Hamas Killing Palestinians

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Pointing out the atrocities of Hamas is indeed a powerful message to those uninformed but so far everyone have already sat their opinion or at least will do despite that.
Those who already heard that and still take it up to Israel are mostly blaming Israel again for that situation - and in this case fighting for some sympathy from them is pointless because their inner scales would always be biased to the Palestinians against Israel out of any proportions, take Humanity for a classic example.

A classic example of what exactly Daniyel?

Had you chosen to read previous comments that I have made on this board you will have seen that I do not, in anyway, support Hamas!

The atrocities that Hamas inflict upon the Palestinian population is not what a civilized leadership should be doing to its own people!

Neither do I support the terrorism inflicted upon Israel by Hamas...

So Daniyle, a classic example of what?
A Classic example of those who does not support Hamas or the rest of the TOs and are fully aware of their atrocious behavior while claiming its Israel's responsibility for bloodshed over the years including the reason the Palestinian TOs ever came up in the first place. Generally you suggests Israel would have to live with Hamas peacefully (Lets not mention Fatah) because Israel is to be held responsible for the Palestinians are deep in the mud and its Israel that needs to compromise more because in the current situation the Palestinians suffers more - and unjustly.


Generally I suggest that BOTH leaderships of Palestine and Israel live in peace...

Should you decide to read my posts properly you will clearly see that!
This is exactly what I said, you expect Israel to live with Hamas and Fatah - two murderous TOs killed hundreds of innocents intentionally while abusing the Palestinians, poisoning the minds of children for generations to hate the Israelis.
Over my dead body.
However we should focus on your opinion for the sake of the discussion before involving mine; Technically you don't support Hamas (for instance) but you agree on giving them a free pass for their actions, You have zero consideration in the Israeli cause and the lives of Israelis, all you see is numbers.. maybe this is why you are not a big fan of Israel - so you even bothered to idolize the 'Free Palestine' in your signature out of Israel - the responsible side - for the Palestinians to live the way they do, or die.
That is precisely what we both said in different phrases, and to confirm that who would you prioritize? Palestinians, no question about that which is fine, but the hypocritical position about the TOs and the Palestinians lack of will (?) for mending the conflict is completely out of balance. This is why there is no point at all striving for your sympathy that would probably come at the cost of the numbers of lives it would take to balance your inner opinion scale, but even if so it doesn't change the fact you can later claim Israel started it all and Israel is still responsible.
America also has the death penalty, it also has a police force that kills 1,000 every year without trial

OFF TOPIC DEFLECTION because you don't like the subject matter

But notice how the scumbag idiot asshole will say "no, the topic is Israel" if you ever try to compare Israel's treatment of minorities to the 22 arab muslim countries.


That is what happens when you attack a far stronger nation, very soon one of their shells will hit one of your hidden ammo dumps and the whole lot will go up. But this is very inexpertly photoshoped if you look at the buildings in the centre of the conflagration they are undamaged. Must be a pallywood production sent out on the wires it is so laughable
ahh, the old Apartheid South Africa defense! Some things never change.

"The western world closes its eyes to the true situation in Africa. All the hand wringing over South Africa turns to hand washing when it comes to condemning black Africa. The West soothes its conscience by injecting development aid. Nobody seems to have noticed that despite the aid, the situation keeps getting worse.

Why is South Africa so harshly condemned while completely different standards apply to black Africa? Despite human rights violations in Zaire, President Bush applauds Mr. Muboto for his contribution in the Angola talks, while mentioning the atrocities in South Africa.....There are endless lists of human rights violations - mounting atrocities of black against black. Political prisoners are tortured in Zimbabwe. There are 200,000 to 300,000 people behind barbed wire in Mozambique. Escaped SWAPO detainees tell of torture - in some cases until death. The list goes on and on, and yet it never seems to get the attention of the media or the anti-apartheid campaigns."

South Africa Shouldn t be Singled Out - CSMonitor.com

Oh look out...

Oh look, the scumbag pro-arab muslim terror apologist decides to make a personal attack rather than address the topic/debate, what a shock.

No wonder you're considered the house fucking idiot.

And your fucking apology for an on topic response is what dumbass?

The belligerent fuckwit zionist who has nothing to say except ball out those who have an opinion that is NOT zionist brainwashing!

Eat shit rhodedummy!
ahh, the old Apartheid South Africa defense! Some things never change.

