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Hamas clip shows rockets fired from populated area

Is it JC or Isa you are praying to? If its Isa or, like Muslims, you believe JC and Isa to be one and the same, you do know you'd better revert soon, if you haven't already, that is, don't you?
Lol and lol again.
PS are you loving the 'demonising zionizt' poster as JC commands at the same time you are demonising and 'laughing' at him?
Hypocrite much?
what's the difference between JC and Isa? No idea what you mean.

please enlighten us

All I know is that Isa is what Indians in india call Jesus.

Is it true that muslims believe in the 2nd coming of christ but not Mo

Muslims claim that the messenger they refer to as Isa is JC, one and the same. They are fond of telling Christians and anyone who will listen that they have much in common with Christians because they too greatly revere Jesus but call him Isa. Tell me, does the following eschatological hogwash sound like they believe in the same JC to you? Isa/JC is sitting by Allah's side waiting for the time when he will return to earth and destroy all crosses, churches, synagogues and temples and kill all those who refuse to submit to the shariah law he will be imposing and all those, including His own Christians, who refuse to revert.
That is the point I was making, 'kvetch'. I never tire of being astounded that people fall for the JC/Isa baloney and that they can't be bothered to dig a little deeper when they hear of the reverence of Muslims for JC - who also didn't die on the cross and was born a Muslim. You couldn't make it up - really.
thankyou, dear...now I know

but does not a similar thing apply with the evangelical christian allies of israel; a very powerful bunch in USA who neten yahoo courted so assiduously when he was there in USA?

according to their ghastly christian book of revelation. all in-gathered jews also who don't accept and worship christ when he returns to earth will also be killed

that's a dangerous game israel is playing there; abusing the ignorance of such dumb schmux
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Starvation???? Well, we all know how the media adores pics of starving people, especially babies and children, so you ought to have no problem bringing a truckload of them to the board. You see, I've yet to see any pics of Palestinians suffering from STARVATION - little wonder really since they are among the best nourished people in the region and a great many of them are actually over nourished as evidenced by the quite alarming rates of obesity. But anyway, let's see yer pics, they should be easy to find, shouldn't they? Thank you in anticipation.
not in gaza they aint

last week there was a report in Ha'aretz that israel actually counted the calories of nosh they allowed into gaza and it wasn't much

before the turkish flotilla and whole world's outrage forced the cruel zios to ease their WICKED ghetto blockade of the kind that jews faced in europe

Then like sherri you should have no difficulty whatsoever furnishing us with pics of all the STARVING babies. Go for it.
angel now it's your turn to be rebuked for not reading posts properly

i wrote israel counted calories as per the Ha'aretz article; i never said or even insinuated starvation at all

that would mean nothing like starvation in gaza but definitely malnutrition as the UN has constantly been alleging

those obese ones are possibly getting fat on the profits from all those tunnels that israel's blockade spawned and bucks for hamas taxing them too

I am always kvetching at arabs and others for over egging the awful gaza pudding...no need

are you proud of that jewish created ghetto in gaza?

and that the 9 turks had to die to get the inflow of food to gaza up to nutrirional norms which it now is...thanx to a world outcry

even our cameron called gaza a prison when visiting turkey, did you see that?.
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not in gaza they aint

last week there was a report in Ha'aretz that israel actually counted the calories of nosh they allowed into gaza and it wasn't much

before the turkish flotilla and whole world's outrage forced the cruel zios to ease their WICKED ghetto blockade of the kind that jews faced in europe

Then like sherri you should have no difficulty whatsoever furnishing us with pics of all the STARVING babies. Go for it.
angel now it's your turn to be rebuked for not reading posts properly

i wrote israel counted calories as per the Ha'aretz article

that would mean nothing like starvation in gaza but definitely malnutrition as the UN has constantly been alleging

I am always kvetching at arabs and others for over egging the awful gaza pudding...no need

are you proud of that jewish created ghetto in gaza?

and that the 9 turks had to die to get the inflow of food to gaza up to nutrirional norms which it now is...thanx to a world outcry

even our cameron called gaza a prison when visiting turkey, did you see that?.

