Haley resigns? Next FIRE DRILL for MSM!

Like changing the buffoon in the big chair has made any difference in who is being supported by US power in the region.
I dunno....

In his 1st 2 years President Trump has not....

Financed, armed, supplied, trained, defended, protected, or dragged the US into any Un-Constitutional Wars to help terrorists like Al Qaeda, ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood take over their own countries...like Barry did...

Paid terrorist nations ransoms in the middle of the night on unmarked planes for the return of US hostages, like Obama did....

Bypassed Congress to negotiate his own personal treaty with Iran, like Obama did...

Attempted to give Iran access to our banking system, like Obama did...

Turn 5 enemy terrorist leaders free in the middle of a war in an attempt to keep a campaign promise, like Obama did...

Arm Mexican Drug Cartels with thousands of automatic guns and grenades in an attempt to elevate the body count so high it would open the door to discussions about eliminating the right to own guns, like Barry did....

President Trump HAS

Gotten NATO begin paying their fair share for their own defense as promised, when Barry wouldn't even entertain the idea of asking them to do so....

Gotten lil' Kim to the negotiating table and making progress, when Obama sat back and watched as lil' Kim acquired the missile technology to reach out and touch the US with its nukes...
The average I.Q. of Trump's cabinet went up 10 points today.

Trump should appoint Ivanka as the replacement!

Suddenly all of the Leftists who came screaming to the defense of women while attempting to 'Herman Cain' Kavanaugh are insulting, attacking, and bashing the sh!t out of women ....

Now that the SHAM with Kavanaugh is over they can return to being who they truly are....

Sure you did. You snickered and said she kicked good ol boy ass.

(Kinda hard to 'snicker' on a chat board, snowflake.....nice try! :p)

I am sorry that my choice of words - 'kicked ass' - threatened your admitted sexist 'manhood'. :p
Sure you did. You snickered and said she kicked good ol boy ass.

(Kinda hard to 'snicker' on a chat board, snowflake.....nice try! :p)

I am sorry that my choice of words - 'kicked ass' - threatened your admitted sexist 'manhood'. :p

Typical girly man. You’ve been taught “manhood” is your best attack point. And too dumb to see the irony.
Typical girly man. You’ve been taught “manhood” is your best attack point. And too dumb to see the irony.
...says the guy whose 'pu$$y' hurts because he was offended by someone telling the admitted sexist a woman 'kicked the asses' of a bunch of men at the UN.


And you still use feminine terms as insults. A truly deranged girly boy. Post your pink smiley faces in ignore.
Seriously, think about what just happened.

Haley resigned and she made it clear she is NOT running in 2020 and that she WOULD be campaigning for Trump's reelection in 2020.

Haley and Trump were BOTH sitting there. MsM asked a couple obligatory questions.

Then it stops.....NO QUESTIONS.


NO ONE FROM THE MSM had ANY QUESTIONS TO ASK.....because it didn't fit their BULLSHIT NARRATIVE and they didn't want HALEY to shit on their CONSPIRACY THEORIES.

SO fucking funny. It was just KILLING THEM to see Haley supporting Trump. :21:
The average I.Q. of Trump's cabinet went up 10 points today.

Trump should appoint Ivanka as the replacement!

Suddenly all of the Leftists who came screaming to the defense of women while attempting to 'Herman Cain' Kavanaugh are insulting, attacking, and bashing the sh!t out of women ....

Now that the SHAM with Kavanaugh is over they can return to being who they truly are....

That guy isn't a leftist. He's a multiple personality schizophrenic moron.

On odd days he shit talks Trump. On even days he beats him off.

Dude is wack
She was an asshole for doing away with the Confederate flag but has done a good job as UN Ambassador.

No she wasn't and yes she has.

She destroyed American history that many Americans wanted to preserve to kiss the ass of the filthy butt hurt minorities. Taliban like.

She destroyed nothing. Fly the flag on private property, paste all over your car, display it in a museum. It is part of history, not the present, and the last place it belongs is atop the State House. A building that represents all of the state's citizens, not just those pining to remember their loss in a fight to preserve a barbaric institution.

Yeah yeah yeah... I know... it wasn't about slavery... got it...
The average I.Q. of Trump's cabinet went up 10 points today.

Trump should appoint Ivanka as the replacement!

Suddenly all of the Leftists who came screaming to the defense of women while attempting to 'Herman Cain' Kavanaugh are insulting, attacking, and bashing the sh!t out of women ....

Now that the SHAM with Kavanaugh is over they can return to being who they truly are....

That guy isn't a leftist. He's a multiple personality schizophrenic moron.

On odd days he shit talks Trump. On even days he beats him off.

Dude is wack
i'm not crazy, i'm HUMAN!
This is not good. I like her. I wonder what happened?
She's got a conscience?
most plausible theory I have heard:

Sessions is out as AG, Graham is in - Haley selected by SC Governor for Senate to fill Graham's seat
LG has zero interest in being AG. ZERO
NH has health issues.

I can tell you that he has denied an interest several times, too lazy to link, Google is your friend...

I can also tell you that Nick Saban swore on his mother's life that he had no interest in going back to the college game just weeks before he packed his bags for Alabama and left the Miami Dolphins

Denials in this type of situation mean nothing, and I'm not sure that Graham has been tagged to be AG, I only said that it was a plausible theory...
Good Riddance! I hated the choice when he made it. Just one less ZioCon in the Trump Administration!

Will you shut your stupid Jew hating mouth please?
Nope. I am glad the Zionist mouthpiece of the UN is GONE! Time to put a AMERICA FIRST person in there not an ISRAEL FIRST clown.
You do understand that Nikki Haley only the mouthpiece for the policies that the TRUMP ADMINISTRATION puts forth right?

So wouldn't that make Trump himself, a "ZioCon"?
Not really. They have butted heads several times and she was a ZioCon LONG before she became UN ambassador.
Good Riddance! I hated the choice when he made it. Just one less ZioCon in the Trump Administration!

Will you shut your stupid Jew hating mouth please?
Nope. I am glad the Zionist mouthpiece of the UN is GONE! Time to put a AMERICA FIRST person in there not an ISRAEL FIRST clown.

If you cannot see that America's and Israel's interests are aligned you're dumber than any Leftist.
Yeah I can totally see how Israel trying to sink the USS Liberty was good for the US. I can see how invading every country in the ME for Israel and losing THOUSANDS of American soldiers was in America's interest,I can see how GIVING AWAY BILLIONS of dollars every year while we have veterans and the poor here going without healthcare,food and housing is really in America's interests.

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