Guns And KKK Members At Gettysburg Confederate Rally, But No Foes To Fight

They did? Pick up a history book, troll.

Sent back home with their tails between their legs

Got a spanking

False, it was a bloody engagement that left thousands dead, The Confederacy lost, but extracted a serious toll on the Union. Why do you lie about this? I get that you are a troll and a Nazi, but what is your purpose in trying to rewrite history?
The great Robert E Lee was fighting bumbling George Meade who had command of his army for a full two days before Gettysburg

Meade beat him at Little Round Top, Culps Hill and crushed Picketts Charge

Lee went scampering back to Virginia as fast as he could and never dared invade the north again

Say shitflinger, what was the death toll on each side?

What was that? I didn't hear your answer, fucktard...
That is not how battles are won or lost
Today is the day of Picketts Charge. A major strategic blunder that turned the battle into a romp.
More like a stalemate.
shifting gears, a lot of the firearms technology of today had its roots in the civil war.

Wars tend to do that. Most "modern" firearms are a result of WWI. The Colt 1911 is the model of virtually all semi-automatic handguns to this day.
I read an interesting book abou tthe development of the kalashnikov, and its funny that Maxim, Gardner and Gatling were all trying to sell their versions of tthe machine gun during that war. if you think about it, most firearm technologies and platforms/designs that we use today are pretty much the same as they were during WWI-WWII
There was no strategy....we will fight them at Gettysburg
They were searching the area looking for shoes and other supplies when they came upon a union patrol
The rest is history
Actually Lee was trying to divert the union troops from fighting in Vicksburg.
Two different armies
The Army of Northern Virginia had nothing to do with defending the Mississippi

The Union had armies on both fronts

"In addition to bringing the conflict out of Virginia and diverting northern troops from Vicksburg, where the Confederates were under siege, Lee hoped to gain recognition of the Confederacy by Britain and France and strengthen the cause of northern “Copperheads” who favored peace."
Didn't work did it?

Vicksburg fell the same day
The confederates were out numbered by sbout 30,000 soldiers in Vicksburg...which is why Lee Initiated fighting in Gettysburg hoping to divert troops. Hence the battle was not about "shoes". Vicksburg fell on July 4th...not the 3rd BTW.

Also the war continued for two more years. With other southern victories....and more losses on both sides of the fight.
Vicksburg and the Mississippi were lost by July 1863
No "diversion" was going to save it

Lee's northern invasion was to put pressure on Washington and Philadelphia causing the Union to draw back their defenses
Sent back home with their tails between their legs

Got a spanking

False, it was a bloody engagement that left thousands dead, The Confederacy lost, but extracted a serious toll on the Union. Why do you lie about this? I get that you are a troll and a Nazi, but what is your purpose in trying to rewrite history?
The great Robert E Lee was fighting bumbling George Meade who had command of his army for a full two days before Gettysburg

Meade beat him at Little Round Top, Culps Hill and crushed Picketts Charge

Lee went scampering back to Virginia as fast as he could and never dared invade the north again

Say shitflinger, what was the death toll on each side?

What was that? I didn't hear your answer, fucktard...
That is not how battles are won or lost
Today is the day of Picketts Charge. A major strategic blunder that turned the battle into a romp.
More like a stalemate.
Stalemate mean both sides hold their positions

Lee took his forces and went home.....never to take the offensive again
False, it was a bloody engagement that left thousands dead, The Confederacy lost, but extracted a serious toll on the Union. Why do you lie about this? I get that you are a troll and a Nazi, but what is your purpose in trying to rewrite history?
The great Robert E Lee was fighting bumbling George Meade who had command of his army for a full two days before Gettysburg

Meade beat him at Little Round Top, Culps Hill and crushed Picketts Charge

Lee went scampering back to Virginia as fast as he could and never dared invade the north again

Say shitflinger, what was the death toll on each side?

What was that? I didn't hear your answer, fucktard...
That is not how battles are won or lost
Today is the day of Picketts Charge. A major strategic blunder that turned the battle into a romp.
More like a stalemate.
Stalemate mean both sides hold their positions

Lee took his forces and went home.....never to take the offensive again
Historians say stalemate...due to the damage and casualties to Meades army

