Guns are part of who we are as Americans

The US military will tell Career politicians to pound sand, when the career politicians move against the Constitution...

I am not so sure about that. The military, and police like their salaries, benefits, and PENSIONS. They may just do what their corrupt masters tell them. Look at Katrina where police went door to door and illegally confiscated guns.
Also ignorant and wrong – this fails as a hasty generalization fallacy.
The Left has been brainwashed by their elite Dem masters that America has been evil, and needs to be changed. This was the Fundamental Transformation Obama talked about. That is why they want Amnesty for illegals which essentially Open Borders. Another part is disarming the Law Abiding populace. Among other things.
This is also as ridiculous as it is ignorant and wrong – nothing but rightwing lies.

Conservatives are a reprehensible as they are dishonest.

What part of my post is untrue, or did I just HIT A NERVE?
Without the Second Amendment there is no constitution anymore....
You are always confused about this. You Moon Bats are confused about a great many things, aren't you?

The reason that the Founding Fathers established the individual right to keep and bear is spelled out very clearly in the Constitution; "necessary for the security of a free state".

Go look it up you stupid confused uneducated Moon Bat. I guarantee you that it is in the Constitution.

They also had something in there about "Well Regulated Militias"...

These guys are not a well-regulated militia.

View attachment 233525

So instead of whining about what a bunch of slave rapists who shit in chamber pots and treated colds with bleeding thought.....

Does it make sense for the average citizen to be allowed to purchase a gun today?

If you don't like the American profile just say so. Making sense is not the point because that's always debatable. Identity is the point.

That, in my opinion is why the de-nationalizing hordes are so interested in grabbing them.

So was slavery.

So was genocide of native Americans

So was racism.

"We've always done it that way" isn't a good argument.

Does it make sense now? Most of us don't have to hunt for food now.

The two arguments for gun ownership today is " I needs my guns to fight off the criminals" when in fact, most gun deaths are from people you know.

The other is "I needs my guns to fights the gummit!" which is even stupider, because the government has tanks and bombers and can take you out with impunity if they really wanted to.
There are actual arguments for guns unlike those that you tried pulling out of where you have been putting your head.
They are needed by those who have cattle, sheep and other livestock to keep their livelihood free of predators.
They are needed by those who live twenty or more minutes from the nearest law enforcement.
They are used by some to hunt.
Some use them for shooting competitions. Others use the for bonding over target practice. Others use them just for instructional purposes to teach responsibility.
Some feel safer knowing that they have a chance to react to a bad actor instead of cowering.

How long did Russia fight in Afganistan where only the Russians had tanks, helicopters and fighter jets? Did Russia come out on top?
I do not see anyone fighting with the military.

Only crazy people think that laws will end criminals having guns. How well has the war against drugs worked? Any difference?
You are always confused about this. You Moon Bats are confused about a great many things, aren't you?

The reason that the Founding Fathers established the individual right to keep and bear is spelled out very clearly in the Constitution; "necessary for the security of a free state".

Go look it up you stupid confused uneducated Moon Bat. I guarantee you that it is in the Constitution.

They also had something in there about "Well Regulated Militias"...

These guys are not a well-regulated militia.

View attachment 233525

So instead of whining about what a bunch of slave rapists who shit in chamber pots and treated colds with bleeding thought.....

Does it make sense for the average citizen to be allowed to purchase a gun today?

You dumbass Moon Bats are too stupid to understand what well regulated meant and too uneducated to read what Supreme Court said about it in the Heller case where they confirmed that the right to keep and bear arms was an individual right.

Like I said and you just proved me right. You stupid Moon Bat are confused about a great many things.

If you don't want to live in a country with individual Liberties then get the hell out and move to some socialist paradise like Venezuela or Cuba or wherever. Not only will you not be allowed to own a firearm but you can get that great free socialist healthcare that you think you are entitled to just because you are alive.
The right to keep and bear arms is separate from the militia clause, but even it if weren't we are all in the unorganized militia by U.S. Code.

Well Regulated = Well trained, Well Timed, and Well Equipped. NOT restricted.

Look at old clocks. They were called Regulators, and many had that written right on their face.
You seem a bit paranoid Pilot. Paranoia is recognized as a symptom of mental disease. Should mentally diseased people be allowed to play with guns? I don`t think so. Turn in your guns before you hurt yourself.

What part of my post was untrue? Obama didn't talk about Fundamental Transformation? Democrats aren't advocating for Amnesty for Illegal Aliens? Please do tell.

I've owned guns for 45 years with absolutely no issues.
All your posts are nothing but lies.

Democrats don’t want ‘amnesty’ for undocumented immigrants; nor do they want to ‘grab’ anyone’s guns.

That you’ve owned guns for 45 years absent any issues is proof of that.

In fact, we’ve seen Republicans placing more restrictions on firearms – in Florida one must be 21 or older to buy a gun, and long guns are now subject to a waiting period; measures enacted by Republican lawmakers signed into law by a Republican governor.
That, in my opinion is why the de-nationalizing hordes are so interested in grabbing them.