"The western world closes its eyes to the true situation in Africa. All the hand wringing over South Africa turns to hand washing when it comes to condemning black Africa. The West soothes its conscience by injecting development aid. Nobody seems to have noticed that despite the aid, the situation keeps getting worse.

Why is South Africa so harshly condemned while completely different standards apply to black Africa? Despite human rights violations in Zaire, President Bush applauds Mr. Muboto for his contribution in the Angola talks, while mentioning the atrocities in South Africa.....There are endless lists of human rights violations - mounting atrocities of black against black. Political prisoners are tortured in Zimbabwe. There are 200,000 to 300,000 people behind barbed wire in Mozambique. Escaped SWAPO detainees tell of torture - in some cases until death. The list goes on and on, and yet it never seems to get the attention of the media or the anti-apartheid campaigns."

South Africa Shouldn t be Singled Out - CSMonitor.com


Not off topic at all. It is a post that demonstrates the parallels of the White South Africa apologists and the Israel apologists. You haven't a clue what off topic means.
Pointing out the atrocities of Hamas is indeed a powerful message to those uninformed but so far everyone have already sat their opinion or at least will do despite that.
Those who already heard that and still take it up to Israel are mostly blaming Israel again for that situation - and in this case fighting for some sympathy from them is pointless because their inner scales would always be biased to the Palestinians against Israel out of any proportions, take Humanity for a classic example.

A classic example of what exactly Daniyel?

Had you chosen to read previous comments that I have made on this board you will have seen that I do not, in anyway, support Hamas!

The atrocities that Hamas inflict upon the Palestinian population is not what a civilized leadership should be doing to its own people!

Neither do I support the terrorism inflicted upon Israel by Hamas...

So Daniyle, a classic example of what?
A Classic example of those who does not support Hamas or the rest of the TOs and are fully aware of their atrocious behavior while claiming its Israel's responsibility for bloodshed over the years including the reason the Palestinian TOs ever came up in the first place. Generally you suggests Israel would have to live with Hamas peacefully (Lets not mention Fatah) because Israel is to be held responsible for the Palestinians are deep in the mud and its Israel that needs to compromise more because in the current situation the Palestinians suffers more - and unjustly.


Generally I suggest that BOTH leaderships of Palestine and Israel live in peace...

Should you decide to read my posts properly you will clearly see that!
This is exactly what I said, you expect Israel to live with Hamas and Fatah - two murderous TOs killed hundreds of innocents intentionally while abusing the Palestinians, poisoning the minds of children for generations to hate the Israelis.
Over my dead body.
However we should focus on your opinion for the sake of the discussion before involving mine; Technically you don't support Hamas (for instance) but you agree on giving them a free pass for their actions, You have zero consideration in the Israeli cause and the lives of Israelis, all you see is numbers.. maybe this is why you are not a big fan of Israel - so you even bothered to idolize the 'Free Palestine' in your signature out of Israel - the responsible side - for the Palestinians to live the way they do, or die.
That is precisely what we both said in different phrases, and to confirm that who would you prioritize? Palestinians, no question about that which is fine, but the hypocritical position about the TOs and the Palestinians lack of will (?) for mending the conflict is completely out of balance. This is why there is no point at all striving for your sympathy that would probably come at the cost of the numbers of lives it would take to balance your inner opinion scale, but even if so it doesn't change the fact you can later claim Israel started it all and Israel is still responsible.

Tell me, "technically" or otherwise... I don't support Hamas or their actions... As previously stated, so how do you come up with my agreeing on giving Hamas a "free pass" for their actions?

I am not a big fan of Israel no... I feel that the Israeli government policies are to NOT allow a peaceful solution in the region and I also believe works to ensure that this will never happen.

"Free Palestine" does NOT refer exclusively to Israel... I want a free, peaceful Palestine WITHOUT Hamas and their terrorists... I want Israel to work toward a solution rather than maintain the 'victimhood' status to ensure support from the US!
Do You imply that hamas and zionists have a common interest to make money
out of fear and future wars?

I think that one who knows the exact time of staring the conflict has
an advantage of planning ahead "the movement of money" onto the right direction.
ahh, the old Apartheid South Africa defense! Some things never change.

"The western world closes its eyes to the true situation in Africa. All the hand wringing over South Africa turns to hand washing when it comes to condemning black Africa. The West soothes its conscience by injecting development aid. Nobody seems to have noticed that despite the aid, the situation keeps getting worse.

