Hamas has lost the right to any goodwill.

now WHY would wicked Israel have blockaded Gaza in the past?? because they are violent and incorrigible.

Following the withdrawal of Israeli troops from Gaza in 2005, the terrorist organization Hamas emerged as the victor in the 2006 Palestinian elections. Israel and the Middle East Quartet (the United States, Russia, United Nations, and European Union) subsequently imposed economic sanctions on Gaza. Three conditions were set to lift these economic sanctions: Hamas must renounce violence against Israel, recognize Israel, and honor all previous agreements between Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA).

In June 2007, Hamas staged a coup and seized control of Gaza from the PA. To prevent smuggling and the infiltration of terrorists, Israel and Egypt tightened their respective border crossings and placed restrictions on shipping. Though Israel is routinely condemned for enforcing the blockade, critics usually ignore the role of Egypt, which must cooperate to close the southern end of the Gaza Strip. In October 2014, and then again in March 2015, for example, Egypt demolished dozens of homes along its border with Gaza to create a buffer zone to stop smugglers and extremists from crossing in either direction.

Since the Hamas takeover, Israel has been bombarded by rockets and mortars and other terrorist attacks. When Israel has responded to these provocations, it has typically been blamed for the violence.
And Actually...Israel has provided these folk with lots of things they have needed even when they did not have to.
Why yes, yes it does.

The Palestinian territory of Gaza has been under a suffocating Israeli blockade, backed by Egypt, since Hamas seized control of the coastal strip in 2007.

Why yes, yes it is.

Blockade, an act of war by which a belligerent prevents access to or departure from a defined part of an enemy's territory, most often its coasts. Blockades are regulated by international law and custom and require advance warning to neutral states and impartial application.
Do the Palestinians in Gaza chop the heads off Jewish babies? Why yes, they do. And you cheer.

No you moron. That isn't what I said at all.
yes you did...you thought you could get away with your weaselly worded post of support for hamas. Look dude...if you hate israel just say it. We're used to it. Y'all get everything else wrong...why not this. but your president sniffy Joe says we will stand with Israel.
That isn’t what certain members of your party think.

It's a big tent.

yes you did...you thought you could get away with your weaselly worded post of support for hamas. Look dude...if you hate israel just say it. We're used to it. Y'all get everything else wrong...why not this.
YOu're too stupid to bother with.

Unlike you, most of us have come a long way in the past FIVE HUNDRED YEARS or so.

Your sorry desperation is palpable!
Unlike you, most people understand that what happened up to 150 years ago in e.g. the USA - wasn't right at all.
Europe has learned from history since 1945 - Israel, the USA and you haven't.
Going after their children is.
That means Israel, being the notional "good guys", doesn't murder civvies and children.
As you know, Hamas started the attack by killing as many civilians children and babies as possible. Sad but true is the fact that they made the rules, not us.

Fighting someone with rules different than theirs is foolhardy and stupid.

Do you believe that Hamas is trying to defend the citizens of Gaza and help them? Then you are a fool.

Let this sink in, please.

Hamas Issues Statement to Gaza Residents following Warning of Impending Israeli Invasion: Do Not Evacuate from Areas About to be Targeted by Airstrikes

By Jim Hoft Oct. 10, 2023 6:00 pm


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