So you think Egypt should loosen up their 7 mile long border with Gaza?
I'm always amazed by those who insist on blaming Israel for conditions in Gaza. :D

Then like sherri you should have no difficulty whatsoever furnishing us with pics of all the STARVING babies. Go for it.
angel now it's your turn to be rebuked for not reading posts properly

i wrote israel counted calories as per the Ha'aretz article

that would mean nothing like starvation in gaza but definitely malnutrition as the UN has constantly been alleging

I am always kvetching at arabs and others for over egging the awful gaza pudding...no need

are you proud of that jewish created ghetto in gaza?

and that the 9 turks had to die to get the inflow of food to gaza up to nutrirional norms which it now is...thanx to a world outcry

even our cameron called gaza a prison when visiting turkey, did you see that?.

So you think Egypt should loosen up their 7 mile long border with Gaza?
I'm always amazed by those who insist on blaming Israel for conditions in Gaza. :D

then you lack both a sense of responsibilty, humanity and moral scruple

israel, hamas and egypt are all to blame

you have a jewish version of that mad cow disease BSE...blame someone else..ie everyone but israel

since you ask about egypt, yes they...............mubarak your dictator puppet anyway is equally to blame

hopefully the new regime in egypt will ease the blockade but that is far from clear because of the jihadis in sinai who are a threat to everyone
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what's the difference between JC and Isa? No idea what you mean.

please enlighten us

All I know is that Isa is what Indians in india call Jesus.

Is it true that muslims believe in the 2nd coming of christ but not Mo

Muslims claim that the messenger they refer to as Isa is JC, one and the same. They are fond of telling Christians and anyone who will listen that they have much in common with Christians because they too greatly revere Jesus but call him Isa. Tell me, does the following eschatological hogwash sound like they believe in the same JC to you? Isa/JC is sitting by Allah's side waiting for the time when he will return to earth and destroy all crosses, churches, synagogues and temples and kill all those who refuse to submit to the shariah law he will be imposing and all those, including His own Christians, who refuse to revert.
That is the point I was making, 'kvetch'. I never tire of being astounded that people fall for the JC/Isa baloney and that they can't be bothered to dig a little deeper when they hear of the reverence of Muslims for JC - who also didn't die on the cross and was born a Muslim. You couldn't make it up - really.
thankyou, dear...now I know

but does not a similar thing apply with the evangelical christian allies of israel; a very powerful bunch in USA who neten yahoo courted so assiduously when he was there in USA?

according to their ghastly christian book of revelation. all in-gathered jews also who don't accept and worship christ when he returns to earth will also be killed

that's a dangerous game israel is playing there; abusing the ignorance of such dumb schmux

Yes Kvetch, that is quite disgusting and I am no fan of such religious beliefs regardless from which religion they originate. However, no, it is clearly not the 'same thing', it wasn't what I was talking about at all, as is obvious to anyone who is not constantly attemtpting to muddy the waters. As far as I am aware, apart from Jews for Jesus, Jews in general don't even think about the Christian Jesus let alone claim him for their own, then pervert Him and His message into something else entirely, then claim common ground on the basis they have such respect and reverence for Him. Why you continously go off on a tangent is beyond me. Well, that's not entirely true :eusa_angel:.
not in gaza they aint

last week there was a report in Ha'aretz that israel actually counted the calories of nosh they allowed into gaza and it wasn't much

before the turkish flotilla and whole world's outrage forced the cruel zios to ease their WICKED ghetto blockade of the kind that jews faced in europe

Then like sherri you should have no difficulty whatsoever furnishing us with pics of all the STARVING babies. Go for it.
angel now it's your turn to be rebuked for not reading posts properly

i wrote israel counted calories as per the Ha'aretz article; i never said or even insinuated starvation at all

that would mean nothing like starvation in gaza but definitely malnutrition as the UN has constantly been alleging

those obese ones are possibly getting fat on the profits from all those tunnels that israel's blockade spawned and bucks for hamas taxing them too

I am always kvetching at arabs and others for over egging the awful gaza pudding...no need

are you proud of that jewish created ghetto in gaza?

and that the 9 turks had to die to get the inflow of food to gaza up to nutrirional norms which it now is...thanx to a world outcry

even our cameron called gaza a prison when visiting turkey, did you see that?.

