
Do you call yourself "Coyote" because you are in support of the trafficking of humans across the border?
You do know that's slang for your username...yeah, I'm sure you do.

She has openly defended those very policies.

I think, however, that a buffoonish cartoon character whose elaborate schemes to trap a road runner always backfire to violent and humorous effect, is probably more apropos.
So Meister . The thread has covered Independence, Brits have guns, you have the 2nd amendment, a tiny proportion (some criminals) have guns, you can use reasonable force in the UK, Hitler is dead and won't invade you, enemies don't climb through your window, Americans won't lose their guns despite what some nasty Democrats say.

Do you think USMB can now move forward without all this, or do you and others feel some parts still need clarified
Clearly, you're full of shit and don't have a clue of what your talking about.
You can't even define what "a tiny proportion (some criminals) have guns" is. So you are just talking out your ass
trying to perpetuate your 'OPINION' on us yanks. :laughing0301:
At breakfast time, let's talk about guns. Issue not resolved, so lunchtime, let's talk about guns. Still not resolved, so let's talk about guns at supper time.

Government could go tyrannical (yawn), so let's talk guns. DON'T TAKE MY GUNS, I'LL KILL YOU. So next day, let's talk guns. Problem still not resolved, let's talk guns.

Every country doesn't have guns (according to Americans), just the US, so problem not resolved, let's talk guns. Inevitable civil war will happen at any moment (just like the world is going to end), so let's talk guns


My question, why are you SO fucking obsessed with guns? I have never ever been to a country, nor on another country's forum where guns are so obsessive.

What is up with you guys? What's the question you're trying to resolve, can we finally discover the answer that puts the debate to bed?

Is that possible??
Why are you so obsessed with banning gun ownership?
Because we have over 30,000 gun deaths and 8500 gun murders each year
We have had seven Presidents shot by guns
More than any other nation, we have had continual gum massacres of innocent people.

That is why we are obsessed with guns
At least you're honest about the numbers. Leftists usually lie about them.
Do you think USMB can now move forward without all this, or do you and others feel some parts still need clarified
If those who continue to seek unnecessary and ineffective restrictions on the rights of law abiding gun owners ceased their efforts to that end, there'd be little to no talk about guns.
So, your question, more relevantly asked:
Why do Democrats/leftists/liberals continue to seek unnecessary and ineffective restrictions on the rights of law abiding gun owners?
Clearly, you're full of shit and don't have a clue of what your talking about.
You can't even define what "a tiny proportion (some criminals) have guns" is. So you are just talking out your ass
trying to perpetuate your 'OPINION' on us yanks. :laughing0301:
5.5 million crimes reported in England and Wales 2020/21, of which 6,622 were by firearm and 30 deaths by firearm, out of a population of some 68 million people.
Because they're
It's because you're full of bovine excrement.

I tell you something, voted Tory then UKIP then back to Tory all my life, I'm UK Right Wing. But I'll tell you what, your Lefties must roll their fucking eyes every time you guys rinse, wash, repeat this gun shit on a daily basis. I support the American Right, but this gun shit is embarrassing.
5.5 million crimes reported in England and Wales 2020/21, of which 6,622 were by firearm and 30 deaths by firearm, out of a population of some 68 million people.
We have over 330 million people here in the US, You are talking about the US, not your 68 million in the UK.
It's a little different, so use our numbers and lets talk about those numbers and leave your paltry numbers where they belong.
You're a strange duck.....
It's because you're full of bovine excrement.

I tell you something, voted Tory then UKIP then back to Tory all my life, I'm UK Right Wing. But I'll tell you what, your Lefties must roll their fucking eyes every time you guys rinse, wash, repeat this gun shit on a daily basis. I support the American Right, but this gun shit is embarrassing.
Don't worry about it, you're not part of it, so fuck off.
It's because you're full of bovine excrement.

I tell you something, voted Tory then UKIP then back to Tory all my life, I'm UK Right Wing. But I'll tell you what, your Lefties must roll their fucking eyes every time you guys rinse, wash, repeat this gun shit on a daily basis. I support the American Right, but this gun shit is embarrassing.
How many lives have been saved IN THE UNITED STATES, NOT THE UK with having a gun?
You mean the owners of the guns that shot at Sandy Hook and other schools and public places right?

I think he means more like Adolph Hitler......Idi Amin.......Joseph Stalin etc.
You know... the hundreds of millions they shot to death because the others had had their guns taken away.

Imagine the 200,000,000 that lost their lives because of the simply idiotic argument that by disarming the population, 20 were saved .
Do you even know the difference between 200 MILLION and 20 ??

Yep...Only morons and Authoritarian asslickers think like that.
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If you take a country's crime stats, they're low. Then out of those crimes, which crimes are gun related, as in, what percentage involved a gun. A banana in a pocket doesn't count. The figures are miniscule to everyone's normal days life. Yet, they're mentioned to be the majority of problems, we are overwhelmed with criminals with guns and bazookas.

But with gun arguments, it's both convenient and lazy to claim there's an epidemic of gun tooting criminals. Anyone claiming that is banking on their adversely not having more than two brain cells, to be honest. It's like the abortion debate and all of a sudden, there's a billion rapists, yet the stats are less than 1%.

Captain Fucktard.......

You're probably a Government boot-licking asswipe who lives with mommy so never had to fight for anything in your life....much less freedom.

When Russia rolls in and takes your defenseless country I hope the USA doesn't intervene. They can have you cowardly Communist loving freaks.
We have over 330 million people here in the US, You are talking about the US, not your 68 million in the UK.
It's a little different, so use our numbers and lets talk about those numbers and leave your paltry numbers where they belong.
You're a strange duck.....
My browser searches don't default to American sites, you will find the same about Brit sites. Just split the figures down to per capita you strange duck, to get a comparison-ish.

If I search American stats, I have to trawl through all the news story sites to try and find anything of use, takes yonks At least in the UK, the ONS is first to crop up, but then, you have to download their spreadsheets of stats to decipher the figures.
It's because you're full of bovine excrement.

I tell you something, voted Tory then UKIP then back to Tory all my life, I'm UK Right Wing. But I'll tell you what, your Lefties must roll their fucking eyes every time you guys rinse, wash, repeat this gun shit on a daily basis. I support the American Right, but this gun shit is embarrassing.

The position of any British piece of shit within the British political spectrum is completely irrelevant to any American. No matter where you are, politically, compared to other British shit, you are still an artifact of the degenerate society against which we Americans rebelled in order to found out country, and your opinions are equally irrelevant and without standing in our country.

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