
At breakfast time, let's talk about guns. Issue not resolved, so lunchtime, let's talk about guns. Still not resolved, so let's talk about guns at supper time.

Government could go tyrannical (yawn), so let's talk guns. DON'T TAKE MY GUNS, I'LL KILL YOU. So next day, let's talk guns. Problem still not resolved, let's talk guns.

Every country doesn't have guns (according to Americans), just the US, so problem not resolved, let's talk guns. Inevitable civil war will happen at any moment (just like the world is going to end), so let's talk guns


My question, why are you SO fucking obsessed with guns? I have never ever been to a country, nor on another country's forum where guns are so obsessive.

What is up with you guys? What's the question you're trying to resolve, can we finally discover the answer that puts the debate to bed?

Is that possible??
Because if your enemy has them and you do not you are your enemies bitch. That is not how America wants to live so we have guns.
Captain Caveman blowing more bubbles...

Because if your enemy has them and you do not you are your enemies bitch. That is not how America wants to live so we have guns.
But you guys have been repeating that for decades and centuries. The planet has heard you for decades and centuries.

The question is, why are you so fucking anal in repeating it? The planet fucking heard you, shut the fuck about it.
But you guys have been repeating that for decades and centuries. The planet has heard you for decades and centuries.

The question is, why are you so fucking anal in repeating it? The planet fucking heard you, shut the fuck about it.
Because there is always some idiot talking about getting rid of them meanwhile the dangers of the world never change.
What speaks loudly, Brits are vastly more sensible with guns. In the UK, by all means use a knife, gun, baseball bat etc.. to protect and defend yourself, but bear in mind, you will be arrested as a matter of procedure to see if it was reasonable. If it was, no charges filed. Such cases crop up in the news.

If you are being attacked and you shoot, jobs a good un. If the burglar is fleeing and you shoot, expect jail time. Very reasonable, very sensible don't you think?

Yet, we Brits don't go on about this a billion times per day, you guys do. Why?
I think you have it all wrong, and you have a preconceived notion about guns.
You don't like them? Great, don't own one.
But don't come to me and tell me how I should think. Our Bill of Rights say I can own them.
And have every right to do so.
You live your life across the pond and so will I on my side.

Idiots got to idiot.
My question, why are you SO fucking obsessed with guns? I have never ever been to a country, nor on another country's forum where guns are so obsessive.
If those who continue to seek unnecessary and ineffective restrictions on the rights of law abiding gun owners ceased their efforts to that end, there'd be little to no talk about guns.
So, your question, more relevantly asked:
Why do Democrats/leftists/liberals continue to seek unnecessary and ineffective restrictions on the rights of law abiding gun owners?
I don't want guns taken away from Americans, you idiot. There's only about six to eight countries in the world that banned guns.

Where have I said guns in America should be banned? I've even posted a video on which surprising guns various Brits own.

Can you link a post of mine claiming I want to ban guns please.

So, now we're getting somewhere. You don't want to ban all guns, just some of them, right? As if AR-15s and the like, banning them will 'cleanse' Americans of our gun troubles, right? You haven't exactly been forthcoming on exactly what you would do to accomplish that. So why don't you quit beating around the bush and stand up and tell us WTF you think should be done? Cuz right now all you're doing is trolling.
I don't want guns taken away from Americans, you idiot. There's only about six to eight countries in the world that banned guns.

Where have I said guns in America should be banned? I've even posted a video on which surprising guns various Brits own.

Can you link a post of mine claiming I want to ban guns please.
It is estimated that 1,029,615 individuals use guns every year in self-defense, excluding those in the police force and the military.

Of those people, 162,000 said they “almost certainly would have been killed” without their firearm to protect them.

To put it in perspective, the average homicide gun-related death per year is 11,208.

The right to self-defense in this nation should never be put in question. Guns save more lives than they take by a staggering amount.

I think you have it all wrong, and you have a preconceived notion about guns.
You don't like them? Great, don't own one.
But don't come to me and tell me how I should think. Our Bill of Rights say I can own them.
And have every right to do so.
You live your life across the pond and so will I on my side.

Idiots got to idiot.
I've owned shot guns in the past, but the only time time shoot now is down in the Lake District at a clay pigeon centre. I can own a gun as well, my clean past etc.. allows me to, and I have. But I no longer bother, we're simply not obsessed over here. You guys worry about your enemies, Hitler, Russians and the Chinese climbing through your windows. We don't hold such worries, and each passing day confirms this.

Meister, how many enemies have climbed through your windows to shoot you?
It is estimated that 1,029,615 individuals use guns every year in self-defense, excluding those in the police force and the military.

Of those people, 162,000 said they “almost certainly would have been killed” without their firearm to protect them.

To put it in perspective, the average homicide gun-related death per year is 11,208.

The right to self-defense in this nation should never be put in question. Guns save more lives than they take by a staggering amount.

Is it because your country is rife with gun nuts, so you need to protect yourself from such a problem?
Is it because your country is rife with gun nuts, so you need to protect yourself from such a problem?

You don't know anything about my country, and nothing about my country is any of your fucking business anyway.

You're a British piece of shit who has no standing, and no knowledge with regard to my country.
So Meister . The thread has covered Independence, Brits have guns, you have the 2nd amendment, a tiny proportion (some criminals) have guns, you can use reasonable force in the UK, Hitler is dead and won't invade you, enemies don't climb through your window, Americans won't lose their guns despite what some nasty Democrats say.

Do you think USMB can now move forward without all this, or do you and others feel some parts still need clarified
You don't know anything about my country, and nothing about my country is any of your fucking business anyway.

You're a British piece of shit who has no standing, and no knowledge with regard to my country.
Clearly you have no knowledge of the UK.

Yes, been to America a few times, been to North Carolina a few times to see relatives off my mother's side. Only seen one gun, on a female police officer in Florida.

Have you seen any guns in the UK?
I've owned shot guns in the past, but the only time time shoot now is down in the Lake District at a clay pigeon centre. I can own a gun as well, my clean past etc.. allows me to, and I have. But I no longer bother, we're simply not obsessed over here. You guys worry about your enemies, Hitler, Russians and the Chinese climbing through your windows. We don't hold such worries, and each passing day confirms this.

Meister, how many enemies have climbed through your windows to shoot you?
Number one, we aren't worrying with Hitler, Russians, and the Chinese climbing through our windows. What kind of bullshit are you trying to spew, son?
Number two. it's our RIGHT to own firearms. So don't confuse 'obsessed' with our 'rights'. How hard is that to sink into your thick skull.
Number three, if, or when somebody climbs through my window, he/she will wish they hadn't.
The firearm is an equalizer, just how hard is that to understand?

Again, if you don't want to own a gun, don't.
I guess it boils down to our rights is just something you can't understand.
Perhaps, you should just give up.
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