So was slavery.

So was genocide of native Americans

So was racism.

"We've always done it that way" isn't a good argument...

It’s more than good enough enough. In fact it’s the only argument necessary; just like it is for the three items you listed above.

The more recent immigrants in my family (1820-1900) probably wouldn’t have come here if the original immigrants in my family (1650-1700) hadn’t built the country the way they did.

We know for certain that my great-grandparents from Germany wouldn’t because my great-grandfather said so in the 1960s.
You are always confused about this. You Moon Bats are confused about a great many things, aren't you?

The reason that the Founding Fathers established the individual right to keep and bear is spelled out very clearly in the Constitution; "necessary for the security of a free state".

Go look it up you stupid confused uneducated Moon Bat. I guarantee you that it is in the Constitution.

They also had something in there about "Well Regulated Militias"...

These guys are not a well-regulated militia.

View attachment 233525

So instead of whining about what a bunch of slave rapists who shit in chamber pots and treated colds with bleeding thought.....

Does it make sense for the average citizen to be allowed to purchase a gun today?

You dumbass Moon Bats are too stupid to understand what well regulated meant and too uneducated to read what Supreme Court said about it in the Heller case where they confirmed that the right to keep and bear arms was an individual right.

Like I said and you just proved me right. You stupid Moon Bat are confused about a great many things.

If you don't want to live in a country with individual Liberties then get the hell out and move to some socialist paradise like Venezuela or Cuba or wherever. Not only will you not be allowed to own a firearm but you can get that great free socialist healthcare that you think you are entitled to just because you are alive.

They fail to realize that their own antipathy
has been programed into them.

That, in my opinion is why the de-nationalizing hordes are so interested in grabbing them.

From the picture of the rugged mountain man eeking out an existence in the Rocky mountains in the 1850s to the statuary images of the greatest generation dressed for combat the gun has become not just a tool for self-defense and the establishment of Independence it has also become an irrevocable symbol of the American Spirit.

Americans unlike their European predecessors didn't wait didn't wait to be subdued before they declared their independence they took it up front.

That makes the American profile unique among cultural profiles... It's also makes the pure American spirit particularly hated by the dominating nature of the Global elites who see any form of Independence as an impediment to their one world agenda.

Funny I've never needed one a single day in my life. I'm sure most can say that. We no longer hunt our food.... Time to grow up.
They are needed by those who have cattle, sheep and other livestock to keep their livelihood free of predators

okay.. probably less than 1% of all guns in the country are used for that purpose.

Some use them for shooting competitions. Others use the for bonding over target practice. Others use them just for instructional purposes to teach responsibility.

And none of those things are necessary.... if you banned that as a hobby, no one's life would be ruined.

How long did Russia fight in Afganistan where only the Russians had tanks, helicopters and fighter jets? Did Russia come out on top?
I do not see anyone fighting with the military.

Okay, let's look at that example. We dumped a shitload of weapons into Afghanistan and they didn't drive the Soviets out. The Soviets left when the USSR and Warsaw Pact broke up. IN fact, the Communist regime in Kabul outlived the Communist regime in Moscow. The place has been in a state of warfare pretty much since 1979.

What we DID manage to accomplish is that the crazy religious asshats we armed to go kill them commies turned around and killed a bunch of us on 9/11.

So... um, good job, everyone. Good job!
They fail to realize that their own antipathy
has been programed into them.

Not at all... twenty years ago, I'd have been right there with you. Was in the Army for 11 years handled all sort of guns..

The real problem is that the gun lobby got nuttier, not the liberals. Probably about the time they turned Nazis and Child Molesting cultists into heroes for shooting law enforcement officers at Ruby Ridge and Waco.
They fail to realize that their own antipathy
has been programed into them.

Not at all... twenty years ago, I'd have been right there with you. Was in the Army for 11 years handled all sort of guns..

The real problem is that the gun lobby got nuttier, not the liberals. Probably about the time they turned Nazis and Child Molesting cultists into heroes for shooting law enforcement officers at Ruby Ridge and Waco.
Guns have changed a lot. When I was a kid it was revolvers, bolt action, and lever action rifles. Now the country is littered with semi-autos with high capacity magazines.
You are always confused about this. You Moon Bats are confused about a great many things, aren't you?

The reason that the Founding Fathers established the individual right to keep and bear is spelled out very clearly in the Constitution; "necessary for the security of a free state".

Go look it up you stupid confused uneducated Moon Bat. I guarantee you that it is in the Constitution.

They also had something in there about "Well Regulated Militias"...

These guys are not a well-regulated militia.

View attachment 233525

So instead of whining about what a bunch of slave rapists who shit in chamber pots and treated colds with bleeding thought.....

Does it make sense for the average citizen to be allowed to purchase a gun today?

