Half of U.S. households pay no income tax...So the obvious question is what happens

Let's look at causes and effects, shall we?

What CAUSED half of American households to operate in the red?

Wanting more then they can afford and using credit to get it. Instant gratification of the latest and greatest toys out there instead of saving for what you want. Having children you cant afford to feed, clothe, house and care for. Unwillingness to WORK HARD to get ahead in life. Wanting something for nothing.

How is that for cause?
When we have more Takers then Givers who support our Society.

In case the left missed it we are rapidly reaching that threshold. I asked a question not long ago "When will the Poor become the new Rich" what do you suppose our Nations future look's like given where we are today.

Giver and Takers
The poor and middle class pay on every dollar of their paychecks in the form of withholding taxes, not to mention sales tax etc.
Many of the wealthy pay a rate of 15% capital gains...less percentage than those above.

Then how is it that the top 1% of wage earners pay over 90% of all income taxes?
When we have more Takers then Givers who support our Society.

In case the left missed it we are rapidly reaching that threshold. I asked a question not long ago "When will the Poor become the new Rich" what do you suppose our Nations future look's like given where we are today.

Giver and Takers

Republican policy created that condition.

Republicans are responsible for the trillions that Obama has added to the deficit?
Republicans are responsible for the trillions that Obama has added to the deficit?

No, but the GOP is responsible for the bulk of the national debt we have today.
I asked a question not long ago "When will the Poor become the new Rich" what do you suppose our Nations future look's like given where we are today.

The poor will never become the new rich, but Ayn Rand fantasy loving Republicans love to dream up this dream world while getting on their knees for their corporate masters...

and crying all the way to the Lexus dealers.
I asked a question not long ago "When will the Poor become the new Rich" what do you suppose our Nations future look's like given where we are today.

The poor will never become the new rich, but Ayn Rand fantasy loving Republicans love to dream up this dream world while getting on their knees for their corporate masters.

Speaking of Ayn Rand, Hank Reardon stated that part of his success was that he paid his help well.

I think Henry Ford mentioned something similar.

Funny nobody mentions that.

Nor will many of them read his book, "The International Jew."
The poor will never become the new rich, but Ayn Rand fantasy loving Republicans love to dream up this dream world while getting on their knees for their corporate masters.

Ummm ok?

Join us in the real world when you have time

I do live in the real world where income and wealth disparities are increasing while at the same time labor productivity has been increasing, yet the uber rich have been capturing our labor productivity.

This is what Bastiat calls legalized plunder, yet some rw kooks think that the poor are becoming the new rich.

The world I live in is truly mad.

People earn only, and exactly, what they are worth to their employers. No more, no less.
I do live in the real world where income and wealth disparities are increasing while at the same time labor productivity has been increasing, yet the uber rich have been capturing our labor productivity.

This is what Bastiat calls legalized plunder, yet some rw kooks think that the poor are becoming the new rich.

The world I live in is truly mad.

Of course the point being that instead of tearing down those who have more why not invest all this hate into bring bring those who have less up?

There isn't a society in history that's survived having a few support the many as the left is advocating for.

Why does "conservatism" rely on the theories of Russians and Frenchmen? What's wrong with our own founding fathers? o_0

Who were socialists? Name some.
Of course the point being that instead of tearing down those who have more why not invest all this hate into bring bring those who have less up?

I am not tearing them down. I am tearing your fantasy world down which you believe that the poor are becoming the new rich.

I am sorry to break this to you, but wealth has become more concentrated, but you live in this fantasy world where the uber rich are the most victimized segment of society. They are not.

In fact, their effective tax is around 10% and they have done nothing, except capture our politicians and regulators for their own personal gains.

If you know of anyone who has done this, and if it is a crime, I urge you to turn them in to the IRS, FBI, or whichever bloated federal agency might be interested, post haste, old sport.
Let's look at causes and effects, shall we?

What CAUSED half of American households to operate in the red?

Wanting more then they can afford and using credit to get it. Instant gratification of the latest and greatest toys out there instead of saving for what you want. Having children you cant afford to feed, clothe, house and care for. Unwillingness to WORK HARD to get ahead in life. Wanting something for nothing.

How is that for cause?

That is the thing. In the past, people routinely waited until they could afford to raise a family before starting one. Big ticket items like houses and cars were still bought on credit, but only with a substantial down payment and plenty of proof that the buyer had the means to make the payments.

