
I believe people should have guns, but they should be vetted, guns stored securely, not carried around in public, the odd model and feature restricted/banned. Oh, just like in the UK. I believe shot gun certificates have been held by 9 year olds, no doubt living on farms, there's no age limit.

Are private gun sales vetted in Britain? In the US, we do vet people who buy guns online, in a store that sells them, or in gun shows. Do you think any of your measures will do anything to reduce crime with guns? If you outlaw AR15s and the like, will that matter? Do you think criminals, gang members, terrorists, drug dealers, etc., will obey any gun control laws? I'd kinda like my daughter or grand-daughter to have a gun handy if they're walking home at night.

Long story short, I'm not feeling very cleansed yet.
How many lives have been saved by having a gun, Scooter?
Look at the other side of the coin from time to time, it would keep you humble.
The other side of the coin doesn’t need a weekend GI Joe with what are essentially M16s.
It’s shown to be very dangerous for people.
I think he means more like Adolph Hitler......Idi Amin.......Joseph Stalin etc.
You know... the hundreds of millions they shot to death because the others had had their guns taken away.

Imagine the 200,000,000 that lost their lives because of the simply idiotic argument that by disarming the population, 20 were saved .
Do you even know the difference between 200 MILLION and 20 ??

Yep...Only morons and Authoritarian asslickers think like that.
You guys live in a sick black hole of stupidity and and addiction to paranoia.

You know nothing about this country.
My question, why are you SO fucking obsessed with guns? I have never ever been to a country, nor on another country's forum where guns are so obsessive.
If those who continue to seek unnecessary and ineffective restrictions on the rights of law abiding gun owners ceased their efforts to that end, there'd be little to no talk about guns.
So, your question, more relevantly asked:
Why do Democrats/leftists/liberals continue to seek unnecessary and ineffective restrictions on the rights of law abiding gun owners?
Are private gun sales vetted in Britain? In the US, we do vet people who buy guns online, in a store that sells them, or in gun shows. Do you think any of your measures will do anything to reduce crime with guns? If you outlaw AR15s and the like, will that matter? Do you think criminals, gang members, terrorists, drug dealers, etc., will obey any gun control laws? I'd kinda like my daughter or grand-daughter to have a gun handy if they're walking home at night.

Long story short, I'm not feeling very cleansed yet.
The vetting procedure is quite thorough. Your certificate will have your photo and you supply two referees for a firearms certificate and one referee for a shotgun certificate. Your guns are listed on certificate, it I think it costs £5 or £10 to add and remove a gun on a firearms certificate. If you buy a gun online, it is posted to a local gun dealer that you nominate. If periodically you're asked by the police to show your certificate, it must be available. You need a certificate to buy ammo.

What this does is, it reduces those who are not suitable to own a gun to easily obtain a gun. It provides a framework where, deviating from it can land you a large fine, and/or jail time, and confiscated guns. So this VASTLY reduces gun incidents and deaths. But those deemed sensible can enjoy guns. Go to shoots or clay shoots etc.. If you own a field or two, go shooting at vermin and clay pigeons.

If you break a law where the breach is a criminal offence, then you are a criminal. If it's reported to the police, it's a crime statistic. So if you broke a window, and ran away, the crime is reported and the stat created. Did it involve a gun? Nope. A very small percentage of recorded crime involve firearms (UK), something like 0.1%. despite regulation, there are still some 50 to 60 gun deaths on the UK, you will still get incidents. But to scrap gun regulations because 0.1% of criminals don't comply?? Absurd.

But what if you get attacked? ONS figures showed that 0.3% of adults were victims of robbery in the year ending March 2016, but 9% of those surveyed were very worried they would experience it in the forthcoming year – 30 times higher than the rate of victimisation. But to scrap gun regulation because you have a 0.3% chance of being robbed?? Absurd.

But there's no harm in glorifying these tiny percentages, to make them sound massive and rife. But a quick research merely gets people shaking their heads at your regurgitated gun shit. But no doubt, we will still witness this crime stat washed, rinsed, repeated a billion times to come.
What’s just as nauseating are the right’s ridiculous lies about guns being ‘banned’ and ‘confiscated.’

