H-1B Visas Take American Jobs

You have to pay within 95% of the prevailing wage to hire an H. You can also change jobs on an H, though it is more cumbersome.


I worked for a company that actively recruited in countries like Brazil for their H1-Bs. You can get around that little "95%" thingie by pulling a "Walmart". Like assigning tasks with deadlines but making sure that employees know that they will not be paid overtime. That way they do things like take the work home with them.

I worked in the same industry as you..only I really did work in IT.

I now run the department.

A friend of mine whom I grew up with in a small town in Canada started his first job in Silicon Valley illegally. He was hired by a very well known company, but they needed him now and couldn't wait for the paperwork. So they set something up outside of the whole system that allowed him to work in the US. He didn't come into the US illegally, but they represented him as still living in Canada, which he wasn't. He later got a TN, then an H, then a Green Card and I believe he is now a citizen. He has an American wife, two American kids, and has his own company that employs 30, and I think every one is American. He could have just as easily set his company up in Canada, which would have deprived America of the economic benefits he has created.

American companies will go to the location of the talent. It's better that the talent is in America than abroad.

And for everyone of those stories you have a 100 or so stories of H-1Bs taking engineering work from an American, acclimating themselves to the tech in a realtime environment, then going back to their countries and opening up a shop so the work can be offshored.
People in the country on temporary work visas are not illegal aliens and are not distorting the labor market. This is competition and I trust the American worker to excel in and by such competition.

You want Americans to compete with 200 million Indians who have technical degrees? When we let them come over here to "compete" the learn all the skills that were once exclusive to Americans. American companies hire Indian consultants because they can get one for $45/hr instead of $115/hr, and that's the only reason.
so you want to government to mandate the private companies be run a certain way????


No its not. It is called 'regulation'.

That you cant see any shades of grey between socialism and economic chaos on the other speaks to your lack of intelligence.

That's still socialism. However, regulating our borders does not equate to regulating business.
It isn't socialism, dipstick. Are laws against robbery socialism? Doesn't that regulate business as well? After all, you can't start a business that murders people for hire.

no it proves my point, that the right wants things to be done their way only, even if that is by force. so why they rant about Obama being a socialist its being hypocritical. but i guess sarcasm goes over your head

when the right can admit that they actually want socialist ideals, but that they are just their own version of socialism we can talk.

wanna try that failed insult again?
how did the self regulation of the derivatives market work out for wall street? how did the self regulation of the mortgage industry work out for them?

oops guess the right forgot about those

ROFL! So you are trying to tell us that government doesn't regulate the mortgage an banking businesses?

The problem with debating liberals is that they live in LA-LA land. Nothing they believe is even remotely true. Debating them is a waste of time. Constant ridicule what they deserve.

I worked for a company that actively recruited in countries like Brazil for their H1-Bs. You can get around that little "95%" thingie by pulling a "Walmart". Like assigning tasks with deadlines but making sure that employees know that they will not be paid overtime. That way they do things like take the work home with them.

I worked in the same industry as you..only I really did work in IT.

I now run the department.

A friend of mine whom I grew up with in a small town in Canada started his first job in Silicon Valley illegally. He was hired by a very well known company, but they needed him now and couldn't wait for the paperwork. So they set something up outside of the whole system that allowed him to work in the US. He didn't come into the US illegally, but they represented him as still living in Canada, which he wasn't. He later got a TN, then an H, then a Green Card and I believe he is now a citizen. He has an American wife, two American kids, and has his own company that employs 30, and I think every one is American. He could have just as easily set his company up in Canada, which would have deprived America of the economic benefits he has created.

American companies will go to the location of the talent. It's better that the talent is in America than abroad.

And for everyone of those stories you have a 100 or so stories of H-1Bs taking engineering work from an American, acclimating themselves to the tech in a realtime environment, then going back to their countries and opening up a shop so the work can be offshored.

You are grossly exaggerating.