Why is South Africa so harshly condemned while completely different standards apply to black Africa? Despite human rights violations in Zaire, President Bush applauds Mr. Muboto for his contribution in the Angola talks, while mentioning the atrocities in South Africa.....There are endless lists of human rights violations - mounting atrocities of black against black. Political prisoners are tortured in Zimbabwe. There are 200,000 to 300,000 people behind barbed wire in Mozambique. Escaped SWAPO detainees tell of torture - in some cases until death. The list goes on and on, and yet it never seems to get the attention of the media or the anti-apartheid campaigns."

South Africa Shouldn t be Singled Out - CSMonitor.com


Not off topic at all. It is a post that demonstrates the parallels of the White South Africa apologists and the Israel apologists. You haven't a clue what off topic means.


Has no link to the topic under discussion and is brought up to deflect away from the topic of hamas mass murdering Palestinians.
ahh, the old Apartheid South Africa defense! Some things never change.

"The western world closes its eyes to the true situation in Africa. All the hand wringing over South Africa turns to hand washing when it comes to condemning black Africa. The West soothes its conscience by injecting development aid. Nobody seems to have noticed that despite the aid, the situation keeps getting worse.

Why is South Africa so harshly condemned while completely different standards apply to black Africa? Despite human rights violations in Zaire, President Bush applauds Mr. Muboto for his contribution in the Angola talks, while mentioning the atrocities in South Africa.....There are endless lists of human rights violations - mounting atrocities of black against black. Political prisoners are tortured in Zimbabwe. There are 200,000 to 300,000 people behind barbed wire in Mozambique. Escaped SWAPO detainees tell of torture - in some cases until death. The list goes on and on, and yet it never seems to get the attention of the media or the anti-apartheid campaigns."

South Africa Shouldn t be Singled Out - CSMonitor.com


Not off topic at all. It is a post that demonstrates the parallels of the White South Africa apologists and the Israel apologists. You haven't a clue what off topic means.


Has no link to the topic under discussion and is brought up to deflect away from the topic of hamas mass murdering Palestinians.

So just report the post then Phoney and stop posting shit!

Let admin deal with it... Or are YOU admin now?
ahh, the old Apartheid South Africa defense! Some things never change.

"The western world closes its eyes to the true situation in Africa. All the hand wringing over South Africa turns to hand washing when it comes to condemning black Africa. The West soothes its conscience by injecting development aid. Nobody seems to have noticed that despite the aid, the situation keeps getting worse.

Why is South Africa so harshly condemned while completely different standards apply to black Africa? Despite human rights violations in Zaire, President Bush applauds Mr. Muboto for his contribution in the Angola talks, while mentioning the atrocities in South Africa.....There are endless lists of human rights violations - mounting atrocities of black against black. Political prisoners are tortured in Zimbabwe. There are 200,000 to 300,000 people behind barbed wire in Mozambique. Escaped SWAPO detainees tell of torture - in some cases until death. The list goes on and on, and yet it never seems to get the attention of the media or the anti-apartheid campaigns."

South Africa Shouldn t be Singled Out - CSMonitor.com


Not off topic at all. It is a post that demonstrates the parallels of the White South Africa apologists and the Israel apologists. You haven't a clue what off topic means.


Has no link to the topic under discussion and is brought up to deflect away from the topic of hamas mass murdering Palestinians.

So just report the post then Phoney and stop posting shit!

Let admin deal with it... Or are YOU admin now?

What are you rambling on about now
Pointing out the atrocities of Hamas is indeed a powerful message to those uninformed but so far everyone have already sat their opinion or at least will do despite that.
Those who already heard that and still take it up to Israel are mostly blaming Israel again for that situation - and in this case fighting for some sympathy from them is pointless because their inner scales would always be biased to the Palestinians against Israel out of any proportions, take Humanity for a classic example.

A classic example of what exactly Daniyel?

Had you chosen to read previous comments that I have made on this board you will have seen that I do not, in anyway, support Hamas!

The atrocities that Hamas inflict upon the Palestinian population is not what a civilized leadership should be doing to its own people!

Neither do I support the terrorism inflicted upon Israel by Hamas...

