Haley resigns? Next FIRE DRILL for MSM!

She was an asshole for doing away with the Confederate flag but has done a good job as UN Ambassador.
She did what she thought was best for the state. As you demonstrate, no way to please everyone... She was the 1st Female Governor of SC and did a helluva job!

What she thought was right for the filthy minorities and Moon Bats was the wrong thing to do.
What are clean minorities? or are all minorities just filthy by default?
She said she will be campaigning for Trump in 2020.

Sorry, left wing loons.

The press didn’t have any more questions for Trump.

Scumbags couldn’t find anything bad to ask, so they asked nothing.

So funny.
I don’t think a woman is the best choice for the UN. But more than that, or maybe they are in fact related , was her pathetic surrender on the Confederate flag.
...so you admit you are sexist.....copy.

As far as the Confederate Flag goes, I don't like the fact that it was moved under pressure to do so from the outside; however, I see / know Haley was attempting to what she thought was best for the state. Everything she did was got the good of the state. As I said, her great record as governor (not just as the 1st Female governor in SC) speaks for itself.

As far as the N goes, Haley, again, kicked ass and took no shit from anyone. She learned that from kicking entrenched good ol' boy ass as governor in SC.

I’ve never denied being sexist. It’s not the term I would use for myself but I don’t mind the label much.
I think little of any person who’s claim to fame is kicking the ass of her own constituents for the benefit of the outsiders who were attacking them.
It’s easy enough to do and not vey brave. You simply join with the other party, leaving your citizens no choice, and proceed to screw them over for the benefit of your fellow governing class.
It didn’t disqualify her from doing a good job at the UN so long as she did what she was told. But I wouldn’t trust her too far outside Trumps shadow. I’m glad she is gone.
I don’t think a woman is the best choice for the UN. But more than that, or maybe they are in fact related , was her pathetic surrender on the Confederate flag.
...so you admit you are sexist.....copy.

As far as the Confederate Flag goes, I don't like the fact that it was moved under pressure to do so from the outside; however, I see / know Haley was attempting to what she thought was best for the state. Everything she did was got the good of the state. As I said, her great record as governor (not just as the 1st Female governor in SC) speaks for itself.

As far as the N goes, Haley, again, kicked ass and took no shit from anyone. She learned that from kicking entrenched good ol' boy ass as governor in SC.

I’ve never denied being sexist. And the name calling doesn’t bother me.
I think little of any person who’s claim to fame is kicking the ass of her own constituents for the benefit of the outsiders who were attacking them.
It’s easy enough to do and not vey brave. You simply join with the other party, leaving your citizens no choice, and proceed to screw them over for the benefit of your fellow governing class.
It didn’t disqualify her from doing a good job at the UN so long as she did what she was told. But I wouldn’t trust her too far outside Trumps shadow. I’m glad she is gone.
So not only are you sexist but also ignorant?!

By 'kicking ass', I meant she busted the glass ceiling in SC, challenged the Good ol' Bpy system, destroyed the status quo, moved the state forward, brought in manufacturing jobs, decreased unemployment, raised salaries...basically did at the state level what Trump has done at the national level. SHE WAS SUCCESSFUL despite the sexist opposition and attempts to stop her.

Now that she is leaving the UN, the liberals can always hope she is replaced by an another Obama-esque apologist, appeaser, and ass-kisser, but under this President I severely doubt it.
Only under Obama, with Hillary as his Secretary of State.

HE is the traitorous SOB who financed, supplied, armed, trained, protected, defended, and even dragged the US into an Un-Constitutional War to help those terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans take over their own country...before abandoning 4 Americans to needlessly die at their hands.
I don’t think a woman is the best choice for the UN. But more than that, or maybe they are in fact related , was her pathetic surrender on the Confederate flag.
...so you admit you are sexist.....copy.

As far as the Confederate Flag goes, I don't like the fact that it was moved under pressure to do so from the outside; however, I see / know Haley was attempting to what she thought was best for the state. Everything she did was got the good of the state. As I said, her great record as governor (not just as the 1st Female governor in SC) speaks for itself.

As far as the N goes, Haley, again, kicked ass and took no shit from anyone. She learned that from kicking entrenched good ol' boy ass as governor in SC.

I’ve never denied being sexist. And the name calling doesn’t bother me.
I think little of any person who’s claim to fame is kicking the ass of her own constituents for the benefit of the outsiders who were attacking them.
It’s easy enough to do and not vey brave. You simply join with the other party, leaving your citizens no choice, and proceed to screw them over for the benefit of your fellow governing class.
It didn’t disqualify her from doing a good job at the UN so long as she did what she was told. But I wouldn’t trust her too far outside Trumps shadow. I’m glad she is gone.
So not only are you sexist but also ignorant?!

By 'kicking ass', I meant she busted the glass ceiling in SC, challenged the Good ol' Bpy system, destroyed the status quo, moved the state forward, brought in manufacturing jobs, decreased unemployment, raised salaries...basically did at the state level what Trump has done at the national level. SHE WAS SUCCESSFUL despite the sexist opposition and attempts to stop her.

Now that she is leaving the UN, the liberals can always hope she is replaced by an another Obama-esque apologist, appeaser, and ass-kisser, but under this President I severely doubt it.