Actually if the obesity rates reflect those getting fat on the profits from the tunnels then there must be plenty of food around to buy because the obesity rates are the highest in the region and are quite staggering - particularly for an alleged 'ghetto'. You will also find there are UN reports that counter the UN reports that 'over egg the pudding' regarding malnutrition. Regardless, show us all the clinical data for evidence of malnutrition among this population. Don't bother with the ones that have already been proven to be a result of genetic issues, for obvious reasons, but ones that show actual malnutrition due to inadequate food supplies. I won't hold my breath, and you know why.
Oh, and another point, Egypt is right next door do the malnourished ghetto dwellers and yet they they have even killed the poor malnourished mites in the tunnels they use to smuggle everything BUT FOOD through. Strange that. Lol.
Then like sherri you should have no difficulty whatsoever furnishing us with pics of all the STARVING babies. Go for it.
angel now it's your turn to be rebuked for not reading posts properly

i wrote israel counted calories as per the Ha'aretz article

that would mean nothing like starvation in gaza but definitely malnutrition as the UN has constantly been alleging

I am always kvetching at arabs and others for over egging the awful gaza pudding...no need

are you proud of that jewish created ghetto in gaza?

and that the 9 turks had to die to get the inflow of food to gaza up to nutrirional norms which it now is...thanx to a world outcry

even our cameron called gaza a prison when visiting turkey, did you see that?.

So you think Egypt should loosen up their 7 mile long border with Gaza?
I'm always amazed by those who insist on blaming Israel for conditions in Gaza. :D


Don't the Izzys have a naval blockade of Gaza? if they're not responsible for Gaza then why do it?

The only Nazis I see are Israeli Zionists, they learned so very much from Hitler, they learned to seek, to above all things, make their number one goal being just like him, and make killing of the innocent "others" their primary mission. And they are constantly coming up with new weapons to kill babies in Gaza with, starvation, deprivation of clean drinking water, deprivation of medicine and access to needed medical care and other basic needs , D.I.M.E., white phosphorous, bombs dropped on houses and UN shelters and schools.

All the babies and children and civilians they kill in Palestine and Lebanon, they have made an art out of killing the innocent.

And each child and innocent civilian Israel slaughters, for the past ten years or so, can be read about on Btselem's website.

The Truth about who is killing civilians in Palestine, primarily Israel, is detailed and there for all to read on Btselem's website.

Read it and weep!


Starvation???? Well, we all know how the media adores pics of starving people, especially babies and children, so you ought to have no problem bringing a truckload of them to the board. You see, I've yet to see any pics of Palestinians suffering from STARVATION - little wonder really since they are among the best nourished people in the region and a great many of them are actually over nourished as evidenced by the quite alarming rates of obesity. But anyway, let's see yer pics, they should be easy to find, shouldn't they? Thank you in anticipation.
not in gaza they aint

last week there was a report in Ha'aretz that israel actually counted the calories of nosh they allowed into gaza and it wasn't much

You should work for Huff :lol::

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Huffington Post Blood Libel Bias: Malnutrition in Gaza

The Huffington Post, in its never ending quest to demonize and discredit Israel, posted a lying, malicious headline and then quickly changed the headline in its effort to cover up its lies. This time, it's an article about Israel making sure Gaza gets enough food to avoid a humanitarian crisis. Here's the headline as it appears right now:

This is an accurate, reasonable headline. Israel wants to prevent Gaza from suffering a humanitarian crisis and thus makes sure Gaza has enough food.

But here's what the headline looked last night, thanks to Avi Mayer for screengrabbing it for us. Click to zoom in:

That's the headline that the HP wants to publish, where evil evil Israel is forcing the poor Gazans to starve to death, even though it's not the truth. In fact all you needed to do was read the first line of the article to realize the reality was a complete opposite from what the headline said. Only after pro-Israel tweeter Avi Mayer called them out on this blatant lie did they change.

