Hamas has lost the right to any goodwill.

The very people lecturing us on RACISM cannot/WILL NOT condemn the actions of Hamas against Israel. Where you have lost partial cred, now you have lost it all.
"The Israeli army tells Anadolu News they have no information to back up claims that 'Hamas beheaded babies'"
In times of war, you can only believe the flags on the towers, when the smoke clears.
"The Israeli army tells Anadolu News they have no information to back up claims that 'Hamas beheaded babies'"
In times of war, you can only believe the flags on the towers, when the smoke clears.
Dufus, even your idiot leader Biden and all of Leftwing news have admitted that Hamas decapitated and mutilated children.
They aren't fighting for freedom at this point, they are murdering people.

That does not mean I think the Israelis should do the same thing.

Concrete and real example: An enemy had attacked your beloved country and your beloved wife and your beloved daughter are now in the hands of cruel enemies - what do you do? What will you really do?

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What Went Wrong? Questions Emerge Over Israel’s Intelligence Prowess After Hamas Attack

Did Israel intentionally ignore the signs to create the conditions for annihilation of the Palestinian people?

What an absurde bullshit do you try to think now? No one likes to kill all Palestinians.The problem of the Palestinians is their lament - while they do the same time nothing to force their own people who are Hamas members to give back all hostages and/or to overtake the responsibility for their criminal terror attacks in front of judges of the international court.
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They haven't had much choice. They're just trying to survive. They get fucked on both ends.

Who? The Arabs who live in "Palestine" = "the land of the Philistines"? Philistines do not exist any longer as far as I know - but do you have any concrete idea about how many Arabs exist? About 400 million people in the world speak Arab.
That doesn’t make mass killing of OTHER civilians anything but another crime
If an enemy has a rocket base in front of an own kindergarten what do you do you do to eliminate the rocket base when it exists the danger to hit the kindergarten? Will you tell your own people: Bad luck that you have to die because I have to take care that the children of our enemies will survive?

I guess many of you do not understand the difference between an army and a terror organisation. When in the USA well armed terrorists make a training camp in front of a kindergarten, school or hospital - how do you react? Do you need to know anything about the nationality of this people? Do you need Mexicans to eliminate this terrorists?
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Muslim children are trained to be haters and killers. I've seen videos of ARMED children riding on their parents shoulders celebrating the deaths of israeli women and children.

An (un-)nice "joke" in this context: People in Greek refugee camps - who flee because of inhuman situations in lands of the Muslims - danced joyful because the Hamas murdered people.

How do you know that Israel has the intention to kill tens of thousands?

Up to now the highest number of killed Palestinians during a military operation of Israel had been about 1500 dead people. In this conflict in the moment died more Palestinians and will die much more. Tens of thousands will be perhaps indeed a realistic perspective if everything goes wrong what's able to go wrong.

Btw: What a luck that I am a German on my own: We never die in wars except on boredom during war because nothing is more boring than wars. Always this ratatatata and pfiuuuuuhh and kawumm ... boring. How to read a good book in such an aggressive atmosphere?
Up to now the highest number of killed Palestinians during a military operation of Israel had been about 1500 dead people. In this conflict in the moment died more Palestinians and will die much more. Tens of thousands will be perhaps indeed a realistic perspective if everything goes wrong what's able to go wrong.

Btw: What a luck that I am a German on my own: We never die in wars except on boredom during war because nothing is more boring than wars. Always this ratatatata and pfiuuuuuhh and kawumm ... boring. How to read a good book in such an aggressive atmosphere?
Tens of thousands is not an outrageous number. Hamas reportedly has 30,000 soldiers and there are likely many thousands more who serve Hamas in non-combat roles, and Israel is saying it will kill every Hamas member; in addition, since Hamas has a history of using Palestinian civilians as human shields, there will be many Palestinians killed in the crossfire. This looks to be the bloodiest clash yet with the Palestinians, but it is the only way the Israeli government can protect the Israeli people from the Gaza terrorists.
The PLO aka Fatah, has absolutely nothing to do with Hamas - you nitwit.


Nach dem Tod von PLO-Chef Arafat 2004 übernahm dessen Nachfolger Mahmud Abbas dessen Amt als Vorsitzender der Palästinensischen Autonomiebehörde. Als die Hamas aus den Wahlen in den palästinensischen Gebieten im Frühjahr 2006 mit einem knappen Stimmenvorsprung vor der Fatah hervorgegangen war, entbrannte zwischen den beiden Palästinenser-Fraktionen Fatah und Hamas ein heftiger Machtkampf.

