Hackers are heroes, and villains. Depending on who gets hacked.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
While denouncing the Russians, the CIA and NSA admit that they are trying to read the other nations emails and messages. The NSA calls the profession of breaking and reading other peoples secured communications a calling of honor.

NSA Professionals: A Calling and An Honor

The CIA spent decades getting spies into places to learn what they could. U-2 and SR-71 aircraft regularly flew across other nations where they were safe from intercept. We celebrated our cleverness, and our technical achievements. We put spy satellites in orbit and gave ourselves pats on the back. We would learn what we wanted to know, and nothing and no one could stop us.

We hack foreign leaders to listen to their phone calls. When this is exposed, we get angry, at the person who exposed it. We read their emails, and we get angry when someone tells the public about it.

We have spied on and almost certainly continue to spy on the Catholic Church. Spying on the Vatican Is Nothing New

So I am frankly unimpressed when the US Government starts beating their breast and decrying the horrific actions of someone who hacked the DNC and Podesta and then released the information through Wikileaks.

Look, can we be honest for a moment? We are the bullies. We are the ones who go around intimidating people, and threatening them, and if they don't do what we want, we try and make them suffer. One damn time we get a taste of what we are doing, and all of a sudden its like we have to respond, we have to go to war. Well, most of the world has more than enough reason from our own actions to go to war against us.

We have been tapping underwater cables since the 1960's. The Navy’s underwater eavesdropper

When we get caught, we shrug and say oh well, that's just how the game is played. We giggle that the Soviets were just too dumb to take precautions.

When we get caught again, we denounce the bastard who released the information on our wrongdoing. The Creepy, Long-Standing Practice of Undersea Cable Tapping

This is one of the cable tapping pods we placed. To put this pod on the undersea cable, we had to invade the Soviet Waters, that is an act of war. We had to place the pod, and then go back a few months later and collect the pod to get the information off of it.

Today's pods are obviously much more advanced. It is probably safe to assume that most of the undersea cables are tapped by the NSA.

But when someone does it to us, we lose our fucking minds. We are the ones who do that shit, they aren't allowed to. At best you can say we are hypocritical. At worst, we're bullies who are getting a taste of our own medicine.

So I think it is funny that Hillary and the DNC got hacked. I think it's funny that the tricks we played on others for generations are being given back to us. Especially when we won't stop doing the bad things to others.

I'll probably be laughing when Terrorists start using Drones to attack us here in the US. Drones are apparently just fine and dandy ways to take the war to our enemies. I bet that our leaders get really upset about it though. I bet they even denounce it as a weapon of mass destruction, or the warfare of a coward. When you act dishonorably, you don't get to play the victim when someone else does to you what you've been doing to them.
Thanks for the OP you traitor.

Everyone spies on everyone else to see what's up with enemy-like behavior. It's a dirty business but actually necessary and has been so since at least the time of the Roman Empire.

It's something else entirely to use that info to interfere with a nation's normal operations, like elections.

Good to know that you think you can fool people into letting Putin and Trump slide on this matter.
Thanks for the OP you traitor.

Everyone spies on everyone else to see what's up with enemy-like behavior. It's a dirty business but actually necessary and has been so since at least the time of the Roman Empire.

It's something else entirely to use that info to interfere with a nation's normal operations, like elections.

Good to know that you think you can fool people into letting Putin and Trump slide on this matter.

Yes, presenting the truth during an election IS unheard of for the democratic party.

Thankfully, there are Russians.

By the way, wasn't it you guys who said that it's "IMPOSSIBLE" for Hillary to have been hacked?
No one from another country has any right to interfere with our elections.

If you like the Russians doing it, why are you and your ilk so worked up over Mexicans possibly doing it?

Because you're lying.

You're a traitor and your orange Jebus is selling the USA out to Putin.
Thanks for the OP you traitor.

Everyone spies on everyone else to see what's up with enemy-like behavior. It's a dirty business but actually necessary and has been so since at least the time of the Roman Empire.