Is there any remaining doubt that the Huffington Post is far more interested in demonizing Israel and Jews than reporting the truth? And yes their readership immediately jumped upon it:

It's amazing how many "mistakes" the Huffington Post keeps making that just so happen to make Israel look bad, don't you think?
not in gaza they aint

last week there was a report in Ha'aretz that israel actually counted the calories of nosh they allowed into gaza and it wasn't much

before the turkish flotilla and whole world's outrage forced the cruel zios to ease their WICKED ghetto blockade of the kind that jews faced in europe

Then like sherri you should have no difficulty whatsoever furnishing us with pics of all the STARVING babies. Go for it.
angel now it's your turn to be rebuked for not reading posts properly

i wrote israel counted calories as per the Ha'aretz article; i never said or even insinuated starvation at all

that would mean nothing like starvation in gaza but definitely malnutrition as the UN has constantly been alleging

Really? :eusa_boohoo:
Well, OK, I'm still waiting for your evidence for malnutrition. In the meantime, lets take another look at that mean calorie counting issue (btw they are provided with more cals per capita than I and many other Westerners consume and in accordance with WHO and other health bodies recommendations. Lol.
Immutable Israeli guilt watch: Jewish state “accused” of ensuring Gazans had proper nutrition

October 23, 2012 in Adam Levick | Tags: Delegitimization, Gaza, Guardian, Hamas, Palestinian territories, World Health Organization


[COLOR= ]6 Votes[/COLOR]​


The most interesting aspect of the Guardian/AP report on Oct. 17, ‘Israel used calorie count to limit Gaza food during the blockade‘, in addition to the extremely misleading headline, is that there is little if anything in the story which demonstrates that Israel did anything improper whatsoever.
However, as we’ve seen time and again, the mere absence of information pointing to Israeli villainy is often no obstacle for Guardian editors.
Though Israel maintains a legal blockade on Gaza to prevent deadly weapons from entering the strip, thousands of tons of supplies for Palestinians in Gaza arrive weekly from Israel, aid which includes medical supplies, food, and consumer goods, and there is simply no humanitarian crisis to speak of in the strip.
However, the Guardian, in classic propagandistic style, begins by employing the requisite photo of a Palestinian boy crying,

Yet, the strap line begins to provide a clue that there is, in fact, no real story here:

Unpacking this strap line, it seems to acknowledge that Israel was careful to “avoid” civilian malnutrition in Gaza.
So, what exactly is Israel’s crime?
The report begins, thus.
“The Israeli military made precise calculations of Gaza’s daily calorie needs to avoid malnutrition during a blockade imposed on the Palestinian territory between 2007 and mid-2010..” [emphasis added]
So far, we have a story corroborating Israeli claims that, since the blockade was launched, Israeli officials were careful to allow in enough food to avoid malnutrition.
Again, what is Israel’s crime?
Here’s where it gets strange:
“Israel says it never limited how many calories were available to Gaza, but critics claimed the document was proof the government limited food supplies to put pressure on Hamas.
Major Guy Inbar, an Israeli military spokesman, said the calculation, based on a person’s average requirement of 2,300 calories a day, was meant to identify warning signs to help avoid a humanitarian crisis…” [emphasis added]
The average recommended calorie intake according to the UK National Health System is 2500 for men and 2000 for women, indicating that Israel was making sure they supplied Gaza with enough food for Palestinians to consume the the calories necessary for proper nutrition.
So, what’s Israel’s crime?
Indeed, further in the report, Israel is again vindicated.
“The food calculation, made in January 2008, applied the average daily requirement of 2,279 calories per person, in line with World Health Organisation’s guidelines, according to the document.
“The stability of the humanitarian effort is critical to prevent the development of malnutrition,” the document said.
Further in the report, we learn the following:
“...at no point did observers identify a food crisis developing in the territory, whose residents rely heavily on international food aid.” [emphasis added]
Ok, in summary:
Israel maintained a blockade of deadly weapons sent to the Hamas run territory to protect their citizens from harm, but carefully avoided a humanitarian crisis from developing in the enemy territory by ensuring the availability of the recommended number calories as determined by international health organizations.
Again, I ask, what’s Israel’s crime?
Israel has a HISTORY of dealing with the problem of malnutrition-------early on in the early 1950s -----the entire islamo nazi pig "UMMAH" agreed to a boycott of all companies which do business in Israel-----the idea was a kind of ECONOMIC STARVATION SIEGE of israel------ie---in true islamic ethical nature-----the plan was to starve the Israelis to death- (something like the ummah starved the Biafran children to death in the 1970s) The response of the Israeli government was a CLASSIC LESSON IN PUBLIC HEALTH------the israeli government went to work to insure the production of MILK, EGGS, AND BREAD (a kind of jewish thing-----it is what keeps children alive in the mind of jewish mothers) Those items became GOVERNMENT SUBSIDIZED to the point that all of the population could afford to buy them and no child starved ------the bread was especially nutritious----a kind of whole wheat stuff. counting colories and describing the diets of the various peoples of the middle east is a subject that is of so much interest in Israel-----that the very first articles I read in the NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OR MEDICINE------involved information on just what are the diets of some minority ethnic groups in Israel --------for example ----LIBYAN JEWS are known to have -----some time in their lives -----to have eaten SHEEPS' eyes (yuck) Is that fact not fascinating? well---it made it to the NEJM ----sometime around ----uhm 1970. ALSO in the NEJM ------the diet of jews from arab countries is high in fats-------on the basis of SAMNEH a kind of butter made from goat's milk (YUCK) The fact of inherited deafness in arab populations is also detailed in the medical literature gee -----islamo nazi propaganda is so IDIOTIC
Then like sherri you should have no difficulty whatsoever furnishing us with pics of all the STARVING babies. Go for it.
angel now it's your turn to be rebuked for not reading posts properly