This forum is to highlight the same old same with guns. It's -

1. Independence, we kicked you Brits out over guns
2. Criminals don't follow rules
3. Other countries banned guns
4. Millions saved their life due to a gun

And so we cover them. Regulation doesn't mean ban, the war was about taxation and the French helping etc.. and wasn't about guns, crime stats are low......and so on.

The the next day, "We kicked you Brits out, criminals don't follow rules .......". It's as though the previous conversations never took place, it just goes on and on and on, washed, rinsed, repeated.

And my thread is, Why? Why can't Americans with guns retain this information in their heads, why distort it, why change it, why repeat it?

So a person doing that must be one of two things. They either have a game plan, an agenda, or, their IQ is very very low, lower than Bidens approval figures. But it's the former, game plans and agendas. After a billion times, it gets rather tedious and nauseating.
At breakfast time, let's talk about guns. Issue not resolved, so lunchtime, let's talk about guns. Still not resolved, so let's talk about guns at supper time.

Government could go tyrannical (yawn), so let's talk guns. DON'T TAKE MY GUNS, I'LL KILL YOU. So next day, let's talk guns. Problem still not resolved, let's talk guns.

Every country doesn't have guns (according to Americans), just the US, so problem not resolved, let's talk guns. Inevitable civil war will happen at any moment (just like the world is going to end), so let's talk guns


My question, why are you SO fucking obsessed with guns? I have never ever been to a country, nor on another country's forum where guns are so obsessive.

What is up with you guys? What's the question you're trying to resolve, can we finally discover the answer that puts the debate to bed?

Is that possible??

Government is evil. If only the police have guns you live in a police state.

I have better guns than the cops. They leave me alone.
Government is evil. If only the police have guns you live in a police state.

I have better guns than the cops. They leave me alone.
Oh they’ll leave you alone alright, until you break the law, then a SWAT team will take care of you and your guns.
What this does is, it reduces those who are not suitable to own a gun to easily obtain a gun. It provides a framework where, deviating from it can land you a large fine, and/or jail time, and confiscated guns. So this VASTLY reduces gun incidents and deaths.
This is where I ask you to demonstrate the necessary relationship between the laws you cite and the lower rates of gun violence you claim they bring..
This is where you run away from the challenge because you know you cannot do so.
As always.
This forum is to highlight the same old same with guns. It's -
1. Independence, we kicked you Brits out over guns
2. Criminals don't follow rules
3. Other countries banned guns
4. Millions saved their life due to a gun
And so we cover them.
Funny how you refuse to address the responses to your query that do not fit nicely into your preconceptions.
It's almost as if you arent willing, or able, to have an honest dscussion of the issue.
My question, why are you SO fucking obsessed with guns? I have never ever been to a country, nor on another country's forum where guns are so obsessive.
If those who continue to seek unnecessary and ineffective restrictions on the rights of law abiding gun owners ceased their efforts to that end, there'd be little to no talk about guns.
So, your question, more relevantly asked:
Why do Democrats/leftists/liberals continue to seek unnecessary and ineffective restrictions on the rights of law abiding gun owners?
This is a lie.

Guns were neither ‘banned’ nor ‘confiscated’ during the Nazi regime.

Moron… idiots keep citing this article hoping no one actually reads it……

I myself keep pointing out the fact that Germany began registering guns in the 1920s and confiscating guns during Weimar…….the nazis used the gun registration records to then disarm their political enemies and the Jews….the groups they then went ahead and murdered……….

This shows, you idiot, exactly why we oppose your gun control laws….the Germans used the exact same reasons to take guns away from their people…..telling the Germans they didn’t need their guns and that they would be safer without them… moron…the exact same reasons you idiots say we need to give up our guns now……..

from your own link you idiot…

the German legislature in 1919 passed a law that effectively banned all private firearm possession, leading the government to confiscate guns already in circulation. In 1928, the Reichstag relaxed the regulation a bit, but put in place a strict registration regime that required citizens to acquire separate permits to own guns, sell them or carry them.

The law did prohibit Jews and other persecuted classes from owning guns, but this should not be an indictment of gun control in general.

You morons cite this article that directly shows that Gun registration in peace time leads to gun confiscation by evil regimes in the future… idiots

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