the earth is just 6000 years old.

So if the bible said the earth was made in 666 days, you'd say: sure! Of course it was!

no, not at all that type of person and I have never argued such...

The problem with fighting them Care, is that no matter what proof you offer your opinion is based on faith. They will never except what you say as truth even in the view that it is truth to you and you aren't saying they have to take that as their own truth.

Gunny was brilliant when he made this thread and I love him for it. The level of hostility that has spawned under any topic speaking on religion is rediculous. I would almost give a thumbs up for the Religion and Ethics board to join the Flame Zone. Lets face it, you place down your opinion on a topic and you get spammed for either being an idiot or trying to force your views on the rest of the world.
I just wanted to know why if someone writes a book, that certain people will take that as fact. Like I read somewhere else here: the bible didn't fall out of the sky after god dropped it down to us, it was written by men. I just find that curious why some people can believe it as fact, that's all.

"you get spammed for either being an idiot or trying to force your views on the rest of the world."

or both.
I just wanted to know why if someone writes a book, that certain people will take that as fact. Like I read somewhere else here: the bible didn't fall out of the sky after god dropped it down to us, it was written by men. I just find that curious why some people can believe it as fact, that's all.

"you get spammed for either being an idiot or trying to force your views on the rest of the world."

or both.

If I remember correctly, the Bible was written by the physical hand of man yes but it was said to be written by God THROUGH man. Sounds about as hokey as those gold tablets the Book of Mormon is based on I know.. but if you haven't ever looked into it check out the numerical study of the Torah, Kabalah. There are some fascinating studies on the Bible and Torah that are always worth reading, if for nothing else, just the chance to read something new. ^_^
Oh Gee! Jews could count back then, how fascinating.

"the Bible was written by the physical hand of man yes but it was said to be written by God THROUGH man"

So god is illiterate?
Oh Gee! Jews could count back then, how fascinating.

"the Bible was written by the physical hand of man yes but it was said to be written by God THROUGH man"

So god is illiterate?

Why don't you tell us WHAT you believe and why you believe it? we can turn the table and ask you a bunch of questions about it.... :D

Oh Gee! Jews could count back then, how fascinating.

"the Bible was written by the physical hand of man yes but it was said to be written by God THROUGH man"

So god is illiterate?

How on earth can you conclude that? The Bible is pretty clear. Not something someone illiterate could write. If you cant understand it, it makes more sense to question your literacy that those who wrote it.
Oh Gee! Jews could count back then, how fascinating.

"the Bible was written by the physical hand of man yes but it was said to be written by God THROUGH man"

So god is illiterate?

How on earth can you conclude that? The Bible is pretty clear. Not something someone illiterate could write. If you cant understand it, it makes more sense to question your literacy that those who wrote it.

Av, if god had to write it through men, then maybe he's illiterate because he has to dictate it to someone else. Pretty simple concept actually. Just like if you can't think, then you join a cult where they do it for you. Get it?
Islam, Islam. It's insanity. Ever hear of a Jew or Christian STRAPPING ON a explosive to kill innocent people in the name of the god of peace, love or all that bullshit? Enough of intellectual debates, Islam is just a thinly veiled mental illness. A mass delusion, at best. For nihilists without a clue. Allah Akbar ,my sweet ass. Allah sucks the cosmic wanger.
Islam, Islam. It's insanity. Ever hear of a Jew or Christian STRAPPING ON a explosive to kill innocent people in the name of the god of peace, love or all that bullshit? Enough of intellectual debates, Islam is just a thinly veiled mental illness. A mass delusion, at best. For nihilists without a clue. Allah Akbar ,my sweet ass. Allah sucks the cosmic wanger.

Christians in Germany worked to death some 6 million Jew people back in the 1930's and 40's. Americans murdered hundreds of thousands of Negro people in the 19th and 20th century. Is there a difference between them and Islamic extremists? I dont think so.
It's a sad thing to say but there have been more people killed on planet Earth in the name of God than for any other reason.
That is a totally false statement.

Tens of millions of people were killed in both WWI and WWII. And it had zero to do with religion.

Also, tens of millions of people were killed and murdered during both the Russian and Chineese communist revolutions and subsequent takeovers.

