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Guy Tosses 5 Yr Old Daughter Off Bridge To Her Death

Yeah, because blacks don't have a history of killing each other.
Whites have killed more whites than anyone else.
I feel safe walking through my neighborhood, can't say that about blacks walking through their neighborhood.
I can say it. You arent Black so I know you are timid. I have no fear no matter where I walk.
Oh I'm not timid back in the day I hung out with the brothers at their pool hall.
So why do you think Black people are afraid of their neighborhoods then? Did you just admit you were lying?
So in Chicago we have harmony? No one is concerned about getting killed walking to the store to pick up their 40 and loosey?
Everyone knows Joe Stalin and Adolph Hitler were Black men
Since the independence of Nigeria in 1960 the 3 ethnic groups, the Hausa, Yoruba, and Igbo, had always been fighting over control in the political realm. The Igbos seemed to have control over most of Nigeria's politics until the assassination of the then Igbo president Johnson Aguiyi-Ironsi by Hausa general Yakubu Gowon. With this the Igbos seceded from Nigeria and created the Republic of Biafra. The Igbos had the upper hand until late 1967 when food supplies were cut off. By mid-1968 50% of Igbos were starving and thousands more were being slaughtered by Hausa and Yoruba soldiers. In 1970 the Igbos surrendered to the Nigerians and by then anywhere from 1 to 3 million Igbos had either starved or been killed.
Hutu killed unarmed men, women and children. Some 50 perpetrators of the genocide have been found guilty by the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, but most others have not been charged due to no witness accounts. Another 120,000 were arrested by Rwanda; of these, 60,000 were tried and convicted in the gacaca court system. Genocidaires who fled into Zaire (Democratic Republic of the Congo) were used as a justification when Rwanda and Uganda invaded Zaire (First and Second Congo Wars).
I asked why whites did it. I know why Blacks do it.

Hi Asclepias
A young man on a Sociopathworld website was also asking
why are more serial killers white and not as many are black.

I cited Eugene Coral Watts, who was black.

He was wondering if it was a difference in the criminal mind
or chemistry or birth or what.

I also brought up that for serial killers to slip from city to city independently
and have the resources to do that could be socioeconomic. People
may not question a white loner, but a black man they'd stay away from if they didn't know his family background or community connections.

it could be a mix of reasons why we let sick white people go so far without
getting help they kill their kids in such horrible way.

I've seen examples of POOR families, both white or black or other races,
where the parents are mentally ill or criminal and don't get help in time,
and starve or abuse their kids to criminal levels of neglect or death.

Normally whites and white families will go get mental health professional help
before blacks or minorities do. What about POOR people?

Are any of the socioeconomic factors and expectations coming into play here?

We could study this forever. Every case of mental or criminal illness
has social, spiritual, and other influences and causes.

The main thing in common I have found is that
the healing comes from forgiveness; so even if someone is
BORN criminally ill or mentally imbalanced, the deep
spiritual healing prayer to remove the sickness in the spirit
can help alleviate and manage the conditions, if not cure them in some cases.

But as for manifesting, any number of factors can affect
if the person gets help in time for their mental issues that otherwise lead to crime and abuses.

If people have Spiritual education, knowledge and empowerment
I believe that is a key factor. So there is both physical poverty
and spiritual poverty that feeds into the cycle of crime and abuse left unchecked.
The way I see it there are at least 2 reasons why there should be way more Black serial killers. Black people typically do not seek mental help due to pride and distrust of the medical establishment. We have way more stress/anger in our daily lives just living with racism.

is it a matter of targeting individuals
vs collective mindsets?

If the white lineage is more focused on individual identity
but the African/Latin/Asian-Americans are motivated
by collective identity as a community, would that
affect how you view other people and how violence is expressed?

what about one on one stalking and abuse of "one victim at a time"
vs. rioting or robbing a whole area of businesses or gang members as a group

what about that sociological factor?
does that manifest the same for all races percentage wise?
No such thing as individuals. We you come down to it humans are social animals no matter how much they want to be individuals. Whites are no exception to this rule and practice it diligently when it comes to asserting superiority more so than any other race.

What you may call a riot someone else calls a protest. What you call a gang others see as family or money making enterprise.

I know what you are saying. That we can never take the individual out of context with the whole.

What I mean is that each of us IS unique.
We have our own individual will, IN ADDITION and in conjunction with the collective will we all answer to.

There is BOTH.

You can neither impose the collective will on the individual
or the individual will on the collective by FORCE or it cause imbalance and unrest.

If we make decisions by collaborative and free choice, then it remains harmonious.

But must be chosen by free will.

A, if all we needed to was to blindly obey collective will, we'd be done by now.
Just a bunch of automatons following by blind faith.

