Hagel: Troops' workplaces will be checked

Being a "troop" is strictly voluntary. All men with objections to these tactics should avoid volunteering to serve.

That does not make this a good decision or a good thing to peruse. We should require all solders to paint their fingernails pink and tattoo the alphabet across their forehead. It is voluntary after all….

Really, the fact that it is voluntary has nothing to do with the validity or the effectiveness of orders given.
Under a subjective standard, a photo of your mother baking cookies could be offensive to someone. Such a photo surely would be offensive because it stereotypes women as belonging in the kitchen baking cookies.

And this environment already exists. We should not be encouraging it.
inappropriate, degrading or what ever word ya want to use is pure bullshit.., as stated previously..,the women degraded themselves when they posed for those pictures so why the flap now ??

ooooh yes !! there will be a double standard when it comes to what is decided as what is INAPPROPRIATE between men and women !!

Pornography on open display is hardly military standard and should not be displayed in a military workplace or barracks and the women who posed for such pictures are not the ones seeing the pictures on display in these workplaces.

And it is NOT on display in military workplaces. At least not legally. MEO would have a shit fit and people would be out of a carrier.
Being a "troop" is strictly voluntary. All men with objections to these tactics should avoid volunteering to serve.

That does not make this a good decision or a good thing to peruse. We should require all solders to paint their fingernails pink and tattoo the alphabet across their forehead. It is voluntary after all….

Really, the fact that it is voluntary has nothing to do with the validity or the effectiveness of orders given.

Being a voluntary force has nothing to do with the orders given. Voluntarily becoming part of the military force is entirely up to the individual. If someone does not believe those orders are valid or would not be effective, the only thing that individual can do is not join.
This started YEARS ago, even when I was in..

Barracks were coed... not in the same rooms, but on the same floor.. and because inspections could be conducted by any NCO, male or female, we were not allowed to have centerfolds, bikini pics, etc DISPLAYED.. but I think this may be talking it to the next level
inappropriate, degrading or what ever word ya want to use is pure bullshit.., as stated previously..,the women degraded themselves when they posed for those pictures so why the flap now ??

ooooh yes !! there will be a double standard when it comes to what is decided as what is INAPPROPRIATE between men and women !!

Pornography on open display is hardly military standard and should not be displayed in a military workplace or barracks and the women who posed for such pictures are not the ones seeing the pictures on display in these workplaces.

well no shit Sheerlook ! i never would have learned that on my own, what is accepted today .., my grandparents would have labeled it PORN !!
in the Navy back in the mid 1970's, before i retired we had a safety poster in our jet engine shop that read, "when she says yes.., will you hear her ?" the lady posing in the photo was very good looking, her lips pursed in that "suggestive" appearance, at the bottom of the poster in smaller letters was, "wear hearing protection"

would that be considered "inappropriate" today ?
Hagel: Troops' workplaces will be checked
“materials that create a degrading or offensive work environment.”

It's a good thing WWII wasn't fought under a PC lunatic administration like we have today!

How stupid can they get.... then again... as I always say ..... nothing surprises any more.

Long before the name "Obama" was a household name, we had regular inspections of our quarters for porn. Not allowed. I still get a chuckle out of listening to our Executive Officer gagging on his own words as he told us anything with "crotch shots" was not allowed in the barracks.

Since he had a hard time even saying the words, "crotch shots", we made a point of asking him a lot of questions about them. :lol:
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Being a "troop" is strictly voluntary. All men with objections to these tactics should avoid volunteering to serve.
Unless you signed-up for a six-year-long hitch and such tactics did not exist when you signed-up and you're only six months into your enlistment and you've not got another 5-1/2 years to serve in a more repressive environment that did not exist when you signed-up.
Hell, back in 87 - 89 we'd watch porn movies every day in the Chief's Mess during lunch. It was tradition. A master chief friend of mine had a classic "goat fucking" movie that we all enjoyed.