For those who go back then, we should make it easier for them to stay. Most of those people would stay, and many do. But immigration policy is driving talented people away from this country. It is absolutely fucking ridiculous how hard it is to get a Green Card. We should be stapling Green Cards to everyone getting degrees in this country.
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People in the country on temporary work visas are not illegal aliens and are not distorting the labor market. This is competition and I trust the American worker to excel in and by such competition.

How is an American supposed to compete with a foeign worker is going to return home with his saved money and has no inclination to raise a family and retire in this country?

These guys make less than half their American counterparts, judging from the ones I've met and that has been quite a few.

It seems you don't think very highly of American workers. I think American workers can compete with anyone in a fair, legal labor market.

Yes, in a FAIR legal market, which is not what we have when Indonesia, for example, allows slave wages, no environmental protections and no safety standards enforeced AND the international corporations have a huge tax break by off shoring most of their operations.

You sound like you really dont know the situation.

I used to sound like you till I got layed off and replaced by H1-Bs, sort of like the old 'a conservative is a former liberal who got mugged.'

Well, I was free trade till I got mugged by a corporation that feels absolutely no obligation to sprread their success around and share it with other Americans by giving us an opportunity to work for them. Instead they would rather cut their costs 2% and hire indentured servants that they can ride into the ground for nothing.

Our laws are supposed to be designed for the COMMON GOOOD not the benefit of international corporations and Wall Street banks. Free traders have fallen for the bullshit and wont wake up till they lose THEIR jobs too.
A few years ago, when Congress was being stupid and threatening to hold up passage of new H1s, Microsoft threatened to move much of their operations to Canada.

Many companies are reliant on H visas. Banning them will cause companies to move out of America and lead to job losses.

Good them run the bastards out.

They want to enjoy all the perks of basing in this country but not share the wealth by hiring Americans.

If they cant compete without using indentured labor then fuck them.

They hire many Americans. However, they also rely on the talents of foreigners because they want the best.

Bullshit. Foreigners are not the best, they are only the cheapest.

Thousands of businesses are finding out what the downside of offshoring is and are bringing most of their IT work back to the states for example. China's cheap ass labor is also well known for extremely poor quality, to the point of being designed to fail not too long after you take it out of the store (good luck getting a refund).

Their is nothing 'best' about foreign labor, bigot.

Silicon Valley for example is highly dependent on foreign talent.

Because they are chaep, cant go to another job and the companies can easily replace them, fire them, what have you. Meanwhile we are training them to displace us in global software evelopment.

Many of the foreigners on H visas get Green Cards and become citizens.

And then cant find jobs because they are not stuck any more. I have seen this happen dozens of times.

Look, you can salve your conscience all you want, but until GHW Bush the Elder, no one considered free trade to include exporting jobs and our heavy industry, which is what we are doing.

This is making our nation poorer, less powerful and dependent on foreign credit.

The policies you are advocating amount to treason.

No, not fiction.

And this sitty ass economy is in part the direct result of displacing Americans from middle class paying jobs and replacing them with foreign indentured servants.

H1-B's cannot change jobs because by the time the paperwork can go through the company hiring him would fire him as soon as the paperwork got to them and the ICE would have him deported.

I worked with a lot of foreign H1-Bs prior to 2000 when the Y2K 'crisis' had the whole IT engineering industry in a massive hiring binge. Those guys even then could not change jobs and I heard that from them all the time. I knew many Indians from Hyderabad who had babies and toddlers they couldnt get health care for since the company they worked for would not give them insurance and they did not make enough to buy it themselves. They despeately wanted to change jobs but they were stuck.

And these companies that bring the H1-B's over here are notorious for using fraudulent resumes for these people, and often times work with the company planning to hire the H1-B to tailor the job description to the H1-Bs resume so they can justify passing over the more expensive American citizen.

That you respond with an unsupported statement shows the evidence to back up your claims to be irrelevant or nonexistant. Else, why not go into a little detail?

I had an H visa.
That explains alot.

I am now applying for citizenship.