i wrote israel counted calories as per the Ha'aretz article; i never said or even insinuated starvation at all

that would mean nothing like starvation in gaza but definitely malnutrition as the UN has constantly been alleging

Really? :eusa_boohoo:
Well, OK, I'm still waiting for your evidence for malnutrition. In the meantime, lets take another look at that mean calorie counting issue (btw they are provided with more cals per capita than I and many other Westerners consume and in accordance with WHO and other health bodies recommendations. Lol.
Immutable Israeli guilt watch: Jewish state “accused” of ensuring Gazans had proper nutrition

October 23, 2012 in Adam Levick | Tags: Delegitimization, Gaza, Guardian, Hamas, Palestinian territories, World Health Organization


[COLOR= ]6 Votes[/COLOR]​


The most interesting aspect of the Guardian/AP report on Oct. 17, ‘Israel used calorie count to limit Gaza food during the blockade‘, in addition to the extremely misleading headline, is that there is little if anything in the story which demonstrates that Israel did anything improper whatsoever.
However, as we’ve seen time and again, the mere absence of information pointing to Israeli villainy is often no obstacle for Guardian editors.
Though Israel maintains a legal blockade on Gaza to prevent deadly weapons from entering the strip, thousands of tons of supplies for Palestinians in Gaza arrive weekly from Israel, aid which includes medical supplies, food, and consumer goods, and there is simply no humanitarian crisis to speak of in the strip.
However, the Guardian, in classic propagandistic style, begins by employing the requisite photo of a Palestinian boy crying,

Yet, the strap line begins to provide a clue that there is, in fact, no real story here:

