
At breakfast time, let's talk about guns. Issue not resolved, so lunchtime, let's talk about guns. Still not resolved, so let's talk about guns at supper time.

Government could go tyrannical (yawn), so let's talk guns. DON'T TAKE MY GUNS, I'LL KILL YOU. So next day, let's talk guns. Problem still not resolved, let's talk guns.

Every country doesn't have guns (according to Americans), just the US, so problem not resolved, let's talk guns. Inevitable civil war will happen at any moment (just like the world is going to end), so let's talk guns


My question, why are you SO fucking obsessed with guns? I have never ever been to a country, nor on another country's forum where guns are so obsessive.

What is up with you guys? What's the question you're trying to resolve, can we finally discover the answer that puts the debate to bed?

Is that possible??
You live in the UK so what to yo care if Americans own guns?
The facts are that the vast majority of legal gun owners and by vast I mean 99.999% will never murder anyone, never shoot anyone, and never accidentally shoot someone.

You people love to hyperinflate the instances of murders committed with guns without accounting for the fact that most murders tale place in poverty stricken, inner city areas where de-facto segregation still exists, schools are below par, employment opportunities are near zero and drugs are crime are allowed to run rampant by the powers that be.

You ignore the fact that an area of just a few square blocks can have a murder rate that is 10 times higher than the national average (and that these small areas actually skew the gun murder rate for the entire country) but a same sized area just a couple miles away will have a murder rate of just a fraction of the national average and many of those areas will have a murder rate that is ZERO.

You ignore that there are complex historical, socioeconomic, cultural and political causes of generational poverty and that the government knows where the murder hot spots are but choose to do nothing about it.

So you foreigners that think your opinion about the US and the ability of law abiding citizens to own guns matter should actually educate yourselves on the real causes of violence in society and try to wrap your head around the idea that in this country we don't curb one man's rights simply because another man may abuse those freedoms.
Oh they’ll leave you alone alright, until you break the law, then a SWAT team will take care of you and your guns.
And why do you have a problem with that?

In this country we don't curb a person's freedoms just because someone else breaks the law.

Blaming all gun owners for crimes committed with guns is no different than blaming all men for every rape.
On the streets? How about on the firing range?
But thanks for YOUR opinion, it is duly noted.
The AR15 etc do not belong in the hands of the general public because crazy people get them and shoot people; Las Vegas was almost 500 casualties.
Please be careful, I can back up anything I say on the subject…
The AR15 etc do not belong in the hands of the general public because crazy people get them and shoot people; Las Vegas was almost 500 casualties.
Please be careful, I can back up anything I say on the subject…
Our Second Amendment say you are wrong. Again, thanks for your opinion.
The Bill of Rights is on my side.

By the way, crazy people will use whatever it takes. Bump stocks are a prime example.
Your wet dream would only hurt those you would never have to worry about.
Our Second Amendment say you are wrong. Again, thanks for your opinion.
The Bill of Rights is on my side.

By the way, crazy people will use whatever it takes. Bump stocks are a prime example.
Your wet dream would only hurt those you would never have to worry about.
Early American militiamen were the only ones who were allowed to have rifles with bayonet lugs… Gun control measures are very very old in this country.

American history and active gun control says that you and your buddies are dead wrong.
The AR15 etc do not belong in the hands of the general public because crazy people get them and shoot people; Las Vegas was almost 500 casualties.
Please be careful, I can back up anything I say on the subject…
If you are a liberal your attitudes and political actions are the problem, not guns. If you goad someone long enough or deprive them long enough they will turn on you. You have sown the wind and will reap the whirlwind.

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