Had Dementia / Compromised Joe Not Run In 2020, Who Would Have Been The Dem Candidate?

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I think Harris will almost certainly be the canidate in 2024 if Biden doesn't run. Honestly, I believe it would have been Bernie sanders in 2020 if it wasn't for Biden.
Shrillary? Schumer? Dubrin? Sanders? Pritzker? Warren? Duckworth? Caroline Kennedy?
In a fair fight, it would probably have been Batshit Bernie....There's a strong undercurrent of populism in the Democrat Party too, though the corporatist thugs running the DNC are far more effective at kneecapping their upstarts than republicans.
In a fair fight, it would probably have been Batshit Bernie....There's a strong undercurrent of populism in the Democrat Party too, though the corporatist thugs running the DNC are far more effective at kneecapping their upstarts than republicans.
It probably has something to do with being (a) far better organized, (b) more energetic and (c) more daring.
Bernie Sanders had the second most delegates after Biden. The rest of the candidates weren't even close.
Bernie Sanders had the second most delegates after Biden. The rest of the candidates weren't even close.

Doesn't mean that he would have won the nomination in Sleepy Joe's absence. Crazy Bernie was considered to be too much of a loose cannon to ever get the nomination, much like Democrat candidate George C. Wallace was back in the 1970's- who also was pretty solid in the primaries.
Would Harris have been tbe Democrats' 2020 candidate?

The real Joe Biden passed away late Spring 2020, connected ear Body Double with dementia (below) has been posing as Joe ever since. Don't expect Jill "showers with Daddy" Biden to object

Doesn't mean that he would have won the nomination in Sleepy Joe's absence. Crazy Bernie was considered to be too much of a loose cannon to ever get the nomination, much like Democrat candidate George C. Wallace was back in the 1970's- who also was pretty solid in the primaries.
That's up to the voters, and they were going with Bernie.
Bernie Sanders had the second most delegates after Biden. The rest of the candidates weren't even close.
Republicans and trump supporters liked trump because they believed he was fighting for them and draining the swamp.

So why don’t they like Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders? They would absolutely fight for middle class Americans.
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