Israels damaliger Premierminister Ehud Olmert ließ nach den Wahlen von 2006 einen Großteil der Hamas-Abgeordneten inhaftieren und verhängte eine Wirtschaftsblockade gegen den Gaza-Streifen. Es kam im Gaza-Streifen zu einer massiven Verschlechterung der Lebensbedingungen. Mit brutaler Gewalt bekämpfte die Hamas die Fatah und übernahm 2007 nach der Flucht der Autonomiebehörde die vollständige Kontrolle über das Leben der Einwohner im Gaza-Streifen.

source: Der geschundene Gaza-Streifen: Unter dem Joch der Hamas


After the death of PLO leader Arafat in 2004, his successor Mahmoud Abbas took over his office as chairman of the Palestinian Authority. When Hamas emerged from the elections in the Palestinian territories in spring 2006 with a narrow lead over Fatah, a fierce power struggle broke out between the two Palestinian factions, Fatah and Hamas.

Following the 2006 elections, Israel's then Prime Minister Ehud Olmert had a large number of Hamas deputies imprisoned and imposed an economic blockade on the Gaza Strip. There was a massive deterioration in living conditions in the Gaza Strip. Hamas fought Fatah with brutal force and took complete control over the lives of Gaza's residents in 2007 after the autonomous authority fled.
Tens of thousands is not an outrageous number.

Worst case scenario - hopefully.

Hamas reportedly has 30,000 soldiers and there are likely many thousands more who serve Hamas in non-combat roles, and Israel is saying it will kill every Hamas member; in addition, since Hamas has a history of using Palestinian civilians as human shields, there will be many Palestinians killed in the crossfire. This looks to be the bloodiest clash yet with the Palestinians, but it is the only way the Israeli government can protect the Israeli people from the Gaza terrorists.

I'm sure there is another way. There is always another way. But I also don't see it now. To do nothing seems to be for sure totally wrong. But what is enough? I hope the Palestinians know the extreme dangers they are all in now and they also have some ideas how to avoid the worst results of this conflict now. No one goes into a war and comes back as the same human being. God may protect the souls of everyone who has now to follow the own duty in the eyes of god. Life is god is everything - death [means] nothing.

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The PLO aka Fatah, has absolutely nothing to do with Hamas - you nitwit.

It's like stating that Al-Qaeda stems from the Afghan Northern Alliance aka Ahmad Shah Massoud
Six of one, half dozen of the other. Clearly, the PA aka PLO aka Fatah strongly supports the Hamas massacre of Israeli civilians.

Amad Rwaidy, the Palestinian Authority's Ambassador to Iraq, said on an October 7, 2023 show on Al-Rashid TV (Iraq) that Israeli civilians are not innocent people, but rather soldiers facilitating the siege on the Gaza Strip. Addressing the Hamas invasion of southern Israel which resulted in hundreds of civilian deaths, he asked how else the people of Gaza were supposed to defend themselves. Rwaidy was appointed in September by PA President Muhammad Abbas.

The deputy head of the Palestine mission to the European Union has refused to condemn Hamas' brutal assault on Israel "until the day when there is an independent, sovereign Palestinian state."

Although the PLO and Hamas have strong differences, they are in perfect agreement on terrorism against Israeli civilians, and the only reason the PA aka PLO aka Fatah didn't join in in the massacre is the strong IDF presence in Judea and Samaria.
Dufus, even your idiot leader Biden and all of Leftwing news have admitted that Hamas decapitated and mutilated children.
Israeli journalist Nicole Zedek, who earlier claimed 40 murdered children in the community of Kfar Aza, admitted that she had spread the relevant information without any evidence.

She said on her social networks that she was told about 40 murdered babies, some of whom were allegedly beheaded, by soldiers. The correspondent, in turn, did not verify this information and published it in her story.

"The exact number of dead is still unknown, as the military continues to circle house after house and find new Israeli victims," the journalist clarified.

The Israeli defense establishment, for its part, said it had no information that could confirm the "beheading of babies" by fighters of the Palestinian Hamas movement.
Israeli journalist Nicole Zedek, who earlier claimed 40 murdered children in the community of Kfar Aza, admitted that she had spread the relevant information without any evidence.

She said on her social networks that she was told about 40 murdered babies, some of whom were allegedly beheaded, by soldiers. The correspondent, in turn, did not verify this information and published it in her story.

"The exact number of dead is still unknown, as the military continues to circle house after house and find new Israeli victims," the journalist clarified.

The Israeli defense establishment, for its part, said it had no information that could confirm the "beheading of babies" by fighters of the Palestinian Hamas movement.
These deranged psychos videotaped the killing of children with the parents phone, and sent it to relatives. Now you’re flailing.
These deranged psychos videotaped the killing of children with the parents phone, and sent it to relatives. Now you’re flailing.
"Leafing through an old iPad" column

1991. Reuters reported, citing its freelance photographer Goran Mikic, that Croatian soldiers killed 41 children between the ages of five and seven in Borovo Selo, Serbia. According to Mikic, the children had their throats slit and their heads cut off.
Then it turned out that Mikic did not see the bodies, but was told. However, after that, Serbian servicemen stopped taking Croatian servicemen prisoner.

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