But that's not what humanity is. We are not BORG. We are ALL INDIVIDUALS!
And yes, what affects one, affects all. That's the whole issue in life, how to balance this.
I think therein lies the pathology. If you were truly an individual you would not experience mental problems being isolated from other humans. The culture of trying to be an individual apart from the collective is a problem
Francisco Macías Nguema led a brutal dictatorship in his country, most notably against the minority of Bubi. It is estimated that his regime killed at least 20,000 people, while around 100,000 (one third of the population) fled the country.[71] On a trial, Nguema was found guilty of genocide and crimes against humanity. He was executed in 1979.[73]
In October 1990, Rwandan exiles, mostly Tutsi, who had served for years in the Ugandan Armed Forces, invaded Rwanda. The next three years consisted of war between the Hutu government and the invading forces known as the Rwanda Patriotic Front. In 1993 emissaries from the United Nations and the Organization of African Unity (OAU) made a peace agreement. A ceasefire was in effect from then on until April 6. On April 6, 1994, the presidents of both Burundi and Rwanda were returning to the Rwandan capital of Kigali with other regional leaders from peace talks in Tanzania. The Rwandan president was under strong international pressure to implement the 1993 peace agreement. While the plane approached the capital of Kigali, it was shot down. The government quickly erected road barriers in the Rwandan capital, and the presidential guard began killing known Tutsi opponents.[15]

In June 1993 in Burundi, the Hutu Party, "Front pour la Démocratie au Burundi", FRODEBU, and its presidential candidate, Melchior Ndadaye, won the election and formed the first Hutu government in the country. Tensions began to escalate almost immediately. Small bands of Hutu and Tutsi 'gangs' consistently fought both in and around the capital, Bujumbura, often growing into larger groups armed with machetes and attacking each other. Tensions finally reaching the boiling point on 21 October 1993 when President Ndadaye was assassinated, and the country descended into a period of civil strife. Some FRODEBU structures[16] responded violently to Ndadaye's assassination, killing "possibly as many as 25,000 Tutsi".[17] Trying to bring order back, elements of the Burundian army and Tutsi civilians[16] launched attacks on Hutus, including innocent civilians as well as the rebels, resulting in "at least as many" deaths as had been caused by the initial rebellion.[17] In 2002 the United Nations International Commission of Inquiry for Burundi called the 1993 mass killing of Tutsis a genocide.[18]
Maybe she was sitting next to a Black kid when he came to pick her up from school.
He might have caught mama with a black guy.
Or maybe he is one of the millions losing their food stamps this year. Liberals did create the gimme society.
If that is the case...everyone look out, the privileged whites are gonna be pissed when they can't get those food stamps.
That's what nig$ers taught to stupid white people.

Wouldn't be a thread in USMB without at least one Rrrrrrightie Rrrrrrracist to swing by and hurl the N word, because, well, well, well, BENGHAZI.
Yeah, one day again being self sufficient will be normal again, and the liberal welfare system will be looked down on. I mean liberals has been fighting poverty for over 50 years, and all you've done is made it worse.
If he was a wigger he would not have killed his child.
Yeah, because blacks don't have a history of killing each other.
Yeah...whites are innocent. What an idiot!
Yeah between abortion and black on black crime your breed could become extinct. Just think your brothers and sisters are doing it to themselves.
There are billions of Black people on this planet. Way more than any whites. You will be bred out long before Black people disappear.
You talking about your african buddies that sold your ancestors into slavery, and they still keep many blacks in poverty today. Just like democrats keep a majority of black people here in poverty. What a shame.
I'm talking about Africans, Blacks in the middle east, India, SE Asia, Australia, the Melanesian Islands, Europe, South America, etc. We are every where son. Not just in Africa and North America.
Sudanese military and police and the Janjaweed, a Sudanese militia group recruited mostly among Arabized indigenous Africans and a small number of Bedouin of the northern Rizeigat; the majority of other Arab groups in Darfur remained uninvolved.[11] The other side was made up of rebel groups, notably the SLM/A and the JEM, recruited primarily from the non-Arab Muslim Fur, Zaghawa, and Masalit ethnic groups. Although the Sudanese government publicly denies that it supported the Janjaweed, evidence supports claims that it provided financial assistance and weapons and coordinated joint attacks, many against civilians.[12][13]