And again, it had zero to do with religion, because the revolutions were led by secular atheists.

thank you Sunni---bout time that cliché is put to rest.

It had something to do with religion, or else millions of Jews wouldn't have been persecuted or killed. I would say that the Holocausts (one of the cornerstones of WWII) was at least loosely tied to religion....anti-semitism.
Islam, Islam. It's insanity. Ever hear of a Jew or Christian STRAPPING ON a explosive to kill innocent people in the name of the god of peace, love or all that bullshit? Enough of intellectual debates, Islam is just a thinly veiled mental illness. A mass delusion, at best. For nihilists without a clue. Allah Akbar ,my sweet ass. Allah sucks the cosmic wanger.

I've heard of people Christian people bombing, and burning abortion clinics. If I remember correctly, the KKK has had close ties to Christianity.

The Army of God posts "Homo News", on their webpage, as well as their intent to cause mayhem. Lambs of Christ. Westboro Baptist Church never misses a chance to offend. It's only a matter of time because they cause a big uproar.

I believe that not all Muslims are terrorists, and I know that not all terrorists are Muslims. All religions have blood on their hands. I think that bombing locations, no matter what they are, or what you believe.....or lying in wait for someone to emerge so that you can take them out with your assault rifle.....I don't know.....wouldn't you think that Christians who do these things, can be constituted as terrorists. Everything that I've read about terrorism leads me to that conclusion. Thoughts?
Islam, Islam. It's insanity. Ever hear of a Jew or Christian STRAPPING ON a explosive to kill innocent people in the name of the god of peace, love or all that bullshit? Enough of intellectual debates, Islam is just a thinly veiled mental illness. A mass delusion, at best. For nihilists without a clue. Allah Akbar ,my sweet ass. Allah sucks the cosmic wanger.

I've heard of people Christian people bombing, and burning abortion clinics. If I remember correctly, the KKK has had close ties to Christianity.

The Army of God posts "Homo News", on their webpage, as well as their intent to cause mayhem. Lambs of Christ. Westboro Baptist Church never misses a chance to offend. It's only a matter of time because they cause a big uproar.

I believe that not all Muslims are terrorists, and I know that not all terrorists are Muslims. All religions have blood on their hands. I think that bombing locations, no matter what they are, or what you believe.....or lying in wait for someone to emerge so that you can take them out with your assault rifle.....I don't know.....wouldn't you think that Christians who do these things, can be constituted as terrorists. Everything that I've read about terrorism leads me to that conclusion. Thoughts?

Terrorism :

ter⋅ror⋅ism  /ˈtɛrəˌrɪzəm/ [ter-uh-riz-uhm]
1. the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, esp. for political purposes.
2. the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization.
3. a terroristic method of governing or of resisting a government.

You were basically right on the nose. Islam has hit the papers and web hard with recent occurances but that doesn't mean they are the only religion to deserve the title in some way or another.

That said Islam promotes terrorism where as Christianity doesn't. Those who take Christianity to that extreme are nut jobs who should be burried next to Hoffa. Where as the Qur'an is beautiful and sends an enticing message for the majority of its chapters. The difference is that in Islam you are supposed to take the most recent word of Allah as your orders on how to live and conduct yourself. The final chapter is the ONLY chapter that does not start out saying "In the name of Allah the gracious and merciful" but instead goes on to talk about slaughtering all those who oppose Islam and that anyone who will not convert should be either killed or will be second class citizens in what would become Islam's time of peace and love. There are disturbing videos of 11 and 12 year old boys on Arab talk shows, saying they can't wait for their chance to kill the American infidels.

Yes the KKK has its roots in Christianity and yes there are jerks who would rather kill someone who "sins" than allow them the chance of possibly "corrupting" an innocent. These are extremists who don't even use the teachings of Christ to support their claims but rather stand on the Old Testament, the books that are supposed to show us our past but that we somewhat ignore for the teachings of our Savior Jesus Christ. The thing that makes Islam stand out a little more here is the fact that it literally does tell people to kill those who would stand in their way. Slaughter men, women, children, anyone who does not believe or will not conform shall be either treated like dogs or done away with.. honestly.. you can't compare Christian extremists to what we call the Muslim extremists because the Muslims who aren't blowing things up seem to be the rebels within that religion.

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