Ahhh.... the good old days.
inappropriate, degrading or what ever word ya want to use is pure bullshit.., as stated previously..,the women degraded themselves when they posed for those pictures so why the flap now ??

ooooh yes !! there will be a double standard when it comes to what is decided as what is INAPPROPRIATE between men and women !!

Pornography on open display is hardly military standard and should not be displayed in a military workplace or barracks and the women who posed for such pictures are not the ones seeing the pictures on display in these workplaces.

well no shit Sheerlook ! i never would have learned that on my own, what is accepted today .., my grandparents would have labeled it PORN !!

Watson non military displays of any kind should not be displayed in a military work space, if the military wants troops to have displays they will issue them.
"...if the military wants troops to have displays they will issue them."
"Listen-up, douchebag..."


"Welcome to the 69th Porn Viewing Battalion, lowlife rookies!

Uncle Sam knows all about your nasty habits, you little peckerwoods, and has generously made provision for your pansy-assed health and welfare, my little darlings.

Today, you are being issued: Pornography, Collector's Set, Hetero, one each, caliber .6969, full AA-battery jacket, capacity one hundred 'events'; Model 666, modified for field use; retractable overhead and wind shield; flash-suppressor; optional voyeurscope.

You will keep your government-issue porn in combat-ready condition at all times.

You will present your government-issue porn for inspection and stain-removal at the quartermaster's office every week.

You will report any outside inquiries pertaining to your government-issue porn, in order to guard against foreign porn espionage.

This is a precision instrument designed to be useful to 96.25% of all troops.

If, by some chance, the Good Lord condemned you to be one of the 3.75% whose wiring got screwed-up, you will obtain a copy of Form FU-000 to authorize the issuing of Alternative Porn Packet model 000 and return your model 666.

You are responsible for these things, people, and Uncle Sam will deduct the cost from your pay if you lose yours or abuse yours.

You are entitled to turn your old Model 666 or 000 back into the Quartermaster's Office once per year for an updated replacement. Your old Model 666 or 000 must be cleaned and all parts must be included in your turn-in or the cost will be deducted from your pay.

We are also obliged to tell you that the Chaplain's Office does not approve of this government issue, and we strongly recommend that you do not accidentally ship your Model 666 or 000 back home, where the folks can see what little wankers you girlie-boys all really are.

Now... fall out, disappear, go draw your Model 666 basic issue, and get the phukk outta my face for the rest of the night, maggots!

Ooooohhh-rrraaahhh! "
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Watson non military displays of any kind should not be displayed in a military work space, if the military wants troops to have displays they will issue them.

What politically correct military did you serve in, France's ???

Porn was rampant when I was in.

Blanket parties of fags were all the rage too.
This crackdown is because of the rape problem in the military. Some of you must have noticed the news coverage of the Senate hearings on the serious sexual assault problem in the military.

They are trying to deal with it. This is one of the ways, that's all. Probably a good idea.
Watson non military displays of any kind should not be displayed in a military work space, if the military wants troops to have displays they will issue them.

What politically correct military did you serve in, France's ???

Porn was rampant when I was in.

Blanket parties of fags were all the rage too.

Unlike the perverted Navy the U.S.M.C. has regulations and standards that must be met.
Unlike the perverted Navy the U.S.M.C. has regulations and standards that must be met.

I served more years with Marines aboard ship in the Navy than you were ever in total enlisted, shitforbrains. 24 years - NINE at sea hauling Marines around the globe and serving alongside a MARDET aboard BB-61.

Don't fuck with me, Bootcamp, or I'll slap you in the face with my dick.
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Imagine how many of the honourable soldiers from WWII would have disciplined under these regulations had they existed back then. Soldiers with pictures of Rita Hayworth or Betty Grable would've been court-martialed? This shows you how absurd Hagel and his master are.

Imagine how many of the honourable soldiers from WWII would have disciplined under these regulations had they existed back then. Soldiers with pictures of Rita Hayworth or Betty Grable would've been court-martialed? This shows you how absurd Hagel and his master are.

But two guys can suck each others dicks in the military now -
That's perfectly fine.

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