"Herman Hattaway and Archer Jones wrote that the "strategic impact of the Battle of Gettysburg was ... fairly limited." Steven E. Woodworth wrote that "Gettysburg proved only the near impossibility of decisive action in the Eastern theater." Edwin Coddington pointed out the heavy toll on the Army of the Potomac and that "after the battle Meade no longer possessed a truly effective instrument for the accomplishments of his task. The army needed a thorough reorganization with new commanders and fresh troops, but these changes were not made until Grant appeared on the scene in March 1864." Joseph T. Glatthaar wrote that "Lost opportunities and near successes plagued the Army of Northern Virginia during its Northern invasion," yet after Gettysburg, "without the distractions of duty as an invading force, without the breakdown of discipline, the Army of Northern Virginia [remained] an extremely formidable force." Ed Bearsswrote, "Lee's invasion of the North had been a costly failure. Nevertheless, at best the Army of the Potomac had simply preserved the strategic stalemate in the Eastern Theater ..."[104]Furthermore, the Confederacy soon proved it was still capable of winning significant victories over the Northern forces in both the East (Battle of Cold Harbor) and West (Battle of Chickamauga).
You got any credible new source for the claim of Klan members and Trump supporters working together or are you just an asshole?

So who do you suppose Klan members vote for when they vote for president?

Answering a question with a question? Typical.

You got any credible news source for the claim that Klan members and Trump supporters working together or are you just an asshole?

The Klan platform supports almost everything Trump supports.
And the New Black Panthers platform supports almost everything obama supports.

There is no new Black Panther party of any consequence.
Nor is the KKK of any significance.
The Republican Party claims to be the party of Lincoln, and yet Southern Republicans still hate Lincoln.

Are there two Republican parties?

Wow. You just figured out that the GOP is a big diverse party. Congratu-fucking-lations.

So now you admit that the Republican South is the Lincoln-hating racist segregationist white supremacist conservative crowd it's always been,

even when they called themselves Democrats.

lol, I should be an interrogator.
Wow, they were Republicans when they called themselves democrats. What next, Lincoln was a democrat who called himself Republican?

Man, I'm glad we have modern revisionists to keep all this straight for us.
In Europe, they HAVE banned Nazi symbols, like the swastika. I don't know what good that is, but we are going the same way with Ol' dix, stars and bars, the confederate battle flag. What that accomplishes, I don't know.
Bubba Clinton, that ardent Republican who called himself a democrat (need modern revisionists to keep this straight) would not approve. He flew that flag and defended it.
You got any credible new source for the claim of Klan members and Trump supporters working together or are you just an asshole?

So who do you suppose Klan members vote for when they vote for president?

Answering a question with a question? Typical.

You got any credible news source for the claim that Klan members and Trump supporters working together or are you just an asshole?

The Klan platform supports almost everything Trump supports.

Says the man defending a post that he can't actually support with any link.

Why should I give your words any more credibility than you do? Which is obviously zero?

Official Ku Klux Klan Party Platform IS The GOP And Tea Party Agenda

lol, now watch reject the link or at best say something even more stupid than he's already said.
Now, was KKK Byrd a democrat, or a Republican that called himself a democrat? It's all very confusing without the revisionists to keep it straight.
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So this thread is based on nothing happening? LOL! Lefty's are so desperate.
I really think they're disappointed that nothing did. Maybe they've grown accustomed to the violence that seems to occur with such frequency when lefties demonstrate and riot.

The anti-fascists never came, but pro-Confederate protesters at the Civil War battlefield were still angry, and heavily armed.

GETTYSBURG, Pa. ― A few hundred armed militia group members, Sons of Confederate Veterans, Ku Klux Klaners, supporters of President Donald Trump, and other self-described patriots descended upon the Gettysburg battlefield Saturday to defend the site’s Confederate symbols from phantom activists with the violent far-left group Antifa.

Some carried semi-automatic rifles ― permitted in Pennsylvania ― as they peered out across the battlefield with binoculars, on the lookout for the black-clad, face-masked anti-fascists, anarchists and socialists they said they had heard were traveling to the national park to dishonor Confederate graves, monuments and flags.

Although many came expecting violence ― even after Antifa made it clear its adherents never planned to show up ― the only bloodshed came when a lone militia group member accidentally shot himself in the leg.

Pictures & More: Guns And KKK Members At Gettysburg Confederate Rally, But No Foes To Fight

This seems like a sad and hateful way to celebrate Independence Day. What do you think...?

Total bullshit. Why does the left pretend that the KKK is on the right? And why does the left keep trying to convince people that NRA members want to fight with people?

It's the leftist groups out there being violent. This articles is all conjecture and no facts. Someone saw protesters and just made shit up to make the right look crazy.
So who do you suppose Klan members vote for when they vote for president?

Answering a question with a question? Typical.

You got any credible news source for the claim that Klan members and Trump supporters working together or are you just an asshole?

The Klan platform supports almost everything Trump supports.
And the New Black Panthers platform supports almost everything obama supports.

There is no new Black Panther party of any consequence.
Nor is the KKK of any significance.
I said the exact same thing...even in white power circles, they are considered a joke, a nothingburger

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