I am a seasoned citizen. I need to be able to protect myself when I go to the store or get into my car and go anywhere.

Firearms give me that freedom. If I didn't have a firearm on me, and some criminal pulled one on me, I'd be dead. Maybe I'll be dead anyhow if it comes down to it, but at least now I stand a chance if someone pulls out a weapon with an intent to assassinate me.

This is what our founding fathers put this into the Constitution.
You are always confused about this. You Moon Bats are confused about a great many things, aren't you?

The reason that the Founding Fathers established the individual right to keep and bear is spelled out very clearly in the Constitution; "necessary for the security of a free state".

Go look it up you stupid confused uneducated Moon Bat. I guarantee you that it is in the Constitution.

They also had something in there about "Well Regulated Militias"...

These guys are not a well-regulated militia.

View attachment 233525

So instead of whining about what a bunch of slave rapists who shit in chamber pots and treated colds with bleeding thought.....

Does it make sense for the average citizen to be allowed to purchase a gun today?

I am a seasoned citizen. I need to be able to protect myself when I go to the store or get into my car and go anywhere.

Firearms give me that freedom. If I didn't have a firearm on me, and some criminal pulled one on me, I'd be dead. Maybe I'll be dead anyhow if it comes down to it, but at least now I stand a chance if someone pulls out a weapon with an intent to assassinate me.

This is what our founding fathers put this into the Constitution.
Funny that's I've never needed a gun for defense in my life, nor do I know anyone who has. You realize strict gun laws would make the likelihood of a criminal pulling one on you much less right? Lots of guns gives us a homicide rate 4-5X higher than countries with strong gun control.

Are you some kind of criminal that you expect someone to try to assassinate you?
[ You realize strict gun laws would make the likelihood of a criminal pulling one on you much less right?

LOL! You mean like in Chicago? Those strict gun control laws are working mighty fine, aren't they?

December to Date

Shot & Killed: 12
Shot & Wounded: 50
Total Shot: 62
Total Homicides: 16

Week in Progress (12/2 – 12/8)

Shot & Killed: 10
Shot & Wounded: 43
Total Shot: 53
Total Homicides: 13

Year to Date

Shot & Killed: 474
Shot & Wounded: 2331
Total Shot: 2805
Total Homicides: 560

Chicago Crime 2018 | Chicago Murder, Crime & Mayhem | HeyJackass!

[ You realize strict gun laws would make the likelihood of a criminal pulling one on you much less right?

LOL! You mean like in Chicago? Those strict gun control laws are working mighty fine, aren't they?

December to Date

Shot & Killed: 12
Shot & Wounded: 50
Total Shot: 62
Total Homicides: 16

Week in Progress (12/2 – 12/8)

Shot & Killed: 10
Shot & Wounded: 43
Total Shot: 53
Total Homicides: 13

Year to Date

Shot & Killed: 474
Shot & Wounded: 2331
Total Shot: 2805
Total Homicides: 560

Chicago Crime 2018 | Chicago Murder, Crime & Mayhem | HeyJackass!
You should understand that Chicago doesn't have walls. They are surrounded by weak gun laws. City gun laws are very limited. Btw, they have concealed carry. Doesn't look like it is lowering crime does it?

We need federal gun laws and then we would have much lower homicide rates like the UK, Germany, France, Japan, Denmark....
You are always confused about this. You Moon Bats are confused about a great many things, aren't you?

The reason that the Founding Fathers established the individual right to keep and bear is spelled out very clearly in the Constitution; "necessary for the security of a free state".

Go look it up you stupid confused uneducated Moon Bat. I guarantee you that it is in the Constitution.

They also had something in there about "Well Regulated Militias"...

These guys are not a well-regulated militia.

View attachment 233525

So instead of whining about what a bunch of slave rapists who shit in chamber pots and treated colds with bleeding thought.....

Does it make sense for the average citizen to be allowed to purchase a gun today?

I am a seasoned citizen. I need to be able to protect myself when I go to the store or get into my car and go anywhere.

Firearms give me that freedom. If I didn't have a firearm on me, and some criminal pulled one on me, I'd be dead. Maybe I'll be dead anyhow if it comes down to it, but at least now I stand a chance if someone pulls out a weapon with an intent to assassinate me.

This is what our founding fathers put this into the Constitution.
Funny that's I've never needed a gun for defense in my life, nor do I know anyone who has. You realize strict gun laws would make the likelihood of a criminal pulling one on you much less right? Lots of guns gives us a homicide rate 4-5X higher than countries with strong gun control.

Are you some kind of criminal that you expect someone to try to assassinate you?

Absolutely not true. Mexico has very stringent gun control and a murder rate higher than America. Ditto for other republics in our hemisphere like Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador.

Any number of innocent people have guns pulled on them.

I suppose that it might increase slightly the chance of a criminal pulling a gun, but criminals have other weapons and as a seasoned citizen, I become more and more likely to be a victim of even a strong armed attack as I get frailer.

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