
My browser searches don't default to American sites, you will find the same about Brit sites. Just split the figures down to per capita you strange duck, to get a comparison-ish.

If I search American stats, I have to trawl through all the news story sites to try and find anything of use, takes yonks At least in the UK, the ONS is first to crop up, but then, you have to download their spreadsheets of stats to decipher the figures.
Then you're not really qualified to debate the subject, other than just spewing your opinion, CC.
It is estimated that 1,029,615 individuals use guns every year in self-defense, excluding those in the police force and the military.

Of those people, 162,000 said they “almost certainly would have been killed” without their firearm to protect them.

To put it in perspective, the average homicide gun-related death per year is 11,208.

The right to self-defense in this nation should never be put in question. Guns save more lives than they take by a staggering amount.
Apples and oranges. What did I say about the UK other than it doesn't have the population that we in America do?
No, not directly you. The ones on here about gun debates etc.. seem to feel qualified to spout opinions of other nations about guns, yet get in a hissy fit at foreigners returning the favour.

Why is that?
It's because you're full of bovine excrement.

I tell you something, voted Tory then UKIP then back to Tory all my life, I'm UK Right Wing. But I'll tell you what, your Lefties must roll their fucking eyes every time you guys rinse, wash, repeat this gun shit on a daily basis. I support the American Right, but this gun shit is embarrassing.
The ANTI-gun shit is
It is estimated that 1,029,615 individuals use guns every year in self-defense, excluding those in the police force and the military.

Of those people, 162,000 said they “almost certainly would have been killed” without their firearm to protect them.

To put it in perspective, the average homicide gun-related death per year is 11,208.

The right to self-defense in this nation should never be put in question. Guns save more lives than they take by a staggering amount.
162,000 opinions, wow. That's high.
I tell you something, voted Tory then UKIP then back to Tory all my life, I'm UK Right Wing. But I'll tell you what, your Lefties must roll their fucking eyes every time you guys rinse, wash, repeat this gun shit on a daily basis. I support the American Right, but this gun shit is embarrassing.
If those who continue to seek unnecessary and ineffective restrictions on the rights of law abiding gun owners ceased their efforts to that end, there'd be little to no talk about guns.
So, your question, more relevantly asked:
Why do Democrats/leftists/liberals continue to seek unnecessary and ineffective restrictions on the rights of law abiding gun owners?
The numbers are real America.
Sorry it doesn't go along with your mantra.
Did you notice something though. As I've said about the same ole same things that get repeated about guns, you threw up the "saved by gun" comment. That's another regular one that appears.

So you've listed your stats, let's take them as true, I've listed some available Brit stats, also assumed true but we don't keep a log of saved individuals, so we have it covered; done and dusted.

So at least "saved by gun" need not pop up again. Or will it (is the Pope Catholic).
How guns do you own and what are they?
I used to own two shot guns, not done so for a while. At the clay pigeon shoot in the Lakes, they're Beretta shot guns.

Where I live, there's a gun range 12 miles away. I suppose I could join and shoot some rifles, but the interest to do so is zero.

I believe people should have guns, but they should be vetted, guns stored securely, not carried around in public, the odd model and feature restricted/banned. Oh, just like in the UK. I believe shot gun certificates have been held by 9 year olds, no doubt living on farms, there's no age limit.
Ya know,
If it wasn't for Progressive, Leftist, Radical Policies that MAKE societies dangerous....guns might not be needed.

Then again those same imbeciles get people to vote for them and or they become Kings and Queens and so it goes.
I used to own two shot guns, not done so for a while. At the clay pigeon shoot in the Lakes, they're Beretta shot guns.

Where I live, there's a gun range 12 miles away. I suppose I could join and shoot some rifles, but the interest to do so is zero.

I believe people should have guns, but they should be vetted, guns stored securely, not carried around in public, the odd model and feature restricted/banned. Oh, just like in the UK. I believe shot gun certificates have been held by 9 year olds, no doubt living on farms, there's no age limit.
Not carried around in public? That's called "an unarmed population"

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