Good luck with that though I hope you plan to get that citizenship because you love our nation and its freedoms and not simply so you can exploit it to make more profit.

I generated $80 million for my American organization on my H that an American almost certainly would not have.

Nor an H1-B either, duh.

I know the lawyer who did my legal work well, and he worked extensively with companies filing H visas. Our organization has hired others on H visas. None of them were fraudulent.

Are you really arguing that the typical H1-B is over here generating $80 million?

Obviously you are an exceptional case, and the kind of person the H1-B was originally set up for. that does not apply to every H1-B across the board.

We have over 1 million engineers in this country who are citizens and who cant find work while an equal number of H1-Bs are here doing the jobs the Americans could have done with a little training. most of the H1-Bs get that same training anyway as companies try to keep their talent up to date.

The H1-B visa was not meant to displace American workers and that is what it is being abused for.

I can't speak to the resumes but I can speak to the job tailoring. Blame the Congress for that one. That occurs because the company wants a specific individual, so they tailor the job to that individual's resume.

And why do they want that specific individual? BECAUSE HE COSTS THEM ALMOST HALF WHAT HIS AMERICAN COUNTERPART WOULD. That is what the law is trying to prevent, so no, I dont blame congress for anything except FAILING to adequately prptect AMerican citizens.

In this globalized world, where talent can go to wherever they are most welcomed and appreciated, that has never been more true than now.

Bullshit. Every other country in the world protects its labor force from exploitation by cheap foreign labor, to include India, China, Indonesia and all the rest that we suck the cheap labor from.

We could add to this a list of other topics that Congress fails to protect us on like the cost of pharmaceuticals, barriers to unionization and off shoring.

Look how quickly and to what extent that Congress protects the entertainment industry, passing the most absurd laws and considering even worse bilge.

The could do this if they wanted to, but too much money is clouding their judgement.

The time is coming when the value of that money simply will not exist any more.
People in the country on temporary work visas are not illegal aliens and are not distorting the labor market. This is competition and I trust the American worker to excel in and by such competition.

You want Americans to compete with 200 million Indians who have technical degrees? When we let them come over here to "compete" the learn all the skills that were once exclusive to Americans. American companies hire Indian consultants because they can get one for $45/hr instead of $115/hr, and that's the only reason.

Are you saying government should interfere in the market and influence the price for labor?
people in the country on temporary work visas are not illegal aliens and are not distorting the labor market. This is competition and i trust the american worker to excel in and by such competition.

you want americans to compete with 200 million indians who have technical degrees? When we let them come over here to "compete" the learn all the skills that were once exclusive to americans. American companies hire indian consultants because they can get one for $45/hr instead of $115/hr, and that's the only reason.

are you saying government should interfere in the market and influence the price for labor?

That would be a strong
YES ! ! !​

You dont realize that they do that for everything else? Why not labor too and help Americans succeed?
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I now run the department.

A friend of mine whom I grew up with in a small town in Canada started his first job in Silicon Valley illegally. He was hired by a very well known company, but they needed him now and couldn't wait for the paperwork. So they set something up outside of the whole system that allowed him to work in the US. He didn't come into the US illegally, but they represented him as still living in Canada, which he wasn't. He later got a TN, then an H, then a Green Card and I believe he is now a citizen. He has an American wife, two American kids, and has his own company that employs 30, and I think every one is American. He could have just as easily set his company up in Canada, which would have deprived America of the economic benefits he has created.

American companies will go to the location of the talent. It's better that the talent is in America than abroad.

And for everyone of those stories you have a 100 or so stories of H-1Bs taking engineering work from an American, acclimating themselves to the tech in a realtime environment, then going back to their countries and opening up a shop so the work can be offshored.

You are grossly exaggerating.

For those who go back then, we should make it easier for them to stay. Most of those people would stay, and many do. But immigration policy is driving talented people away from this country. It is absolutely fucking ridiculous how hard it is to get a Green Card. We should be stapling Green Cards to everyone getting degrees in this country.

