
Are Democrats wanting to remove all guns, or just restrict the types that many nations adopt.

For now, some democrats just want restrictions on guns that appear to be military type assault weapons. For some of them, this is merely the 1st step towards removing all guns, one way or another.

Note: don't get caught up in what other nations do. We ain't them.
At breakfast time, let's talk about guns. Issue not resolved, so lunchtime, let's talk about guns. Still not resolved, so let's talk about guns at supper time.

Government could go tyrannical (yawn), so let's talk guns. DON'T TAKE MY GUNS, I'LL KILL YOU. So next day, let's talk guns. Problem still not resolved, let's talk guns.

Every country doesn't have guns (according to Americans), just the US, so problem not resolved, let's talk guns. Inevitable civil war will happen at any moment (just like the world is going to end), so let's talk guns


My question, why are you SO fucking obsessed with guns? I have never ever been to a country, nor on another country's forum where guns are so obsessive.

What is up with you guys? What's the question you're trying to resolve, can we finally discover the answer that puts the debate to bed?

Is that possible??

It's because Early Americans had guns that we were able to kick you British filth out of our country almost two and a half centuries ago, and to establish a nation based on the recognition of a range of essential human rights that to this day, you British still refuse to recognize or uphold.
I don't want to piss on your parade, but Hitler had more of an impact on countries in Europe than the late Americans. But, Europeans are not obsessed with guns against a Hitler. So that's one issue now resolved. So there's no need for you to ever mention that ever again.

Those who refuse to study history are doomed to repeat it.

We're already seeing, in various parts of the world, several nations that have started along the same path that led to the rise of Hitler.
I'm here to cleanse Americans of their gun troubles.

As a piece of British filth, you have no standing, and no say, whatsoever, as to how we Americas run our country. We fought two wars to establish this, once and for all.

We don't need you to “cleanse” anything for us. We cleansed ourselves of our greatest ills in 1776.
As a piece of British filth, you have no standing, and no say, whatsoever, as to how we Americas run our country. We fought two wars to establish this, once and for all.

We don't need you to “cleanse” anything for us. We cleansed ourselves of our greatest ills in 1776.
Really? Then why have you been spending so much energy telling CANADA how to run their country?
A society without Europe?

15 million men, women and children murdered in 6 years............

I'll take American gun culture over European gun murder any day of the year.........
You are comparing statistics of one country with an entire continent of multiple countries. Pretty dishonest.
What is up with you guys? What's the question you're trying to resolve, can we finally discover the answer that puts the debate to bed?

NO. Why? Because it's a political issue that neither side will give up on.

Is that possible??

NO. See above answer.

I'm here to cleanse Americans of their gun troubles.

Mind your own fucking business. You're not here to cleanse anybody, you're here to troll those who support the 2nd Amendment. Tell you what though, why don't you tell us how you would 'cleanse' us of our gun troubles?
Really? Then why have you been spending so much energy telling CANADA how to run their country?
Show some links where folks have been telling the Canadian Patriots what and how to do...
Encouragement... Hell yeah, there has been encouragement...
Financial support... Sure monies have flowed helping the Truckers...

Your accusation is bullshit...
It's because Early Americans had guns that we were able to kick you British filth out of our country almost two and a half centuries ago, and to establish a nation based on the recognition of a range of essential human rights that to this day, you British still refuse to recognize or uphold.
Yes, that's been repeated and covered one billion times. You've now said it one billion and one time. So that's hopefully covered. If you feel it hasn't, could you explain why? Is it because your head is empty?
Those who refuse to study history are doomed to repeat it.

We're already seeing, in various parts of the world, several nations that have started along the same path that led to the rise of Hitler.
Hitler has been studied. So don't worry, that has been covered.
Really? Then why have you been spending so much energy telling CANADA how to run their country?

Canaduh is right across the border from us, and in a position where what happens there threatens to affect what happens in the U.S.

We just saw a massive demonstration of the sort of tyranny take place, that one usually expects of a place like 조선민주주의인민공화국, 中华人民共和国, or the old Союз Советских Социалистических Республик, take place there in Canaduh, with too many of the criminal filth who infest our own government being clearly tempted and inspired in the direction of trying to pull the same bullshit here.

Americans have every reason to be concerned about how what we saw in Canaduh might affect what happens to us in our own country.

Then there is also, that the piece of shit that started this thread trying to tell us Americans how to run out country, is an artifact of the very same degenerate society against which we rebelled to found this country. We fought two wars specifically to establish that British filth have no say about how we Americans run our country.
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NO. Why? Because it's a political issue that neither side will give up on.

NO. See above answer.

Mind your own fucking business. You're not here to cleanse anybody, you're here to troll those who support the 2nd Amendment. Tell you what though, why don't you tell us how you would 'cleanse' us of our gun troubles?
And you go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on about guns like some mental retard. Can you not shove them up your backside, stop repeating yourself, we've heard that crap a billion times.
LOL....I figured it would get the left all riled up when they saw a example of the armed citizenry in Ukraine.

It was only recently (last month or so) that anything but Fudd (hunting guns) could be owned in the Ukraine.

Now they are handing out full-auto AKs like candy to all comers....Many getting them have to go to You Tube to find out how they work but many more have received at least rudimentary training on their operation..

2A has shit-all to do with hunting and everything to do with defending hearth and home against aggressors be it some criminal, a foreign invader, or (more importantly) the .gov when it gets out of control.

It's already "Out of control".
I think what conservatives MEAN...but are too yellow bellied to they won't use their guns until the government actually starts killing people.

I think the FF's meant well.....but they had no clue the way a Feral government could tie up future "Patriots" with finances and assets.
Everyone is FAR too afraid of losing it all or going to jail. Technology is too far advanced to permit resistance at this point.

It is just an opinion...but the 2nd Amendment is worthless today because there are no (or too few) Patriots brave enough and or willing to ever use them as intended. Instead, you are holding on to your guns under the sole supposition that "They will eventually come to my door" and that is when you intend to use them. And YES, they will come to your door.....but you will NOT use them if you even still have them.

I say you will not. By that time they will have maneuvered as to make your resistance futile and impossible. The force at your door will be far too overwhelming. 2 or 3 armored vehicles with 50 cal machines guns pointed at you and your family. You'll surrender faster than Napoleon at Waterloo.

Say what you like...but you'd be wrong and I'm correct like it or not.

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