There are circumstances beyond anybody's control that put people out of work--drought, loss of a major industry, etc. etc. and even college graduates can find themselves in a bad financial situation at such times. But in years past, people weren't proud to do ANYTHING honorable in order to make sure the kids were fed and the family had a roof over its head. And if there were no job prospects, they loaded up as much as they could carry of their belongings and relocated to some place where they could find work.

And in those days politicians in Washington were also conscious of the value of a dollar and were conscious of the national debt and more careful to be sure they received value for what was spent. They weren't perfect, they made mistakes, and there was no doubt some payola in the mix, but they were at least more careful and knew they couldn't spend us rich, prosperous, or comfortable.

I wish our current crop of fearless leaders was as educated.
Detroit, Newark and California are perfect examples of Liberal "Fuck the Rich" mentality run amok


Losers are gay..........

I say let the left have 1/4 of the country ( thats fair!!! ). They can take all the losers of society and have at it in making Disney for all. We'll keep the rest thanks, including the disabled and really needy ( whom the left would throw under the bus in a heartbeat)............otherwise, you work hard and contribute, you''re with us. Fcukk the rest............
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When we have more Takers then Givers who support our Society.

In case the left missed it we are rapidly reaching that threshold. I asked a question not long ago "When will the Poor become the new Rich" what do you suppose our Nations future look's like given where we are today.

Giver and Takers

From your article:

WASHINGTON – As Monday's tax filing deadline nears, ponder this: The super rich pay a lot less taxes than they did a couple of decades ago, and nearly half of U.S. households pay no income taxes at all.
The Internal Revenue Service tracks the tax returns with the 400 highest adjusted gross incomes each year. The average income on those returns in 2007, the latest year for IRS data, was nearly $345 million. Their average federal income tax rate was 17 percent, down from 26 percent in 1992.

That amounts to $58,650,000 paid into the federal treasury per taxpayer; how much did you pay in? Should they pay more so they can't expand their businesses and hire more people like you who bitch and moan about how little they pay? ---------------------------

Clearly the wealth has been "redistributed".

No, it hasn't, it has just been partially left where it belongs, instead of building bridges to nowhere and financing Israel's M.E. wars.

The newly wealthy have the money to buy mostly Republican politicians who rewrite the laws (similar to the way they rewrite history) to favor those super rich. In fact, they are not above blackmail and hostage taking to force the current president to extend tax cuts simply so millions of unemployed could receive their benefits.

Unemployment benefits are usually all paid out within the first few weeks of unemployment, and after that the money is coming from the general fund, which has to borrow from China.

We witnessed this just before the last election. I don't understand how the Republican base supports such harmful policies. Apparently they are even less bright than I assumed. My bad.

You need to report that blackmail and hostage taking to the authorities. Seriously.
wait wait

if half of the people eligible to pay taxes really pay no taxes - then how are Cons claiming that we are all being taxed too much???

the conniebot riddles are ever maddening .....

we all pay too much in taxes but apparently only half of us only pay enough in taxes the rest are free loaders

wait anyone have that income level that falls into the " you dont pay income taxes " group yet????

You're really confused, aren't you?
Suggestion: Let the amount of income taxes paid determine the individual's power at the polls, i.e., for every one thousand dollars of taxes paid, the individual gets one vote, paying two thousand gets you two votes, three thousand gets three votes, etc., and those who pay no income taxes get no vote whatsoever. This is the only reasonable way to allot the vote fairly, and will give incentive to folks to work and earn money.
Ummm ok?

Join us in the real world when you have time

I do live in the real world where income and wealth disparities are increasing while at the same time labor productivity has been increasing, yet the uber rich have been capturing our labor productivity.

This is what Bastiat calls legalized plunder, yet some rw kooks think that the poor are becoming the new rich.

The world I live in is truly mad.

People earn only, and exactly, what they are worth to their employers. No more, no less.

This is the disillusionment that we are facing and why I won't negotiate with fucktards.
No actually it was the democrat controlled congress and senate that attempted to make the former administration look bad and amazingly the only thing they did was to cripple this administration right out of the gate as well as losing the Congress and more then likely the senate on the next go around. But do drop by again

Republican policies lowered taxes to the point where 47% of households pay no taxes.

so they ARE tax cutters for the middle and lower class?:eusa_eh:

Yes. They had to cut taxes for everyone to get the tax cuts for the Rich through.

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