HAHA. Israel sends police to "help" investigators of boston bombing.

Israel is the false flag capital of the world. They were likely behind the bombings and now their goal is to plant evidence implicating a muslim. Obozo should tell them to MYOFB.

: April 17, 2013 16:11

Israeli police head to US to aid in Boston Marathon bombing investigation ? RT USA

The investigation into Monday’s deadly bombing at the Boston Marathon has officially gone international: law enforcement officials from Israel have been sent to the United States to assist in the probe.

Citing an earlier report published by the newspaper Maariv, Times of Israel writes that Danino has dispatched police officers to participate in discussions that “will center on the Boston Marathon bombings and deepening professional cooperation between the law enforcement agencies of both countries.”

The paper reports that Israeli law enforcement planned the trip before the deadly pair of bombings on Monday that has so far claimed three lives, but the discussions will now shift focus in order to see how help from abroad can expand the investigation.

Having the Boston PD involved in the bombing investigation is the same as sending in a McDonald's drive thru jockey to perform brain surgery.

Israelis are experts at investigating terrorist bombings and reducing their frequency via numerous means.

Always nice to hear from the anti-semitic lobby in here. I bet you're disappointed that the bombs in Boston weren't located in synagogues, eh?
That Israeli expertise you refer to is due primarily to knowledge acquired during the last 65 years of stealing land and water from the Arabs of Palestine. Unless your "numerous means" of reducing terrorist incidents includes military occupation and filling Boston with hundreds of thousands of "Jews" from around the globe, better take a drive through McDonalds and order an MRI.
Israel is the false flag capital of the world. They were likely behind the bombings and now their goal is to plant evidence implicating a muslim. Obozo should tell them to MYOFB.

: April 17, 2013 16:11

Israeli police head to US to aid in Boston Marathon bombing investigation ? RT USA

The investigation into Monday’s deadly bombing at the Boston Marathon has officially gone international: law enforcement officials from Israel have been sent to the United States to assist in the probe.

Citing an earlier report published by the newspaper Maariv, Times of Israel writes that Danino has dispatched police officers to participate in discussions that “will center on the Boston Marathon bombings and deepening professional cooperation between the law enforcement agencies of both countries.”

The paper reports that Israeli law enforcement planned the trip before the deadly pair of bombings on Monday that has so far claimed three lives, but the discussions will now shift focus in order to see how help from abroad can expand the investigation.

Just when you thought the world couldn't get more despicable, along comes ShootSpeeders.

Plan on joining the Westboro Church in picketing the funerals?
anyone else find it hilariously ironic that shootspeeders initials are SS

lol...fucking asshole
This bombing should teach the American left how it feels when they tell Israel to suck it up when palestinians do the same thing there.

How does it feel to have your legs blown off? Libs expect Isralies to shut up and not fight back, let the poor pals do it. Now it's America's turn.
This bombing should teach the American left how it feels when they tell Israel to suck it up when palestinians do the same thing there.

How does it feel to have your legs blown off? Libs expect Isralies to shut up and not fight back, let the poor pals do it. Now it's America's turn.

Another "good christian" member of the Westboro "church".

sicko freak
OMG I agree with truthseeker for once. though the antisemitism these days is mostly left wing. nice to know he isn't one.

You've obviously have me mixed up with the OTHER "truthseeker".

The OTHER "truthseeker" is the bedwetting, thumbsucking, finger-pointing Obamanista hack who masturbates during Obama speeches.

I, on the other hand, am "Truthseeker56". I am all about "mom, God, and apple pie", and I own guns and have no problem using them, if necessary, to defend my family and the U.S Constitution.

Nevertheless, thanks to those of you for your compliments..................
This bombing should teach the American left how it feels when they tell Israel to suck it up when palestinians do the same thing there.

How does it feel to have your legs blown off? Libs expect Isralies to shut up and not fight back, let the poor pals do it. Now it's America's turn.

Katz you're a racist as well. I've seen how you are on discussions like this. You are just worthless as SHIT-IN-MY-SPEEDOS
Just when you thought the world couldn't get more despicable, along comes ShootSpeeders.

Plan on joining the Westboro Church in picketing the funerals?

The board notes you never addressed the issue and merely made a personal attack. Thanks for admitting i'm right.
Israel sends police to "help" investigators of boston bombing.
That is like sending Yogi Bear in to help solve the picnic basket thefts at Jellystone Park.

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