So Daniyle, a classic example of what?
A Classic example of those who does not support Hamas or the rest of the TOs and are fully aware of their atrocious behavior while claiming its Israel's responsibility for bloodshed over the years including the reason the Palestinian TOs ever came up in the first place. Generally you suggests Israel would have to live with Hamas peacefully (Lets not mention Fatah) because Israel is to be held responsible for the Palestinians are deep in the mud and its Israel that needs to compromise more because in the current situation the Palestinians suffers more - and unjustly.


Generally I suggest that BOTH leaderships of Palestine and Israel live in peace...

Should you decide to read my posts properly you will clearly see that!
This is exactly what I said, you expect Israel to live with Hamas and Fatah - two murderous TOs killed hundreds of innocents intentionally while abusing the Palestinians, poisoning the minds of children for generations to hate the Israelis.
Over my dead body.
However we should focus on your opinion for the sake of the discussion before involving mine; Technically you don't support Hamas (for instance) but you agree on giving them a free pass for their actions, You have zero consideration in the Israeli cause and the lives of Israelis, all you see is numbers.. maybe this is why you are not a big fan of Israel - so you even bothered to idolize the 'Free Palestine' in your signature out of Israel - the responsible side - for the Palestinians to live the way they do, or die.
That is precisely what we both said in different phrases, and to confirm that who would you prioritize? Palestinians, no question about that which is fine, but the hypocritical position about the TOs and the Palestinians lack of will (?) for mending the conflict is completely out of balance. This is why there is no point at all striving for your sympathy that would probably come at the cost of the numbers of lives it would take to balance your inner opinion scale, but even if so it doesn't change the fact you can later claim Israel started it all and Israel is still responsible.

Tell me, "technically" or otherwise... I don't support Hamas or their actions... As previously stated, so how do you come up with my agreeing on giving Hamas a "free pass" for their actions?

I am not a big fan of Israel no... I feel that the Israeli government policies are to NOT allow a peaceful solution in the region and I also believe works to ensure that this will never happen.

"Free Palestine" does NOT refer exclusively to Israel... I want a free, peaceful Palestine WITHOUT Hamas and their terrorists... I want Israel to work toward a solution rather than maintain the 'victimhood' status to ensure support from the US!

I agree that Israel's treatment of the Palestinians is against any effort for peace. What kind of people make peace offerings to Palestinians, build a security fence & grant Palestinians their own land to keep them where they are instead of trying to free them back to their native homelands. Shame on those Zionists in Israel.
And your fucking apology for an on topic response is what dumbass? The belligerent fuckwit zionist who has nothing to say except ball out those who have an opinion that is NOT zionist brainwashing!Eat shit rhodedummy!

The taste of the screaming tears of rage from the angry, dim and clueless pro-arab arab muslim terror apologist filth like this is just delicious. Clearly I hit the bullseye with this piece of low IQ trash.
And your fucking apology for an on topic response is what dumbass? The belligerent fuckwit zionist who has nothing to say except ball out those who have an opinion that is NOT zionist brainwashing!Eat shit rhodedummy!

The taste of the screaming tears of rage from the angry, dim and clueless pro-arab arab muslim terror apologist filth like this is just delicious. Clearly I hit the bullseye with this piece of low IQ trash.

Such is the Palestinian mentality Israel is supposed to deal with FOR PEACE!
And your fucking apology for an on topic response is what dumbass? The belligerent fuckwit zionist who has nothing to say except ball out those who have an opinion that is NOT zionist brainwashing!Eat shit rhodedummy!

The taste of the screaming tears of rage from the angry, dim and clueless pro-arab arab muslim terror apologist filth like this is just delicious. Clearly I hit the bullseye with this piece of low IQ trash.

And your fucking apology for an on topic response is what dumbass? The belligerent fuckwit zionist who has nothing to say except ball out those who have an opinion that is NOT zionist brainwashing!Eat shit rhodedummy!

The taste of the screaming tears of rage from the angry, dim and clueless pro-arab arab muslim terror apologist filth like this is just delicious. Clearly I hit the bullseye with this piece of low IQ trash.


I love your free Palestine flag. And I totally agree the Palestinians deserve a state of their own with self determination so they will no longer be the victims of Israel's brutal treatment of peace offerings, a security fence & land concessions to keep them in Israel. The Palis well deserve to be back again in their own indigenous homelands under the loving treatment of their own Arab brothers in Arab countries. Don't you agree?
Actually you and your propaganda spouting friends are the comedians, if you weren't such murderous supporters of terrorism.
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