Unpacking this strap line, it seems to acknowledge that Israel was careful to “avoid” civilian malnutrition in Gaza.
So, what exactly is Israel’s crime?
The report begins, thus.
“The Israeli military made precise calculations of Gaza’s daily calorie needs to avoid malnutrition during a blockade imposed on the Palestinian territory between 2007 and mid-2010..” [emphasis added]
So far, we have a story corroborating Israeli claims that, since the blockade was launched, Israeli officials were careful to allow in enough food to avoid malnutrition.
Again, what is Israel’s crime?
Here’s where it gets strange:
“Israel says it never limited how many calories were available to Gaza, but critics claimed the document was proof the government limited food supplies to put pressure on Hamas.
Major Guy Inbar, an Israeli military spokesman, said the calculation, based on a person’s average requirement of 2,300 calories a day, was meant to identify warning signs to help avoid a humanitarian crisis…” [emphasis added]
The average recommended calorie intake according to the UK National Health System is 2500 for men and 2000 for women, indicating that Israel was making sure they supplied Gaza with enough food for Palestinians to consume the the calories necessary for proper nutrition.
So, what’s Israel’s crime?
Indeed, further in the report, Israel is again vindicated.
“The food calculation, made in January 2008, applied the average daily requirement of 2,279 calories per person, in line with World Health Organisation’s guidelines, according to the document.
“The stability of the humanitarian effort is critical to prevent the development of malnutrition,” the document said.
Further in the report, we learn the following:
“...at no point did observers identify a food crisis developing in the territory, whose residents rely heavily on international food aid.” [emphasis added]
Ok, in summary:
Israel maintained a blockade of deadly weapons sent to the Hamas run territory to protect their citizens from harm, but carefully avoided a humanitarian crisis from developing in the enemy territory by ensuring the availability of the recommended number calories as determined by international health organizations.
Again, I ask, what’s Israel’s crime?

I am back again-----Israel has been COUNTING CALORIES since its inception-----and ever since the islamo nazi pigs of the world imposed BOYCOTTS on all businesses INCLUDING LARGE FOOD PROCESSORS that do any business with Israel at all. The OBJECTIVE WAS TO STARVE THE STRUGGLING SURVIVORS OF NAZI AND ISLAMIC OPPRESSION------of the post world war II era -----to death It did not work because of the excellent and creative CALORIE COUNTING programs initiated by the Israeli government----anyone interested can check it out in the medical literature of the 1950s 60s and 70s The statement that COLORIE COUNTING PROVES MALNUTRITION in Gaza is one of the most idiotic statements I have ever read
Holy crap Angelica you liar. That is not what muslims believe about Jesus.

Also, Isa is an Arabic name, Christian Arabs call him that and the messiah.

Quit with that Muslim hate.
Holy crap Angelica you liar. That is not what muslims believe about Jesus.

Also, Isa is an Arabic name, Christian Arabs call him that and the messiah.

Quit with that Muslim hate.
As a matter of curiosity, Baghdad Bob, since you are so knowledgeable and supposedly know it all, can you tell us what the Christian Arabs think about the Muslims believing that when Jesus comes back he is going to break all the crosses and preach Islam. Are they happy hearing that, or are they shocked since it really is a slap in the face of all those devout Arab Christians?
Holy crap Angelica you liar. That is not what muslims believe about Jesus.

Also, Isa is an Arabic name, Christian Arabs call him that and the messiah.

Quit with that Muslim hate.
As a matter of curiosity, Baghdad Bob, since you are so knowledgeable and supposedly know it all, can you tell us what the Christian Arabs think about the Muslims believing that when Jesus comes back he is going to break all the crosses and preach Islam. Are they happy hearing that, or are they shocked since it really is a slap in the face of all those devout Arab Christians?

He will break a cross. And will bring everybody together. He isn't going to proclaim a religion. He will be sent by God.

Don't jews believe he won't even come back at all? Since they killed him already? Devout Christians such as the coptics curse jews all the time.
Holy crap Angelica you liar. That is not what muslims believe about Jesus.

Also, Isa is an Arabic name, Christian Arabs call him that and the messiah.

Quit with that Muslim hate.
As a matter of curiosity, Baghdad Bob, since you are so knowledgeable and supposedly know it all, can you tell us what the Christian Arabs think about the Muslims believing that when Jesus comes back he is going to break all the crosses and preach Islam. Are they happy hearing that, or are they shocked since it really is a slap in the face of all those devout Arab Christians?

He will break a cross. And will bring everybody together. He isn't going to proclaim a religion. He will be sent by God.

