Hamas has lost the right to any goodwill.

now WHY would wicked Israel have blockaded Gaza in the past?? because they are violent and incorrigible.

Following the withdrawal of Israeli troops from Gaza in 2005, the terrorist organization Hamas emerged as the victor in the 2006 Palestinian elections. Israel and the Middle East Quartet (the United States, Russia, United Nations, and European Union) subsequently imposed economic sanctions on Gaza. Three conditions were set to lift these economic sanctions: Hamas must renounce violence against Israel, recognize Israel, and honor all previous agreements between Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA).

In June 2007, Hamas staged a coup and seized control of Gaza from the PA. To prevent smuggling and the infiltration of terrorists, Israel and Egypt tightened their respective border crossings and placed restrictions on shipping. Though Israel is routinely condemned for enforcing the blockade, critics usually ignore the role of Egypt, which must cooperate to close the southern end of the Gaza Strip. In October 2014, and then again in March 2015, for example, Egypt demolished dozens of homes along its border with Gaza to create a buffer zone to stop smugglers and extremists from crossing in either direction.

Since the Hamas takeover, Israel has been bombarded by rockets and mortars and other terrorist attacks. When Israel has responded to these provocations, it has typically been blamed for the violence.
And what does this have to do with the actual issue that caused all this? Israel simply declaring independence in 1948 and ILLEGALLY occupying Palestinian-Arab lands.
You remind me of those racist Negros who constantly complain about slavery - simply ignoring the fact, that it was the Negros themselves who captured and sold them in the first place.
As you know, Hamas started the attack by killing as many civilians children and babies as possible. Sad but true is the fact that they made the rules, not us.

Fighting someone with rules different than theirs is foolhardy and stupid.

Do you believe that Hamas is trying to defend the citizens of Gaza and help them? Then you are a fool.

Let this sink in, please.

Hamas Issues Statement to Gaza Residents following Warning of Impending Israeli Invasion: Do Not Evacuate from Areas About to be Targeted by Airstrikes

By Jim Hoft Oct. 10, 2023 6:00 pm


I can't wait to see how he tackles Hamas.
I am neither david horowitz or a student at UCSD.

Do you think Jesus would approve of you telling these lies about me?
What do you care what Jesus approves of. Do you think he approves of you supporting the party of abortion? Of God haters. OF brutish heathen murderers. for that is what you are....and you are also a coward. You support hamas in that you will not condemn them but rather you equivocate Israel as the same. And you don't have the balls to admit your preference. So is the party you support.
As you know, Hamas started the attack by killing as many civilians children and babies as possible. Sad but true is the fact that they made the rules, not us.

Fighting someone with rules different than theirs is foolhardy and stupid.

Do you believe that Hamas is trying to defend the citizens of Gaza and help them? Then you are a fool.

Let this sink in, please.

Hamas Issues Statement to Gaza Residents following Warning of Impending Israeli Invasion: Do Not Evacuate from Areas About to be Targeted by Airstrikes

By Jim Hoft Oct. 10, 2023 6:00 pm

Yes, they want their own people dead so they can parade them in front of Arab and Lefty TV. The last thing Hamas wants is the health and welfare of the so called Palestinian people. If they cared they wouldn‘t go on this self destructive suicide mission.
What do you care what Jesus approves of. Do you think he approves of you supporting the party of abortion? Of God haters. OF brutish heathen murderers. for that is what you are....and you are also a coward. You support hamas in that you will not condemn them but rather you equivocate Israel as the same. And you don't have the balls to admit your preference. So is the party you support.
I actually don't give two wet shits what your imaginary sky daddy thinks. I'm just pointing out the massive hypocrisy inherent in the term "christian right". You people lie, cheat, steal and muderer with abandon and somehow think your above it all at the same time.

Sometimes I hope you're right and this whole religion thing is real just so I can see the expression on your faces as you burn.
I actually don't give two wet shits what your imaginary sky daddy thinks. I'm just pointing out the massive hypocrisy inherent in the term "christian right". You people lie, cheat, steal and muderer with abandon and somehow think your above it all at the same time.

Sometimes I hope you're right and this whole religion thing is real just so I can see the expression on your faces as you burn.
post your links prevaricator.
I actually don't give two wet shits what your imaginary sky daddy thinks. I'm just pointing out the massive hypocrisy inherent in the term "christian right". You people lie, cheat, steal and muderer with abandon and somehow think your above it all at the same time.

Sometimes I hope you're right and this whole religion thing is real just so I can see the expression on your faces as you burn.
And yet, it’s Leftards that defend and justify the Islamist sky daddy that tells them to kill all Jews and Christians.
Looks like the actual nazis are outting themselves. Harvard students support "Palestinians"/Gazans which means they support hamas. Democrats support hamas by calling for Israel backing off the most horrendous attack on their homeland. Companies have come out in support of Hamas by saying they support "Palestinians". sooo transparent. Not even waiting till Friday. It's only Wednesday...how many more will feel emboldened to state their actual opinion on the matter instead of their cowardly denial now.
Didn't see that coming you tired old fart.

watch the others too...especially Fauxcahontas.

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