No I'm not. I watched it happen. Several times.

And please..my ex wife was a Japanese national..I know all about how hard it is to get a green card.
It isn't socialism, dipstick. Are laws against robbery socialism? Doesn't that regulate business as well? After all, you can't start a business that murders people for hire.

no it proves my point, that the right wants things to be done their way only, even if that is by force. so why they rant about Obama being a socialist its being hypocritical. but i guess sarcasm goes over your head

when the right can admit that they actually want socialist ideals, but that they are just their own version of socialism we can talk.

wanna try that failed insult again?
robbery laws do not regulate business. they punish criminals.

and youre an idiot....
you want americans to compete with 200 million indians who have technical degrees? When we let them come over here to "compete" the learn all the skills that were once exclusive to americans. American companies hire indian consultants because they can get one for $45/hr instead of $115/hr, and that's the only reason.

are you saying government should interfere in the market and influence the price for labor?

That would be a strong
YES ! ! !​

You dont realize that they do that for everything else? Why not labor too and help Americans succeed?
so you in essence just asked for a socialist county. you asked for the government to interfere with free market principles.

well done.....
People in the country on temporary work visas are not illegal aliens and are not distorting the labor market. This is competition and I trust the American worker to excel in and by such competition.

You want Americans to compete with 200 million Indians who have technical degrees? When we let them come over here to "compete" the learn all the skills that were once exclusive to Americans. American companies hire Indian consultants because they can get one for $45/hr instead of $115/hr, and that's the only reason.

Your lack of faith in the American worker is disappointing. If you think you are going to keep skills and knowledge within national borders you are kidding yourself. Hell, we can't even keep truly dangerous military secrets under wraps for long. Do you remember how industrialization began in this country? The visa program certainly does not allow for 200 million Indians to enter the country, Ms. Hyperbole. People who come here under the termporary work visa program do not enter the country strapped to the bottom of a truck or locked in a shipping container. They do not live 24 to an apartment, and they do not work below minimum wage under exploitative conditions. I believe Americans can thrive in competition.
How is an American supposed to compete with a foeign worker is going to return home with his saved money and has no inclination to raise a family and retire in this country?

These guys make less than half their American counterparts, judging from the ones I've met and that has been quite a few.

It seems you don't think very highly of American workers. I think American workers can compete with anyone in a fair, legal labor market.

Yes, in a FAIR legal market, which is not what we have when Indonesia, for example, allows slave wages, no environmental protections and no safety standards enforeced AND the international corporations have a huge tax break by off shoring most of their operations.

You sound like you really dont know the situation.

I used to sound like you till I got layed off and replaced by H1-Bs, sort of like the old 'a conservative is a former liberal who got mugged.'

Well, I was free trade till I got mugged by a corporation that feels absolutely no obligation to sprread their success around and share it with other Americans by giving us an opportunity to work for them. Instead they would rather cut their costs 2% and hire indentured servants that they can ride into the ground for nothing.

Our laws are supposed to be designed for the COMMON GOOOD not the benefit of international corporations and Wall Street banks. Free traders have fallen for the bullshit and wont wake up till they lose THEIR jobs too.

Maybe you failed to compete because you are such a whiny little bitch. 'They have to share! They owe me a job!' What the fuck is that? Your emoting about Indonesian labor conditions has nothing to do with this topic.
The fear of fair, legal competition being displayed by some here is downright shameful. American workers can compete with anyone. If some of you posting here turned out to be losers who - as individuals - could not compete that is your individual failing and it is up to you to address it by getting better or finding something else to do. Under the H-1B Visa program only so many people can come into the country per fiscal year, so all this talk of "200 million Indians" is just false. Under the program, foreign workers must be paid the prevailing wage for the given industry as well as comparable benefits as that offered to American workers, so trying to paint these workers as the same as a strawberry picker who climbed the fence working for $0.50/hr is also false.

Have some pride as Americans, for cryin' out loud.

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