It's something else entirely to use that info to interfere with a nation's normal operations, like elections.

Good to know that you think you can fool people into letting Putin and Trump slide on this matter.

I'm a traitor? That's rich.

I see myself as a lot of things. I've called myself a Truth Whore. I'll take truth from anyone. Now, truth is one of those things that is actually vital.

We argued that our tapping of the Soviet Cables was a great thing, because we learned the truth about what the state of Soviet ship readiness was. We learned a lot and that truth helped us prepare for the realistic threat.

When John F. Kennedy claimed there was a Missile Gap with the Soviets, both Eisenhower and Nixon knew he was lying, and couldn't say so. Because we knew the truth from U-2 flights. Imagine if Nixon had said no, the U-2 flights showed that the Soviets just didn't have nearly as many missiles as they claimed to. Imagine if we had heard the truth.

No challenge to go to the Moon by the end of the Decade would have been forthcoming among other changes to history. But Truth is supposed to matter. When we testify in court, we swear to tell the truth. Failure to tell the truth is called Perjury, and is a Felony in every state.

Bill Clinton was Impeached because he did not tell the truth.

As far as interference with the election goes, why are we the only ones who get to interfere with elections around the world? The U.S. Has Been Meddling In Other Countries' Elections For A Century. It Doesn't Feel Good. | The Huffington Post

We have done it to many others. Obama has done it while he was in office. If the sanctity of our elections is of nearly sacred importance, why do we get to interfere with other people's elections?

I admit, I like it when a bully gets some of his own medicine. We have been the bully for a very long time. We have been pushing people and nations around for a long time. We have no right other than might to do so. One time we get a taste of our own medicine, and we can't stand the taste. We vomit it back up.

If you hit me, and I hit you back. I would call that fair. If I hit you and you hit me back, I'd still call that fair. I asked for it by my own actions.

One of those truths that I like is a quote from a Roman Ceaser. If it is not true, do not say it. If it is not right, do not do it.

But let me ask you this. Why wasn't the question of illegal recording of conversations brought up when the Trump "Grab her by the P*$$y" recording released? Why didn't the press argue that we shouldn't listen to that because it was probably illegally recorded?

Do you remember when Newt Geingrich was recorded making a phone call? Every reporter ran to the camera and breathlessly reported on the content that had been recorded. None of them cared that the recording was illegal. When the people who made the recording were fined for breaking the law there was a hue and cry because the heroes had been slapped on the wrist for breaking the law. Couple Fined $1,000 On Gingrich Phone Call

Only when a Democrat is facing the exposure of truth do we suddenly hear about how immoral, illegal or whatever it is.

Yeah, I like seeing a bully get his. That doesn't make me a traitor, because the alternative would make me a monster.

So answer this question. Which kind of Patriot are you? Are you one who says that your country is always right. If so, Nixon's asinine argument that anything a President does is automatically legal should be your battle cry. or are you a Patriot who believes my country right or wrong. If so, then you are an enabler no better than any supporter of Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, or any of the other horrific dictatorships that have stained our history.

Juvenile, or Monsterous. Those are your choices for the label you affix to yourself if you honestly believe I am a traitor. For me, if my country is wrong, I'm damn sure going to speak out about it. That is my duty as a citizen, at least according to the Nuremburg War Crimes trials.
No one from another country has any right to interfere with our elections.

If you like the Russians doing it, why are you and your ilk so worked up over Mexicans possibly doing it?

Because you're lying.

You're a traitor and your orange Jebus is selling the USA out to Putin.

Then what right do we have to interfere with anyone else's election? We've done so more than 81 times.

The U.S. Has Been Meddling In Other Countries' Elections For A Century. It Doesn't Feel Good. | The Huffington Post

The long history of the U.S. interfering with elections elsewhere

So who in the world doesn't have a right to get pissed at us? We've done it to everyone.

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