Don't jews believe he won't even come back at all? Since they killed him already? Devout Christians such as the coptics curse jews all the time.
Why not be honest for a change? The Muslims believe that Jesus will break all the crosses and then will preach Islam. Of course, he never heard about Islam when he was alive since Islam wasn't invented at that time, but that doesn't stop the Muslims from believing that he will preach Islam. And, Baghdad Bob, regardless of the Copts cursing the Jews, they certainly aren't killing the Jews the way the Muslims are killing the Coptics. There is a big difference between cursing and killing.
Islam's Tradition of Breaking the Cross :: Gatestone Institute
As a matter of curiosity, Baghdad Bob, since you are so knowledgeable and supposedly know it all, can you tell us what the Christian Arabs think about the Muslims believing that when Jesus comes back he is going to break all the crosses and preach Islam. Are they happy hearing that, or are they shocked since it really is a slap in the face of all those devout Arab Christians?

He will break a cross. And will bring everybody together. He isn't going to proclaim a religion. He will be sent by God.

Don't jews believe he won't even come back at all? Since they killed him already? Devout Christians such as the coptics curse jews all the time.
Why not be honest for a change? The Muslims believe that Jesus will break all the crosses and then will preach Islam. Of course, he never heard about Islam when he was alive since Islam wasn't invented at that time, but that doesn't stop the Muslims from believing that he will preach Islam. And, Baghdad Bob, regardless of the Copts cursing the Jews, they certainly aren't killing the Jews the way the Muslims are killing the Coptics. There is a big difference between cursing and killing.
Islam's Tradition of Breaking the Cross :: Gatestone Institute

That Egypt's Copts seem to be in line with their "peaceful" Muslim brothers when it comes to spewing hate for Jews, it might just be a matter of self-preservation as they constitute only a small minority (10%) among Egypt's "peaceful" Muslims.

"Human Rights Watch has noted "growing religious intolerance" and sectarian violence against Coptic Christians in recent years, and a failure by the Egyptian government to effectively investigate properly and prosecute those responsible."
"In Egypt the government does not officially recognize conversions from Islam to Christianity; also certain interfaith marriages are not allowed either, this prevents marriages between converts to Christianity and those born in Christian communities, and also results in the children of Christian converts being classified as Muslims and given a Muslim education.
The government also requires permits for repairing churches or building new ones, which are often withheld."

Persecution of Copts - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
As a matter of curiosity, Baghdad Bob, since you are so knowledgeable and supposedly know it all, can you tell us what the Christian Arabs think about the Muslims believing that when Jesus comes back he is going to break all the crosses and preach Islam. Are they happy hearing that, or are they shocked since it really is a slap in the face of all those devout Arab Christians?

He will break a cross. And will bring everybody together. He isn't going to proclaim a religion. He will be sent by God.

Don't jews believe he won't even come back at all? Since they killed him already? Devout Christians such as the coptics curse jews all the time.
Why not be honest for a change? The Muslims believe that Jesus will break all the crosses and then will preach Islam. Of course, he never heard about Islam when he was alive since Islam wasn't invented at that time, but that doesn't stop the Muslims from believing that he will preach Islam. And, Baghdad Bob, regardless of the Copts cursing the Jews, they certainly aren't killing the Jews the way the Muslims are killing the Coptics. There is a big difference between cursing and killing.
Islam's Tradition of Breaking the Cross :: Gatestone Institute
Thank you for posting that confirmation replete with Hadith, Hoss :clap2:. Why oh why the constant subterfuge about this from Muslim posters when it is so easy to check too? Lol
The 'Zionism is always wrong' crew seems to have missed a salient point:

The evidence of HAMAS wrongdoing was provided *by HAMAS* directly.


But all the OP shows is Hamas choosing violence, the very same and identical way Israel chooses violence every single time they attack Gaza with arms!

So the OP proves nothing that we all did not know to start with.

Each time either side chooses violence, I see them following Satan and rejecting God!

We all choose to make our Master God or Satan, and that is a constant choice we are called to make!

Violence is following Satan!

Nonviolence is following God!

Arabs always caused most of their own deaths.
by being alive in the first place perhaps............then dying
It's their occupation, of course.


Applying your reasoning, slaves caused slavery, and I guess all victims of crimes are the cause of all the crimes being committed against them!

So, did the victims of the Holocaust cause their own deaths, as well?

Or does your Morality change, depending upon whom is killing whom?


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