Hair Is Considered Racist Now?

As our culture pushes harder and harder to inculcate the WHITE=BAD ethos, I increasingly feel the same way. I never gave a shit about who owned a business or a company until the other side of the skin color fence started making it clear to me that they want me gone because I don't have the right pigment.
Another thing I do is tell every white family that I see what beautiful children they have. Hearing that comes as such a surprise, they almost can't believe they heard it.
Another thing I do is tell every white family that I see what beautiful children they have. Hearing that comes as such a surprise, they almost can't believe they heard it.
I do this too. The realtor I used to buy my house sends out a flyer at holiday time with his family photo -- five beautiful blonde, blue eyed children! I had to email him and tell him how lovely his family is.

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