
If you take a country's crime stats, they're low. Then out of those crimes, which crimes are gun related, as in, what percentage involved a gun. A banana in a pocket doesn't count. The figures are miniscule to everyone's normal days life. Yet, they're mentioned to be the majority of problems, we are overwhelmed with criminals with guns and bazookas.

But with gun arguments, it's both convenient and lazy to claim there's an epidemic of gun tooting criminals. Anyone claiming that is banking on their adversely not having more than two brain cells, to be honest. It's like the abortion debate and all of a sudden, there's a billion rapists, yet the stats are less than 1%.
Care to show some of your links to your 'facts'?
Or should we just follow along with your opinion?
And you don't even bring up the lives saved by those who had a gun. Why?
You mean the owners of the guns that shot at Sandy Hook and other schools and public places right?
Too bad they all died because commie filth like you kept school staff from being armed.
You're not a partner.

You're an arrogant British piece of shit who, in your hubris, feels a need to try to preach to us Americans how we should run our country, even after we fought two wars specifically so that we wouldn't have to run our country the way you British filth run your own degenerate shithole.

Maybe it's time for a third match; this time, for the U.S. to invade and colonize the U.K., and to oppress you filth the way you once tried to oppress us.
Yet you guys have a thread telling Ukrainians how they should operate their guns. So why the double standard? Please explain you Yank piece of shit? (Choosing your words)
Care to show some of your links to your 'facts'?
Or should we just follow along with your opinion?
And you don't even bring up the lives saved by those who had a gun. Why?
I will dig them out for you, keeping in mind it's nearly bed time in the UK, so it'll probably be tomorrow.

99.9% of my opinions are based on research and studies.
You're not a partner.

You're an arrogant British piece of shit who, in your hubris, feels a need to try to preach to us Americans how we should run our country, even after we fought two wars specifically so that we wouldn't have to run our country the way you British filth run your own degenerate shithole.

Maybe it's time for a third match; this time, for the U.S. to invade and colonize the U.K., and to oppress you filth the way you once tried to oppress us.
Come on, if you had an argument with your partner, would you resolve it, or constantly bring it up daily, weekly, monthly etc.. and be totally obsessed by it?
If you take a country's crime stats, they're low. Then out of those crimes, which crimes are gun related, as in, what percentage involved a gun. A banana in a pocket doesn't count. The figures are miniscule to everyone's normal days life. Yet, they're mentioned to be the majority of problems, we are overwhelmed with criminals with guns and bazookas.

But with gun arguments, it's both convenient and lazy to claim there's an epidemic of gun tooting criminals. Anyone claiming that is banking on their adversely not having more than two brain cells, to be honest. It's like the abortion debate and all of a sudden, there's a billion rapists, yet the stats are less than 1%.

So, if it isn't really a big problem then why the big necessity to get rid of them?
Come on, if you had an argument with your partner, would you resolve it, or constantly bring it up daily, weekly, monthly etc.. and be totally obsessed by it?

You're not a partner.

You're obviously bitter, because almost two and a half centuries ago, Americans with guns stopped you British shit from ruling over and oppressing us; and it is you that is obsessively bringing it up, being unable to accept the outcome of two wars in which we told you British filth to fuck off.
Probably not, it goes against the narrative of the liberals.
But, that in itself should speak loudly to you. Strange
What speaks loudly, Brits are vastly more sensible with guns. In the UK, by all means use a knife, gun, baseball bat etc.. to protect and defend yourself, but bear in mind, you will be arrested as a matter of procedure to see if it was reasonable. If it was, no charges filed. Such cases crop up in the news.

If you are being attacked and you shoot, jobs a good un. If the burglar is fleeing and you shoot, expect jail time. Very reasonable, very sensible don't you think?

Yet, we Brits don't go on about this a billion times per day, you guys do. Why?
You're not a partner.

You're obviously bitter, because almost two and a half centuries ago, Americans with guns stopped you British shit from ruling over and oppressing us; and it is you that is obsessively bringing it up, being unable to accept the outcome of two wars in which we told you British filth to fuck off.
See, going back over old ground. Already covered history with Americans and the French getting independence from the Brits. Fuck me, this has been covered one billion times.

Why are you repeating it? Why do you feel this has not been covered?
My question, why are you SO fucking obsessed with guns? I have never ever been to a country, nor on another country's forum where guns are so obsessive.
If those who continue to seek unnecessary and ineffective restrictions on the rights of law abiding gun owners ceased their efforts to that end, there'd be little to no talk about guns.
So, your question, more relevantly asked:
Why do Democrats/leftists/liberals continue to seek unnecessary and ineffective restrictions on the rights of law abiding gun owners?
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That's exactly what Neville Chamberlin said about Hitler, gin breath... Sober up...
Excellent, do you feel you have now covered Hitler, or do you feel some other part needs covered too? Just that Hitler appears a billion times and you guys are still dragging him up.

So which part of Hitler do you feel you haven't had an answer for?
Guns, you idiot. WTH do you think we're talking about?
I don't want guns taken away from Americans, you idiot. There's only about six to eight countries in the world that banned guns.

Where have I said guns in America should be banned? I've even posted a video on which surprising guns various Brits own.

Can you link a post of mine claiming I want to ban guns please.

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