Gunny's Thread on Religion

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None is born a theist; it is a learned belief. Everyone is born an atheist.

Neither is anyone born a God-hater

Noone is born disliking anyone

which, is not atheist.

All in all, if you have any point, I don't see it

Of course one cannot be a 'god-hater' unless one is a theist

Of course you don't see it, but it's YOU nonetheless. You spend more time trying to disprove God and insulting theists than I've ever seen most theists spend trying to promote their religion.
I don't care about disproving fairy tales. I do, however, care about the future of the human race, not that I'd expect those who worship malevolence and sadomasochism to understand or care about humanity.
I don't care about disproving fairy tales. I do, however, care about the future of the human race, not that I'd expect those who worship malevolence and sadomasochism to understand or care about humanity.
I'm happy to inform you that your tireless work against the theists here on this forum has saved the future of the human race.

Congratulations on your achievement.
I don't care about disproving fairy tales. I do, however, care about the future of the human race, not that I'd expect those who worship malevolence and sadomasochism to understand or care about humanity.

Exactly who does the world need saving from?

The people who believe that we should be honest, charitable, kind, lift people to a higher way of life, and learn all there is to learn; who do this through persuasion, long suffering, gentleness. etc.


The people who thinks tht 92% of the population needs to be killed because they are so "stupid" that they believe in God and disagree with you.

Who is the real threat to humanity here?
The people who believe that we should be honest, charitable, kind, lift people to a higher way of life, and learn all there is to learn;

That would be the humanists...

who do this through persuasion


It has been demonstrated repeatedly what your kind is detrimental, immoral, and inherently evil by your own standards. You worship an evil deity and oppose human progress and the wellbeing of the species.
The people who believe that we should be honest, charitable, kind, lift people to a higher way of life, and learn all there is to learn;

That would be the humanists...

who do this through persuasion


It has been demonstrated repeatedly what your kind is detrimental, immoral, and inherently evil by your own standards. You worship an evil deity and oppose human progress and the wellbeing of the species.

In YOUR own little head and dreams...sure!

good morning JB
I don't care about disproving fairy tales. I do, however, care about the future of the human race, not that I'd expect those who worship malevolence and sadomasochism to understand or care about humanity.

Exactly who does the world need saving from?

The people who believe that we should be honest, charitable, kind, lift people to a higher way of life, and learn all there is to learn; who do this through persuasion, long suffering, gentleness. etc.


The people who thinks tht 92% of the population needs to be killed because they are so "stupid" that they believe in God and disagree with you.

Who is the real threat to humanity here?

JB appears not to answer questions he finds inconvenient.
I don't care about disproving fairy tales. I do, however, care about the future of the human race, not that I'd expect those who worship malevolence and sadomasochism to understand or care about humanity.

I wonder if that's bullshit, and attempt to deflect or just incredibly pompous. :confused:
Anyone who has witnessed the dramatic genius and growing girth of Marlon Brando knows the Universe must expand, then bet bald, babble and die.

“The horror, the horror.”
Online I've found humanists to be the most vile, vituperative posters on the net.

I don't think their inner fortitude is so great they can carry off their hatefulness in real person, or I would have noticed by now.
i haven't found humanists to be that way allie, they are more like john Lennon peaceniks....or those who know not the end result of what they wish for... they don't have the vitrol towards all religious, it's more like their approach is joining all religions....which is still offensive to many denominations...

i would NOT put JB there in with said, at least from what i have seen...

he's more like a whirlwind, spinning and spinning and spinning.... ;)
I love how y'all keep talkin' shit, yet you've never been able to refute anything the Reverend has said or demonstrate that anything I have said is false in any way.
I love how y'all keep talkin' shit, yet you've never been able to refute anything the Reverend has said or demonstrate that anything I have said is false in any way.
[ame=]YouTube - Yes! I am invincible![/ame]
" disprove God and insulting theists than I've ever seen most theists spend trying to promote their religion."

You are a very sad individual Gunny. Just because someone questions religion doenst mean they are promoting a religion. Also, the use of a word (theist) that most people do not understand is rerally just an example plain old bad manners. I'm not at all impressed.
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" disprove God and insulting theists than I've ever seen most theists spend trying to promote their religion."

You are a very sad individual Gunny. Just because someone questions religion doenst mean they are promoting a religion. Also, the use of a word (theist) that most people do not understand is rerally just an example plain old bad manners. I'm not at all impressed.

Really ... I might agree except I never said any such thing; which, would make your entire statement irrelevant.

But DO try again, junior. :lol:
I'm of course an apostate and an atheist, but I don't believe most secular individuals have an interest in interfering with the personal beliefs of the religious if they merely remained personal beliefs, just as most secular individuals don't have an interest in interfering with the beliefs of those who embrace astrology or other superstition not based on reason. It's because the beliefs of the religious exert an undue influence over mainstream society (we might still have a World Trade Center if not for religion) that objections are raised. As noted:


I've not encountered anyone who has an interest in attacking religious belief simply because they consider it irrational or baseless; many beliefs retain such elements. It's because religious belief has traditionally primarily adopted the role of the basis of an openly hierarchical institution (the Roman Catholic inquisition, excessively theocratic Islamic states today, etc.), or the basis of other negative influences that have the effect of causing intrusions into non-religious elements of life, as noted by the cartoon, that there is opposition.

Yours sounds like an irrational belief to me. SUPPORT your claims. I will provide lots of support to show your belief as stated is so far from the factual truth its hilarious.

Its interesting how science was once thought by so many, that it would prove religion to be false, yet in fact it has done just the opposite

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