Hammer Time: Obama Announces Tougher Sanctions On Russia

These combined U.S. and EU sanctions will take a heavy toll on Russia - no matter how much Putin tries to pretend they don't.

So far Obama's sanctions have caused Putins's favorable number in Russia to be at 87% approval. Perhaps it will go down to 80% which is twice as good as Obama's numbers.

when the price of sausage and vodka goes up, and incomes do not, popularity may suffer. And china just had its largest muslim terror attack today, which probably doesn't bode well long term for the notion that ethnic groups can vote to separate.
Would rightwing nutters rather have Dick Cheney in charge?

Cheney was never 'in charge' but if he had been for the last 5 years we would have some leverage on the Russians. Cheney would have approved the Keystone pipeline so we could supplement the oil to the EU when and if the Russians cut them off.

As it is, the EU will suffer as much or more than the Russians with these Obama sanctions.
Would rightwing nutters rather have Dick Cheney in charge?

Cheney was never 'in charge' but if he had been for the last 5 years we would have some leverage on the Russians. Cheney would have approved the Keystone pipeline so we could supplement the oil to the EU when and if the Russians cut them off.

As it is, the EU will suffer as much or more than the Russians with these Obama sanctions.

Oh for chist's fckking sake, putin walked through Georgia and igor and the boy warrior king didn't do jack shite.
well I bet their shaking in their boots

more like shaking out of them from laughter especially at the buffoon Jon Kerry

Hammer time, my gawd the worship of the man is kinda sickening

the only hammer Obama uses in on US
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The tough sanctions Obama proposed include holding his breath until he turns blue, and stomping his feet.

I don't think one should underestimate Obama's capacity for vindictiveness. And that's one reason why I was surprised that Kerry expended his own capital in trying to find a way for Netandyahoo to get out of Gaza.

Offering to let Netanyahu and the rest of the Jews in Israel leave in body bags didn't cost Kerry any political capital. The democrats and their Muslim allies LOVE the idea. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
When is Obama going to go all the way and threaten Putin with the Comfy Chair?
when the price of sausage and vodka goes up, and incomes do not, popularity may suffer. And china just had its largest muslim terror attack today, which probably doesn't bode well long term for the notion that ethnic groups can vote to separate.

When Russia cuts the flow of natural gas to Europe by 25% and increases the price on the remaining stocks by 100% or more, it may not be the Russian people up in arms.
These combined U.S. and EU sanctions will take a heavy toll on Russia - no matter how much Putin tries to pretend they don't.

Sure they will, just like the first summer of recovery under Obama proved how smart he is about how the economy works.
when the price of sausage and vodka goes up, and incomes do not, popularity may suffer. And china just had its largest muslim terror attack today, which probably doesn't bode well long term for the notion that ethnic groups can vote to separate.

When Russia cuts the flow of natural gas to Europe by 25% and increases the price on the remaining stocks by 100% or more, it may not be the Russian people up in arms.

I can see riots in major EU cities. And the Ukraine. Well I'd be stocking up on wood right now because I can also see a long cold winter in their future.

Russia's not worried. Bottom line it's going to hurt Europe more than it's going to hurt Russia up and coming.
Sanctions never really works on a government that rules the people. It hurts the people of the country more than those in power. So why would the far left be for something like this?

McCain and Graham are the far left?

Just asking why the far left would be for sanctions when it does not hurt the people in power, but hurts the people they rule over.
These combined U.S. and EU sanctions will take a heavy toll on Russia - no matter how much Putin tries to pretend they don't.

So far Obama's sanctions have caused Putins's favorable number in Russia to be at 87% approval. Perhaps it will go down to 80% which is twice as good as Obama's numbers.

when the price of sausage and vodka goes up, and incomes do not, popularity may suffer. And china just had its largest muslim terror attack today, which probably doesn't bode well long term for the notion that ethnic groups can vote to separate.

Putin has the media in his back pocket, much like the far left media here can hardly find fault with their far left leader Obama.

Then again the same could have been said about Saddam between 1991 and 2003.
Would rightwing nutters rather have Dick Cheney in charge?

Cheney was never 'in charge' but if he had been for the last 5 years we would have some leverage on the Russians. Cheney would have approved the Keystone pipeline so we could supplement the oil to the EU when and if the Russians cut them off.

As it is, the EU will suffer as much or more than the Russians with these Obama sanctions.

Oh for chist's fckking sake, putin walked through Georgia and igor and the boy warrior king didn't do jack shite.

Total BS. Here is a partial timeline for the low information voter.

May 6, 2008 - White House spokeswoman Dana Perino says Russia's recent actions have, "significantly and unnecessarily heightened tensions in the region and run counter to Russia's status as a facilitator of the U.N. friends process on Abkhazia. In contacts with both the Russian and Georgian government at the highest level, the United States has firmly reiterated our support for Georgia's territorial integrity and strongly urged Russia to de-escalate and reverse its measures."

May 30-31, 2008 - Russia sends several hundred unarmed troops to Abkhazia, saying they are needed for railway repairs. Georgia accuses Russia of planning a military intervention.

August 7-8, 2008 - South Ossetian separatists begin attacking Georgian peacekeepers, ending a ceasefire. Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili sends troops into South Ossetia. Russia responds by moving its troops to the border, flying aircraft over Georgia, and beginning air strikes in South Ossetia.

August 8, 2008 - The United States, Great Britain and NATO call for a cease fire of military hostilities by both Russia and Georgia.

August 9, 2008 - A delegation of EU and U.S. diplomats head to Georgia to resolve escalating tensions.

August 10, 2008 - Russia moves tanks and soldiers through South Ossetia and into Georgia proper, advancing towards the city of Gori.

August 12, 2008 - Russia calls a halt to its military incursion into Georgia and agrees to a six-point diplomatic push for peace. The plan is announced by French President Nicolas Sarkozy and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.

August 13, 2008 - President George W. Bush announces humanitarian aid is to be sent to Georgia. It is also announced that Condoleezza Rice will be sent to France and Georgia for a diplomatic mission.

August 15, 2008 - Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili signs a cease fire agreement with Russia. The deal is brokered by French President Nicolas Sarkozy.

August 16, 2008 - Russian President Dmitry Medvedev signs the cease fire agreement.

August 22, 2008 - Russia completes its troop withdrawal from Georgia, as part of the cease fire agreement.
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