No you said what you meant the first time. She abused the people she should have been representing to appease powerful interests she was afraid to defy.
I don’t think a woman is the best choice for the UN. But more than that, or maybe they are in fact related , was her pathetic surrender on the Confederate flag.
...so you admit you are sexist.....copy.

As far as the Confederate Flag goes, I don't like the fact that it was moved under pressure to do so from the outside; however, I see / know Haley was attempting to what she thought was best for the state. Everything she did was got the good of the state. As I said, her great record as governor (not just as the 1st Female governor in SC) speaks for itself.

As far as the N goes, Haley, again, kicked ass and took no shit from anyone. She learned that from kicking entrenched good ol' boy ass as governor in SC.

I’ve never denied being sexist. And the name calling doesn’t bother me.
I think little of any person who’s claim to fame is kicking the ass of her own constituents for the benefit of the outsiders who were attacking them.
It’s easy enough to do and not vey brave. You simply join with the other party, leaving your citizens no choice, and proceed to screw them over for the benefit of your fellow governing class.
It didn’t disqualify her from doing a good job at the UN so long as she did what she was told. But I wouldn’t trust her too far outside Trumps shadow. I’m glad she is gone.
So not only are you sexist but also ignorant?!

By 'kicking ass', I meant she busted the glass ceiling in SC, challenged the Good ol' Bpy system, destroyed the status quo, moved the state forward, brought in manufacturing jobs, decreased unemployment, raised salaries...basically did at the state level what Trump has done at the national level. SHE WAS SUCCESSFUL despite the sexist opposition and attempts to stop her.

Now that she is leaving the UN, the liberals can always hope she is replaced by an another Obama-esque apologist, appeaser, and ass-kisser, but under this President I severely doubt it.

No you said what you meant the first time. She abused the people she should have been representing to appease powerful interests she was afraid to defy.
I never said she 'abused the people she should have been representing'. You LIE.
Only under Obama, with Hillary as his Secretary of State.

HE is the traitorous SOB who financed, supplied, armed, trained, protected, defended, and even dragged the US into an Un-Constitutional War to help those terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans take over their own country...before abandoning 4 Americans to needlessly die at their hands.
Nothing has changed. The US still shelters ISIL in Idlib, and continues to provide air support and weapons for Al Qaeda in Syria.
Nothing has changed. The US still shelters ISIL in Idlib, and continues to provide air support and weapons for Al Qaeda in Syria.
At least we got rid of our President and Sect of State who joined them in doing so. Haley was an awesome change from that in the UN.
I'm sure Democrat Fake News will be quick to express more hysterical faux outrage. Predictable and lame. It is what it is.
Nothing has changed. The US still shelters ISIL in Idlib, and continues to provide air support and weapons for Al Qaeda in Syria.
At least we got rid of our President and Sect of State who joined them in doing so. Haley was an awesome change from that in the UN.
Like changing the buffoon in the big chair has made any difference in who is being supported by US power in the region.
I don’t think a woman is the best choice for the UN. But more than that, or maybe they are in fact related , was her pathetic surrender on the Confederate flag.
...so you admit you are sexist.....copy.

As far as the Confederate Flag goes, I don't like the fact that it was moved under pressure to do so from the outside; however, I see / know Haley was attempting to what she thought was best for the state. Everything she did was got the good of the state. As I said, her great record as governor (not just as the 1st Female governor in SC) speaks for itself.

As far as the N goes, Haley, again, kicked ass and took no shit from anyone. She learned that from kicking entrenched good ol' boy ass as governor in SC.

I’ve never denied being sexist. And the name calling doesn’t bother me.
I think little of any person who’s claim to fame is kicking the ass of her own constituents for the benefit of the outsiders who were attacking them.
It’s easy enough to do and not vey brave. You simply join with the other party, leaving your citizens no choice, and proceed to screw them over for the benefit of your fellow governing class.
It didn’t disqualify her from doing a good job at the UN so long as she did what she was told. But I wouldn’t trust her too far outside Trumps shadow. I’m glad she is gone.
So not only are you sexist but also ignorant?!

By 'kicking ass', I meant she busted the glass ceiling in SC, challenged the Good ol' Bpy system, destroyed the status quo, moved the state forward, brought in manufacturing jobs, decreased unemployment, raised salaries...basically did at the state level what Trump has done at the national level. SHE WAS SUCCESSFUL despite the sexist opposition and attempts to stop her.

Now that she is leaving the UN, the liberals can always hope she is replaced by an another Obama-esque apologist, appeaser, and ass-kisser, but under this President I severely doubt it.

No you said what you meant the first time. She abused the people she should have been representing to appease powerful interests she was afraid to defy.
I never said she 'abused the people she should have been representing'. You LIE.

Sure you did. You snickered and said she kicked good ol boy ass. Who knows what that means? I take it as a general sneer about a politician defeating her constituents. Again. You’ll have to convince me her citizenscwrrent happy with the flag to change my mind. I already know the liberals and corporations weren’t.
But she made Hollywood happy didn’t she?
The average I.Q. of Trump's cabinet went up 10 points today.

Trump should appoint Ivanka as the replacement!

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