Estimates of the number of human casualties range up to several hundred thousand dead, from either combat or starvation and disease. Mass displacements and coercive migrations forced millions into refugee camps or across the border, creating a humanitarian crisis. Former US Secretary of State Colin Powell, described the situation as a genocide or acts of genocide.[14]
Everyone knows Joe Stalin and Adolph Hitler were Black men
Since the independence of Nigeria in 1960 the 3 ethnic groups, the Hausa, Yoruba, and Igbo, had always been fighting over control in the political realm. The Igbos seemed to have control over most of Nigeria's politics until the assassination of the then Igbo president Johnson Aguiyi-Ironsi by Hausa general Yakubu Gowon. With this the Igbos seceded from Nigeria and created the Republic of Biafra. The Igbos had the upper hand until late 1967 when food supplies were cut off. By mid-1968 50% of Igbos were starving and thousands more were being slaughtered by Hausa and Yoruba soldiers. In 1970 the Igbos surrendered to the Nigerians and by then anywhere from 1 to 3 million Igbos had either starved or been killed.
You white people created a mess by colonizing Africa and dividing the continent up with no respect for traditional boundaries.
Everyone knows Joe Stalin and Adolph Hitler were Black men
Since the independence of Nigeria in 1960 the 3 ethnic groups, the Hausa, Yoruba, and Igbo, had always been fighting over control in the political realm. The Igbos seemed to have control over most of Nigeria's politics until the assassination of the then Igbo president Johnson Aguiyi-Ironsi by Hausa general Yakubu Gowon. With this the Igbos seceded from Nigeria and created the Republic of Biafra. The Igbos had the upper hand until late 1967 when food supplies were cut off. By mid-1968 50% of Igbos were starving and thousands more were being slaughtered by Hausa and Yoruba soldiers. In 1970 the Igbos surrendered to the Nigerians and by then anywhere from 1 to 3 million Igbos had either starved or been killed.
You white people created a mess by colonizing Africa and dividing the continent up with no respect for traditional boundaries.
Yea we make black men take boys from their families and make them soldiers and train them to murder and rape.
Yeah, because blacks don't have a history of killing each other.
Yeah...whites are innocent. What an idiot!
Yeah between abortion and black on black crime your breed could become extinct. Just think your brothers and sisters are doing it to themselves.
There are billions of Black people on this planet. Way more than any whites. You will be bred out long before Black people disappear.
You talking about your african buddies that sold your ancestors into slavery, and they still keep many blacks in poverty today. Just like democrats keep a majority of black people here in poverty. What a shame.
I'm talking about Africans, Blacks in the middle east, India, SE Asia, Australia, the Melanesian Islands, Europe, South America, etc. We are every where son. Not just in Africa and North America.
Are they reliant on others over there to?
Everyone knows Joe Stalin and Adolph Hitler were Black men
Since the independence of Nigeria in 1960 the 3 ethnic groups, the Hausa, Yoruba, and Igbo, had always been fighting over control in the political realm. The Igbos seemed to have control over most of Nigeria's politics until the assassination of the then Igbo president Johnson Aguiyi-Ironsi by Hausa general Yakubu Gowon. With this the Igbos seceded from Nigeria and created the Republic of Biafra. The Igbos had the upper hand until late 1967 when food supplies were cut off. By mid-1968 50% of Igbos were starving and thousands more were being slaughtered by Hausa and Yoruba soldiers. In 1970 the Igbos surrendered to the Nigerians and by then anywhere from 1 to 3 million Igbos had either starved or been killed.
You white people created a mess by colonizing Africa and dividing the continent up with no respect for traditional boundaries.
Yea we make black men take boys from their families and make them soldiers and train them to murder and rape.
Yes the World Bank finances that. Europeans are the bane of Africa.
Yeah...whites are innocent. What an idiot!
Yeah between abortion and black on black crime your breed could become extinct. Just think your brothers and sisters are doing it to themselves.
There are billions of Black people on this planet. Way more than any whites. You will be bred out long before Black people disappear.
You talking about your african buddies that sold your ancestors into slavery, and they still keep many blacks in poverty today. Just like democrats keep a majority of black people here in poverty. What a shame.
I'm talking about Africans, Blacks in the middle east, India, SE Asia, Australia, the Melanesian Islands, Europe, South America, etc. We are every where son. Not just in Africa and North America.
Are they reliant on others over there to?
Yes they rely on each other.
Everyone knows Joe Stalin and Adolph Hitler were Black men
Since the independence of Nigeria in 1960 the 3 ethnic groups, the Hausa, Yoruba, and Igbo, had always been fighting over control in the political realm. The Igbos seemed to have control over most of Nigeria's politics until the assassination of the then Igbo president Johnson Aguiyi-Ironsi by Hausa general Yakubu Gowon. With this the Igbos seceded from Nigeria and created the Republic of Biafra. The Igbos had the upper hand until late 1967 when food supplies were cut off. By mid-1968 50% of Igbos were starving and thousands more were being slaughtered by Hausa and Yoruba soldiers. In 1970 the Igbos surrendered to the Nigerians and by then anywhere from 1 to 3 million Igbos had either starved or been killed.
You white people created a mess by colonizing Africa and dividing the continent up with no respect for traditional boundaries.
Lol, it's all the white mans fault. Got it.

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